Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1961, p. 2

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LAC FS Johnson ran of Mrs Johnson and the late Walter Johnson Maple Avenue Burfoni Ontario was awarded the Canadian Forces Decoration for It yeara scr Vlce In the RCAF LAC Jahn son is mobile support equip ment technician at RCAF Sta tion Edgar Ontario and is married to the former Dor othy Jean Flath of Brantford Ontario They have four children two girls and two boys LAC Johnson is now living in married quarters at Edgar RCAF Photot Cold Wave Hits US Twelve Die In Fires By TEE ASSOCIATED PRESS Fires killed more than dozen persons during Friday night and Saturday morning as some of the coldest weather of the sea son hit the US eastern see board Four persons were trapped and died in Washington DC on the second floor of what po lice called an unlicensed board ing house mother two of her children and visiting nephew died at Rochester NY when flames destroyed an eightfamily apart ment house mother and two daughters were killed and four other in jured in Trenton NJ when fire spread from the stvfloor kitchen to engulf ztoistorey frame residence The dead In the Washington fire were tentatively identified as Mrs Rose Ann Jones 31 her daughterLlnda Ann Paul Millcr 23 and Sally Wil liams 10 All were Negroes FIRE EXPLODES Police said the fire started In the kitchen of the twovstorey brick row house than exploded Denies Patronage Involved fln Building Liquor Store SUDBUBY CPRheal Ec llsle Progressive Conservative member of the legislature for Nickel Belt denied Friday that patronage was involved in the Nmildlng of liquor store at Cap reol Elmer Sophadhibctal Sud bury said in the legislature Thursday that aman who sup plied an aircraft to help Mr Be lisle in the last provincial elec tion campaign built store which he rented to the Ontario Liquor Control Board This method provides the govern meat with great fountain of patronage Mr Sopha charged Mr Belisle said Friday that Cec Fielding owner of the Cap reol liquor store did travel with me in the 1955 campaign but did not own an aircraft 1He never supplied me with an aircraft but we did fly in an airplane owned by his brother Mr Belisle denied that Field lags aid in the campaign had any connection with the liquor boards decision to lease the store DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Fort Lauderdale FinEdith Wheatley 64 wife of wellknown Canadian newspaper man Wheatley who moved with his wife from Montreal to Fort Lauderdale few weeks ago while on leave from The Cann dian Press 1orento George Bradford Heintzman 69 retired presi dent of the pi no manttfacturing firm of Heintzman and Com pany founded by his grand father Theodore in 1860 Peterborougb Robert Eit chie 92 who joined the Loyal Orange Lodge some 75 years ago and attained the highest of fice in the lodges Royal Black Preceptory Honorary deputy im rial guard master of the Conunonwealth Clncinnati William Dummy Hoy 59 the oldest former major league baseball player in the United States who retired from organized baseball in 1903 New York Character actor Louis Sarin 67 whose 40 year career covered the Broadway stage movies radio and tele vision Toronto Albert Kennedy teacher of singing at Torontos Royal Conservatory of Music for 25 years BAYCITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiful Samples Free FAtlmatas FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PAT7483 BARRIE Upholsterfng Is Our BusinessNot Just Sideline rndford St Mr Sopha said the man bought property for 52500 and erected the building The Liberal member said he had received the estimate the store cost be tween $25000 and swoon to build Last July at the man had signed 10yeor lease with the liquor board at yearly rental of $4380 At that rate said Mr Sopha the building would be paid off in less than 10 years and from then on hes in clover Mr Fielding said Friday he signed the lease in 1957 not last year Mr Sopha had quoted cor rect figures for the land cost and the yearly rent but am not prepared to say how much the building cost since built it myself However am told com parable building in Chelmsford which was contracted by the board cost $70000 Farmers Billred Court Decides WALKEETON OVNTM CF Joseph Mitterer 51 of Benver ton arrested after nutria breed ing stock was sold to farmers in Bruce and Grey counties was sentenced Friday to nine months in jail on seven diargcs of fraud The terms will run concurrently Mitterer pleaded guilty to the charges involving $8000 worth of sales Corporal Claude Kruger of the provincial police said Mitterer sold nutrin fur bearing South American rodent and promised to buy back the young at $75 each He told the farmers the nutria would produce litters of about eight animals twice year Cpl Kruger testified Mitterer in 1959 bought 75 nutria from Henry Meyer RR Gait for $5000 and 124 animals for $5 000 from Alfred Vogel also of the Gaitdistrict He sold animals in Grey and Bruce at prices ranging from $350 pair to $1000 for trio of two males and female The court was told there Is no market in Canada for nutria and the highest price paid for pelt on file New York market last year was $20 up the only staircase Three persons including fireman were iniurcd In Rochester Mrs Gladys Baker 31 daughter Marilyn Montgomery son Kerry Montgomery and nephew Andrew Owens died on the second floor of downtown apartment house The husband and two step children jumped from window third child Diane was thrown from the window She Is In hospital At Trenton flames spread rapidly from the kitchen and killed Sarah Joyce 32 and her daughters Shirley and Brenda Taken to hospital were Mrs Joyces son Sterling and Lawrence Gibson who also lived there Rob Landon Bank During Thick Fog LONDON RouterslA thick Friday but suddenly lifted in surprise weather change The British Automobile Asso ciation describe it as the most remarkable weather change we have ever known Within halfhour reports of dense fog from 30 centres In central London changed to all clear But dozens of persons were in jured during the fog in traffic accidents Two trucks collided headon near London killing both drivers and holdup men robbed London bank of $4200 disatppearing into the soupy mIS Essa Names Men To School Boards Essa Council at its regular meeting approved road account in the amount of $82342 The townshlps salary account for November in the amount of $1910 was passed and general accounts with total of $4021 were accepted Mervyn Martin was named councils representative on the Barrie District Collegiate Board for 1962 James McCague was appointed to the Alliston High School Board Council also accepted mo tion to advise the Thornton Fire Brigade that it would be per mitted to participate in the Sim coe County Mutual Aid System Boy Is Remanded In Murder Case LONDON Ont CPlA 18 yearold boy charged with the Nov 13 strangulation death of seven year old Sylvia Finks of London was remanded Fri day for further psychiatric ex amination at the Ontario Hos pital here The request fora second re mand was made by Crown At torney Savage it was granted for period of less than 30 days For Family Needs PLAN THROUGH SUN LIFE OF CANADA Regular Income for your Wtfe Sun Life policy proceeds can be paid in the form of income for specified period or for life Todiscuss this and other needacal1 TOM ANDERSON msrmcr swanvrson 24A CLAPPERTON ST PA fiMil SUN LIFEA URANCE COMP winter fog blanketed London BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY DECEMBER ml DISTRICT ENTRIES Winners in The Barrie Exam lner color contest were annouaO ed today Selections were mild by advertising manager Harry ilson and social editor Eileen tron from the more than 75 entries submitted by readers from all parts of the district The contest was divided into two classes Ono section was for children under 12 years the other for those over 12 Four prizes were awarded in each section as follows New Kind Of TORONTO CPI United Church of Canada religious ed ucationist returned from North crn Rhodesia this week con vinced that new kind of church worker is needed for overseas missions The church must send people overseas weve never sent be fore says Rev Peter Gordon White who has maln responsi bility for the United Churchs New Curriculum of education filming and personnel train New church workers are needed men who know their Council Faces Zone Petitions Barrie City Council which has been faced by some thorny zoning problems In the last year will have to deal with sev eral more zoning questions at its final meeting on Monday night Zoning petitions will be pre sented to council by ratepayers of both Pcnetang Street and Grove Street East Council will also receive request from the Royal Cann dlan Sea Cadet Corps for the use of the Market Building and will hear the third reading of four bylaws including one to issue debentures for $15188506 for curb construction Council will meet again on January awhcn the mayor and aldermcn for the 106263 term will be swom in Ilngus Boy Hit Hurt Slightly Hone Ladan Seven of An gus was struck on Highway 90 north of the ONE tracks last night by vehicle driven by Flight Sergeant Charles Carroll of 107 School Street Camp Bor den The boy was taken toRoyal Victoria Hospital for treatment of possible internal injuries Hospital officials said this mor nlng that he was in good con dltlon and the extent of his in jurles seemed to be bump on the forehead The accident was investigated by OPP Constable Call of the Barrie detachment No charges were laid V4 CHARGE Deputy Commissioner George McClellan centre top RCMP security and intelligence of ficer has named the inter national Unlon of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers as one 33 ESSA RD Eva Lennon ganmnumnmnnmnmunnmnmnhnnnnnmnmur PRECHRISTMAS SPECIAL MON TO THURS Till DEC 20 gunmanalumnaesummons PERMANENT WAVES complete By Appolnfment Only annaanaanmnamnmnu OTHERS 695 750 Shampoo and Set At All Tlmel $l25 EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE ALLANDALE IHKSKKICKILZTE FOUR zorannrons manmnnamfi ColOur Contest Prizes Awarded Nelvc and under Heather Brenncman 95 Nelson Street 10 Ruth Moor 33 Grove st West Sandra Revellc 40 Perry Street 38 Wendy Need ham 50 Adelaide Street and Terry Leigh 65 Napier Street tie for fourth place 82 each over 12 years Nancy Hodg son 57 Letitia Street 310 Clara Herrygers RR Mldhurst $5 Billie Muiholland Stroud 83 Cheryl Cole RR Utopia Church Worker Needed For Overseas Missions way around industry and gov eminent Mr White says the gospel preechlng missionary hero has become hopelessly retarded image of ecclesiastical imper ialism that is dead and gone Church workers in Rhodesia he reports have become so in volved In political lilo and so cial reform that they are among the most unpopular men in the country with some seg ments of the population Before this trip thought the idea was to send mission aries overseas to preach gospel to men In mud huts he says think many people have the same concept of missionary work but Its as mistaken for Rhodesia as it would be for Northern Ontario Mr White spent two months in Northern Rhodesia studying missionary activities of 15 United Church of Canada overseas workers WEATHER This little girl preucs her nose against store window as she gazes over large coi lectlon of dolls The Can MONTREAL CPIA big man takes over the big lob of policing Canadas biggest city today Adrien Robert sixfoot 210 pound disclpllnnrlan has been running the Montreal on lice force in fact since the be ginning of the year But today following the formal resignation of Albert Lnnglols he be comes police director In name as well as fact Mr Robert leaves no room for doubt that he Intends to run the department himself and put through what changes he likes FORECAST Forecasts Issued by the Tor onto vcdthcr Office at 430 Synopsis Most of Ontario tinues to be in the grip of the current cold spell with am temperatures at Toronto airport two above zero Muskoka 10 be low Eariton six below and Moosonco six below However moderating trend Is expected to spread eastward across Ontario today Lake St Clair region Wind sor Variable cloudiness with few snowflurries today Mainly cloudy Sunday with chance of snow or rain late in the day milder Winds southeast 15 in creasing to 15 to 25 Sunday Lake Ontario Lake Erie re gions Toronto London Varl able cloudiness with few scat tered snowflurrles today Mainly cloudy Sunday milder Winds southerly 15 today increasing to 15 to 25 Sunday Lake Huron southern Geor glan Bay Hallburton Niagara regions Hamilton increasing cloudiness today Mainly cloudy Sunday milder Winds southerly is increasing to 15 to 25 Sunday Timagaml northern Georgian Bay regions North Bay Sud bury Variable cloudiness this morning Cloudy with snowflur rles this afternoon and Sunday milder Winds southerly 15 in creasing to 15 to 25 this lifter noon Algoma Sault Ste Marie White River Cochrane regions Cloudy with snowflurrles today and Sunday Winds southerly 15 little milder TO iONTO CP temperatures Low tonight High tomorrow Windsor 20 15 St Thomas 10 15 London 25 Kitchener 25 32 Winghnm 25 32 Hamilton 25 12 St Cathnrlncs 15 12 Toronto 25 30 Peterborough 15 25 Trenton 20 Killnloo 10 20 Muskoke 15 25 North Bay 15 25 Sudbury 15 25 Carlton 10 20 Kapusknslng 10 15 White River 15 20 Moosonec 15 Sault Ste Marie 15 25 CHURCHILL The Fifth Line Home and School Association met in the school with good attendance Plans were made forra Tup per party Jan 15 at 815 pm Mrs Ball gave report on the leadership classes held in Barrie Brock Evans of Bradford spoke on the im artance of making wills for amllico with adult children Forecast COMMUNIST INFLUENCE of seven trade unions In Can ada identified with the Communist movement Some MineMill leaders have ad mitted they once were Com munlsts William Longrldge left was former executive aso moo 1250 PA emsIT Gwen Smith nm Jnhnsan committeeman in the Alberta LaborProgressive Commun ist Party Harvey Mu by right western district Mae Mill president publicly re nounced his LPP membership five years ago CP Photo 102 DUNLOP STREET wcsr In RIGHT ONE NEEDED adlan ToyTesting Council says doll buyers should keep In mind the abilityrof the toys to stimulate the imagination The council is trying to assure No attempts hove been made to improve the efficiency of the Montreal police department in administration or recruit train ing or the enforcement of law or fnvostlgatlon or practically every endeavor of police work In 30 years he said in an in tcrvlew Nor has there been any con concentrntcd effort or adoption of new scientific police mcth ads IVnNTS RECORDS KEPT One of his first changes is to be the Introduction of fast accurate complete records sys tem his specialty When ask city hall for more men my demands will be backcd up by facts and figures Mr Robert 54 was chief of the fluff Que police depart ment for 24 years and was com mended scverol times for mak ing Hulls police force one of Qucbccs most thorough and air flclcnt He plans scorecard sys tem to keep track of crime in Montreal on daytoday basis it will let police officers spot Immediately any increase or de Watches tings Costume Jewellery Gifts Galore From STENNICK JEWELLERS Dunlap St that Canadian parents spend Ing an average of $15 on toys this Christmas will get good quality for their money Photo Takes Over Big Task OI Policing Montreal crease in crimes in any section of the city there Is an increase In any one section then It is up to us to take the appropriate mea sures to clear it Bus Driver 15 Charged GREELEY Colo AP manslaughter charge was filed Friday against Duane Harms 23 driver of the school bus in which 20 children perished in collisionwith passenger train Thursday Bond was set at 31000 and Harms was taken to the county jail for booking TRAINS 027 TRACK 190 or tolle CROSSOVEII 89c SWITCHES pr 293 REMOTE CONTROL 449 ELECTRIC SIGNALS 293 UNION STATION 329 TRAIN SETS from 1495 H0 Authorized ltepalr Dept ForTrlnng 110 Headquarters for 110 track switches buildings trees LARGEST TRAIN DISPLAY NORTH OF TORONTO ROBINSONS ounurr annowana 11 Dunlop st PA 32m Wish To Think The Electors Who Supported Me On Monday how to the Opposing Team Wishing One And All Happy Christrhas James Hurt IIIIIlll llllllllllllllIIIl use or REFRIGERATOR AND STOVE cART PLUS LARGE INSULATED MOVING BLANKEIS IF YOU MOVE IN THE MONTH or JANUARY MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW llllllIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII mIlEHIIIIIIIIIL

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