our TELEPHONE 10an woman For Examiner Want Ads Tue Sunny and warmer tomorrow pticno PA Man The telephone Winds limit law tonight number to call for the Business High Friday 70 For full sum or Editorialme isPA 6657 mary please see page two éiiba Asks $28 MilliOn Barrie0ntarlo Canada Thursday June 15 1061 Not More Than lo per Copy18 Pages Urge Steps mm evet as mar In Ransom By JACK BEST Canadian PIE Staff Writer HAVANA CmEight prison ers captured by Cuban forces during the illfated invasion two months ago died accidentally as they were being evacuated from the battle urea Premier Fidel Castro disclosed Wednesday at press conference The Cuban leadcr made the disclosure between two meet ings he held with nnAmeri can delegation here to discuss technical details of his offer to return nearly 1200 prisoners captured in the April 17 inva sion if Cuba gets 500 tractors from the United States Castro told reporters good progress was made in the dis cusions but it was evident nothing in the nature of an agreement was reached The delegation was scheduled to fly back to the United States today following twoday visit to Havana Castro asked for $28000000 worth of formtype tractors in exchange for captive invaders most of them expatriate Cu bans N0 COMMITMENTS MADE The American group made no commitmcns and intended to lay the request before the tram tors for freedom committee headed by Mrs Franklin Roosevelt Whether the committee in its drive for public subscrip tions could raise the kind of money involved in Castros de mand was uncertain The As sociated Press reported other leaders of the drive besides Mrs Roosevelt are Waiter Reu ther head of the United Auto unison TRIAL Court Told Nashmdn Workers and Milton Eiscn bower The Cuban premier said he submitted to the delegation names of 1173 prisoners whom the government is willing to set free if terms can be worked out They did not include three leaders of the invasion expedl tion or to others held responsi ble for atrocities committed our ing the regime of former dic tator Fulgencio Batista Castro said he wishes to ex change the leaders for lhrce prominent political prisoners now in jail or awaiting sentence in the United States and Pucrto Rico WILL TRY CRLMINALS As for the criminals they would be held for trial in Cuba He said that in preference to tractors for prisioners held by Cuba he would rather make on exchange for like number of political prisoners who are in custodyjn the Unitel Slides Spain Puerto Rico Nicaragua and Guatemala The three invntion leaders are Manuel Artime political leader of the invasion Dom ingo San Roman its military commander and Rafael Olive second in command to San Rn man Castro said they would be held in New York for murder of child during an antiCuban demonstration Albizu Campos Puerto Rican nationalist lender and Henry Winston American Communist leader Castro said if North American authorities do not agree to re lease the trio Artime San Ro man and Oliva will have to stand trial in Cuba He did nn specify on what charges 1393 in LAUCHES now SUB This unusual picture of the US Navys newest nuclear Polaris firing submarine Thomas Edison was taken at night as finishing touches Cut Fire Insurance Gerald Nashman 38 charged with arson in connection with March fire at and Surplus Sales Dunlap Street reduced the amount of his fire insurance some time before the fire coun ty court was told today The trial without jury pre sided nver by Judge Donald VMacLaren got underway this moming with several Toronto businessmen coiled as witnesses The fire broke out at the mens wear store shortly after am Sunday March The building was gutted On March 28 on employee of the store Donald Alton Sanders 20 of 71 Mary Street was sen tenced to three years in Kings ton Penetentiary for arson in eonnection with the blaze Sanders pleaded guilty and told the count at that time he had set fire to the store because Nashman had told him to do so cur covnnncr This morning insurance agent Icon Periard told crown attor ney William Thompson that Nashmans insurance had mounted tasvsnoo total but that in December oi 1959 the amount of coverage had been reduced to 530000 Hetold the court also that Nashman had not kept up pay ments on his premiums The witness testified that at the time of the fire Nashman owed $247 on those premiums Nashmans counsel Sydney Paikin crossexamined Mr Periard saying PREMIUMS UNPAID The insurance could have been cancelled Hie premiums were unpaid and suggest that these are not the acts of man preparing to set fire for insur ance purposes At this point in the hearing crown attorney Thompson on jected to the line of cmssexam ination However Judge Mac Laren allow the questionto Mr Perinrd replied to it It wouldnt seem so Counsel Paikln then said The very policies were found in the premises They could have been destroyed in there CALLED AGENT The court was told that Mr Nasbmon called his insurance agent on the morning of the fire at approximately In am and asked Mr Periard if he was aware of what had happened It was brought out that Mr Periard told Mr Nashman an in correct amount of total cover age at that time but spoke to Nashman later in the day and informed him of the correct covA erage in effect DIDNT KNOW Defence counsel Paikin told the court while crossexamining Mr Periard that Mr Nashman didnt know what coverage he had and that there was doubt in his mind Turn to page two please Georgc Knuflonsensntional young professional golfer gave time to large galloryat Allendan GolfCourse yester day Even bcfo lhe instruc tiop gclinic begah stand recordingsGermanium TIPS feror asked for and received instruction Here Dr Crosslnnd of Barrie watches es Knudsen display the pro ner way to bring the club back Knudsen along with professionals Moe Norman and Frank Vyse and amateur Jim Small played 16 holes prior to the instruction pe riod See story page eigbtr Examiner Pile note were bcidg applied by work men at the Electric Boat Div ision of General Dynamics Corp in Gruton Conn The submarine willbe launched today AP lllrephntn Orillia Reeve Stallsiï¬cgistfy Office Addition John McDonald Orilliarceve today gave notice of motion to rescind Wednesdays adopted motion giving the goaheud on the proposed addition to the county building of registry of fice The vote on the motion WEI be made Friday morning It came following an address by Griffith Bingbam Orillia Bar Association representative this morning urging the matter get more consideration and that council defer its decision follow ing further study Mr gtBlngbam said the cost would be considerably less to erect registry office in the Orillia area Orillia he said is the logical centre for such an office being the fastestvgrowing county community It may be that we will need three registry offices in the next lo years he remarked Mr Eingham said there are 13 counties in Ontariofnr having more than one registry ofï¬ce USilimhassador Has Car Burned CARACAS Venezuela AP Several hundred proCastro stu dents burned US Ambassador Teodoro Moscosos automobile Wednesday night at Caracas University while he was attend ing an exhibit Government officials charged the students acted on orders of wellknown leftist leaders The Caracas press has accused university officials of being too lenient withCommunists in the student body who fstaged bloody uprisinglate this year Puerto Rican Moscoso was appointed ambassador to Vene zuela last March by President Kennedy in move to improve US relations with Latin Amer ica The students had been trying to get up demonstration ever since Moscoso arrived in Car acas but had been thwarted by the vigilance of police However police traditionally stay off Ven ezuelan campuses and Moscoso and his party went unguarded to see the exhibit atvthe School of Architecture cssub States US Violated Space HAVANA CF Fidel Cusv tros government accu ed the United States today of epeated violation of Cubonrair space and said note of protest isheing sent via the Czechoslovak Em bassy to Washi tang The foreign nffi gaveno de tailsof the allegedviolations but said full list of those since Jannzo would be attached torthe To Divert Ads Back Pram US COYNE STATES Govt Restricts OTTAWA CF Governor James Coyne of the Bank of Conadu sold today in effect that the governmentnot him selfhas been restricting ccos nomie growth in Canada by lack of adequate policies Mr Coyne in statement rev plying to Minister Flemings Commons critcisms of him Wednesday said Can adas economic troubles have not been in the field of mone tary policythe Bank of Com ados field What has been lacking so for is adequate action in the field of fiscal policy to make real contribution to economic recov ery and the growth of the Cana dian economy under Canadian ownership and control in this respect Mr Fleming revealed yesterday ho govern ment now has been suddenly converted HERES ONE The stranger stopped his car Jo watobtanaoglerspn ineriver bahlr The fisherman caughtn hig pike but threw it back The stronger said nothing The fisherman then landed large trout but threw that back also Finally he caught small perch and smiling happily de posited it in his bag The stronger was naturally curious Say he ended out why did you throw those two big ones back and keep the smaller one The fisherman shrugged Small frying pan Ix Economic Growth Mr Coyne who is under pending dismissal move in Par lioment by the government on nounccd Wednesday by Mr Fleming issued his statement today in the form of comment on Wednesdays report by the Senate committee on manpower But most of the statement was stronglyworded reply to Mr Fleming who accused Mr Coyne of restrictionist poli cies and saidthe soyenrold governor was standing in the way of expansionist govern ment policies Mr Coyne referred to the Son ate committee reports state ment that central bank mone tary policy should be accompan ied by complementary fiscal policy designed torpromote ex pansion and re move uncertain ties The report said there had been serious lack of coordi nation between monetary and fiscal policy Mr Coyne said As see it the trouble has not been in the field of mone tary policy which has always played constructive part in Canadian economic development lanfWhihï¬ has aanys be ready to support government fiscal policy if any ULTIMATUM EUROPE PEACE MOSCOW AP Premier Khrushchev raid tonight that peace settlement in Eu4 rope must be accomplished this your Professor Urges Preparation For Cominngulï¬Racial Society MONTREAL CPlThe 20th century has been characterized by the growth of science nation alism and tyranny the Confer ence of Learned societies was told Wednesday Prof Marcus Long of In Unl vcrsity of Toronto said science has grown to the point where it cannot wisely be denied place in liberal or humanistic educa tion In the next generation the man who lacks knowledge of science will neither be able to communicate with most learned men nor form an adequate con ception of man and his world One thing shaping this new world was the tide of national ism flowing over the colored peoples of Asia and Africa who for many years had been under White rule This posed new challenge to education in Can ada We are moving inevitably to rnultiracial society and the sooner we prepare our children INA NUrsnELL Jackie Plies Home ATHENS Homers Mrs for it the greaterthe chances of making this transition with out unnecessary bloodshed or recrimination FREEDOM RETREATING Prof Lung said the extension of tyranny over much of the world is being matched by retreat from freedom in North America where many are be coming convinced that security and efficiency are lifes highest values The ageold cry for social ju5lt tice had been taken up by those who say it cannot be achieved unless individual enterprise is curtailed in favor of central planning and regulating of the economy Businessmen should speak up in defence of the free institu tions thus manaced Prof Long said but they can only do this effectively if they are farmed with the values of humanistic education on education con cerned with man as an indivi dual Jacqueline Kennedy left for home by air today after nineday private vacation in GrEece News Agency Seiied KARACHI AP The government today took over Poldsti ans news agency Associated Press ofPakistan under orders from President Ayuh Khan DeportrBriber To Italy NEW YORK AP Salvatore Soilazzo 57 convicted briber in hlle1951 basketball scandals was deported Wednesday to his native Italy Eiperts In Penitentiaryr MONTREAL or There are but as manybankvholduns iMontical this year ccause most of die experts are in the penitentiary Detectiveinspector WilliamFitzpatrick said for tininterview Wednesday watchman Beaten bmowo or routmen car contestant today beat up ight watchman in result drink company office with blackjaeks and made offrwdli anestilnated $6000 mlAWA CP Canadas royal oommission on publica tions recommended today that domestic advertising placed in foreign magazines be stripped of its status as legitimate business expensein effect dou bling the cost to the advertiser in report tabled inthe Com mons by Prime Minister Dief cnbaker the three man com mission called as well for action under custom tariff low to bar from Canada all periodicals printed outside the country that contain Canadian domestic od vertising The commission described the recommnded steps asthc most direct and effective methods of ending diversion of Canadian domestic advertising to US owned publicationsand noled forcefully thot survival of the handful of Canadian consumer magazines depends on advertis ing lifeblood Chairman Graltan OLeory and fellow commissioners George Johnston and Claude Beauhicn said in their 25000 word report it must be clearly understood that they were ree ommending nothing which in any way might obstruct entry to Canada of foreign periodicals not carrying Canadian advortis ing directed primarily at thelCa nadian market The proposal that tax deduc tions bedisallowed on Canadian advertising placed in foreign publications is aimed primarily at the Canadian editlom of Time and Readers DlgLstn combi nation that has been picking up some 40 per cent at all maga zine advertising in Canada in tabling the to art Mr Diefenbaker told the ICommons the gavemmcntlis giving it care ful consideration in the light of the governments objective to foster sound and strong Ca nadianism He praised the commission members for work ing wtth commendatory zeal The report said The result of nondeductibility would be ap proximately to double thecost of domestic advertising in ii for eign periodical wherever printed The proposal to close Can adas borders to foreign maga zines carrying domestic Cana dian advertising is aimed at halting the growing practice by which American magazines of low the substitution of ads aimed at Canadian readers for part of their press run The royal commission was set up last September and Mr OLeary president of the ot tawo Journal was named chain mail RQ ygl Hearse Wins FMegte At Ascot Race LONDON tiri The Queen barely escapedinjury from terrified horse in the crowded paddock at Ascot race course Wednesday Just as the Queen entered the paddock with nerl husband Prince Philip big horse named Grey Days began buck ing flying hoof knocked over stable boy Handlers grabbed for the horses reins but the frightened animal whirled and bucked around the paddodr and headed in the direction of the Queen With regal poise the Queen stood stock still The animal swerved to one side and jockey grabbed its bride Close said stable boy The Queen said nothing Un ruffled she and Philip spent few minutes in the paddock and then returned to the royal box few minutes later She saw her horse grey filly named Aiming High heading down the stretch with chance to win 0h go on go on she shouted Prince Philip although no PRINCE PHILIP Cheers Queenl Wt great fan of horse racing got to his feet and cheered as Aim ing High crossed the finish line first it was the Queens first Ascot win since 1955 when the win became official Philip patted his wife on the shoulder The purse was £3562 and the starting odds were 100 to KNOWN AS ALEX Accuse Toronto Man Of VlLLE MARIE Quel CP Toronto man known only as Alex killed 72yeargold Ulric Lannie in search for $10000 in his cabin at nearby Angliers according to statement by Reian Beaudoin nf Kirkland Lake admitted at his murder trial here Gaston Archambault Quebec provincial police detective tes tified gtWednesday Beaudoin 29 told him he and Alex were surprised by Lannie last July while transacking his cabin in the northeastern Quebechamlet and the elderly man was slugged with birch log The statement said 55 was taken in cloth sack tied around Lanoios neck The ofï¬cer said Beaudoin who workéd only occasionally at odd jobsphad been told of the reported $20005 cache which was not foundby vlimmlns man named Emile Parent who was stated to have accompanied him to Angliers and pointed out Lannies home Beaudoin was quotedas on ing that he later met Alex in Firkihndllioke 45 miles northwest of here and the lat ter ined himontwo trips to Angliers The rst times the llaga wasoverilowing with Wedding reception 11 Next time Ithey had watched Lanoie leave the house and had begun searching it when he re turned The officer said Beaudoin told him he could notxecall the last name of his reported compan and QPF Corporal Richard VM son of Montreal testified It is my impression thereis no such person as Alex The corporal said an intensive search had failed to locate such persons Archamhault told the court traced telephone call had led to Beaudoins arrest As he discovered from Beau doin later the accused on re turning tn Kirkland Lake had told Rev RogerBourassa that he 1knew of on old man at Angllers who was hortond po sihly in need of help Later on theday of the killing waiter in beverage room at Rouyn Que wbcrc Father Bnurassa was being transferred saw priestiusing thepay phone for thefirst time in his noyeors of service Policetroccd the long distance chit Dollard Are guard at the Montreal jail whereBeaudoin was held testified thét an Aug 11 he slashed himhelf on the stomach nndleft wrist with razor blade