mom can loaders honored were Ieit MrsG Selwood Guide Captain who received her green tree award inr camperslicense itlrs lvan Gracey Division Chairman 07 Training awarded lamp of learning Mrs Bruce Gray 40 Guiding Years Marked At Dinner Barrie Guidesfare calohrat lngthcir 40th anniversary this year but to data tho history has been put togetherby bib and pieces it is an establish ed fact that thejflist Barrio Company registeredFeh 15 1921 and the recon Barrie company registere the same year it is the aim oi the Barrie company to tryandgather more information to complete it historical reaoid Mrs Frank carterFKetniJen ieltr Division Comnuasioner rc iated the factsmu Jukpersons attending the vannoat nor of thelempenielt Div Girl Guides Sue also relerred to the ï¬rst column which appears in The Barrie Examiner randeslated that tha Kempenlelt division which is nomadiaiter miral Kempenfeltwii edwithout the nlr as oi last evSning in uring bis easisession it was announcedlthiitaiiuide Companieshave enrequested tovlearn braill pr Battalion forwarking wi the Find and were asked to contactMrs lloward Vorale tte Itwas annntinced dy ear Ad 21 oi Octoher nisiil Mrs BadenPowell will be coming to Canada in October and will visit Toronto Oct 26 The annual rummage sale is slatedyfor Oct 13 at the Odd Fellows Temple Collier Street The event will be convened by Mrs Torn Bobior assisted by Mrs Helene Winter Mrs Moore Mrs Harold McMahon and Mrs Mildred Cole Plans were completed for Guide Camp this summer Mrs Elliott area commis sioner spake on the Promise and Law conference to be held at the area annual meeting in it was announced that Mrs Elliott will be retir ing in the near future Highlights oi the year were reported by Guida ieadersjAi landale Mrs Walter Dyer Barrie Central Mrs Mc Fadden Barrio North East Mrs Bruce Gray RCAF Ed gar Mrs Hockney in Craniield and Shanty Bay Mrs Martin Reports given included Camp ing by Mrs Gray and training by Mrs Ivan Graccy and the division commissioners reoort Mrs Frank Mulholland guest speaker gave important tips for healthy summer skin care NURSESRECEIVE DIPLOMAS re GRADUATES Hospital School of Nursing are left Miss Lynn Mollett of Beeton daughter of Mr and Mrs Gordon Moiiett Miss Velda Anne Hammeil Josephs Hammell Main Street Grad uation exercises were held or 64 graduates at Eaton Auditorium Toronto May 24 Miss Moliett received an award for excellence in bed side nursing daughter at Mr and Mrs Earl fSPEAKING mmdflmedlb Wuidlog mums145Wm birthright cominghim pm Iiuviallon and travellers anallltemsoruureu the women reads of thin me Ymfll maulIx this new will be greatly ay predated Please phone The Barrie Examiner PA H537 and lab for the Womena Pag Mrs Jameson and Mr Ind Mn Enlll Steian of Tim mlns were guests of Mrs Jon 95m son and daughterinvlaw Mr and Mrs Steve Joncscu Monday The trio were enroute homo otter visiting Mrs Jane cus husband ho is patient inWedein Hospital Toronto Division Commissioner green tree Mrs Carter right ek tends congratuations to Mrs Gracey EXECUTIVE MEETING An executive meeting war held at the home oi Mr and hire Victor Mcltlnster Angus Monday evening Plans were completed for the hicitlnster fondly rounion which will be held at the Community Centre atrlltopla July Dr and Mrs Urquhart Mal colm are vacationing at the home of the iatters parents Mr and Mrs Paul Melynchuk iMEssalioad Dr and rs Malcolm have recently retum ed mm on extensive European motor trip Prior to their tour THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE 11 1961 WI National5 Set For June At Vancouver VANCOUVER CF The Federated Womens institute of Canada organized in Winni peg 42 years ago wiiihoid its national convention here June ill2 with about 500 delegates present Meetings will be addressed Senator James Gladstone oi hertn owls Perinbam oi 0t tawa associate secretaryuoi the national commission or UNESCO and MrsHavep Smith of Chappell Neh1vice president of the Associated Country Women of the World panel on resources develop ment will he heldunder chair manship ot Mrs Grant Floyd at Sussex with Dr Helen Abeli of wa head of the rural sociology unit or the led nl agriculture department and Miss Charlotte Black direc tor oi home economicsnt the University of British Columbia The first Womens Institutei was founded in Ontario in 1897 The national group was or ganized in 1919 with Judge gmliiy Murphy as its first presi ED Today there nremore than 3000 local branches ithup WM noun panoramas words at 90000 members Founded as an organization for women living inrural areas concerned with agricul ture dustry home economics and itrzenship or PaoPLLfANDeLAcEs Dr Malcolm was on the staff of the Firestone Hospital at the Firestone Ember Plantatinnat was Wet Africa for two yours The couple will leave to Venture California at the end totlune where Dr Malcolm will be on suit RECEPTION Mrs Edward Cowman as stated by her brother Joseph Caruso held luncheon and re ceptioo in honor of their cousin Rev Father ngalo Caruso Rose Street ruidence Sunday Father Caruso said Mas at 1130 in St Marys Church and afterward gave his blessing to family and iriends who knew him when he spent summer va cations in Barrie asa studan Father Caruso was ordained in for the Pro Cathedral oi the Assumption North Bay June Among the guests were Mr and Mrs Frank Caruso North 335 parents 01 Father Caruso Messrs Sam and Enrico Car uso Brampton Mr and Mrs Frank Caruso Miss Rose Cor uso oi Aurora Mr and Mrs Walter Kenyon Don Mills Tony Caruso Holland Landing brother of Father Caruso Msgr Clair Rev Father Law and Rev Father Blackwell of St Marys Church JUNE TEA The Barrie Womens Progres sive Conservative Association will hold an alteran tea at the home of Haber Smith MP and Mrs Smith Collingwood Street Friday Mr and Mrs Srnlth will receive guests as sisted by Arthur Evans MLA and Mrs Evans and Mrs Her bert Noble president of the Womens Association WEEKEND GUESTS Mr and Mrs Handel lngham of Tacoma Waahington have been guests of their cousin Mrs Clayton Gosnoy Poyntz Street Mr undMrs 1c Steele iormcrly oilza Clapper ton Street have moved to their new residence Terra Novaplu Coilingwood Street North Bay at Mrs Coroorma TEAANDBAKESAIS Amandhahoaoleundergt the auspices of the Barrie We mm institute in being held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs Bowl Park Street Pouring tea at the event will be age Mrs Reg Adams Mn Prin gla Mn NBowl¢s Tea ae sistanta will be Mrs Baker Mn Newman Mn Dra dy and Mrs Dunn Bake table maveners ore Mn Sim momand Mrs hey Draw ticket convene are Mn Walsh and Mrs Campbell Mrs Morris ll tea rticket convener and kitchen conveners are Mrs Baker and Mrs Gardner Mrs Bowie will be receiving the guests attho ENGAGEMENT Mr and MrsFrank Dyce Gordonvliie Ontario have an nounced the engagement of their daughter Miss Donna isn bel Dyce to Edwin Scott son of Mr and Mrs Norman Scott Barrie Gordonvilie Presbyter ian Church will be the setting for the niternoon wedding cer emony July GOLDEN WEDDING Mr and Mrs Robert Sin clalr Crown Bill will be at home to friends and relatives this Sunday from to and to pm on the occasional their golden wedding aflDlVEl nary DANIERS END VISIT DUBLIN AP Princess Grace oi Monaco wound up her triumphant state visit to ire iand Tuesday night at what some called the most glamorous gala ever staged in the irish Rn public She was cheered by crowds to deep and more as she wasdriven along Dublins ancient streets to the site of the gala Police estimated the crowd at 150000 the biggest they have ever handled Tr An Examiner Want Ad TEE ENGAGEMENT has been announced of Miss Mar ion Joyce Lambert Reg Toronto daughter of Mr and Mrs Lambert Barrie Womens Groups Hold Iune Meeting Twentyone members and one visitornttcnded the United WA and WMS luna meeting Wed nesday alternoon Mrs Fred Mulbolland read the scripture commented on by Mrs Edgar Thompson emphas ing the importance and value of the Christian home The WA roll call was answer ed by donation for the bazaar Arrangements were made to serve wedding dinner July 15 thevisiting committee reported nine friendly visits made and donation of $25 made to lam ily who had sutiercdlosa by ï¬re The WMS meeting which fol lowed was presided over by Mrs Fred Mulhblland and Mrs McLean secretary Mrs Goodfeilow stressed some of the highlights of the recent Presbyteriai held in Oriliia The program was in charge conï¬rmWED Iner toBruce John Bigelow non of Dr and Mrs Bigelow of Barrie The wedding date is set forJuly ii at Collier Street United Church at 230 pm at the literature secretary Mrs Norman Campbell who gave very interesting synopsis oi the bookihe Gown of Glory by Agnes Turnhuii Hostesses were Mrs McLean Mrs Booth and Mrs0 Black BREAKFAST BACON Slde bacon which is cured and smoked is usually sold as sliced breakfast bacon rind on or rindiess For Commercial Industrial Phobos Portraits Passport Film Developing can SMITH STUDIO 38 Dnnlop St PA 176 over ilqu Peter Piper Says Come Seel ComeSavel On these Carefully Selected Exceptional Quality it Peter Piperv True llulues there IS limited Quantity So Shop Early ForSelection on ruthenium This is truly an exceptional Peter Piper True Value specially purchased at additional savings because the cloth used was an end of line but the quality the durability the constniction is the same as on the identical much higherpriced model with the new 61 fabric ma SiRDllER onto WrmMarmEss FITTED CONTOUR cannonrzn can sonar mensaw cnln BUMPER Here in this complete ensemble is everything you would need for yourbabys sleeping comfort To really appreciate this value you must come in and see it for yourself manna COTTON nonhuman mun ron TiiEiiiilliiES romance mun vaiunfcnrn QUALITY CRIB unit MATTRESS Thetorib is of complete hdtdWood construction in white and na tural finish two adjustable sidesvand 4posltionposturespring omen Of Bible in inimintvgreen summer yeuowlond gay Pied Piper blue Easily moved on four easyroilnyion castarsiï¬as teething rail goldlnn white diamdnd pangr gt on both sides and gayly decorated panels Stee frame lnbnked enameltinish Top rail in tubular The mattress is manumcmred exclusively the Pied Piper steeigchrome plated Footrest pusher wheels and one Show with Heavy guage qumed procgcuvg vinyl bottom ome plated ventilated sides and Jock construction Durable heavy with gsny decorated canvas top cov ring jsisal boundSize about mum sraoitrns gab $9 ed Cotton Broad1 hi ha char nail31 ught sho messages them Women at ï¬bldsilmes Chal nge Women of Today Mrs Fred Wataon spoke of thee faith and courage of Esther Deborah Mary Mag dalene and Mary the Mother of Jesus Misa Eileen Murdoch ose the life of Ruth and Naomi as her topic and Mrs kelgf the hired the rnee log with prayer and extended warm welcome or read letter TRUE moo COMPLETE nnsamnnu HilliliiiiillliT amass hi Fighting Mil ale an 1ng arer maul Tflgl 36 Fnlgxlooirs Up To Thee was wt