Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jun 1961, p. 14

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portion or In ll m8ARRIImMINEBTEUBSDAYJUNEHmI ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS omitAt the Royal Vic loflh leul Blrrle an may do June 13 1961 in If no In William Dyklule SE Iiil Street west Barrie out tor Beiui Temp PROUD PARENTS NEWS oi the Blessed Event can be announced to your friends relatives Ior only $150 Jul telephone PA ace14 DEATHS IMITEAt his home uldhont on Wednesday dune ii mi Ar thur smith beloved bus ad or chrisiina Ann Maynard and loving lathcr at Carolina Mrs Jack Kelly ol Toronto and James or Dari1e brother at Ellen him Cooper ol Dundas Ontario in till 73rd year Resting II this Pcthick Nuenl Home 121 BI iield street Derric Service ih chapel Friday at 1311 In terment barrio Union Cemetery ENGAGEMENTS CONNREID Mr and aim has Conn wish to announce tba engagement at their youlmer daugnter Vera Diane to air Charles Mitchell Reid son or air and Mrs Arthur iteid Thornton Onilrio The marriage is In take place saiurduy July eighth at three oclock In si Andme Presbyterlan Church Creemcre on REAMANCAILSON hits Frcdcliitlt Lane ol liarrie wish to announce the engI emeot at their daughter Miss KI henna Deanna Itearoan to hir LIITy Allan Carson son ol Mr and Mrs Allan Camila Inaminim wedding in to in ace at liurton Avenue United Church Danie at 300 pm NICHOLS DDWTIIWAITE Mr and Mrs pcrcy Murrcli ol Moose Jaw Saskatchewan wish to announcc the engagement or their daughter Eleanor SonII Nichols to Mr Ion Anthony Dowthwaiic dun or Mrs Doris Dowthwaite Ind the late Mr James Dawihwaiic ol Dorrie The marriage Is to take place In Prin ity Anglican Church barrio on Saturday June Ii 196i It 100 pm COMING EVENTS Last Dance of the Season IVY ORANGE HALL FRIDAY JUNE 16 930 PM To AM PAXTONS ORCursmA Lucky spot rixas Lunch counter ADIIISSION 75c AFTERNOON TEA FRIDAY JUNE I6ih pm till pm at the horde oi Mr and Mrs Heber Smith 125 COLLINGWOOD STREET DvthoNl WELCOME sonsored by horde Womens pProgressive conservative Assn MR AND MRS ROBERT SINCLAIR CROWN mu ONTARIO will be at home to tour iriends and neighbors on the occasion or their GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY JUNE 18 Artsrnoon 230 to 500 pm Evening to 900 pm For WanlAd Service DiaI PA 24I4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified adverc tisements are inserted at the rate of it per word per insertion for one and two times per word forthree four or five times and Wei per Word lot or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96 FOR WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CPARGILE PER SINGLE 1N SERTION ERRORS 03 CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that air phunb lulmlon orders are accepts an as convenience town the advertiser Thereiore the classified Advertising Deparisnent requires all advertisers to kindly rccheck their advertisement immedlaocly Iltcr first insertion in order that any errors or omissions may he reported hetero can in order that damn may be rectified lol the allowing duyl insertion ordnr We wishto oiht out that The Barrio Exa er is responsible or only one incorrectly mated insertion on my drive meat and then to the extant or that involve lil Pint man which do not lessen Ila value at flit Idoorflder moot are not eligible ior curren don by mako goods Bath and ma alylu or lami didpla classifieds mly lit Db in through Tha Examlw Id veriicing depurhneni BLIND REPLIES Inhmntion regarding advertiser Bllntl Letter Box Number £0 apnea iaIleiilflriofly confide outta Ilia lie to atlatBoxal wiil unduly lo dIya duet last div or publication gt HOme Hunting REAL ESTATE PROPER FOR SALE HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE IS OwenSi Barrie PHONE PA 3558 Italian mm REAL ESTATE CUSNM BUILT HOME buiitln heautilul kitchen will oven no we dlnlnl mom Ilv iog room three bedrooms two complete bathrooms Family room with Arcplaca Ind den These two rooms could be used ior extra bedrooms This home was mull ted ior electric heating anu screen lor fireplace living room planter torem with prwerw Asking price $5000 Pbona lcr Ipv Pointment BIG BAY POINT Year round home Ilvinl mom and kitchen two bedroom and bath one block lrom Iakcshore Treed lot 150 Take only SW per yen Allin prito 500 N0 11 HIGHWAY SOUTH Living room dining room kitch en two bedrooms three piece bath suo porch and gersga with workshop Lot so it 200 Texas only two per year Asking rice $5000 with 31500 down as one privatc mortgage payments to be arranged After hours Idiotic Paddy MilesPA $5310 30 FieweliiogPA $5883 HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 93 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 Member or barrio and District deal Estate board EVmINGS CALL Hamill MILLER PA W75 JOE PALMER PA was mi MARSHALL PA 09911 NORAH Anus Ora 407 HAROLD FORSTm PA Miss ESTATE BOPBBT FOB sank ROGERS CONNELL REAL oNEbuNmP TORS SiliEEIEASl First in Barrie pom suesForemost in Quality oi ScrvICI PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENIN In ll KlODRlPA Nil ROGmbPA 3456 mm CLIFF um Kim BROWN REALTOR GS CALL rosTmPA out CONNZLLPA was man dunno 82 HIGH STREET BARBIE PHONES PA 50241 PA 60241 Smith ClmpbollPA Iona hutPA Hui erru GinnyPA 57951 Members oi th Dalrid 15 Real mate board EE BARRIE VIEW Elmos natal lubdlvillun Thu lenient homo building by DIAL for in All services IuPplled and It LI located Slut on Bmlnw ideal iacItloh or that DIV homo Gord spring and Doug Humr In Paid tor IIII Du Lb mull DrlvoIA GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD Gonn SPRINGPA Lem noun nosingPA c4001 BOAKE REALTOR BRADFORD 5mm BARRIE PA 05337 OR PA 05am suil selling Irma to lIrmuI lor arming clan WakomInPA Mist Ralph DhakaPA Dodo Mombon oi barrio and District Iieai Estate Board MOVED May 16 1961 To DUNLPP STREET Next in Brown or CD STEVENSONS ALL KINDS INSURANCE NORMAN Shekwe REAL DSTATDBROKim Duniop street East PA 8996 OR 68742 EVENINGS CALL Jab LDDEUD PA H743 Everett shelrweli era 19 Howard Norris PA to IIch wulsoh PA Meal Ilm Lemon PA 6617 Norman shelswell PA mil CONTROL YOUR OWN FUTURE Invest in snack bar and service station well established busi ness corner or county roads No ii and own as stcelcs Rue taurnnt In Scrvice station This includes the property equipment IndIll accessories in the business DCURITY MEANS mPINfis You lust couldnt go wrong in purchasing this busi nesr The gnlionage in gasouhe sales is quite high and the res tIurarlt has in reaching repu tntian for in homemade cook ing and acrvice It you are inter ested in purchasing Profitable husinus gt right price dont hesitate until It is too iI call at once TAXES LESS THAN 50 An the city conveniences in this Itvc room bungalow madam In de tuII large lot Tom price slosoo Vety reasonable payments Taxes only $11276 Situated at Paine wick just law duala GISI if No II Highwhy $6432 MONTHLY COVERS EVERYTHING beautqu two bedroom brick bun galow plus living room dining area and kitchen iuii basement only years old Close to pubuc and high schools Must be sold as owner is moving out the province Costa nothing to look and it may pay dividends AT WOODLAND BEACH rear room cottage on high D19 is wooded lot Total price $2200 Must be sold at once owner has to raise $1000 Balance ml be arranged on easy terms GRAYDON KOHL REAL ESTATE 51mm PA 04252 WASAGA BEACH 115 DUNLOP ST EAST EVENINGS PA Hm PA Lassa HENDERSON REALTOR to COLLIER smr PEONE PA 82578 OODRmGTON AREA This one home has rooms and piece bath recreation room in basement 5Vmortguge Priced to sell call Percy Ford 11 AGNES $12000 charming grey brick bedroom bungalow with garage All rgbmgs are iafify cod wen rangc snoo pays every thing Cali lute Scandrett TREES GALORE About three miles from Elma on °il It awn Ilia room II oreplsce dining room twg tIvIn lilo bedrooms den xunraum roar piece haul All canvzhluncel our livlng $12500 WILD terms who Ru Scaudreit 0VERLOOKING DAY This oidertvpa home In 12 $2 indeed i°ulbaTm5ymtrh$ er ov Eagerly no xso It Cali Percy EVENNGS CAIJI RlIA SCANDREII PA was Coming Events per word minimum charge $150 Bllffll and Death Notices for up to 25 WDrdsioverZSWIlrds5o per word extra MeiupribmNo so PERCY FDRD PA unto Member or card sod nutrietaao oatsri II Estate Board III Am FARM buliilin holiu with got MIle water livers used lie per CARSON it 45A DUNLOP ST PA 6648I Mpmhzr oi Burrio and District Re Est hoard MOVING For complete movin service all and taller III COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT KI Es Rd Borne PAIkWAy 35575 PA 68125 CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlop St MADE HARSHALL PA 04450 canny PA 95400 WE WELCOMEALL TYPES or LISTINGS $1500 FULL PRICE EliIii Lo catedat 354 HavocId Street No down payment required $90 mon thly carries this three bzdrrmin tony ihsul brick house PA anur noon brick Home bed rooms dining room not water all fireplace bay windows lull attic and basement garage patio trees completely redecorated Suhstahtlai down pityneat Fain blocks tram Five Points Telephone PA 84417 INCOME KOME close to Cadflnfl ton school Sell contained apart ment stain Faul rooms and piece tle bath on main flea Hillsth recreation room and lie room in basement Gangs co ell5 drive PA 66636 evening DAILY CROSSWOIID AGE058 MAM dross Boxer Max Blue 10 Nuiiify 13 Girder bolt 18 Oklahoma city 8Alt of am he Obtain dnobylonhn od 1Animaia Attacks 9icture border 11Dens Rosary 17 Suile head block 15SLIIithrlI 181man 16newration 1900niorts tor valor 20 Positive lonesome pole 2112er gym ammoseliess 24Avoidanca 25mm 21mm to 29niiolis WinksII Night flyBl 85Mai2 ROSE REAL ESTATE 830m 70 mm 5mm DARRIB CENTRAL stony brick homo located veil central In the can area be rooms and bath upstairs Llifa lile room Ind Iamiiy slxo cbcn downstairs Nu basement on heating new root This home is in excellent condition both in sldo and out hilly landscaped lot with planter at root at house Bill Price only SIDIBW ALIANDALE IS ROOMS BATHS income home The upstairs rents It tins monthly leaving room artoient ter the owner down irs Porccd air on heating Ich gsrsge 70 to This proplt erty ll located very central to stores and bus lino Full prica sumo SHANNON STREET Damon brink bullxhlow wiih attached garage insgs living room Iud extra largo kitchen iuii base ment with completely ilnIahId Iecmdilon room ill Ianced and landscaped tot Appa trees and berry bushes This is very nice home and well planned and you should make In appointment to see it now LETITIA STREET Etccutivc type home located on large treed tel as leatullng Ileillooms shape living room and dining room open are place oi Georgina marble thermo panc picture window aluminum charms and screens mulllob room and It plcce washroom in basement attached gIragc This is well built and well kcpt home only about ltd your old Make an appointment to In this homa today CGE AREA 196 storey large bedroom home kitchens located on 111 lot 72 219 Fizch air DlI hellInl Down payment only 52000 PEEL ST poo lull price bedrooms liv room and kitchen tull one ment new gas heating rorccd abs close to an schools ITelms cGE AREA 000 full price loomsmii basement gas heating Good in vestment Presently rooted at 15 CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member of Lilo Barrie and Dillriot ileal mate Board YEAR OLD solid brick hung low Large livingmnin dining area threa large bedrooms cera mic tile kitchen and bathroom Apply box Barrie aquhucr bedroom bungalow one year old gas heated EdiLA mortgage Mignon crescent Telephone PA brick home to enable tamiiy to Join him IsDCaLioh north end Any reasonable otiers considered $12050 Please telephone PA Mm martian any hnlu melee patrols snake 24139 ists norm on 2510 non Plus 261l1dimi shelters 27Torrilied 281ingue 3LVPJitu1el SE at AGLET bastardre Answer 860Daliinludb 37 adiosab ofiepriijig garment Zliiifiiillz illllfiilllfl luau me II dfiVsVAfli EEII yillllfiilil= ifllflflz DIIIIZDII nan hall manthy Terms cash to owner Poll QUICK SALE by owner Poul mton WINNER Transierud Must sell lovely three bedroom Its wonderful the way Classified Ads gel re suits Phone PA 824I4 INVEST YOURMONEY WCltCh Exam REAL ESTATE ner RENTALS PROPERTY FOB SALE ans HOUSES TO RENT STOUTT AGENCDE LIMITED COLLIER STREET PA 655 ONTARIOS LARGEFI REALTORS LOTS lN AND OUT OF BARBIE ibcrua 5L loo My tor your dream house on contemporary line or could be divided tor two laminae beet serviced lot in ty cl barrio SBANIY BAY ROAD loo lot Lut lot within city limlu TotI gin 5000 and it could In two is lots No to skimd or the bundle br sued each lots and house Palm Beach ncIr Oro 50 water Ironinga on one lot Totkl price $9000 with 000 mu NMHIN TO DO BUT comm THE RENT rierea dandy srtmebt hous buy close to everything Property in this MIDI in voice every mu ca 015500 Maire oppo tment to se ails one Plait Iwa TO PLEASE LADY AND THOSE SHE WOULD LIKE TO PLEASEI Livingdihiag rooms with broad ioom and attracuva stone wau Ona bedroom with broadloom and III bedrooms with double clos all it you ukc to entertain this beautiml homo hss complete rec room including bar sink stove orig cupboards and very attractive deeor aih down sod bath up In this brick bungalow with attached gIngI CID us show you this honey or Ihomo today NEAR BRENIWOOD Am Lot cement basement to build on roamed house well Ind douhiegarags all or the low price at About $1000 down will buy tI COMMERCIAL PROPERTY is1 landlord Street mcelioat ct lor buslncsc Ona lot on radioed going back to two lots on Ellen Street mil price slam Come In and see us about this valuable property todayi Almlms olr THE IiAiuu AND DISTRICT Rm ETATE BOA Merv GouldOre zeta Doris NuiiycpmthA 55901 with GouldOrb zslo Parry SimonPA m7 PROPERTY WTD IDBUY WANTEDThlee bedroom bungs fw in need ol gtng air llllxl no over aoxuw Danie human FARM on Country Home wanted to buy within 10 miles ol Darria on good roadnorth or north west Telephona PA odsoo alter pun Acmcd WANTED south or bar no for homeaiteiols acres on or close to No it Highway Giva particulars by letter Dean RR Cooksvllle PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT SMALL HOUSE lor auto or rent in stroud Large lot Close to stores would suit couple with one hlifl Telephone 91m stroud alter pun BUS OPPORTUNITIES ml OP Zl Nutriu colors healthy well lurred animals Also to galvanised pcnn Bargain or Cash ply to Gerald McBride RR trend Ont ATEERLEY Ontario DeIutIlul summer resort on Lake slmcoc Ten units with conveniences plus winterized home and garage Tele ggogoa hisrie Cunningham FA Lit65 two storey brick house all heated Queens Pu Inn Available now Unlurnished Tale phone PA Iltcr Dan mm largo uviug room too month hated Anal $5 bn Road or telephone PA 59173 ma IoobL nil contained uh furnish apartment Cntnl inc tioh zoo per month Telephbpo PA 57391 liter PAL anon lhnc room anrtment with stove and Mlzniprx Very centth Pflmo entrance Mason me real Telephone PA mil your boost uuiurnishrd hcated apartment three piece bath Pri vate coirace Avsuable immedi ately Telephone PA him Emu Arum or cottage with business girl prelernhiy with car Telephone PA Motto inn Thursday and Monday on CONTAINED Apartment rooms and bath plus storage room Heated out er month Apply Al landsls era mu DOOM heated Icli connin ed apartment with stove and retri gartar situated in the East end Available immediately Telephone PA 5100 Two man bachelor Apartment for not fiddler tor and stove lupplied LOCIch downtown Available immediately Telephone PA ms daytime rumsnh Apartment three room with bautln cupboards parking Central Cloia to new shoooins plan AP ply to miss Street North Two Punrtishmo Room ADMi4 meat Hot and cold water suit able ior one or two Iditlu Avail able now Telephone pA 37196 aveaiogs BRAND NEW three bedroom bun galow available August lit Oil heating Iiur North Cniieziau and public achDDl 3100 month Tole phano PA 07175 alter pm THREE Doom luralshcd art ment in new home Prlvnip stir room laundry and parking laeiii ties East end Available immedl Iteiy PA b7110 one agonooll Apartment with all tacillues op osIta stmcoo Plaza Autumn in Apply to BIID Downsv aw Drive or telephone PA 80548 Two DEDhooM apartment unitIA nlahcd heated One block irom main street 50 per month Tele phone PA 50944 Iiier 515 or Ip va It Robinsons Hardware moss noon unturnubcd bub ed apartment sail contained sep ante antrooce close to West End PlIn Clean and quiet Reason able Telephone PA 50009 mumsnzn Upper Apartment rooms piece bathroom sep IIIM antralice $45 monthly VI ant Jilly Apply mr loo llcnry street¢larrlo uppmt DUPLEX spacious room aparimmt with balcony heated heavy duty wiring Ail re decorated Telephone PA 54510 meal Iinull or evenings uNPuiLNISDDD our room spart mbbi thrcc picce bath selt con taincd laundry and parking fac iuticr Apply It 52 Marcus street Barrie mm ROOM unlulnisbed sell contained apartment Garage and basement centrIUy locatcd Hca vy wiring Avallabienow Tele phone PA 66237 THREE ROOM heated ilmlshd apartment or rent also bod tit tth room and kitchenette Avail ailemimmedisteiy Telephona PA spacious three mills noon unlurnished apart meat separate entrance soil con tained parking laciiiiies Avail able immediately TeIePhDDrPA 82170lor iurther lnlarmation Two UNFImNISIilm nuebclor apartments lor rent Relrlgeraior and stove supplied Downtown lo cation Available immediately Telephone PA M751 daytime MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments insured Iguinst accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE DUNLOP ST WET liAlutII PA mart IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS OTa coosoudats debts Pay oli existing mollfllu Or mortgages coming due Homo unprovemsnt lADy worthwhile cause Call today for appointment PA boost Mortgage Funding Of Canada Ins DUNLOP 51ml EAST UP TO 15 RETURN For Saler Short Term First Mortgages with guaranteed collateral 051995 buy $2200 mortgage 32125 buys new mortgage 032295 buy $2600 1130mm For further information call MR MILLER PA 61032 smoo 1711151 MORTGAGE wInied immediately to clear up no es tatet Apply 30x DIrria Exam liter MORTGAGESlet and 2nd boogli gold Ind arranged commereis lnd residentIll moneys loaned on existing mortgages Barrio Mm Ella Brokers PA N504 RENTALS PROPERTY FOR RENT Pon on or lease build ing Insulated 20 50 Rent very rsaaonnblc Telephone deliver Lum hcr Company Limited PA ossil ask tor Mr BIirtLr omens STORES RENT scout iron RENT 55 month also sell contained two bedroom apartment month both cen ir Telephone pa owl sToiiB POD RENT queen street Cooksiown Good ioeItion ior bar bcrahop or shoe repair and shoe ziea Telephone 4504281 Cooks own APTS HOUSES 10 RENT ncpltoom unluraisbed apart ment one black lroro past oiiiee Telephone FA 65713 APARTMENT for rent Two large ironi rooms Illrniiiad Item is very reasonable 157 Mary sirect street or phone PA 65116 AVAILABLE Immediately Ona nildished apartment one unfurlP iahcd Both sell contained One child welcome Days phonl PA 170 evenings PA 04808 CENTRAth Located Three room unluraished apartment with path 52ch and rcrrigerator supplied Reasonable rent Parking avail thlc Telephone PA 39684 between 410 pm and 630 pm SELF CONTAINED uniulnished heated two bedroom apaiment Envy wiring iroat and back on trabce laundry room Chiidren welcome Apply Biyfieid momma two room sport meat with kitchenette and bath room private entrance Heat by dro and parking space included €331 Preferred Apply in Napier TWO BEDROOM ground floor apartment for rent Completely sci contained not water heated Garage central location Avail able Iuna is Telephone PA 0705 arter pm THREE DOOM hes apartment and bathroom Private entrance stove and relrigeretor included Three blocks Irma past entice Parking $65 per month Telephone PA 61320 Pimmsm three robin summer cottage Ratrizeratul stove space heater and hydro included Duh skirts oi Barrie on Kcmpeplclt BI Rent reasonable Available immediately Telephone PA 34945 mi noout Aparim cut with prlularhltiirdom hot water all heated rczrigerator Ind heavy dutystove included Located on Dortoa Avenue Apply 48 Centre street THESE ROOM unfurnished deli contained Iplrlmant Hell and hot Watlr supplied Newly decorated throughout 15 per month or weekly rate If desired Telephana PA ozno actor pm ROOM lpartmnnl hezted Im curoisbed private entrance Owen Street 5500 monthly Also tivc room apartment cell contained 575 per month Tclcphpna PA ATTRACTIVBLY Punished or partly IurniAhil our room apart ment gels containedriiaih and balcony Not auiiabIe lorcltiid ren TelephonePA 29131 Dr 15 Campbell Avcnu UNPUDNIDHDD group floor aparimcat one hedroom living room kitchen and bathroom Heat and watCr supplied Separate en trancc $65 monthly Telephone PA nose HOUSE Pon nnNT seven rooms bath is minutes drive tram Bur rle in village or nilisdatc Avail able July 11545 month with lease Can be seen anytime ll Jennlilla PA 55573 or 0rd Pnnnisndp Apartmcnt Large bright living loom dining room bedroom snore kiioium and bath room Heavy duty stove brill Frig main not water ond heat sup pIIed Avniinlili inlmoiliuily Pri vcie entrance Central Absininols 50 Maple Avcnutz Phone PA in IIODM AND BOARD available in preterred parking space Located near General Electric Telephone PA 34615 Home cooking and will pack lun chea it desired Telephone 05757 or lurihcr iniormation SUMMERRESORTS WAsAGA BEACH on river uiiy iurnishcd three bedrooms living room liens aonablc ior quick sale Call Tor onto DA 50000 JICr 5pm coli ec RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENT Tints noon arraigned Apart morlt tor rout Teiopimnn PA M951 alter pmx 1100 mitooiti House for rent AvIuI Is In Aduik Tele phoDu PA 64 THREE OM iuialshd Ipart meat in hum Private bath room Parkiug laciiitiea East end Avpihhia immediately PA 87110 PuliNisImD thrca room art ment with klteheneita iirep cc large lbveLy grounds parking Dcrcgy street Telephone PA 04560 alter pm Ioim liooM iumished apart robot with private bath Hut by dro and water supplied This is in quiet oi the city Suit couple Avlillbib now 10 per month Telephone PA Hm NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom apartments scenic Kempcuicit tcr parking and Included Automauo washing ciiiuen PA 32901 FURNISHED artmcnt bed at tiag room and teboo with stove and recrlgerator Avsuablo immed iIton Telephone PA point or ap ply horton Ave Heavy duty stove tor sale FURNISHED three room apart mcat lune picca bath heavy duty stove and Terrillrater Hardwood noon Sell conuincd AvIlInhia July Apply Armstronng xsr war ATTRACTIVE clean co pleteiy burnished three roam apartment Living room kitchen bedroom with twin beih bathroom sell contained Adults Available July Apply ids Coulcr fstrcct AmACTIVE three room unlup nisbed heated apartment Red curated sell contained with pri ate bathroom stove and retrigc ator auppued Suitable fur busi ncss couple Telephone PA 35156 EAST ENDLalge two bedroom apartment seir contained lion and reirlgeretor supplied Laundry iaeuiucs and good parking Adults figsilfhil June is Telephone PA Tuith BOOM unmairhed apart meut heat water suppucd Loca ted lilake and Dunlap Available immediately For further inlop mation Telephoua PA b9054 or PA 35477 Wlliooklnl WANTED TO RENT LADY PENSION requires an unfurnished roam Centrally lo caicd Required immediately Tele phono PA 61094 Two nnnltouai Aparuncnt loLs at cupboard space Quiet rclI bia tenants Iii Queens Park area Ground floor it possible wanted by August Tlepborle PA 37103 WANTED Two or three bedroom apartment or house tor July north out or east location only Three adults Telephone PA 55173 evaaings Tm mt FOUR Bedroom Iclt commodation urgently required as quickly as possible Phone Mr corkIn Camp Dordcn lio to to 430 or alter pm gt DY SEPT Two bedroom ri raont or duplex central sove and reirlgerator required Ground floor it possible Two quite reillt able adults Apply Box Barrie nominal ROOMS TO LET CLEAN finished Room or rent in downtown area For in formation phone PA 22357 COMFORTABLE Room in good home two biocka lrom downtown TV in evening Reasonable Tcle phona PA H275 evenings COMFORTABLE nmIisbcd Room or rent Central location Gentle mhn prelerred Teie honc PA 53961 ior further dots is Two lime Rooms fnr rent lots at hot water one housekeep ing room Very close to down town Telephone PA tlizio Two BRIGHT furnished house keeping rooms stove and rclrigc rater supplied Ample parking Close to Barrie PinagTelephonc PA moi Rooms To LEI togentlrmcn preterably from Monday until Priday construction workers web come Reasonable rates Good parking Apply to 72 High street or telephone PA 134121 ROOMS BOARD GOOD ROOIII and lloard or little girl In Dhllrciilli Telephone Lelrey um camlortnhlc home Gentleman noon AND noann tor gentle man available in private home PA coTTAGEs Ton SALE winterized CONNIE Can be coninctud at BA 54811 bctwecu pm and pm SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES FOR SALE Conant POE one or rent two bedrooms all conveniences Win terised Intted at lDDlllil park close to lake Apply Potemu Int ionde Perle Two albinith Cottage with ID conveniences I00 loot river Tonto age heautilul lot in miles irom barrio Muskoka dillrlcl Sicknul lorces iIlo Writo Box 7d Barrio Ennimx COTTAGES TO RENT THREE BEDROOM Cottage to rent by the season Infldo Convonllncu Big Day Point heautilul trced location Telephone PA Was ARTICLES for SALE EATONS WEEKEND SPECIALS ON TRADEIN MERCHANDISE VIKING WASHING MACHINE $4995 USED REFRIGERATORS $6995 up WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC WASHER $119 RCA RADIO COMBINATION $6995 RCA zl TV $8996 ADMIRAL 17 TV CONSOLE MODEL $79 COLEMAN SPACE HEATER $4995 USED Vi HP MUIORS ONLY NEW 50 HP EVHI RUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR $469 ONLY 1055 15 HP DVIN RUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR $159 ONLY 1955 75 HP EWIN RUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR $169 ONLY NEW 1960 so iiP VIKING OUTBOARD MOVIOR $599 ONLY 16 CEDAR STRIKE HULL $175 ONLY 14 CEDAR STRIP HULL $210 ONLY 12 ULDED PLY WOOD HULL $125 EATDNS EASY BUDGET mud AVAILABLE 1F Dmlm EWSPAPER MATS Shel mm Ideal 51118 but IIOIISE attics Earner versed insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Eartie Ontario VACUUM CLEANERS $5900 USED TV SETS $4900 RERIGERATORS $9500 McFADDENS 128 PENETANG ST PA 89288 FILL YOUR FREEZER with the finest nun and BLUE MEA IS ETC 100 Guaranteed QuIIity Budget Terms boarders 55000 and over Complete LIna or FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES are availabis to those who with to purchase their orders dolly at your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE its IiFliN sTllDIzifnmtkii PHONE pA Msot Free Delivery open Friday till pJn CHESTERFIELD Suite Admiral Tcicvisibn RadioRecord Player Occasional Tables Lamps bookcase Toy chest and Desk chest or Drawers lied Telephone PA 04972 Likii new Combination

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