AUTOMOTIVE MOBILE HOMES IO HELP WANTED TO HELP WANTED MALE HELP FLORIDA BOUND ml the inexpensive way by trailer 1961 General loiwt sleeps our Propane stove with oven relrigerator heating and ls Wired ior 110 and 12 volts Toilet with septic tank 20 am iresh water tank with pressure system Electric brakes complctc trailer hitch and Propane tank New condition Terms can be arranged price $1195 Full Barrie Motor Sales Telephone MOTOR CARS FOR SALE FREE Snowtires and 1962 licence plates with any of the fol lowing purchases 1961 Ford Fairlane $1990 1961 Pontiac $2550 1960 Chcv Biscayne $1725 1959 Buick Hardtop $1830 1959 Chev $1390 1957 Pontiac $995 1956 Chev Sedan $680 1956 Ford Custom $595 1955 Oldsmobile $587 All cars reconditioned and guaranteed Same with automa tic transmission radio and now Iircs MIDTOWN USED CARS 41 ESSA ROAD ROY HAWKINS use VOLKSWAGEN twodoar do luxe custom radio Only 75 rolrphona PA amt loss VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe radio th Outstanding car Will tlkc trade Brokers llirnway so ltd rclrpnona PA 5177 Folndlle 1955 rAutLANE hardtop standing in every wry Lots or original extras rblrd engine Exceptional tires Tolepnona PA 51771 bank term ww Auto PA 85573 TRUCKS TRAILERS is rooraiandalr Trailer Iully equipped ius extras in Al condition airp ano Larry Simon PA Hist mo noncs Pickup nudr or sale or will trade or pin or cattle Apply to George la nnnn Stayner ontario Telephon mtvn PERSONALS WOMENSEOLUMN Hum snow coidwam by certiï¬ed hairdreuer own home Phone Bernic mm or PA new LOST FOUND LOST in the Collier strut vicin lty Black leather throwins loos lea notebook cootaininr insur ance inquiry Tolephonl PA 89817 Loar between barrio and stay her on Highwly and 27 on large tarpautin dark green Re ward or return Canada Dry Bot tllng Co barrio Ltd Telephona PA 32271 IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP LARGE BARRIE Business requires typist with shorthand Must be an accurate typisL Telephone IbllltY handling tncominp calls very Illl portanL Employee beneï¬ts Please reply by letter atatlnn age edu cation and cxperienna to box Barrie Examiner Try An Examiner Want Ad PIIONE PA 82414 ctc our PA marnu January ISO Sarno ram of olflre Bookkeeping In EMPLOYMENT WANTED man oclIooL llrl Ililt Daily All FEMALE tist on capable ol tlklng complex eluded But worklnr conditions Apply to Box Harris mariner SALES HELP 8t AGENTS xxrzuxxczn ital him anio nun required for modern mu locatrd alllce Apply in wrilnr smut are and re euro to Box Harris anin oer warheads Telephone PA Lassa WILL LOOK Arrlzit children In my own home Will pick up and deliver Telephone Plt slus uzsPoNsinLc voman would llita nourawork by the day or week on trlnrportlllnri ncrrmn ru If required Tellphone PA um 01L BURNER Mechanic wth OHA ceriitiuie also on duct work it Itllllllnn experience requires study Damion APPI In Box Barrie Examiner RerAaLn middle aged baby alt ter ovauanie dlyl or evening Located opposltc Cgutrt Home where in town It rampar lltllyon required Telephone PA 6379 MALE HELP YOUNG MAN SHEET METAL WORKERS CLASS Starting Rate $178 per hour Top Rate $188 per hour FRINGE BENEFITS INCLUDE Paid Statutory Holidays weeks vacation with 45 of earnings weeks vacation with of earnings alter to years PSI Blue plan 85 company paid Ontario Hospitalization Iully company paid Pension plan iully company paid $3000 life insurance double indemnity $15 weekly sick benEIII Iully co Time and hall for Overtime Na 10 minute rest periods per Five day week 40 hours Excellent working conditions Caicteria hill time registered nurse APPLY lully company paid mpany paid day TO PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT DeVILBISS CA NADA LTD BARRIE ONTARIO Required salesman or Paint and Wallpaper Store of large paint organization Must be neat aggressive and willing to learn Pension plan group in surance hospitalization good opportunity for advancement Apply In person to The Manager LOWE BROTHERS PAINTS 15 CLAPPERTON ST BARRIE EXPERIENCED lilarina liicchsnlc inboard and outboard Quote qual mentions relcrcnccs and expect cd ware Write to Marine Box 95 Parry Sound Dot EXCELLENT lNcoliiil tor lull or part time selling Scll Calen data and Advertising Specialties Fine line with top commission Reply Kodco Products Broth ville Ont CHR DECORATIONS AND CHRISTMAS TREES BEZZANT NURSERIES 69 Johnson St PA 60247 GIFTS FOR HER LA DE BONNAIRE Hair Styling Studio 166 Napier St CHRISTMAS SPECIALS no PEEMS to $1250 PERMS no 815 PERMS $1250 TEENAGERS $550 PA 82693 BILL LEBOEUF JEWELLERS DIAMONDS Cash Credit Layaway No interest or carrying charges 52 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 83343 APPLIANCES ONaw and used vacuum clean ers $20 and up IFree pickup and delivery on service CReplacement parts for all makes of cleaners Hoover SALES SERVICE DUNLOP ST 2ND FLOOR PA 68643 GIFTS FOR HIM BARRIE Stamp Coin GIFTS FOR HIM Smith Rutter FURNITURE Free Christmas Turkey With $75 Purchase 137 Dunlop St 60245 PA 60246 Cedar Chests $4950 Table Lamp Shale $295 SERVICE SAVINGS SATISFACTION MACKS MENS WEAR 33 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 89641 Sweaters $395 up Good selection of viyella soclss $150 GIFTS FOR FAMILY STENNICKS JEWELLERY 127 DUNLOP ST 17 Jewel Watches $1495 and up Also Misc Gifts BARRIE YMYWCA SUGGESTS Membership for young and old It brings fullyear of growth through wholesome fellowship and activities CALL PA 87261 FAMOUS PLAYERS Gift Ticket Books Top Quality Rock Bottom GIFTS FOR FAMILY Dixies Smoke Shop And Record Bar 106 Dunlop St GIFT IDEAS Rust Crait Greeting Cards Boxed Christmas Cards Family Christmas Cards Morris Boxed Chocolates Best Quality Billiolds Pipes and Smokers Supplies Tree Lights and Decorations Visit Our Toyland Party jokes and novelties Timex Watches AT OUR RECORD BAR All the Christmas LP Holiday Sing Along With litch All Christmas selections with the best recording stars Mitch Miller Sing Along Ray Coanii For Dancing Johnny Mathis Frank Sinatra Jane Morgan Connie Francis Perry Como Pat Boone Bing Crosby Mahalia Jackson Seabrecza Record Players and accessories Record Racks and Cases Buy Record Gift Certificate JACKSONS DEPT STORE Earries Mast Famous House of Bargains ova Mosr0 15 SATISFACTle on CASH MONEY REFUNDED SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE 1N THE FAMILY Prices DIAL PA 87785 59 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT DOGS PETS vvsLL no ANY typo at wrecking or demolishing or buildings Ap ply to liItke Billy Vitsagz aracn wrecking and Salvlge Company Wasaga Beach TONYS APPLIANCE Remodelling shingling porches recreation rooms hie weekly pickup dc delivery Laa than pocko cigarettu FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL Excavating and Grading Water 29 Anne Street STUCCO STONE MAKE YOURS CAREER FLYIN The RCAF offers you are 17 to 24 years of age have at least Grade 12 education have the desire to fly you can apply for Aircrew training in the RCAF The Queens Commission The best of flying inst ructjon The opportunity to develop executiveand technical skills $538 monthly pay and allowances upon graduation For full information write phone or visit RCAF RECRUITING UNIT 25 St Clair Ave Toronto Phone 9246659 BUSINESS DIRECT Ask About Low Rates SERVICE ORY Month 01 Year Telephone PA 82414 APPLIANCE SERVICES AND TV SERVICE 24hour service I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6I I42 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE it FRANCIS REAR PA 68551 dIY EXCAVATING SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN Barrio PA 2907 PLASTERING QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINos ROOMS aacnwavs PATCHES FREE ESTIMATES MASONRY If it can be built with BLOCK BRICK or STONE CALI SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA 80966 REFRIGERATION H0 0D REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Ailconditioning 31 PRATT STREET PHONE PA 61678 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to re move your dead and crippled gram animals under the above ct FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRIE PArlsway cam GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95061 SNOW PLOWING SERVICE Snow Removal Driveways Parking Lots Cleaned Tracked if necessary also WATER DELIVERY ED TAYLOR PA 68317 TAXI SERVICE WHY WALK lN THE MATTER 01 the £109 in oi part of Brock Street be ing the Road Allowance be tween LAILs 25 and 25 in the Sixth Concession of the Town ship ot Vespra now In the City of Barrie AND IN THE MATTER OF The Municipal Act Take notice that the Council at the Corporation or the City oi Barrie will alter the publi cation of this notice at least once week or our suc cessive weeks in The Barrie Examiner consider and ii deemed expedient pass bylaw to close and stop up that part 01 the Road Allowance between Lots 25 and H5 in the Sixth Con cession ol the Township of Ves pra now in the City of Barrie known as Brock Street des cribed as follows ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract or land and premises situate lying and being in the City of Barrie tn the County of Simcoc in the Province of Ontario being com posed oI part of the Road Al Iowancc bclwecn Lots No 25 and 20 in Concession ol the Township Of Vcspra now in said City and known as Brock Street which parcel is more particularly described as loll ows COMMENCING at the inter scction at the southerly limit of said Road Allowance with the northerly limit of the Road Allowance between the Town ships of lnnisiil and Vespra said point being the most west erly angle of Lot No 51 no cording to Registered Plan No 15 and also the most wcsterly angle of Lot No 25 in Conces sion oi the Township of Vase pra THENCENorth 58 dugrccs 04 minutes 15 seconds East along the southerly limit of said Road Allowance 5778 feet to point in the westerly limit of Highway No 400 as shown on plan attached to Instruments No 14500 and 14905 for said Township THENCE NOth 31 degrees 75 minutes 45 seconds West along said westerly limit 660 ect lo point in the northerly limit of said Road Allowance between Lots 25 and 26 THENCE South 50 degrees 04 minutes 15 seconds West along the northerly limit of said Road Allowance 31453 feet to point in the northerly limit oi the Road Allowance between said Townships THENCE North 72 degrees 21 minutes 85 seconds East along said last mentioned northerly limit 13125 feet THENCE North 72 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds East along said northerly limit 13330 feet to the point at commencement AND FURTHER TAKE NOT ICE that any person who claims that his land will he prejudicially affected by the said bylaiv and who applies to be heard shall be heard by the Council either in person or by his counsel solicitor or agent This notice is iirst published on the 25th day of November AD 1961 STRAUGHAN Clerk of the City of Barrie By City Solicitors BOYS SEAGEAM AND ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario manta West along the east erly limit oi laid Penelanguisb eae Road was teat to the southwesterly angle Lot No is on the north side of Davis Street THENCE North 82 degreï¬ 4o mtnutu West 660 feet to the pomt of commencement AND FURTHER TAKE NOT lCE that any person who claims that his land will be prejudic laily aiiccted by the said by law and Who applies to be board shall be heard by the Council either in person or by bu counsel solicitor or agent This notice is iirst published on the 250 day of November AD 1961 STMUGHAN Clerk of the City Barrio By City Solicitors BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of FRANCIS ALBERT CREIGHTON late of the City of Barrie in the County at Simcoe Civil Servant deceased who died on or about the 25th day of Octo ber 1961 are required to ï¬le particulars of same with the undersigned on or before Jan uary 10th 1962 after which date the estate will be distribu led without rcgard to untilcd claims LESLIE III BALL QC 461 Dundas Street Woodstock Ontario Solicitor tor the propost Ade mlnlstrntor Iacltie Jensen Quits Again BOSTON AP Jackie Jen sens brilliant but controversial athletic careerwhich ilicludcd football stardom and one of baseballs highest awardsap pears to be at an end The 34ycarold outiiclder in dicated to his Boston Red Sox employers Friday night that he will retire from baseball to dc votc himself Iulltimc to busi ness in Nevada and California The apparent decision fol lows by only few days an nauncement by the Red Sox at unique travel schedule to lit around Jensens much pub licized fear of airplane travel The Red Sox had only this week worked out special rail road itinerary tor the broad shouldercd athlete which would enable him to iorego all of the Red Sox chartered planes and miss only eight or 10 games Under the plan Jensen would have been docked for the games missed Bucs And Flyers Win Close Tilts By THE CANADIAN Pm Edmonton Flyur and Port land Eucharoos won narrow vio tories in two of three Western League battles Friday night Edmonton heading the North ern Division turned back Van couver Conneks while Port land leading the Southern Di vision beat San Francisco Seall +3 in overtime Seattle Totem and Calgary Stampeders battled to 22 overtime tic before 3078 Ian at Seattle Wash Edmonton exploded or three goals in the third period to de feat the Canucks at Vancouver crowd of 1500 saw the Fly ers rally for the win and move nine points ahead or second place Seattle Deicnceman Lloyd Haddnn and forwards Le nLundc and Ed Joyal rapped in quick goals as Edmonton overcame Van couvers 21 lead alter two pe riods lioddon who leads VHL deienccman in goals with 13 fired the Flycrs other goal while Eddie Dorohoy and plur ray Wilkic answered for last place Vancouver Arlo Goodwin scored the wins ning goal from wild scramble at 457 at overtime to give Part land its win over San Francisco and 10 point lead in south ern standings Bill Saunders scored twice for thc Buckaroos and Doug Mac aulcy added single Bob Sol inger Buddy Boone and Duke Edmundson scored for the Seals LOOK YOUR ansa THIS IIOLIDAY acAsON Glris Special Perms $500 up 20 OFF Perms 850 and up JOE BEAVER SUGGESTS the practical glfL FOR THE HANDY MAN AND HIS WORKSHOP Shopmato Drill Shopmota Handsaw Shopmate Sandor Shopmato Jig Saw Shopmata Arm Saw Adlusfable 695 $3995 $2295 BEAVER LUMBER 127 BRADFORD ST IN THE MATTER OF the clos ing of part of Penetanguishene Road in the City of Barrie ac cording to Registered Plan Number One AND IN THE MATTER OF The Municipal Act TAKE NOTICE that the Coup all of the Corporation of the City of Barrie will after the publication of this notice at least once week for our suc ccsive weeks in The Barrie Examiner consider and it deemed expedient pass by law to close and stop up that part OLIhc Penetaliguisbene Road in the City of Barrie ac cording to Registered Plan Number One described as fol lows ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parch or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the City of Barrie DYCKS FOOD MARKET Top Qualin Fronts of Beef Hind Quarter of Beef Side of Park GUARANTEED T0 SATISFY DYCKS rooo MARKET Iso Collier St Phone PA 85339 For Delivery PLAZA DRUG BARRIE pLAZA Wellington Sf II Anne Si WILL BE OPEN 900am 900 pm MON IOSAT 1100 am 50015 ON SUNDAY OPEN SUNDAY DEC 24 Si 900 am to 900 pm in the County at Simcoe in the Province of Ontario being composed of portal tliePene Languishcne Road being the l7 Bayfielol 51 Buy Him FREE Christmas Trees TERMS N0 DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICK CENTRAL TAXI NOW THE iDEAL GIFT FOR EVERYONE THE QUEENS HOTEL Catalogue for Christmas or Good Album STAMPS COINS Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 Now Free Ticket INQUIRE ABOUT OUR in each book On sale at ROXY THEATRE or Phone PA 84681 CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL WEEKLY RATE have fun bring your children to select and cut the tree at your choicHt with every puppy purchased from our kennels OBASSET HOUNDS OPOODLES DACHSHUND OR Beesieys Turkey Ranch AND Royal View Kennels miles north of Barrio on Highway 27 PA 89722 LEFROY 60M EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging RR Barrie Try All Examiner Want Ad PHONE COLLECT PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Spray Painting Service Since 1920 PA oassa PHONE PA 82414 RADIO EQUIPPED 29 MAPLE AVENUE PA 85555 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS iNSTALLED av LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Couplond Drilling 1211 BARRIE PA 87646 Its Wonderful The Way Barrie Examiner Road Allowntice between the Tovtnsdlips of Vespra and Ora as shown on Registered Plan No for the County of Simcoe which parcel is more particu larly described as follows COMMENCING at the south caoierly angle of Lot No 12 on the north side of Davis Street now Shanty Bay Road THENCE North degrees 26 minutes Eastalong the wester ly limit of said Poaetangulah one Road 32255 THENCE North 55 cos 51 minutes 15 seconds East 8821 act to point in the easterly limit said ad THENCE Strum degrees 16 15 proud to anoOunce they will be OPEN MONDAY DEC Hill FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER trom 300 to 1100 1711 to serve you and your family in completely relaxed atmos phere CHRISTMAS DINNER at moderate priced Childrens portion served Group and Fondly WWW The QUEENS HOTEL also have HOME CATERING service for your Christmas and New Years Parties None too large or small Por relervnlijnna for Christmas Dinner and Home CaIerhig Servico call EANQUETMANAT ï¬FPA