Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Dec 1961, p. 10

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Help SantallSell Those Not Needed Items With Want Ad PA 82414 PROPERTY FOR SALE RENTALS ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE APTS HOUSES To RENT APTS HOUSES To RENT BIRTHS PROPERTY PoR SALE 3323 lti niiihtg Eitfinmfizfl 333333 New or PM rill xiilloéflililloieiafiéi Used Furniture Bargains Avniisbic Immcdlrlcly D31 and isfln minim amour at ONE DUNDOP STREET EAST um wpinogurglmiiw muslin croneor up first In Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality at Service Emffmitfsrtfltsu¥o T°P°° Used Rug l2 $I500 FURNISHED our main Kt n00 AND BOARD IVIIIIMQ 9pC Dlnlng Room sune lo 35mm EXAMINER SATURDAY DECEMBER is 196 REAL ESTATE RENTALS ARTICLES for SALE EVENINGS CALL to souc vmihi iul Bahr coo Funlb Tm Recon no In Int your menu ma mini Mud mm mm lan the Iny Iltu top Km sngsiérlziéisnmd trim namhmmr PA 5563 TRUNK N55 nlztsttls fliitéili Room BOARD CALL DAY on EVENING II II pp 82379 mggflgm Ding5332 253 intrusion has at ssintt°lnromit Sfcnén Chesterfield Sune $3900 WWW Dmsuddsnliklkwh Member oi lb mm na iiium mam isAilan plsmlcr mi mm pmip 3533 TXth 2i Fairbanks Morse TV $7900 gonrlfle 2665 ll do Dace 31 am an TWO ugpnoosl behind Iplrtment WW 19 2ng sllilr win coalsch in modern triplex as monthly lllAlu emzsr vicinity noom PC Beige 50 88d SUIte $7500 If MOVING Close is Khools Ind lions north and laprd Grntlrmrn prcicmd gulf cut end Telephone PA Lszoi Will pick lunches Home privii Library Table 500 tlllleéllétnrhlm or Dell lo mm your slush Ch both or Blirle Ind trandmothu INSURANCE REALM Liked hosted npsrtmcnts non reen 00 628 esmrfed s°fa 53900 of sync In her path year Human Appi enigpum ng ROOMS 1o LE1 Zcuslllon style air roani milling Balm fini Mi and ti you need extra coverage HIGH STREET BARRIE ml stem or IE rpbons PA M7575 Tw New 9mm 391 my kind mom PA um for rum detain To hum mm rigera ors wort 99 $5900 immcni rimlg Union Comm mu 5mm Wrmolsnn ed nnrrit reliircrsior llil Take your choice SEE STEVENSONIS Hub at an Ern Rell Lit Bmd pp¢mht my huh but en Applied Apply llry Sl MEMORIAM Smith Gunmen Hm lm LandPA um glad my clown locltto mm mm Imam avenPOI On $2500 PA 51301 5130 rum armyPA ens Ohullo no PA MoiI moll Inulry IA5€fixn mm mm Apply in Mulclner sue mam 3155 sggexggnglg Metal Beds Sprlngs and Springfilled ramElimit33s CORBY RE AL ESTATE Pl23zMmnsllt Mamems Set 5500 l7 1959 LianneI PUTLlelmn nzpnoosl with luri limit gm stern by MOVING ggfiggéngleymglcu home mg guangpgfiiemhfiunm USed Wooden Mantel Radio short and my in For complete moving service BROKER oooli owning pA um long wave frequency $29 00 or or one one orcrtr is mSmgfiglgy hung flier and easier Cull Phone PA 419 pa Dunlap St flffioflfim ullllgmhbmgdnmgr faygawxé afigmmsignmfi ROUnd Walnut Dmmg Room Table $10 00 infill has glnldilhlldrfn flnae COOKE CARTAGE Ann KhfisfilgfiPA woo Pl cannyPA mu fxgfllggggmmgggfpfl molarlg tSuit ltwaunlrleolr Au it at 5i land filo 21nd nreItzrndv STORAGE LTD JEFF liter pm in Anna St South gilt Magiis Tor turtlifr mist my Timur noon Iurhishcd pcri mum YOUR AlglggNgml WES Sh Mn puns Him Also Bargains on Our New Items on pi dear wile Ind mother if Elgeyll iontiiliid Alnl bid AR idl iBraIICy viilnurhhy who 43 Essa Rd Harris mafiaM mug mm For New Table Lamps and asscd lwls Drccmbcr 11 mo prkway 35575 REAL ESTATE BROKER éimi BMW DUNLOP ST PA 8996 PA slim Loynl nnd tnlc through Ill hu NZ IODERN two bedroom rst Mortgage Funds Available Interest mnmpm in mm when 60 Value No Fees Charged sihrfilmmszlr Infilltllrgmmzm Mm Beach Road free smoker $5950 is Fibreglas Shades $295 Cedar Chest viih free Blanket $4950 am no Innism Contour Chairs Tile famous recliner chair With Sllently sullcrcd plurnlly bore Graydon God took her home to luiler no Telephone PA slopI tol further Ioo Lonmn PA Madam lIsck Villron PA aisll inmmfltm complete mawhbox Stale Don Forget Your Turkey 3T smlh Rutter mmtt Shallwell Oro 2m Notnun Shclrwell PA eml model series mo vAlwl remembered by hut bnnd nilom twin dughlcr Dor inn sonln Fred and grnd cblldrcn and enrol CARDS 0F THANKS HOWARD We would like to thank III our lrlcllds nd neigh hours who helped to mnkc our Golan Wedding Annlvclsnry so enioysblr by Cllltni scndlnil unis iclcmms or helping in ny wry nnd tor the lovon gm Ind lowch which we rocrllcd lr nd Mrs Edvard Howrd COMING EVENTS NEW YEARS DANCE STROUD COMMUNITY HALL REA ESTATE Illloxlm nowrd Nnrrll PA osiu Ils uuNLoP 51 EAST PA $4252 MAKE AN OFFER House must be sold as owner has moved to farm Erick ranch style home built iive LOTS FOR SALE years Approximate floor area parcels or land suitable for subdivision into building lots 1800 sq Plus two car gar age two living rooms one din ing room four bedrooms two complete kitchens two wash Locaicd on Sleei Street close to schools For further informar roan5 wn fireplaces pgcpga lion call PA 85500 or Write P0 Box 132 Barri Ontario tion room complete including fireplace FA oil heating MODERN uniurnlshcd lieled two bedroom npnrtmcn Rclrlrcr star and stove supPllcli Laundry lhclllilrs pulling Overlooking park rind bay Apply ll sl Vin ccllt St or lelcphono PA 32695 YOUNG uuslNEss lsdy willing to shore complulcly lumlshcd spurt merit in Allnndulc All Canvcnlcn ccs Bus service st door Tclcphone PA slum him Pm or Iurihcr dctill PUnNisilci three room spuri mcnl also two Inrgc lumlshcd rooms East and on our roule Hydro tiovc and rcirlgcmtdr sup pllcd Tollphone PA osoav Ior Iurthor Inlarmstlun Eh Two IlEDlwoil unlumlrhcd npnrtmcnt in modtrrl nlzilrtmunt building in first end hcirlgcrulor OSkdtcs tohbogans tricycles wagons IFull line of 38c toys OGiitwnres OBcatty Appliances CASH OR TRADE on Skates Appliances ctc FURNACES FOR SAiil FORCED AIR OIL 0R GAS NEw $110 FINANCE RATE i952 CHEVROLET Paris including rdeo and two new snow tires Complete motor ctc Telephone PA mm ELECTRIC RANGE or sale no inch Iully nulomstlc in txccllont candltlon Tclcphonc PA 8275 or Iurthcr lnlormatlnn nasr IIUY In pruncd Scolch Pin chrlslmns Trccs sl lt Inrm or $125 drillcred Ilcrt lllnw tclo plating llilhoslnil JZJ or Harrie PA QlMNnTY or Used Tclcvislon Scls of various mukus All in CondILloIi Priced to clear Fire sionu lStoics lih nunlop St West unrrir Telephone PA 66535 CHRISTMAS mass or sole to in choice Balsam Spruce and FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid Iar dead or crippled cattle and horses Small nnimnls removcd free For fast service phone BARBIE PA 87751 collect or askior ZENITH 1130 NO CHARGE 24 hours dsy7 any luck NICKS DEAD STOCK KB Filmlead Ontario License No isscei LIVESTOCK WASAGA BEACH Each unit lilo Real Estate Loans Arranged In month Located about two blocks PERCY FORD PA 81930 EMERSIN SWAIN PA opens WYEVALE Member or Barrie and District Anti ALLISToN Ontario Real Estnto Boards One Visit The Following and tram the bunch Telephone PA Surrounding Areas HENDERSON ANGUS REALTOR BARRIE lo COLLIER 5mm RILLIA PHONE PA Bm78 TESLE WU DOROTHY Wilcox PA 08543 Hail in Timber dctnllc WASAGA BEACH UNIPumps inn gong mirt COLLINGWOOD nimtilwd Tie tnd Auguibip CHURCHILL TAnIIaTy was 301hly locate SHAW BAY sillI Guim Street PA sizes NEW LOWELL DUPLEX main tioor apartment to cooxsrown rent flvo rooms snd hath oil hcslcd Very reasonable rent to ELMVALE reiiablo tennnt Telopbono PA PHELPSTON W37 CREEMORE LIVE IN nuxunyl New spacious HOUSE FDR nENT 2storcy scv cn roam brick home glls drcd nip uacc water ncntcr Good residenr tisl stuet lmmcdinte possusioii Rctorollccs Call Couttr Co PA M485 NEW AND Modern on And two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kempunfelt Bay Hunt wn tcr parking and janitor servics includcd Automatic vastlan tn ctlitles PA llZVOL 10mm selfcontained two bed room unfurnisth npnrtment in the west cdd Completely modern 5Com PLAN LOAN 107 The Bank of Nova Senna Plinsultlall Cackcr Spaniel Pup VIAU MOTORS LIMITED Rambler Hillman 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN ST pics or salc weeks old Blacks and Blondcs Apply dekhart nighwsy 27 Thornton NEWSPAPER ARTICLES FOR RENT OLDFASHIONED Siligh Rides available For further lntormnrion Sizes 32x18 Ideal for lining hen MM 23 mmmg PA 36488 houses Attics garages etc 1955 PLYMOUTH Perfect insulator FRUIT VEGETABLES 001 Eater Take ovcr payments at sis per month Telephone PA 84931 25c PER DOZEN APPLE cinch fresh or rrcsh 1rolt ultralnodrm five room apartments my The 33 En ml also apple butter tor break 195 ammong 93 lsl 2nd Mortgages with stove slid rcirigcrator DP avtehbazg ngtcligdagatserlgnppilrclli WU Barrie OITTBIIU mmer inst snack or nnytlmo in buy sedan b1ng mu mg Watch for our special oLow lnteresf uphill Telephone PA piece or PA Tempo pg 915 gallon and hail gando lugs Tclegt mum mm pmm owner 945 Easy Budgef Terms HOUSE or rent six rooms newly and Grove Street urea Amplo has 110 Imnmlle 0mm 10 RENTALS able now Tclcphonu PA allal Conrads Prult illnrkct Highway HEREFORD Stock Crlvcs or sale 900 ml commcrclbl or light industrial nraICd stove rcfrlgcratur and Scotch Plno or mm on ngliway lionsrm cow mm mm Salad Plates Cheek Room For lnmmlum anr nurric post orticc PA 84861 RR Strand Van Campm telcphone ivy lilm OFFICEPA use All EDEN NURS 03111 ncilgcrator stove and laundry PA 50462 cnt or Sunday School use Good All the Dutch pggpig in the mums no clllllng illly colts sand loco TV rooms station ln crop in mm lnlogmnllan blur in suit sealed unit 515 Ap up Soc Pcrguson Telephon CHEISTMAS SERVICE Storm and screens Located In mm mm hoary my slow Ccnlrc sllri narrle or tclcphane lunaran mnrkct Tiv 54242 finial lop 5150 Taicphflnc PA cd $15 each misc200 gallon Ind Hm chatting Burma COLLIER STREET WILL mlm 1ng pun apartment Living room kitch bath uniurnishcd srcvc and rc Vic Pnlmcr lni Kcmprnieit Dr singing Refreshments served OWNER TRANSFERRED HousEs FOR SALE pA 39m tloiI lpirphlms PA snzil Assorted quantity of old In 5W 531m kc FARM SUPPLIES aow on live andsca °P P9 room kliohcn two WOW Cunlrnl location on hunted Pri Alia Nederlandcrs rondom Bar kitchen room brick home ulit lnr tum Apply 72 nundonnid Street or rent Talcphone PA elem ror turthcr Davd BMW Ie went and Penna Esme sa at $12300 03mm or mun nanll llouso ni llnuts Iloars Tcluphono PA on in lieu apartment bu ldlng One season $5900 wlIh low down payment cipsu to schools llnd bus stop all piled Queen Street area PA some TheSe books are in per Eggom my 19 wordt dan gehuden Koilie All new restaural1t and Service on No 11 Highway Mmr on mfinbon ormu mont Iour rooms plus sunporch garage and brouzuwuy Available °° Member 01 the mm mmm gglgchsanublc rent Telephone HE Two mum Apanmem NW saws riotm Hausa tor rant on Clearing 61 9c ea CHRISTMAS Titlics or sale good patronage in the past ltd Elghhors Available January 15 Telephone pROVINClAL SALES TAX ijhsfgfiggau 5mm Wm privilege of seeing to LLOYD HOCKLEY PA oasis WM 5088 MW Wm ntoly Tclciirnc PA New tor rcni Tnstciully decorated on hath unturnlshrd Apply to ill VA mono onkvilis YearEnd Clearance of all Phone 66537 PA ossss evenings Tole hone PA azsto ior rurther cmiiuAilun Puppies champion sircd rcclstcrcd weeks malcs AUTOMOTIVE Pcbrusry only Telephone PA kitchen and bsthronm Heat sup Buy em with nnuy BUDGTES in moult all col ior rent at Millets Point $55 per Eddie Quinn day made puhlic letter from Cause of Quinns support of 39557 evcnlngs Phone PA Hm Telephone PA ONE nannoom Apnrtmcnt Owen Used from 4900 decorated oil lumen Posscsslon storage parking laundry room Used Refri craters owner of the Montreal Forum stove hcllt which rtomgu pork Dancing 912 can on For substantial down ii or telephone 0rd 3721 Mad weigh am 55 MARSHALL UNFURNISIIED APAnTnIENT WOODWARD SONS Tom Pattendens Orchestra payment owner WIIl scll much Low cosT srnce Ior ran healud Dur rooms and spin 2in Lil cumsm 13 Tina altar fficfips5ifnfpfik mm 15 CLAPpERWN Spv BARmE Tcicphonc PA snsvs ll so cents to shoo Bert Mn call lit loot ll works aid Vlcclna SPECIAL CkAYncN KOHL PA wells Gl OWL 350 NEW MODERN centrally laealcd WASHING MACHINE or sale CllAIIIs In rows or or mm in 115 But Mr this work Semi and facilities Avallnhlc lmmedlntcly mg condition Selling rcusonnhiy Call in mm pm yup Em Barrio area are invited to SEMIDETACHED Bungalml NllA gun or outings Tclcphono solid ply John Norrcna Shanty buy clllllsnlIs Times 5pm 72 on THURSDAY DEC 21 Ndwrnarkot will sell or trade tor Asrs HOUSES To RENT and muscular pm 555 mu CAMERA Nikon with le Pn Bodhll Place your order now Dawn 10 by gm baoslcr lens hood and lth REOrmed CENTRAL3NTAmoS mt 10 BRENTWOOD TERRACE ilfloyiiifig tcsllglsicmne PET yearliifms All cxccllcnt condition pLists satires Pisil snANTIcs 11 construe dmd 91 5m sot gnlipn minnow tnnks Apply The ro ram is made of 1h irlgurutor supplied Centrally la Tclcpnanc PA 50497 FARM MACHINERY P5901 liiliitiiiiifliiieiiiliiswril first basmem Gem 1°C caled No children Avallabln lm STORE OWNERS Elcctrlc Washing Machine with afterwards Must be sold bedroom bun OR REMf impurimsupp upstairs spur Stock USED AQUALUNG and noguls and SERVICE bar 00 pm in the Christian ping centre Priced for quick mm our Tclrmilonc PA 35297 garsgu Avallpblc December Eeatty Farm Equipment CIIRISTRIAS TREE54FYHCC and Ben Nedeflandse $90 monthly including taxes Polnl with MICHIle hllth Iiot and too bcdrooms Stove and red AUTOMATIC balsam 50 3L Also Bugle Telephone Pri 35147 heating Pop lurther partlcuinrs rim talcum am all nu fecf condition but have Greetings ii st sellout condition Also gravity lur MI Mrs Wm products Will lake house as with attached beauty salon puil if $31123333Tglclgiignccfl ganfilrsyhvlvay TIFSTSETXEIIITIGTIL iiiiil REGULAR PRICE mice steel dumc Tclcphons PA in ad Lucilth on Cuntrc ems utter in down payment Asking $30000 maz Sllold to rain on and Ive her rurnncc two store Iour lied WW 590 €31 drch NET building AvaatTntlli roams good garden in villagu or 59mm WW55 Chm And may We have the SD EDE GOULD one ills It Mt 5an mm V1 IIDUSB io relit st Oakley Park ivy laml AY DEC 20 HARM SLESSOR PA New gunners Alsa six cabins in 20 Squaw Tm Mdmm mp Do PETS your needs the Emh TlIEPhunfi Wm Eur hcl details hcnl Aluminum storms sod Dept EIGHT pA1cDLLE pup future Benth screens All conveniences vritc Robertson telephone HE 95595 CANARY AND CAGE corn lctc Available immediately Timer noolu Apartment tor for sale torMM Rgim CASfiquFTInReABE SMCk iioUsi ior rent near Codcington EllisixihTorTSIilriinguiiiierhiiir mm mm TERMS You HAVE gallon on heat Use or garage mediate Inssesslon No children NEED NEW rep and Iy detals on do Britgpa affix MODERN two bedroom furnished UNFURNISHED ground iloor STOVE OR FRIDGE figflf fifgigvl°agrg° 594 MOTOR CARS FOR SALE FA 6648 saris piled Downtown Prlvllic cut Pent tss Tclopbono PA Div05 Mural in or ample 52 For iur To Pay Your BIS osmium um Be Reinstated MONTREAL lCPThe Mont Frank Seiko suggesting that Eli die Quinn be reinstated as ll charitable works Sclke is managing director of where Quinn has promoted hox ins and wrestling Programs appearing on Wednes L°an5 Frame Sarm lid Saturday DCCCmber 30 and duo L0 Keith in snd ilundry tscilltlcs Avsll phone Count Siroud 41115 Scotch Pinc 75c to 52 Apply ADMISSION $2 hclow cost Asking price$li Realm and Business Brake moon modcm hulldlnis sullablo Mnln ilpor Modern ncwly dcc Healing Compactors ihls wcck choosc your pruned drapes supplied Cirnn parking llincsinc Phone in uIncsIng ted Ind blood tested Apply lit NURSING HOMES cuisnms SERVICE nlLi rumN 51ml in mm mm fluxP 555 two hndroom apnrtmcnt tor rcnl good condition s20 Tclephnne proximately 59 saris iold Exec PONIES or sale one stuion our llth Estate norm private rooms kind nursing cm Janitor service Tclcphoou PA KELVINATOII cu rt lie rigcr at Ferny Slrcdl one ppm in mm mm 355 mg SPECIAL to three bedrooms lull basement siphon supp mmismg mm lolephonc Gm 442 Sec than at Lopnnrd Caseys lli Muse In Burris WWW NW ihly Avnllpbls immodluicly it nor lens Coupled light mctcr Prev uolivcry outstanding unit bull nngsthrod Brothers Cockstnwn 45347 or mar Vincent and LARGEST REALTORS Self contained two bedroom FOUR noon Apartment tile citations orations and carol tion $85 per month Telephone mcdlatcly Fnr iurther Intormll AUTOMATIC our burner elnc ECHARLES CHURCH KERSTWYDING gt Palm new mm Dining mm mm mm we Wh pump also In excellent condition lot Living room dining area BURTON AVENUE Prlvuic sale ilcniud with gas Central locllilon We not Wm In prim Located on Vancou hbm llo othcr tcnonts Avall tor or sale almost now Very rea ass ew an ii dscll Cd lot lcs he syn WEIIwm 0p 21 Decem pm close Schools and shop t€€ 53 ariurtmcnt on hills now Telephone PA M757 sonoblc Tcrms can be armngrd II Rammed Church comer 5L rv Oil turnacp and hardwood NEW LARGE Arumem or rent SINGLE CARBON Lefl 17¢ Bum0N AVE pg 32373 water Pull basement Pllll price MODERN time room bungalow Irigcratnr laundry tncliiuos sup Fm mm Momma KERSTWYDING TRADE on SELL VT Tuner Rooli ilousc oil wordt rgcreserveerd ha alloop Station plus ultra modern apt BUS OPPORTUNITIES UNFURNISHED heated apart hontud all modrrn convcnloncos I95 on the date line so CDNVEKSION hum To One and Thank you for your Street Angus Alsfl garage Includ at home to their friends bile Homes in Burton Avenue mm GOULD mm 25 Wm Wm mklng mm mcdlutuly Tcicphono PA 352 Thornton liclrigcrstor suppilhd plus mien pimwx pA 37255 complete with In Which APP cd $100 monthly Avniiahlo im rlvo BEDROOM Bungalow tor commercal Prmtng ll hrclzd Doll MORTGAGES ANGUS Pour room house with Box 51 llarrlc Examiner or phone Barrie Examiner virgin IoiurlhipiiéI Tvy oRA xx brrgain Telephone PA 84318 home or rent on Isnuary nnd apartment Living room bedroom IN YOUR PROPERTY 2134 ts new mm mm FURNISHED wiulcrlud cottsgs 119995 it won real Athletic Commission Fr censed boxing promoter be the Canadian Arena Company heater Must roll 25 down Tako Eslgptlilznaed PA $539 or apply 92 TERD79A 35331 or PA £4453 Used Ranges Slmas 1955 DODGE ror sale tour door clcnn throughout nadlo lour bedrooms and both Sclt enutalned fishedl giggled and mm gup flan géfiigescgfifxgrfiggy the Classified Section PHONE ngmsgafri WRITE Very central Plenty or storage plied Close to downtown Schools All unconditionally En Catholic Archbishop oi MORTGAGE FUNDING Wm 3535 fifeptgimhiieplfiffi SR qr Untreal and Father Paul hin modem 22 am nod 129 Dunlap St East ATTRACTIVE heated modern PoUR nunnoonl House well AIIisIoil $5750 with 750 0V entrance ideal rol bachelor cl and LOP 1953 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe beau drIViers chaplain ssuoo cash Phone 13A xiii SMPSONSEARS couple Stove and rctrlgcrntor piledfcagfiundgh wagfiflfg Appliance 23 UN mm shape show tires plus other renal when he called oil an hmTllfillli¥srtshls momma tract 5f°élniiiii NM or as mmms delivered to ithtilsilstriilhli lie MooreBob Cleroux tight ins and dining room Alzmlnnm MONEY your home Apply II Gracey wily Carport Laxg Hgngtmlgfitsfi mm Chang $11st glucng n55 Tsale or PA 33685 custom radio 1953 Chevrolet 1950 an II nxw no pour advance ticket sales lot sled NILi morigngc limits N0 BONUS ARTICLES FOR RENT to 1956 Poms tarp ma inn chic ms up Telephone PA 32450 nltcr mAmmcnlulmh All parts available Sprnuls Superv accident Sickness death IN YOUR 30 undonglnos for saictgnlengspIThTie SANTA Claws SUITS for rent Thornton Telephone Ivy min dhe commission was man rumble rol nparlmcnt win 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRm hon CAsn bonusslim pl $22 or or PA 61127 Ior reservations and Sedan very low mileage In ii It be is seriously in two piece bath storms thraugh PA 50203 OR GARAGE iii smihlril iooglaidotigrni de month Telephone PA enzpos inlcrmailon vs rionoitos Club condition llust sull nest cash Cardinal Legals house amen Muir flnstnn mid and Arranged Commercial can sell or cash Hundreds plump PA FARMERS NIARKET toot PA Milli eveni onnlslt mun Prcsh killed 1955 PoNTlAc deluxe scdnll runs Without chemng the Ind residential honeys Iorucd on people use Examiner Want Ads and mks mm new Yam bungn need want or use Tw dropms livin Caldwell nsscngnr suithhlo ior horse or Brokch nighlvrysurcmdpie Ild Eddle Quinn had law with bedrooms kitchen llv mt kitchoi wiih bulioln cup Sony Plrst Cluss condition nor Telephone PA 61711 FLOWERS pLANTs us phknlocrli Station Wagon Immediately Rent 15 monthly with dryer Available inputs pm payments Tsicphons PA No Hidden Bonuses from 8900 wall LAnGS HEATED Apartment le Two gamma Aparuhgm lri His letter said Quinn has sup day December 27th In IthI Brick Homes lug room dining room lichen pm our mm mm yank from 2900 Trees anal Gus Tclcphons oro ass space Avnuabls now 95 monthly 50 mp 17 3299 gm Guaranteed Telephone FA 17203 for deliv lssl STUDEBAKER Conch Imme ery in Barrie or to pickupat 759 an pm Again the Montreal taxi land Close in Camp Bordon Ind apartment selfvcnnlnlned Private heated attached garage Centralr inns licence was sus supplied Adcqflntc storage and mnchlnc $110 per month Phono 128 pENETANG STREEI extras VW Auto Brokflfltrfln is hone PA 34254 or PA Must RNISHED hed ah beamed for Dec because alarm and screens Asphalt drlvo AVAILABLE Tm mm Wm as VncCKmG loss Chevrolet has Cupboards liont sail monthly and phone lvy likzt sale Price sumo Tel PA Paymems Insurw 33 tcst Highway 27 mile south or Manson six room brick bun ll ELI AR rt 3759 Reasonable ruler Proceed 101 hail not fulfilled all the law We heal00m on mg CRESCENT FINANCE at fgftfigggl gggu PA mmmnn viiiYWCA Iclcphonc PA HBEEIZI 1951 sTUnilulknn commander out Spethl discount Ior mh to up with um Crcsbent Finance in humor st utter Tellphone PA RSMGI even Rev Marcel Laniel choncel mortgage Private irischpiy to 031656354 Hm Mum Is there anything there you girl stile iiscomher Tail West Inga toi Iurthcr Information 228 msnun rt suitable kcs nnd Gccsc ror Christmas dp notbeueve that mags flfihguylflfiémm Per sitiulfmfigigsfwfilffl mm Times they mg iolzntwo bushing lilimirorosslonnl novv Telephone Ora 4M Arthur PAsstGclt Slclgll tor sole six driving In this ell vw Auto in room llmd fourpiece hath niil bassmsnt oil heated Alum wonderfm the way Irlgcrntor ulshcs Cutlery hclit or sale or cxchnnge Repairing Ii High street Tclcphpng PA 1955 F0 Adoor sellbn cuslom light and water Largo attic idr rcllnlng nnd rcmodclllng Modcr llsnod rndIo Good snow tires study in lion LcsII than in minutes on prlccs Apply lllllhurn nxcollcnt condition Crln nrrpniiu walkadowntawn or coiiorlistc and and son in human Strcct Wesl IInnnceAlul prlcu ssas Tole hanrda Prlgidalru stove and rc sonabls Apply nnrrle Iron Works dcensFc ml uiuiisvfiiiio uilcrmrrktl nd CIGSSfed Ads 99 lzllhlifiiTns suits Phone PA 824M Try Anrllixumillc public school Telephond PA lass Barrie Tellphenom

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