Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1961, p. 6

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ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON man By MAJOR GILLESPIE Salvation Army approaching the estival the season Jesus All subsequent church movements have received their direction and dynamic from the Advent We should there in which we celebrate the birth lore strive to understand its Cb The Importance ot purpose in the economy of God this event cannot be overstated la the Bible we find various The Holy Scripture places the statements which sum up or us Advent at the centre oi Gods the purpose of Christs coming methods of dealing with sinful He came to destroy the man works of the devil in the past From the earliest book at the 19 centuries in the lives at in Blad bondservanls God He is still working towards Kin great objective the utter dc structian oi all evil and the purification of those who ac cept His Salvation The works or the devil are death darkness hatred and lawlessness which can be pressed in the one word The Psalmist taught that all sin was primarily against God But she was with child Elizabeth realiled Mary was to give birth to her LordLuke her that she would conceive the Son olGodlElajukelizwfis lit wen im ate to kirfsrywoman named Elizabeth 36 45 After Elisabeths baby also miraculously blessed by was born the insisted his God although she wu old nama was to be him llloso AROUND THE COUNTY and Mrs Currie My Youth Has Been Spent Mrs Cline Rown and Mrs mun cm SERVICE R2fifiehfl llamill were winners Mrs During the church scrvlce and my Graham Bert Kennys contest How next Sunday Dec 17 whit many words can you make from gills will be greatly appreciat FKH fil 521 the letters In Christmas The ed in help iiii illi Christiniis Cur 31 Elm gm members discussed the motto good will baskets to overflowing Trash incimlc one The is happiness in tho Sunday School will also Ya correspond wguld 3p tor others and no better time accept money towards work of predate receiving nemuemsy than now the Fred Victor Mission In Tor Phone PA 556 evenings Mrs Smith and Mn vnio during its service Sun Mr and puryk and De Backer were named to take Dy 96° 17 Mr and Mrs Smith are rde iifievszwtrtnmurss on 143 lbs Ellr calving congratulations as gran fiRgxfmufl gufiayoscchnl parcnta on the occasion at the Mrs Gerald King Mrs concert was held Saturday even birth at second daughterin Smith Mrs Hope and Mrs Do 11g the common cant Toronto to Mr and Mrs Smith Backer altered to pack the win very goud atlandnnce nee Beverly Furylt Little San eight boxes or the shutlns The program tvns enjoyed by drn Smith is stayina with Her Tile next meeting will he held all alter which Santa arrived ltrondparents Mr and Mrs on Jun 11 at the home of with gills and cindy for each Fmyk Mrs Comeron child Lunch followed Served Carols were sung and an Sent atilenlcport Miss Betty exchange of gifts was held The meeting closed with the listal Iggy3353323il Mr and Mrs Nelson Starling Queen Igiigwirlig whiah lunch wish for he very quick re who celebrate their 25th wedding was Serve and Very anniversary on Christmas day committee will hold open house on Sun THE LATE day Doc 24 and Monday Dec MRS STEPHENSON 25 ESSA ROAD The annual candlelight service Charles Cole received word Mr and Mrs Frank Ilamill ill the Essa Rood Presbyterian Saturday or the death at his or phcipston wort dinner guests Church will be held Sunday at aunt Mrs Stephenson of Sunday of Mr and Mrs Mil 700 pm There will he spec Sauit Ste Marie Ontario Mrs llgnn Mr and lim Hamill ial Christmas musicand read Stapiienson was iormeriy Edith will spend Christimy will relnt logs with the combined voices Chappei of this community She Ives in Chicago or WEB Chaim was raised on the larm now Mn and slave Raw operated by Wilbiii Dobson and spool tow days with their sons ionidle andI daughter Mr and EUCHRE PARTY rs Jo Vison ot Sohomberg There were eight tables at mm Sinus F13 pen the weekly cuchre despite ad EttaE P10 mgwoo versc weather conditions Priz 11555 he 91 Ekenng or went to the following High 1° Chnsmas Luella McFadden Garnet °D he de Master Lone hands Mrs evemng 20 Cloughlcy Russell Harris Low New F1 Bums Ember scores Mrs Bolton and Tom W1 hold party on Frid ay my Hunter commune in alternoon Dec 22 Parenlsvare barge Mr and Mrs True inViEd Milt and Mrs Suth NEW erland Mrs Gerald King wals IIIOSLI Navresbdé the Christmas meeting of New Flos WI Twenty mem bers answered the roll call by namin favourit br tm Holly United Church Sunday as School held its Christmas con ols and bringing treats for shut cert Dec There was good ina MralIlarold Smith read tti turnout Chairman was super Fe The True Spm lntendent Mrs Downing of Christmas Mrs Smith Pinnists were Mrs Cochrane and Mrs Warr CANADIAN All children sang the opening CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION chorus Little Town of Beth presents Iehem There were recitations WHO 15 MY anonmalt by the junior primary ro up Johnny enwell Elizabeth Rod SUNDAY DECEMBER gerr Eggnle Fisher 2$d 230 cant ol the brislmls story by ill all pupils play by Marie THE MEETING PLACE and Bonnie Fisher and ra cc Elliott accordion number by 1° fixing Mm BarrieDouning and duets by Mr and Mrs Varr After the REV GEO LEWINGTON CHRISTMAS scour program Mr Warr led in singing Christmas Carols until Santas arrival when gifts were Roman Catholic assemble they felt for his in In the beginning of the Christ mas story we are told how the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary virgin betrothed to Joseph in Namreth and told NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL gible through the messages ol thousands He has done just we are told that Jesus Came to the babys name was indeed name expressed tho purpose at John Immedmely he was His mginilestation Thou shalt able to ask again and burst call His name Jews lur Ho GOLDEN TEXT Luke 14541 this llle was dedicated to the Rev Michael Zhldkov of the ended by ha hour red pm HEW much this sum mm we Lloyd and 0mm gered the lives or the disciples 5m ounber dozens place me Churd an we led to include the chairs Iron mum lectiou box at Bay City Main The choir at St Andrews ed in the east and west galler to 18 umumem the mm The Evening WA at St James wedged but number BelhlehamsBabc thestory ccsslonal The children from me 1mm and the me man 21 resent evening service at St Andrews service is planned for the alter we celebrate at Christmnstirno these unknown donors Uni The worship service was conduc poetry recited by Miss Rhoda tend heartlelt appreciation and Kindly Light was sung tollow participate in this candlelight Cuba Street lS this used clothes drive salmlsts and the Prophets that He has cast out darkness take away sin the sum total of iorth wi song at blessing simii save Hi5 people Iron destruction sin and its re nltarian ervrce Committee Moscow Baptist Church wii be an on on 1115 1de Wm we Mrs Aarson piano This He rosewrmmphnnuy mm 915 32 Pm 59d WP Members or the Rum Mple the senior sections of the Sun however puwmmt mm Sam mm do Church under lhe direction tea There will be the traditional ma°° United Church met at the home of the nativity in carol scrip the Sundo Schol ill people have lclt no name or to gum mankind angm The president Mil CIHFEHCE Presbyterian Church Passages noon to make it possible for make your heart liis abiding tarian Service Committee of ted by Mrs Bernard Pope Mrs Young will supplement tha sing aoka ed by prayer by Mrs Brown service yearround operation Yes we are led steadily towards the by the Incoming light He has all lawless acts all violations announcement at the birth of changed lawless men Into will ol the Divine law His very Luke 6349 their sins RUSSIAN MINISTER The presenmuon Wm be pre Suits He cured diseases r5 Operates Used Clothes Depot and no modem woo mm on Christians in Russia nd the Year the service has been var PM I°mb 99 an lng have been ielt in the coi NATIVIIY sronv day School These will be iocat mm mm °d mm For Nursery Duty to show us the way back to tho on have been gummy Raymond Daniels will present candlelight prnccsstonal and re men He who is wax of Mrs Parker Peacock with tures and verse at the Sunday the cast for the Pageant The May the Christ whose birth address with their parcel To Ferguson opened the thlntl nl the Scripture read by Rev the younger children to attend place Ross Adams and selections at Canada and local coordinator Mrs Mncimy would like to ex Bruce Who and Mrs Morris Brawn oneninli hymn Lead ing or the carols cordial welcome is extended to all to Here are some questions fre quently asked Mrs Mnokay Mrs wlco road the scripture 5° BURTON AVENUE UNITED The new or warm 910 Mrs Pope read an nrticie en Burton Avenue United Church SPECIAL GOSPEL SERVICE December l7th 700 PM iiiied The Power of Prayer will res at the Chrl tmas star Efilynfiflrtsegélégfi ti1933 Poem enliiifid Ask and 30 ln dram and song sthrough usod cialhcs depot at Bay City IV read by it BiOWiir Pageant nt theNatlvity this Motorsl Limited at Market The Waring was reached and Sunday evening Angels from 5335 131153 Hgflimyii Mme by sheiims ieparimm parcels Ilitre taken to larger The minm Mo thuen i325 NIlILIlkemalIt editing USC depot in Toronto for shia WW 5d PM with an adult cast ol shepherds merit orderscas gm It We wisemen and kings Visitors are Shou donors name and TED Hill 8V0iri Temper Reports were given by th Emma to attend address be lolt with the par cel Yes All contributan treasurer sick and bazaar com CANDLELIGIIT SERVICE will receive gratelul message mlttees Attendants appoint he annual candlelight service Earn the local cnordlnatol but ed to look alter the nursery for presenting the Christmas story please put your name and ad Dccembeh The president closed Vin music and pageant will he dross either outside or inside the meeting with tha henedioA held in Collier Street United this Sunday afternoon at 430 your package tion Speaker MR HEINO PROMM Ari Estonian who escaped the Russians and was saved by BlLLY GRAHAM CRUSADE in Toronto EVERYONE WELCORE THE ALLIANCE CHURCH Berczy iind Dunlap Streets George Rosa Pastor 945 SAILSunday Selina 1100 nmMornlng Worship 700 pmEvangollstlo service SUNDAY EVENING Presenting Christ through in Sunday School the youth Fellow ship and III Church 015 Fireside and carol Starla EVERYONE WELCOME Army Citadel 00 Collier Streal MAJOR AND MRS GILLESPIE Corps Olflcer COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH MINISTER ThoRev Gardiner Skelly MA 30 MW ORGANIST CHOIRMASTER Lloyd rum durton Avenue at Granville Street ADVENI III Thy Word Is Light Unto My Path amIoly Communion Corporate Communion for Men and Children follow ed by breakfast in the Parish Hall 11 oathMorning Prayer Jr Congregation and Church School TRINITY CHURCH 24 Collier Street cht to the Post Ollleo 5T GEORGES Iinvnm In 400 pm 00 am loo Holy Communion RacIIaI of Christmas Music 910 mumHoly Communion MORNING WORSHIP Sermon KEEPING CHRISTMAS Archdeacon Read Sunday School Nursery Plano Organ Violin and Flute The Minister Will Preach on the Subject ON TO BETHLEHEM 430 pm The Salvation ay Candlelight Choir Sunday School Combine To Present Christmas Story in Music and Tableau 1100 innsMorning Prayer Broadcast Sermon KEEPING CHRISTMAS Archdeacon Read pmCandlellght Service The Christmas Story in Lestn and Song We invite you to come and Worship with Us On Our arkln Available at IGA SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School 045 am Holiness Meeting 1045 am Sabbath Day Evangelistic Service 700 pm BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY Im Dorarlly held In the Odd CM minimal iitard mum on on came so ST MARYS CHURCH dMBdL oppPlow childrelI are inyingu willieereTgt mm wum WEngom Twm You 35 lamenting 31 BURTON CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH AVENUE Ives at Shanty Bay until they SUNDAY MASSES thin 31m 1015 mm THE NEW CHURCH WITH om STORY UNITED can erect living accomodation LUTHERAN CHURCH ST ANDREWS 1130 3m Rosa and Toronto Etaeel REV DAVID REEVE to replace their home which OFlTHE EVENING DEVOTIONS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BA 3J1 was completely destroyed by GOOD SHEPHERD Sunday pain Owen and Worsley St Minister lire last week Mrs Brimslin has moved Steel 50 of Hwy 11 Wednesday at 730 Our Rev Adams BA Minister VACANCY PASTOR Ch Per etual Hel THE BARRE er Director or Pralsei Raymond Daniels 1101 Gmniigjrfixmso mnzuport ent in Barrie alter selling Sun ivKennels to Novena REVEREND JOHN OBEDA EFOR Box 423 gtBradford CHURCH mm FRIDAYS 1100 OUR VISITED PLANET Visitors and Newcomers Welcome 700 pomEvening sermon ST THOMAS Rev Sberrtng You are cordially invited REV CECIL IRENE BA RD MR IRELAND ELMJ Organist and Cbolrmuster and Mr Cum exten Prospect 53412 MASSES 730 and 1115 8111 Sunday School 145 v3 600 pan wonsmp awn pm The Church at Tv TblnhThaLLfe PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICE to Rev Cornell EU ernIiter Phone PA 64024 SUNDAY MORNINGX 1100 SERVICE OF WORSHIP In Dutch language 1100 SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN To be held in St James Church at Crown Hill YOU ARE WELCOME 945 amSenor School 00 AM MANAGER MEDDLING SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 945 am years and over 00 am up to years 00 amNursary Junior School 700 pm paoEANr or can NATIVITY The Christmas Story in Drama and Song am WHAT IS CHRISTMAS 000 pm BETHLEHEMS BABE The Nativity in Carol Scripture and Verse by the Choir of St Andrews Church Come And Bring The Famlly To Church ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner of Burton Avenue Allantalc JOHNSON ST SCHOOL STUDENT NHNISTER 930 can MORNING WORSHIP 030 mm SUNDAY SCHOOL EVERYONE WELCOME FIRST CHRISTIAN Vlsnons AND NEW RESIDENTS WELCOME mm CHURCH SCHOOL 030 11 am VISITORS WELCOME WILLOWDALE UNITED CHURCH Steel Street Public School UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP or BARRIE 1100 anti School of Religlon YMYWCA The ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CONCERT his program In put on by Sunday School This ll opportunity to observe he work or this very Ini orlant group Lunch wLLl served to all the child ren and adults REFORMED CHURCH SI Vlflcent Street Rev lac Gcnzebraek pastor Phone PA 93370 Rev Bell BA Mlnlltcr Mrs Walker Organlst 00 mm 157 shanty Bay Road 1030 am REV JAU GEUZEBROEK 230 pan REV ync GEUZEBROEK mulch The Church or Back To God Hour Radio Program FORGIVENESS FOR THIS CHRISTMAS Church School at 930 am¥Prlniary to Young People 700pm CANDLELIGHT SERVICE Carols by three Chairs VISITORS AND NEW RESIDENTS WELCOME EMMANUEL BAPTIST 945 amFAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL it an Commissioning Service tor Mr and Mrs Jack Bart Missionaries Elect To Patagonia SA pm Mr and Mn Jack 830 pm Fireside Hour naturiii The Junior Chair will Burl CHURCH picture at Patagonia ling at both services Mr Allan Tombrlson Minister 1000 am MORNING WORSHIP and Sunday School Ii New cnuncn SERVING NEWDISTRICT Everyone Walcnma CHRISTIAN soieNce SOCIETY 159 COLLIER ST Services Sunday School 11 am Is The Universe Including Man Evolved by Atomic Force Heading Roam on premises Wed as phi All are wctroma

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