Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1961, p. 5

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He STUDENTS AT ALLISTON public school dont answer this old school bell any more For ovsn THE BACK FENCE By JOHN HEREIN RR Ailllion OnanearlySe mberdayin 1950 many people of Alliston and district believed that the great fire of 1891 was about to be reenected The mill one of the land marks of the town burnt to the ground Though it and its con tents were practically total loss there was no loss of life Our own fire brigade with some outside help kept the fire from spreading There was no question of re building in the same spot for the main street in midtown is no fit location for such vent ure In the olden days it was only natural that such mill should be centre around which the community was built up But modern times are different When we arrived here Mr Cunningham elderly but still bustling and energetic was the owner then it passed into the possession of the local Coop The day after the fire while the embers were still being watched and watered do wn they carried on from the small garage behind the burnedout structure and at once went to work to find new site Theold foundry on the SW outskirts long abandoned and sometimes used to store heavy equipment for certain firm was chosen as most suitable With the mem bers helping in whatever way they could some necessary changes were made and the vgnture has grown and flourish nuanLnrnnszo now For time gaping rubble filled hole periodically smould ering was an eyesore on the main street The next move was up to the government and in due course they decided that the new post office promised to the town might as well be built now and this providentinlly created gap was the logical place for it Then there was the old aerna or rink as it was called then big dark gloomy structure also near the SW lirnitsSome hockey was played if the winter was cold enough to makenaturv slice and once attended music festival there in the sum mer But one day one of the rafters oi beams gave way the roof sagged dangerously it was de cided in the interests ofsnfety that the whole thing wouldhave to come down Then what Should we let it go at that or should we rebuild The cost was of course the main consld oration Mlonr Mann 0051 But even the lukewarmpr noncommittal groups ed greatanthusiesm when it was pointed out that if we didmncll of the actual work ourselves under proper supervision of course thecost would be duced to the point where we hops their grandpaan did but now its relic at the piolt neer museum The museum is might as able to meet it without undue hardship So for some time every able bodiedman and boy for miles around gave what time could be spared to the job after hours from their regular daily job holidays halfholidays and Set urdnys Retired men came out of retirement farmers not to be left out offered use of hors es tractors and any ul eqiupment as well as such time as could be spared fromtbe necssary chores Everybody that offered was given something to do and al mst before we realized it we had brand new arena some thing to be proud of an artifice ial ice surface for hockey and skating in winter lacrosse and other odds and ends in summer Upstairs was an auditorium with stage at one end and modern kitchen at the other wonderful place forali man ner of things meetings ban quets dances and other such entertainment And in the past couple of years curling rink has benrbuiit nearby EDUCATION CHANGE In the re aim of education there has been great change The big old twostorey 93de cc which dominates the public school setup uéed to house both high and public schools There were five or sixroomr on each floor The high school as belitted its superior status occupied the topfloorgwhlle the ground floor was given Lover to the public school Overcrowding was be coming problem By dint of much figuring and planning the Banting Memorial High School was envisioned central point to which pupils from surround ing areas would be transported by bus But what at that time seemed tobe adequate for number of years has proved ev Ventually to be woeiuliy over crowded and several extensions have roved necessary Wi the opening of BMH the public school gratefullye pended taking up the whole of the building rcorganizingclas see and hiring additional staff At several points two classes bad to he held in the basement of one or other of thetowns churches Now even with two naw modern fourroom addit thergro glpains flexes beingjeit Thopressure temporariiyeosed when mainly through if efforts of Father McGivne several room Cathv olic school waserectedvalongo side the in the east end of town All the schools are conv lld ring additions now NEW PLANTS MDAY Though the shoe factory and th swéaterand glove factory things of the past other things have come to take their place We have casketan woodworking plantllaxtoi Lah Museum 10 Pan sermon located in Allistons Riverdale Park and was opened unoffic ialiy to the public June oratories and Salads Shlrrifl Horsey have located here er ecting line modern buildings and offering employment to many of the Though opinion sharply differs as to whether or not they are an ad vantage to the town we also have Brewers Retail store and facing it across the street Liquor Control Board nriooullet Webave museum and through the efforts of the Rotary Club swimming pool town park and just to the west is the new Earl Rowe Park and camp 51 We have hospital which though smell has been admir ably equipped and If ed though the extra room made available by transferring the nurses quarters from the base ment to separate fine new res idence nearby has been put to good use more room is urgent ly needed and here too an ex pansion program is being con sidered 0N MAINCPR LINE Though the CNR has greatly curtailed its services and gives only part time service for freight to Alliston we still are on one of the main lines of the CPR though the trains seem to run at most inconvient hours and some have been taken off altogether We are in favored position as to highways Only few mil es and minutes brings us to highways 27 400 and 10 and 24 and 89 run right through the town Though the town is ade quater policed it is reassuring to have the OPP boyson hand too We have an excellent lib rary fine weekly newspaper bowling alley and could go on and on Though we seem to have so mucht0 be grateful for there is sy the fly in the oint ment Due to circumstances beyond ourv control we have lost our ambulance service And lastly pet peeve of my own would like to see camerashop where we could get one or twoday service instead of the Week now needed because our films have to be sent to Toronto or some place out of town to be packaged something to think ll ms Examiner Ad gtPHDNE PA 321 ofVOo cooking fec doyoldunrudooo on 0er BllILDING 7Could StartfiAddition This7 Fall Architect Anaththefallonam addition to aim my administration building atjan estimatedeootdmfiomoould bomado Irving Botany memes uddteda have re portedtonouncilmlboupond The edition would follodihe appearance of tho administra tionbulldlng and bodesignod to bind with it new disc portion of the proposed addition would cost $150000 while mun trend and expanded prhvio AMONG THE ITEMS on div play at the South Sumoo plon eer museum is this ancient dog churn fhu churn was operated by dog which stood on treadmill The Hon Brynn Cnthcsrt minister of travel and publi city for Ontario wlll official ly open the museum Satur day June 17 Village Entertaine Health Unit Group WASAGA BEACHThe vil lage entetrolned the members of Simcoe County Health Unit at luncheon at Nancy Villa previous to the regular month ly meeting Present were Dr Scott Miss Gillespie Miss Gnntnn Earl Trace Mr Brown Mr Knee shew Ross Williams Rccve Anthony Beck Charles New ton and several members of Wasaga Council and office staff After lunch the chairman Mr Hneesbow called the meeting to order The resign ation of Miss Margaret Coyne was accepted and en quiries reviewed The subject of salary rates came up for discussion and will be debated further at the next meeting on June 21 Outstanding vouchers were marked for payment and other routine business dealt with Ice lei Narrowlr Kveris Accident LONDON or Trans Canada Air Liner D043 jetlluEl involved in near miss with an incoming United Arab Airlines Comet near nudon airport Feb 16 was above itsproper height the British air ministry reported Tuesday night Investigation showed the min istry said that the DCoow ing to misunderstanding in the cockpi climbed above the 400tfoot level to which it had breeln cleared by air traffic cone In Montreal Va TCA spokes man said thorough investiga tion by the air line had resulted in slight chengesin cockpit pro cedure Noise abatement procedure which was the basiccause of the misunderstanding has been re vised to ensure that no rech rence is likely the TCA spokesman said readily loch the present perk inx fldlltlu an becomnlg over faxed Several relish office build ion in emintiu were adjoining investigatedbetoro arriving at Bolson Associates also fed that the present upper parking lotlhould boutended is the proposed plan they say in theirreport itwlsiound that counties doing Ilmilnr volume dbusineas nl Sham Cum hadnmucbnrmorofloornren Is In proposed Floor space in the plan in 11500 sq feet lunch room on the main floor in in theiplln AROUND THE COUNTY Clerk Makes Investigation Of Countys CoatOfArms County leiE Fnad Hunter during the curreotsesslon of council reader of words has proved also to be researcher of crests County council asked in the January session for an interpe rotation of the county cotof annr Mr Hunter reports that it ll behaved the coat of arms is an adaptation from one used by the governor of Upper Canada in 1791 John Graves Simcoe The Slmcoe arms waoigrapted to his father navhl officer in 1141 gt First reference to the cur rent insignia Mr Hunter dil closes was in the county min utes of 1912 Custom dictated that the armlshould be quart ered with Elizabeth Gwlllum who married John in 1182 be ing represented in family by the Gwllium arm in opposite quarters of the crest The current arms moho reads in translation Non sibi sod putriue mooning lNotfor ones sell but for ones coun try them seem to be no part AskBylaw To OK Grdnt Io Hospi County council flopnce com mittee has asked for bylaw that authorizes county grant of $111577 to Midland for de benture payment on behalf of St Andrews Hospltai during its building program Ontario Municipal Board re fused to approve November 1960 county council bylaw given two readings authorizing the grant because council was acting ultravvires Legislative amendment to the municipal not now permits payment with thef stipulation that no bylaw passe under can Club Meets lit Minesing Fann to be renpprnised by specialists The regular meeting of the Minesing 4HCnlf Club was held June at 815 on the farm of Crawford of him esing The purpose of this meeting was to learn the facts of judg ing sheep When this was re viewed class of four South down yearling ewes were judg ed and each member gave reasons The final placement was made by Mr Crawford and ensons forzhis placement were made The meeting ended with reading of the minutes for the last meeting The rolircnll was answered by 23 members The next meeting will be July 13 Outdoor Facilities At fillislon Develop With New Public Park ALLISTON Over the past several years the citizens of Al liston have seen Lflrstratepub lie park develop in their con munity of the park ill park is haven of trees tables and outdoor es and safe and exciting play equipment for chii dren There is an entrance from the Camp Borden road one directly from the townitself gt Since then many iniproveg ments have taken place under the administration of the parks conunittee of Alliston town council The park has been the undue of many family rennin school ad church picnics crvtc events of importance chicken gt ThursdayNightvis Kinsmen Bingo Night can rations nun MUST Gil BEL KIN omen nenrkmmns barbecues endother events too numerous to mention Over the past two years work has been progressing toward the opening of the South Simcoe Museum which has been set up and equipped in sold old brick building located at the convenient spot for aliinteretcd parties to me ander to fell hearts tent andmuselovcr the old an dale Pflk The oi the museum will bedune l7 and ngiant chicken barb cue is planned June as Thre events in the offing thoramendcd clause shall be repealed or amended wlthout department npprovnl Commitlin recommends that nmllw be preiented autho the grant on son to the Ontario Municipal Board for approan Grant payment would be in 10 equal annual installments without interest and starting June 30 The bylaw requires 0MB approval before becom ing effective icullr significance to thevar lous symbols of the rootol anns Mr Hunter says ex cept that they were used with voriltlonr to muke up costs ofvnrms used clthervby right of heredity or by grant for somcservlce to the Crown it is doubtful if any coatfo arms has ever been registered with the College of Heralds in the name of County Simcoe search would cost council $15 he rnymmlemammm unds liter cos of yglstartlnn forlost Bear Cub GANANOQUE CF Cana dian customs official Joe Lynch has decidedto let the lZpound nineweelt oldvbesr cub he took away from three Pennsylvania hunters Monday go back to na ture Hahn given up the search for the cub which escaped from anelghbors rabbit hutch where he was keeping it before taking it to nearby Mellorytown Zoo Complying with US customs regulations lunch customs official on the Canadian side of the in notional Ivy Lea Bridge near here took the cob away from the three hunters whoahot its mother in Quebec HopePresident Will llecover From liilment ByEnd 0i Week Wosemcron OP Pres idem Kennedys ailing back is if thereiris no decided improve ment in five days it was learned Tuesday White House informants said the president is taking no med iclne or drugs and that while he continues to suffer some pain there is hope he will recover by the end of this week if recovery does not occur they said the whole situation will be reappraised One possi bility is that he may be flown back to Florida for long pe riod of ratJuost of the White House work would be taken over by VicePresident Lyndon John son Johnson substituted for Ken nedy Tuesday at luncheon where the president was aimed uledto speak to an assembly of United States mayors Police Apprehend Most Wanted Man TORONTO CF Johnny Pops Papnlin listed Monday as on of Canadas most wanted in wos abbed by police hererear Tuesday whue win dewshopping Policarsaid they were tipped The president on his return from Florida Monday after threeday mt had to be re moved fromthc plane by elec tric hoist He has been hobbling around the White House on crutches to keep the strain off his back Anrnmnn WORRIED Ono visitor who spoke with him said Kennedy appeared worried about his allment in formants said however there is no likelihood at this time that Gives Search 182 HAIR EXAMINER mm JUNE it Cll litheShowed Swans In River Seen lit Beach WASAGA BEACHSwans on the riverand sturgeon on lupound line indicate that something different ls hoppen lng At Waugh Bench long fimousfor its sale sandy shoreline and warm shallow bathing beach hfonday morning June 12 thueilwnl were seen about 100 feet from shore just in front of the Dardrnehn Dance Haii When they rose and spread their wings they were estimated to have wing spread of between five and six fect No one knows where they came from but as they circled lnliy in the Nottawnsrgn Bay they seemed to be right at home When last seen they were swimming slowly in the directlonjof Midland Point Lllt night shortly before dlrlr three men from Coiling woodrwere fishing off the ex tremei lot of the Bench where Nottawasngo liiver empties into the boy of the same name Mr andhirs Hank Scultz Wosagu Besch were watching the sunset and the listennen When they pulled out large fish Hook decided to mcasure it it wiln sturgeon Inches long Thu men who caught it was using minnow 10 pound line and his companion waded in with net to secure PassPilotless UflAWA CP The Caron mons passed amendments to the Canada Shipping Act ntes dal permitting US lake v15 sels to sail down the St Law rence Seaway as for as Mont real withoutvpilots if they wish to risk it ihablil opposed by represen tatives of the pilots associa tions passed the Commons by recorded vote of no to at It now requires Senate approval Transport Minister Balcer said no Canadian pilot would re ceive less pay or lose his posl tion because of the amendment American pilots will be barred from the Canadian section of the river downstream from CornWai find St MEL RAIN news wrsr EDMONTON CP Rain washed the Prairie provian Monday and mesday rinsing away many fire and insect pro lems which had plagued the ion forllie last three weeks either hospital treatment or surgery would be required As usual in cases of presiden tial ailments the White House press office has sought to calm any public alarm Press Secre tary Pierre Salinger said the White House fls treating this as minor ailment nothing is beingtwlthheld in this matter whatsoever TheWhite House announced last week that the president hurt hisbaclt while shovelling dirt at ahecplanting ceremony in 0t tawa lastmonth TEE SWEAle OF TWO WHERES THE TRUE HORROR or HIILER olfxby fanunderworld informant about Papalias whereabouts He surrendered quietly bench warrant for his or rest was issued when he failed to appear in court Monday on charge of beating Toronto gam bler Max Bluestein in own tavern March Tuesday the 32yearold Papne tr gawaa remanded until June 20 all was not granted down Wheri heiappeared in court Last Time Today IIIVIPERIAI 34 snows 100 and 900 lu Fflllli lllE WUMili Slit Elllil llllllttit SHE liillllifl lllil Will lflVE Dill HAVE All itll SIDE TURNER WWYWINN

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