IIIE BAKER EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE 14 nu If AAsk Govt Survey Recreation Needs TORONTO CPi vatioa expert uetiled Lands and Forests Minister Spooner Tues day with the language in briet resented to the Ontario lezls atures select committee on the administrative and otlve problems of government The mmmtuee discussing the provinces parks system heard plea by the Conservation Coun cil of Ontario for the develop ment at more day use parks in Southwestern Dntarinl Gavin Henderson executive director of the council said the situation is deplorable and getting worse all the time He said the governments polt sltion that it is the esponsibil lty oi conservation authorities and munclpaltes to uprnvda day use iacllties is unrealia tic without tar greater meas ure oi initiative and support by the government It is to our ever lasting shame that the long stretch of Lake Ontario shoreline between Oshawa and St Ctharines one at the greatest potential as sets nature has provided this province or the enioymont of Its peopleis now Virtually in accessible for public recreation purposes Mr Henderson said other vital areas are going the same way or the some rea son Lack oi imagination lack ot planning and lack oi decl sive action Although ltlrt Henderson gave George novies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrla PA 541 learner unqualiï¬ed praise to the depart meat at lands and forests Ior its work in developing provin trial parks hlrl Spooner became vexed by his choice or words language he said take ub Jeotion to those words Peace was restored when Mr Henderson said he was not Crib citing the government but merely pointing out the absence tor recreation purposes He urged that the government undertake immediately on over all survey of outdoor recreation requirements tor Ontario as whole looking ahead at least 25 years The Quetlco Foundation and the Federation oi Ontario Na guéalists supported the council FEAR HIGH costs All threa groups expressed tears that the cost of land suit able inr parks purposes in Southern Ontario would become so expensive In tuture years that it could not be obtained when required COULD YOU PAY $10000 LAWSUIT AND COURT COSTS MINIMUM cosn MALctmsoNa maumcx name ll Dunlap st PA I01 Youre wing pretty strong at suiticient number of parks boliar For Dollar Toda Washer ygltte McClary UswE FEATURES THAT MAKE COME lN SOON AND sEE IT OPERATEI mournnan Lmrr Hymn Micaanmnasv nasanvz rowan MECHANISM MoCLAEYEASY AUTOMATIC mum BIG 10 LB TUB QAPACII NEW McCLARYEASY SERVICE FREE PUMP MANY MANY OTHER OUTSTANDING FEATURES AV AILABLE ONLY IN THE ALL NEW MODERNer STYL ED MCCLARYEASY SPIRALATOR 88 DOWNTOWN BARBECUE CHARCOAL REG 60o 5HT BAG To coltoiner BUY NOW AND sAVE Ar ï¬ï¬mtm STORES 88 DUNLOP ST PA 66585 DOWNTOWN erCIAI nghtWeighr Duster rum CLEARANCE and All Wenthen COATS Formerly Values 1998 Size 9A PLANTATION EXTERiOtt WHITE Phone 83270 rIEIIIIIIIIs gt at BIIIIIIIE 1519 nunwr ST on sam Clearance Room SizeRugs Loop Pila Viscose Rubberized Bock Beige and Green Only Size $1995 each $2195 an $2395 each 525com EXTERIOR PAINT Size it Size Gol 350 FRAMES Ready Mode and Custom Artists Supplies OATES Fft RAINTs WALLPAPER WODeIiVOt EXCLUSIVE SPITEALATOE ACTION Exclusive Spiral deatgn creates unique wa ter currents whichmove the clothes in continuous onedirection spiral motion keeps all the clothes moving all the timai No dead spots no over wmtng no harmful friction and Spiraiator washes leaner faster rater than any other actionl ys Greatestwringer Easy Spiralator the New McCla ryEaSy Spiralatori88 WASHING ALMOST AUTOMATIC QUALITY HARDWARE 31 DUNLOP ST BilPES 1195 sIIvoerwmm so LINED FITS WINDOW 3595 DOUBLE wurrn no LINEDZ FITS avwmnow 5500TRIPLE WIDTH 90 LIUEII ms 12 WIN DOW ALSO SHORTIE DRAPES 42 pumice 51 REG APERIES gt PAaJssa FOR THE SCHOOL AGE MISS SCHOOLS OUT erCIAL Now is the timaior ydu to have your hair shaped and styled for care tree living this summer 00 Mom rot and Sat 36 iEues and Thurs tll RLSHOP PA 80246 owner 51 ROLLAMATICV NvIIcIIIIM Thiswondettui Rolla matic vacuum cleane igdeslgned to make house clenning hours fly by withgaseBa sure todroptn or will do yourdamons No one bu no oneIns greater e19 tinny ol