Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jun 1961, p. 5

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WERRY SHOPPER Little Laurette Hickey three yearoid daughter at hlr and Mrs Hickey of Ottawa got tired of shopping with her mother so she simply lay down where she was and bad sleep tCP Wirephoto rinrroiinrs snamr nnnwn fExpansionist Policie Blocked BY Bank Head ByALANDONNELLY modiquMerter WAWA GP Party ling are sharply drawn or the next round of Parliamentl Coyne controversya fight that muld flare up again with next nies Mr Coyne in an interview Wednesday night added post script to the Commons debata when asked about Mr Flem lngs statement of longstand ing rift in policy between him and the government mommmmrnunsnnvmism ernment in any attunpt to use the governor as scapegoat for their own delauiu and to use phoney lsue to cover up their own mismanagement to ob scum their own lailuru and to conceal their own mnlusion Mr Regier took the same po ritian and both asked for committee investigation into the factsa requmt which brought no firm government reply The phoney issue Mr Pear aon reierrad to centres on the action of the central banks board of directnrs 16 months ago in increasing the special pension available to Mr Coyne should he leave the bank before normal retirement age The governors sevenyear term ex pires next Dec 51 if the gov crnmznt doesnt act to end it sooner This special pension for Mr Coyne whose salary is 850000 year was increased to $5000 irom $2000 Hr Coyne has said he wouldnt collect this if he got an adequate alternative job and he has beatediy denied that there was any le al require ment for him to ve reported the pension increase to the gov ernm out its all news to me ha saldhlr Fleming hadnt raised this question with him The governor has taken the position that he should resign onlylf there is an irreconcil nnw mum able difference between hank and government He has denied tendeer touchinglove story of our time that such situation has oc curred WOULD EALK PROGRAM Mr Fleming said the govern ments main reason for re questing his resignation was that it was convinced his Mining would stand in the RON PAUL MARrm way of comprehensive sound ed Tellal1cmiagloilesign and responsmia economic prolt Ce leave voluntarily tho govern drum 155 it STARTERS now moat would shortly seek np Mr Hemmg mind that eggwmgni and pro am reminded of an old sny imprints legiSiBtWc Idi011 to there had been deep seated on of predestinatlon and you ing winner never quits met the needs of the situation renames WHEY with me Mr Pearson said the Liberals know it looked hire pretw quitter never wins Quito ob ln other worth dismissal by bank governor would support government easy out so for no personal prep viously cverynne now facing ex Pariinmant He saw um as nus move to dismiss Mr Coyne if W35 Wk am oration or responsibility for the ams can be classified as start in treewheeling emergency when the oppsmwphad fed it could prove the governor had phfiiuilufitsizfisehggififi coming exams were concerned grhs 3th are all in the rag filialeh EPOSRIM Miami exploit the existence oi these blocked vexme we ey us have to keg push argo governmcn wi 599 1° he mm mm defldueld vilhethefoil SHOES Claim be 9°51 making me wyumld gover giggingtheir digemgarirflodd ingt heagfldsihiiamau to do suddenly therc isan illr pus or fail what high was sible for themselves 81 um in nor scapegoat mutual controversy of studiousness application and more shaming eyes and new 15h hug oppasmon Le ad penmn me VB iv 01 that case mm 0mm meme ves in hours of study With all young fellow know too muse Emmi arbi WWW am We will not PPM the of the school set as obvious in and arm ant behavior in Tu sdnv the governments and yet as subtle as the gentle he brazen beefing 855mm we mm hanmle bid to have him resign had Now Showing day nights budget speech or pending government move to oust tha Bank ol Canada gav ernor James Coyne in firing the opening gun Friday said he wanted the fullest discussion over the govemments May an bid to have him resign Wednesday the comons did its but to oblige Finance lilinlstcr Fleming in couple of bristling speeches said Mr Coyne had stood in the way of expansionist govern ment plans to envlgorate the economy Sinca Mr Coyne wouldnt lfiiDUS Pt its can if you really bellevcthat NEWS OF BARBIE By RUSS DAVEY Executive Director FEATURE TIMES 100 925 pm pnus Daemon AND NEWS ironsn mmnaroms soo RACE that new idea brings 25 race lie had entered the race mm mm Thursda iii talk GES made clearly calculated at hldiist iecligs fitness iii future Rum hm 9°dm95 13 in cane °°d° hm CCF financial critic Erhurt tempt to build up controversy mm Mk new wamwm me 5e2ri°s°$uv32rhifi Rem Burnaby Cmmum inan N0 DEClsy lON ams said Fle was like to discuss examinations Hung smear The emergency debate opponents opened up an early it seems EYDSSI 119 Dr the BLWDERED Tmoufm and large lead but everyone Egg fimfifigfi walfhfivflnefi brought on by Mr Pearsons rest at us to sit back With an in retrospect two tiungs seem hE was vehemende election motion in adjourn the days nub amused or or col olftinnd or obvious God must have been himself and that the finishing mnl business ended without de conccrncd ziir muttering very understanding about my order was sum erfuuglgfiegéfymmgmgfiflfs mm The opmsmun did few Platillldei about what they stupidityI and mils have beueln But the Immune just kept smememwhnt mere had been one muflu mm on the shmd have dune counting weuen°ugh ls awed he on going and our hero poured longstanding major policy diI Clinical mii0 it bud how we successlully combotted years work to hunder throng on bum summed speed memes between Mr Coyne hm declared hm on Wm yearfend mils and Wessfg BY the ex 59 had which was quickly reducing the and the government coniidonce or forecasting 015 into the realization that PTEGOS gap between the two Alas the if there had been past differ At one point Paul Martin aster as the spirit moves us as umer inoolves human span the young 01k test lhEll years se to the choices God places he um was approach gfibgfifsmigiflhm Fm gllaifliid sifgiiigiihiiistgiild ill em too groat and accumulation of knowledge are and that Was d5 ET SE dis of Victory our hero the open instead of do in Co against the cits they now 399 59m my beg 9m Rune singkened off Then the leader their existence amestaY hilnilieacdcflhnfnnd made ll tt isilclzicislamcnn Explosmn Rocks Apartment Site think that there are very few efforts in examinations lies in and staggered the few remain TORONTO CF Further workers were chased from the unit nimimm matrimo olriliiurto av you ammo occasions in life when an of us facing and defeating detentist ing yards to victory scarcely eel completely prepaiiad to altitude Esther Baldwin York inches ahead of the quittcr and meet test situation We do our Wu 0311 0ufld 11 few second over record time level best to get as organized as inning 115 WM Lack of determination to face possible in whatever time wa 5019 lens lat WE 58 the result at the finish line cos have leit ourselves for prepara only 21 small part the mental this quitter both record and tion then just strike out datet cameiv thag is ours And with victory and this sh mum mined to do the best we can mOdEm 50 ways Di 1iV memwage or this column with the spiritual and factual mg few olvs develop aud hod talks were planned today be building by striking construc resources We have marshalicd has to their highest abysmal HOLD HEADS HIGH tween the Toronto Builders Ex ion employees Police said it We know would have been strong Our best does not always win change and the Toronto Buiid appeared container of pro better to have begun weeks or Likewise when it comes to ice 01 1135 the test but lng Trades chum iiian effort pane gas had fallen or been months ago but we also mow spiritual crises we otten seem once rendered it allows us to to break deadlocked negotia dropped down vertical pipe that it is now or never and to lack what it takes Why hold at Peads high when others trons There were no inluries and no never is too long to wait Perhaps we fail to realize our ad 33mm She Discussions stopped Wednes daniage lremember one June in the real capacities Perhaps wed as sigma flashback day when contractors required REM SEVEN middle of my high school years rather be comfortable and mad return to work as condition Ponce mes van strike when built up seemingly incre Or maybe we let doubt it an ages 01 further negotiation of griev tr strong religious and intellectual and fear defeat us along the damned Psmng liners The negotiations com glsmesgaisigb am defence against SiliiniiE My way in working toward any mehflnliJbE me Cided with stormy day at 1° awareness of religious teachings kind of success in life we need slvzflfaé construction sites in the Tcr Neatly 140ml 183 of had just reached the stage to start with the right attitude his 351s onto area the Laborers Union Wednesday where was overwhelmed by Two of the most encouraging W11 gentlemeamug At Newmriikeh 75 mil gm Gerald caught secre the implications of the doctrine words in the world are you hast 135 north shunning centre can it treasurer said with aLso When Hitlers bombs and brightest talents at His Day In Parliamentlilled With Biggest ssues 0i Session feet Hell not forget tilefeeblest service humblest love He only asks that of our store we give the best we have Christ gives the best He takes the hearts We offer And ills them with His struetion job was raided by some 300 men scattering so workers and leaving an esti mated $300 damage behind them It was not known whether the strike of housing and build ing trades inToronto and the raid were connected meetings with the Builders Et change would not be profitable if they were to be held in the presence of Donald McKiiiop lawyer for the exchange He said he objects to the is sues being placed in legal framework and asked the striin crashed on londonbut couldnt crush its spirit tiia one deiining two types of murder and decreeing the death penalty for only premeditated slayings or those associated with crimes of violence Thus into one parliamentary daythe 132nd sitting day in By non amateur Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA CPlMuch of what lies ahead in Canadian politics will be dated from the hectic parliamentary events at Wed nesdny June 14 Ciro Romanin general con ers whether they are prepared tractor was surrounded by the to stay out or month or six raiders when he tried to tele weeks phone police The phone was Yes yes the men shouted snatched from his hand but he The exchange has applied to was not injured Windows were the Ontario Labor Relations broken and supplies scattered Board for permission to prose in suburban Scarborough so cute MrGailagher contending unfinished apartment block was he counselled an illegal strike rocked by an explosion after of the subway project glorious beauty joy and peace And in Ills service as were growing stronger The calls to grand achieve ments eer increase Tostudents all then good How was the Commons 013 Cflmflnms Was crammed luck and best eltort in your spending almost an entire sit all the biggest issues lithe ses examsl ting day on political acrimony 51011 mgetheatediorgidor dis surrounding the governments cussion ensue ere was plan to inrce by legislation the one common ground The day AP will Want Ad resignation of James CoyneI produced more than enough 50 PA Will governor of the Banker Canada grist for an election mill TYPEWBITEBS Here too was Finance Min What happens now ister Flemings clear indication bA probable tfirsfi step woult that the government is turning some sor Eovernmen to the expansinnisteconomicpm legislation dealing with Mr NEW REBUILT tideswhich he said is at the Coyne whom only Parhament OM root of the rift between the Cnn can ramnve from his $50000a 49so RENTAL and SERVICE gtBllSiNESS moms 69 Dunlap St PA 8432 ionu Cone at 100 945 out 336 servative administration and the year job That means another banks restrictionistgovernor debate in budget to be presented Tbejbudget itself is bound to next Tuesday night set off another political scrap Into this eventful skirmish It always does unannounced came senate Will the government accept or manpower 00mm TEPm reject the Senates amendment urging an overhaul of the Bank the tariff bimr There has of Canada and closer integration heen some Shemhfinn that this of its policies with those of the could produce an election issue finance department Meanwhile the Liberal ma Sm mm jority in the Senate carried out its threat and On a7tn21 vote deleted key point in the gov emments class or kind tariff billarbitrary ministerial power to make certain decisions not subject to appeal Meat Dinner for your HUROHIA One thetewill tell that Gerber Chicken with DRIVE1N Vegetables is superi udisb in flavor color and MAY ALSO AMEND Tm TEE oficHESTRA texture with Gerber qualityevidenc in every 35 if an this were not enough Pit 93391 spoonf Heaps oftender juicy chicken areblendecl for one day there were indicn wit tions in the Senate oivpossible nonpartisan attempts to amend anotlie major govern our bill ¥DANCE ro vomt Envoulum like All Gerber Foods iaiists who work for your babys find all babies nutritional benefit flilllVlEW CIJMMIINITY EENTBIE nocmms EvEnv OAKVIEWBEACH to toGeii Chk thk mm mi fiollsgll FRIDAY JUNE 16 ls no AT Beef vealLiverlBacon ZKENNYS rickurvoun FitEr MON Ys vmocouro mountain Ajr cANAoiANAo EMYM COUPLES oNLv 42 ST AROUND Adm stunner Couple No Show Jeans 0r Unitormgh

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