CMON Sines This sevenweekold beagle ï¬t into trouble with the law yesterday Nookic alias lTlizEerJ was booked tor vagrancy alter an involved WINTER Is PARKWAY Borden Wds 711° Colder If it HéjlpsfTo CAMP BORDENThe Camp Borden Climatological Station reports the past winter as be ing colder here than in Barrie by 711 degrees taken over 18 readings Twice daily at 130 am and 530 pm instruments atthe Joint Atomic Biological and Chemical Defensive Warfare School are read and these figures are passed nontbly to the meteorological arancb of the Department at Transport in Toronto The idea of recording wea ther at Camp Borden was or iginally conceived by Com mander Grant RCN and this station now one of 1350 volunteer units along with 550 Department of Transport installations across the comp try ofï¬cially opened Jan 1960 SUPPLIED EQUIPMENT The Department of Trans port supplied the equipment and the information gained is essential in determining the regional forecasts and in com piling weather maps WE COULD STAND few days like that right now All the weather stations producing Climatological At las which is useful to industry airlines and others partic ular value of such forecasts is that they represent with iair accuracy the general tendency of the weather during certain periods enabling farmers and businessmen to foresee and prepare for rainy or dry spells across the country assist in Commissions Galore Seen Here For Grants EfficientOperalion Commissions galore could be ne outcome of current city business as Kinsmen Park arrie Arena and Barrie Com unity Swimming Pool all re quire commissions for grants and eiiicient operation Monday ï¬nance committee recommended preparation oi bylaw to appoint commission to operate thele when com plated Two council represents tivcs would he named to the ommlssion to enable obtain the maximum provtncial government grant of $5000 65 Attend Supper lit Hall In Slroud St Jatiies AOTS Mens Club eld its third annual ladies gbt banquet in Slroud Presby ian Churchschoolhall Juno at 7pm About 65 members and guests ttended to enjoy hot turkey pper The Stayner centennial extet sang several vocal mim bers The devotional was conducted by Wlifred Cooper assisted by non Fox with the singing of ï¬lms hymns Roy Goodfellow introduced the pecker Fred Cook of Brad lard lie chose or his theme dropped to percent£l2ooo We Would See Jesus lylrxcook challenged thefgroup toyput God first in home life and cemmissions are two parks board and one Lions Club representative Aid SI Morrow expressed amalgamate Kinsmen Lions andrAiena bodies in one com mission lie was told sep arate commission is required to comply with provincial qualiï¬cations for grant No discussion has place with the Arena Commis sion on the matter in church and Sunday school as an individual or family Jack Marduk thanked speaker Rev Mr Jackson spoke briet ly on the progress of the Mens Club and closed with praye economy monomer JOHANNESBURG AP Snuth Africas economy in serious financial difficulties due to the growing loss or conli deuce chiefly attributable to the South African goyernmentfs litlcal and racial segregation policies Sir George Albu told stockholders of the General Min ing and Financial Corpulues day The annual report said $36000000 inn the last months Also to be included on this the opinion that we could taken AS mixup which started when she iollowcd some boys to 3th Heat Men have observed the changes of weather since an cient times and the study of the weather conditions in dif ferent localities over extended periods of times is called climatology EARLY AS 1300 Weather records for individ ual localities were made as early as the 14th century but no systematic observationvover extended areas was done until the 17th century it was not until the telegraph was invented in the middle oi the 19th century that weather data from an entire country could be transmitted to cent ral point and correlated for the making of forecast Rotary Club Meets llt Noon Thursday conservation or an oilcom pony will address Barrie Rotary Club June 15 at 1215 noon at Community House on Toronto Street Earlier The Examiner was ad vised and published in error report that Mr Harris would ad dress the club at another time The cinnninnnrn chess so 52 HoMEMAKeR science school Examiner Photos by John MacLean Car Flips Over With Flat Tire Boym Hosnllal An accident hall mile north of Dalston Road on the Highway 400 extenSlou lale lnst night sent 19yearold passenger to hospital The OPP reported aflat tire caused car driven by Walter March Quecnsway Toronto to go out at control at approximat ely 1155 pm The vehicle hit the shoulder and flipped completely over pol ice said Injured was William Case mnre 19 Wauhaushene who was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital Police said he is be ing attended by Din Ide son The extent of the youths injuries has not been determin ed Ensure Renovation 0i Court House The general renovation of court house and equipment has been guaranteed for one year from April when the con tractor surrendered the ioh to Ralph Harris speaker on me munty county mum Pmp erty committee indicated Tues day Expenditures included $55515 for contract with extras to con tract of $1633 architect lees $5714 75 per cent subsidy Sill v315 City of Barrie share $9395 Net cost of the program to the county was $45874 committee said ONTARlO DIVISION COldvvater Man Répjéls 2f Linemen Orilliq omenminim nil15ml was without electric power hour Tuesday while holder and two power com linemen argucd over whelhcr the lineman had the rignt to cross private property to fix power break GordonCmeberlaln oi oi Goldwater retired carpentcr lormerlyot NewToronto won his point by waving stick in the llnemens laces and by gen ting the stipport of policemati The power break occurred durinza lent itorm lightning hit tree limb The line passes behind Mr Chamberlains landscaped prop crty all the main street of Goldwater His property siniost ï¬lls the open end of shone shoeshaped piece of land crin ed by bend in the Coldwater River The break nccurmd where the line hops across the river onto strip of land he hind Mr Chamberlains prop erty will admit took slick lllr Chamberlain snld Up to this year let them in but thcy mod hell or ii mess thnl was away they Maintcnancc only westernm mended lor the Avening to Cre mure portion of County Road Tuesday in county council by the county roads committee The report was adopted 1558 oficrtopurchnue right Report Cools Oli Central Iail Plans The possibility that lhe Ont ario government might soon wtnke over administration of meeting Feb 19 in Owen Sound of Simone Grey Bruce Diiller in and Wellington county inil oi licials concerning esittblishment at central ies County property committee re ported to county council Tues day the eeling that with ade quate accommodation in our Simcoe County jail now no ac tion be taken as far as estab ll ment centra Jail is con jail or these count Injures Iioot LONDON Reuters The Queen Mother cracked small bone in her foot and will have to ancel her official en gagements for ilew weeks it was announced oilay The soyearolddueen Mot red her too Monday at staying with other members at the Royal Family as guests at the Queen and Prince Philip for this weeks Royiil Ascot race meeting Her injury prevented her irom attending the opening dayof the meeting Tuesd In 130 yearslwnly 3207 for eigne have been granted Mex orENiNG IN BARRIEMON in is 12 Mrs groniNronMATIou CALL sursnv1sokHoMsMAK rsRGusou AIMS To provide capable homemakers Whowill the the family while the mother ill at ham or thehospital or other emergencies To give service to all in need regardlus of race creed colour or income permit the father to continue with his work as sured that his lamin is well cared for I0 nurse gt PA sl4 134 HoMEMAKnhE pom Care of ing meals tdirdthig iamily Keep iheiome Light launhlly de ears linden Vit doctor and der ERWCE IS GIVEN MONDAY T0 FRIDAY SATURDAY bassoon adjusted HOURS USUALLY 800 AMTO PM WITlg NE REST TERIOD DURING THE DAY The Homemaker isicapahle ol managing the householdduring the armor tincy Fees consultation with thelhed Cross Superwyriapdgreflclinli Windsor Castle when she is counlyjails has left cold Queen Mother gt ydro Off vi trudr over my properly and destroyed saplings and He said one at the two Ontar io Hydelectrlc Power Comlt mlsion workers both fro Pen ethnguisbene told him am the Hydro mu can go any where Constable Kenneth Ncwbum oi Vlcturin Harbour provincial police arrived alter the linemen and Mr Chamberlain had been wrangling more than an heur He toldthe linemen that the property was properly posted will No Trespass ligns and thal they could not cross The linemen eventually got to the site at the power break lhrougb the yard of an adjoin ing house whose occupants were not home and by allow ing the river shore IM LOOKINGOVER DEPT Mrs Broley lound lourlealcd clover and live lealcd clovers last week in twoyard space on her property and Ralph Cook found seven lcal sixlent and livelea clover on his lawn on Jun i0 This speaks well or the good eorthol Stroud Elie diam Examiner CITY AND COUNTY NEWS WEDNESDAY JUNEJI 1961 Option Not Taken UpUrge Maintenance Only OnRoad oivway on the portion by the county to Canadian National Railways has not hen taken up Until the option is exercised committee is satisï¬ed to keep the road serviceable START CONSTRUCTION Preparation lor partial con struction in 1562 will start this year on County Road 17 norther ly nl Goldwater Committee re ported the action which council adopted in view of increased traiiic mum on this road in lesson Workis expected to begin in About 300 husbands and wives attended the 14th asnuai ladles night of the Barrie and District Christian Business Mens Coni mittee last night The meeting was held in the auditorium of Central United Church Wilbur Sutherland general secretary of the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship was the guest speaker Mr Sutherland spoke on the uniqueness of Christianity He said thatChristianitv is the only religion of its kind If Jesus is God then we can ex amine lIim and determine es sentially what God is he said Mr Sutherland said that God lives by His own moral laws be completed in Grants To Fair Pared To 5200 County Decides Barrie Agricultural Society will get only not at the cured we in grants to Barrie Fair this year County council spent hall an hour Tuesday deciding whether the 1960 grant repeal ed lnstvyear or reason even councillors couldnt cslabl clearly should be coupled with lhel9l sum at $2110 requested lliost contentious point about burnt Fair councillors agreed COL cannon STEVENSON Will not Canucks In MidEast Post Colonel George Stevenson CD ol Hamilton 0nL will be appointed Commander Canad laii anc Units Middle East vilh lhe United Nations in the Mid die East July lo Army Head quarters announced today An ouicer of the Royal Can adian Army Service Corps Col Stevenson has been director of supplies and transport for ltic Canadian Army since June 1955 Colonel Stevenson commanded lhe RCASC School at Camp Bor den immedlately allowing World Vanq July on County head in between Alliston and Tollentiam com miltc advised in Kings Highway southerly 45 miles The remaining road to Tolten ham will be constructed in 1962 the adopted report stated Pav ing is set to start in 1963 resolution requesting centre line striping through Angus will not getncï¬on until next year Rads cummittee advised that Surface treating of the county road through Ihis village is to year Report was adapted 300 Attend 14th Ladies Night Christian Business Meeting and ii Christ did som Ething while here on earth then we may be certain that God ncts in the same way ll Jesus is God mans rela tionship to God is indissolubly wrapped up in mans relation ship to man You cannot have private relationship with God and live at odds with mall he said To be Christian is to be re lated to the person of God It is an utterly new way of living and reacting towards one an other The Christian is joined by God to everyone However one cannot be Christian without committinent to Jesus Christ he said yiting you to do so If you wish to helpbymnvi go contriburio or is its changeable dates of occur rence hey upset Midland Bea verton lalrs last year one coun clllousld and conflict this year Filth Midland and Orillia town Why does the board ol dir ectorshave no respect or iii date of other fairs El council lor asked Another suggested that ii the air board is going to look or handout they should lull in line with lhe inlr associa tion arrangements minimum or FALLOLUT UNITED NATIONS AP The United States declared niesday that the general health of Marshall Islanders ls satis factory and that no ailermath oi fallout from the 1964 Hvbomb crisis discernible lifter1 to LAWNBOY CANADASM031 POPULAR POWER tAWN Deluxe 18 All luxury lawn care leatures one pull slavtpinven dependr abilityplusZFULL VEARS WARRANTy anly $8259 LAquBov Deluxe 18 with Just wind andieleaselawm Boysptings to lite Carrie FULL YEAVRS WARRANTY only $9250 SeeTthenlioday at llflBlllSllllS enemy mnwann 31 Dunlop 51 ra ami Your Hospital isexpnndingrincreosing its facilities to help you nndvynur fnmi ias You can help your hospital we 1hire in furiiisliing room or rooms pleaseicontoct the undersignedor PArkwoy 85597 or PArkwayBéï¬Z9