OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Nev hone PA Mail The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 668 97th YearNo 294 iCHMAiiN ssurrncso Adolph Elchmnnn purses his lips as he hears Israeli court sentence him to death by hanging in Jerusalem Eich Adjourn Assembly ics CPR Accepts Conciliation Board Report MONTREAL CPiThe Cann diun Pacific Railway laid Fri day it has accepted the maior lty report of federal concilia tlon board on wage dispute between the nations two maior railways and their locomotive engineers This action followed by three days the Canadian Nationalfuil ways acceptance of the report Like the CNR the CPR said it will put the report into effect Jan The report calls for wage increases totalling its per cent in threeycar contract retro active to last March is and ex piring March 15 liloI Earnings of most of the CPRs 1900 and the CNRs 2700 on ginccrs now range between 50000 and $8500 year The CPR said it is accepting the report despite deficien cies railway spokesman said we are going along with the that the locomotive engineers paid workers in the country but because it did make token irecogniilon of the need for mann was convicted of crlm against humanity and against the Jews for his ac tions during World War ll light of moderndoy conditions on the railway Allegation Denied TORONTO CPIThe legisla ture udjoumed Friday on sour note following allegations that Progressive Conservative mem ber John Fullerton was partner in firm which re ccived government payments Mr Fullerton member for Algoma Manitoulin told the House there was absolutely nothing wrong in what did in regard to the transactions He supported statement by Premier John Roberts that the allegations by Elmer Sopha sudbury will be investigated by the legislatures committee on elections and privilcgcs on the resumption of the session The legislature adjourned at am for lengthy holldoy re ceso after giving third reading to 35 bills it had debated ear lier No date has been men tioned for the resumption but it is believed it will not be un til late January or early Feb ruary Byelcctions are sched uled in five ridings Jan 18 Mr Sopha last Thursday night claimed that Mr Fullerton while member of the legisla ture was partner in Mantanc Contracting Company which was paid 5237955 from Sept 19 1941 in Aug 25 1960 CLAIMS VIOLATION Tl Liberal backbcncher said it was his opinion that there had been violation of Section of the Legislative Assembly Act which forbids anyone to sit or vote in the legislature who has directly or indirectly any con tract with the government or government department member found guilty of an offence under the section is li IN Train Crashes Into NUTSHELL able to fine of $2000 for every day he sits in the House after the offence and expulsion from the legislature While supporting an investiga tion by the elections committee Mr Fullerton Friday took the opportunityto deny categoric ally tlic lnsinuotions made He said he has arranged for pertinent files to be forwarded here and Will discuss the matter with his lawyersr He promised public statement next week which will establish the aisity oi the members clal Mr Fullerton aroused th of the Opposition when he iiiL scribed Mr Sophu as sneak and reptile but bowed to request by Speaker William Murdoch that he withdrew the terms Pope In Appeal For Congo Peace VATICAN CITY APlPopc John today called on responsi ble leaders to reestablish peace in The Congo whose blessed lands are bathed in blood The pontiffs plea was consid ered here to be response to requests from Belgium and from gas President Moise Tshombe for his inter vention in the Congo conilict Vatican sources said the Bel gian request had been received but that Tshombes appeal ap parently had not arrived The Pope described the con flict in The Congo as an cvti that flays our sou An unidentified neighbor comforts the mother of five children who died in an early morning fire at Waterford Ontario yesterday Mrs Station report notwithstanding the fact are already nmong the highest chongeil Working rules in the Barrie Ontario Canada Saturday December 16 I961 Trujillo Cash In Toronto SANTO DOMINGO APiThe Dominican government an nounced Friday it found among Trujilli family papers taken from the confiscated yacht An gelitu cheques and deposit eer tiilcates for $8000000 The cheques and certificates were drawn against banks in Toronto and Nova Scotla and made out to and endorsed by Rafael Trujillo Jr son of the slain dictator the announce merit said comroas MOTilï¬lt Huffman and her husband escaped with two otherwhil dren One of the surviving children Ricky stands be side his mother our Youths Die Louis Koteles 23 and fmre Lebancz it were each fined $50 in Barrie mnglstrates court yesterday in connection with an assault on Jan Piotrowski The two accused are striking lUAW employees at the Univer sal Cooler plant in Barrie where the assaulted man is worker An OPP officer testified that Koteles and Lebancz had sin pod Piotrowskls car on HiglLi way 90 and scuffle had follow ed in which the complainant had been kicked in the knee Douglas Rliynold 23 and Lyol Robertson 2t also members or UAW Local 700 were placed on years probation for chasing Alexander Perk through the streets of Barrie in car and Shouting you damn scab at him Perk is an employee of Universal Cooler SARNIA CPlchen children who lived alone in rented house saw their home and all their belongings destroyed in fire here Friday night The children ranging in age from slit to 17 had lived in the run down house sincothcir mother Mrs Mary Wayhrant died of cancer six weeks ago Their parents separated five years ago Rent food and clothing had Eileen provided by township re cf Five of the Vuybrant children home at the time of the fire Shuron to Robert is Steven 12 Heather and Wendy ficd the house moments before kitchen gas stove exploded Sharon said she raced to her BOSTON APA wayward freight car on iiear train crashed through twofootthick brick wall at the South Station railroad terminal and came to rest in the marbleAfloored main doneoursa early today About 40 feet of the 52100pound empty freight car penetrated the wall Piano Manufacturer Is Dead TORONTO CWGeorge Bradford Helntzman 60 retired president of the piano manufacturing firm of Heintzman and Company died Friday at his farm in suburban Thomhill Survival Course Criticized WINNTPEG CPIThe federal governments sixweek sur vival training course may be bigger weapon against unem ployment than against military attack Liberal defence critic Paul Hellyer said Friday The member of Parliament for the Toronto riding of Trinity said in an interview he suspects the unemployment benefits of the project will be at least equal if not greater than its military benefits Newfoundland Union Successful TORONTO CPPremier Joseph Smailwood of Newfound land Friday night told traveliers banquet chat Newfound lands union with Canada has been brilliant success in the 12 years since uniona move condemned by his political opponents as foul suggestion and betraya1thc provmee has surpassed all others in Canada in stepping up its rate of progress Refugee Acquires 300 Relatives SAULT STE MARIE Mich ABEighbyearold Lee Shu Yang refugee from Communist China has five brothers and sisters in Hong Kong Friday she acquired some 300 new foster relatives They are persons in both the Canadian and American Saulta who contributed some 10000 pennies towards her adoption through foster parents plan Asks PC Association It Agency TORONTO CPUNew Democratic Party Leader Donald MacDonald Friday asked lathe legislature whether Progress ive Conservative associations usually set as employment agents for liquor control board stores He read nclipping from Smiths Falls newspaper which said PC Association commit tee had been set up to interviewapplicanns for an opening at the liquor store In Flaming Wreck ST CATHARINES CF Four young men died Friday night as their auto missed dc tour slammed into is logged pile of broken concrete and ex ploded into flames Only two of the deadwcre identified this morningCame ron Herman23 of Specdsvllle near Preston and Donald Wil liam Ovens also 23 of Gait P0lt lice said Herman was driving the car The detour on Queen Eliza beth Way is part of work being carried out on construction of Cloverleaf linking new Highway 405 running from new inter national bridge at Lewiston NY to the Queen Elizabeth it comes at the foot of long in cline known as the Sand Plant Hill about four miles east of the city limits The victims apparently were returning from visit to Ni agara Falls The car crashed through heavy wooden barri Katanga Claims Massacre By UN BRUSSELS TitaniumThe United Nations offensive in Eli anbcthville today has led to real massacre of the civil pop aintion Katnnga communi que received in this Belgian cap ital said today The communique through the Katanga delegation tar shells have been fired on the city since the UN general of fensive beganP here said more than 1000 mars cede and hurtied on to pile of concrete broken up from the highway As it hit the rock the ear blew up One of the first drivers on the scene was Ronald Goodhead of the Toronto suburb of North York He dragged one body from the wreck First reports had said that the dead were thred youths and girl butpolico later said all four were males The charred condition of the bodies made identification difficult PROTEST SAHARA GAS LONDON CPlThe National Union of Mineworkers has we tested against reported gov ernment plan to import one tenth of Britains natural gas requirements from the Sahara desert mothers bedroom to save the shield smashed Ellie titanic Examiner Five Found Guilty Of Strike Incidents Also appearing before Magis tate Barron Frank Cameron was fined $20 for wil ful damage to car Harvey lloltzhaiisers car had the wind while he was leaving the plant at Universal Cooler and was surrounded by pickets in the morning session of court ihrcc DaViibiss Canada Limited strikers had been found guilty of obstructing highway In allI eight members of Un ltcd Auto Workers appeared in court on various charges arising out of incidents between strikers and nonstrik crs at the two struck plants Fifty DcVilhlss ctmployecs have been on strike since Oct and more than 100 have bcen on strike at Universal Cooler since Oct 16 Seven Orphans Left Homeless As Fire Levels 01d Dwelling family Bible and other keep sakes but flames forced her back All the children but two had been attending school since their mothers death but stayed home Friday to say goodbye to Heather and Wendy who were placed in foster homes by the Childrens Aid Society The two oldest Ellen i7 and JoAnne 18 left school to care for the family when their mother died They will now look for work and boarding home while the three other children will be placed in foster homes as soon as possible spark from an open fire place set firc to nearby chest crflcld and the blaze spread quickly through the house Sar nio firemen found it out of con trol when they arrived In Venezuela CARACAS APi Protected by the tightest security arrange ments in Venezuelas history President Kennedy drove smil ingly today into this capital where Richard Nixon came un dernttack in 1950 Soldiers few paces apart lined the route the president took after his arrival at Mai quetia Airport He travelled with Venezuelas President lio mulo Betancourt in the US presidents bubbletopped bullet proof limousinc shipped to this nervous capital for the visit Helicopters patrolled overhead to soundtha alarm if trouble makers showed any signs of concerted action along the 10 mile route Kennedy started the day with Bithour flight from San Juan Puerto Rico where he spent Friday night He and Mrs Ken nedyattired in striking cos turne of apricot shade landed at Maiquetia Airport at 845 am EST President Betancourt was on hand to greet the smiling pres ident and Mrs Batancourt wel comed Mrs Kennedy In his brief airport remarks Kenncry recalled that Franklin Roosevelt in proclaiming the goodneghibor policy asserted that through democratic pro cesses we can strive to achieve for the Americas thehighcst possible standard of living con ditions for all our people He continued Car Through Ice Two Are Rescued KITCHENER CmTwo per sons were rescued from their our early today just before it slipped into six foot of water in lake near here The driver Marvin Gotta chulk 21 and his isyeanold wife drove on to the snowcov ered lake while trying to turn his car around The wcl the carrhrok tlieiiee Mr and Mrs Gottschalk were taken to hospital with minor in juries JFK Guarded Here in Venezuela that prin ciplethe achievement of social and economic justice under dc mocracyis being carried for ward Betancourt hailed Kennedy as president who is rectifying long period of ignorance of the problems of Latin America of faith placed in the dicta torshlps which came and went and no in the people Betancaurtled the movement that banished the Venezuelan dictatorship of Marcus Perez Jimincz LOCAL WEATHER Increasing cloudinss today Milder tomorrow Low tonight is Hiyi tomorrow 28 See detailed report on page two Local 700 Not More Than per Copy12 Page UN QUASHESBID FOR RED CHINESE Vote 4835 Against Admittance Issue Dead For Another Year UNITED NATiONS CF iThc bid for Red China mem bership in the United Nations received severe dcfeat in the General Assembly Friday and the issue is dead for year The Soviet Unions resolution demanding that the Nationalist Chinese be kicked out and the Peking government he admitted fell by vote of 36 to is with 20 nbstcntlons The margin was more than had been expected and followed two weeks of debate on his toric but dull discussion It was the first time the issue received full assembly and statements were often repeti tive The outcome was victory for the United States in the first showdown on Chinas UN repre lsentatlon since Chairman Mao Tse tungs Communists took over the Chinese mainland and President Chlang Kai sheks Nationalists moved their gov ernment to the island of For mosa in 1019 MEETS HEAD ON in previous years the United States kept the question off the nssemblys agenda by putting through yearly postponement resolutions This year the ques tion was met heathenpossibly because Britain balked at the old procedure Britain voted for the Soviet resolution Friday while Can ada along with most of the Western countries opposed As matter of interest the newest member of the 104mem ber assembly Tanganyika opposed the Russian draft adri ing to the impressive defeat Just how impressive it was could not be gauged since such Tshombe Flees As UN Troops Seek Control ELISABElHVIILE Presi dent Molsc Tshombe of the Congos secessionist Katango province was reported to have fled from this provincial capital today as United Nations forces scored new successes against his troops in big offensive Reliable reports said Tshombe and his staff left his presiden tial residence here and headed for Kiplshu mining town on the Rhodesianborder The report came as UN sol dim were said to have captured the Lido Hotel less than mile from Tshombes residence The capture could not he canfiirned Elisabethville rocked to the sound of small arms and mortar fire today as the UN troops staged their biggest effort yet to win control of the capital vote had never been taken bb inrc but percentage analysis showed little change from last year The vote then when the membership was tillfor shelv ing the Red China issue was 42 to with 22 obstentions giving percentage victory of slightly more than 55 per cent The vote Friday against ad mitting lied China come to slightly more than 57 per cent Abstentions are not calculated in UN votes PACKAGE HELPS The anti Peking cause was considerably helped by pack age arrangement for UN mem PEKING ReuterslThe foreign ministry today de cilned comment on the United Nations vote reject ing Communist Chinas membership in the world organization ministry spokesman said No information ll available as yet Chinese morning new papers which were pub lished about the time the vote was taken did not carry the result of the UN action but it is often sev eral days hciore the Chi ncse people are told now like this Chineseylcadem and the press have said recently that the UN vote would show wirWaieom real nieausfi observers here have with on this to mean China would regulate hor diploma tic trade and other relu tlons with various countries according to the vote bership by which Mauritania member of the French Com munity was admitted in ex change for Communist Outer Mongolia Under this deal the National ist Chinese withheld their veto of Mongolia so that Mauritania could be admitted without So viet veto As it turned out five Frenchvspeaking African coun tries voted no to Peking while seven abstained ontb vote Whether this understanding will continue for another year was doubtful Fire commies In East Berlin EAST BERLIN Reuters Five Communist party officials have been purged from their posts in East Germanys Kar1lt MarxStadt province it was an nouneed today The five were dropped for violating the Len inist norms of partyiife CANADIAN in NATO MEETING WW he Nnml Atlantirllgr topic of the sessidii Howard Green right chats with BriUBli Foreign Secre llreaty Organization minia the western defence against Soviet pressure in Europe