Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jun 1961, p. 10

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Wdys Stimulating iEconomyBring Dispute KEEPS VII in moan POST lwo huge radar domes right dominate the skyline Ramore opt so miles south or nmmlns The radar station North Amorican Air Deience Commend hue is one 41 in Pinctree lino Church Assemny Urges Govt StopWeapons Test Agreement TORONTO CP TheGenA crai Assembly of the Presbyte rion Church In Canada urged the Canadian government Fri day night to use its influence to stop by international agreement the testing of nuclear weapons resolution of the churchs board of evangelism and social action adopted by the ascm bly requested the government to press for halt in produc tion oi nuclear weapons under international mspectlon and controls The resolution also suggested prohibition 01 nuclear warfare by international agreement and an accelerated development oi atomic power under safe guards for peacequ purposes other recommendations of the board approved by the assent bly were that oil prosbyterlcs study the local needs of the aged and lniorm them at avail nhleservices and that the pose sihillty of establishing new hous ing facilities for senior ctzcns be considered Earlier the assembly in creased the basic stipend to ministers hot car was cir pressed the move might handl cap other church activities There was only one vote against the increase to $3990 yearly irom $310 Which Will cost the church about $255000 year Earlier Rev MocKay Hamilton said any suggestions that all or some or ertcnsion programs should be suspended acres Canada It is com mended by Mel William 01 sen tleltt oi the Air Force Photo would mean suicide for the church fWe have no moral right to authorize any new extension work until the basic slipcnd is at least $3900 said Rev Allum of Dundas Rev Mariano Di Gangl of Hip milton said the assembly must do more than simply pass re solution increasing the stipend thoy must try to raise the quircd money If we go home and do noth ing it we dont conduct cam paigns it is nothing short of hy pocrisy motion to consider cam tnl campaign to meet iumoclnl nccds came from Rev Stewart of Kitchener alter Rev MacKay of Hamilton told the amembly one of the board of mimions main problems was keeping expenditures within income Mr MncKoy said the problem had arisen because at the churchs rapid expansion WEEKEND pfSPECIALS JAMES moon LEAN DONNELLY MAWA Bellm the governments call or the resig nation ol James Com 85 governor ol the Bank of Canada landisputeovuthelnostde slrpble way of stimulaflnngrfith countrys economy it source close to the cabinet said mesdw The governor iiihis speeches has urged Canadians to tighten their belts to help ride out the economic crisis This theory runs counter to the nicotine popular In some cabinet circles that upnnslon is the way to cure the countrys ills includ ing unemployment Not that Mr Coyne has op posed economic growth But he has strongly opposed aocom ptishlns tilts by means which would involve large scale ex pansion ot the money supply contending this would make things worse Possibly this conflict between the governor and the cabinet has been responsible for delay in presentation at Finance Min ister Flemings budget to the Common in any case political circles expect the situation to blow up into the most musing political bottle in years One authorita tive government source pm ciaimed the light isnt over et The Liberals in power when Mr Coyue was appointed gov ernor ut $50000aAyear are ex pected to rally to his defence Liberal Leader Pearson said in Marlh there was shocking lack of co ordination between bank and government policich Once Parliament Hill recovA ered from the initial shock 01 Mr Coynes statement there was speculation the resignation issue might be the basis or an immediate election However was he who bored the issue to the public In his boltimmthe blue statement Tuesday saying he had been asked by the gov ernment to resign and had rez lused eouple at years ago col league wns risked whether in lundomental split between the government and central bank hlr Coyoe vmutd resign Not this man aid the col league Hed stay and light It out The soycarold governor lawyer by schooling and an economist by personal inclina Lionls tall retiring man de scribed by some friends as shy person But he hasnt tntcd to break with the tradition that tho central bank governor should be silent and shun the lime JAMES COYNE light SHOULD PARTICIPATE lll TEE 31mm EXAHIKER WEDNESDAY JUNE III the Conservative party took of fioe in June 1957 As governor Mr Coyner duty is In advise the government and to managcthc central bank so into preserve the Integrity of the nations clnrency The nancc minister cannot dictate mooetorypollcy to him and is not bound to allow his advice thougb the governor is free to criticize government policy it he wishes no job Is to see ihat the bank within its powers does what ever seems in the best inter ests oi the economic tile or the nation Since he took over the gov ernors chair at the start ol 1955 he has made it clear he takes that injunction in the lav deadlyv scriolmly Regarded as highly significant was Mr Coynes statement that to asking or his resignation Mr Fleming suggested one rea son the government wanted him out the way that ltwos pre paringjcertaio programs which were apparently thought to he at such character that uoui oppose them The certain programs were taken by obsencrs to include budget proposals and measures the government has been con templating to tackle unemploy men The Winnipcgbom governor bean his careers lawyer In Winnipeg alter Oxford Unt relslty studis on Rhodes Scholarship But after jolntng the Bank of Cnnada as research new lst in 1938 he rose rapidly until at the age of 44 he became the countrys top banker slender man with stro features he was one at the call ltols most all ible bachelors um Li 1957 when married wi dow with three children to which iourth has since been added prolific reader he also col lecis paintings wellplaced sources discounted this possibility One of the advocates in gov ernment circles of the theory that the country needs oddi tlonal stimulants to promote an economic boom attributed Mr Coynea unpopularity among in fluential cabinet ministers to his austere Views lyplcal of the man is that it on em morons no MARKET SQ He has spoken out repeatedly on subject on which he has long felt strongly that Cann dlans should take on increas ingly larger role in the develop meot oi their country lessening Canadas dependence on foreign copltal Reports oi sharp diilcrences between Mr Fleming and Mr Coyne came low months alter MECHANICAL REPAIRS REBUILTENGINES OUR SPECIALTY AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Free parking for 200 cars Up to 10 hrs porking for 25 hrs for So total of 52 it EAST SIDE of City Hall hrs for Se 52 cars WEST SIDE of City Hall free parking on Saturday for 54 cars hr parking for 289 cars Egon Dunlap Boyfiold Clapperron Owen Sis hr pnrking on Maple Collier Mulcoster Simcoe and Mary Sts for 336 cars to 398 jconou SLEEPWEAR Baby Doll Capri 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boll bearing construction leather saddle Good value 132977 2917 zannnws nautical GODUNLOP ST SIMMONS on fnoumwm woman rsrscllls mulls Fill SllT tarQueuing Wilmaer and senator 69cm SAMPLE RACK SPECIAL lllussss PA M023 umro 2250 DUNLOP 51 gt AUTO RADIOS OPENING SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY FAMOUS MAKES 4250 Completely Installed In Any Col lllIKII AUTO RADIO SALESAND SERVICE 29 Collier Sr Barrie PA 60373 Your hair neednt wlitttn the hot humid summer Well give it litewlth sortcurl permanent oath WAVE SPECIAL Our linen oold wave PLUS cutshampooandsetstthis low price 30 ON ALL lERMS mom 350 or aunrs BEAUTY snails 1211 Dunlap St PA 84423 THRILLING STYLES ARE HERE Yes theyre In our store now all the most exciting cottondresses for Summerl Set aside several shopping hours because when you see these minions and their tiny price tags youll want to try them alll so DUNLOP 51

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