mold MINESING Torgis Takes Game At Shear Parllt21 is and District Senior Soflharli League learns have had mu turning in even hail ntlsleclory periomihncée this Mr But lastiilght dining uenery coolrloulcd lo the bat nine or theyear and one that wont be matched by too many Torgit Automotive edged Humid 2l at Slicer Park Because at the late man in playing sites the allén once was no log to rave about Bill the lane whether hey flood or balanCed on the not loowelllllept bicochera were ill slulo ol shock elmosl min the start The game was last less than an hour and nail ior nine lo uliigs it lth pieniy ol livery lhlng Only one playing error could be scored Two mcnlal errors could be kept in mind ior the record was ltupcrb Fchnlsiia tioi Young Ralph Knapp who runs Hire scared deer showed he could pitch and hit in senior ontogeny too The lefty allow ed Museslng crew but live hlis In His that three innings theu pitched novhit ball for the iinal six For another Ieenageh iilulch Boyd it was tough pitching loss do gave up six llllr live if Ihe last illut inhlufls AutomolIVes got the goanead run in the inilidl slants on one or the leagues most unusual holders in years Homer Bar rel slashed ball that landed in iii iiiilcld lo the right til second base and anti ceti ire llelder Johnny Cole who The pitching blurted his human ialé Nnlnningr alcr Mincsiug the home club knollcd the count with one array rookie third baseman Gary lilacs beat out an inï¬eld hiiI his second at the game Alter is wild pitch and passed hall he ramped borne easily on Corny Adams sacrifice fly Alter out Adams ringied in vain in that lraina the side wins retired Edd no tfoullle to Knapp the résl oi the way WINNING RUN Neither club could do much toward scoring until the eighth when Pele hlcCloskeys long high drive to rightcentre went over Larry ournlorns head The liélfler may italic had iht ball ll not or the sand trap that grace that area of the pasture The games only recorded Another OneRun Win Gives Tribe no lVlLilS Associated Press Stall Writer Cleveland lndlans have gained its game edge In their hat at one lull déuuloiu with otroit Tigéi tar lite Amufiéun agué lead They knocked all the second pIace Tigers 54 on ninthinn log home run by Billion Phil lips Friday night lcr 21 lead in their ourgame series They end the series today It was the ninth lihte this season the Tribe won game in lire lost inning top total in the league ior iinal lungs Barry Lalman collected his fifth victory without dcleal with 23 innings on ohevhll reUel giving Tribe relievers record nl tour victories and iva saves Cieviand has won ii ol its last 12 games The third place New York Yankees stayed within three games or CieVeland by beating Kansas City Athletics an Irish inlzton Senators swept double header Chicago White Sox winning 10 in to innings anti 109 TORONTO ICP canadlans undoubtedly will be able to see next idils Grey Cup loothali classic over nominal hookup but details tor the tolsvlaliig of the clan championship game are still to or worked out can spoir than said it wui still be weeks before negotia tions with sponsors and other problems of eoveroge are re solved Complications have set in this year partly cause olt entry of second competitive sla tions in several cities and partly the result or one at these oronlos crro nuthldolng the CBC lot the rights to lelécast Eastern li is big four games For about nine years CBC had been doing all the televis lng including the Giéy Cup game This year ClToa Big Four purchase carried with it an option on the eastern rights Boston Red Sox detented Lbs Angelis Angela in the iirsl gdme of doubleheader But the An eis look the nlghlcnp 51 lvll ilyon Duren strlking out seven men in row ior league record The lllllllIESJlï¬ Bulliinore genie wns flirted out rnilllps lvlflhlhg shot name on 32 pitch by Paul delauh iii41 the laser in reflel Willie Kirkland also homered ior the lndlutis delivering lhrLerlln bolt as they scored tour runs in the third inning oil starter Phil liegon lemon had just one lapse giving up tylng double by Rocky Colavito alter réliévlng Hobby Locke in two illli filth inliliig The lndinns put it away with the héip at rooities running error The galrlo landed with an odd doubleplay when catcher Johnny Romano grabbed root not by Steve Euros then milieu pinch runner George Thomas as he tried It so from ï¬rst to second after the catch Roger Maris all Mickey hluiltiel euch crashing home runs drove in slirrllns between to the am nship game which it exercised This right now has been Sc lllrerl by no sponsoring bow rewei which this weer sold it has timed over the rigtho the CBC However the cod said it has not Yet receivéd this irom Dow though it expects to do so when negotiations reach the stage where it is needed ENQUIRIES RE bin While these discussions con iinue the can is trying to ml out what happened on bill it put in some time ago lor the whole national coveragoor the big genie le it appears all will be cleared up by the clip time and the viewer will get the game one way or another question slut remaining is whether the second stationsthose compet ing with BB station will be able to carry the telecast Outlaw Prehliace Medication that has Been cussion most oi the Week the National Association oi State Racing Commissioners Friday banned pre race medication that could affect the speed of horses The decision was notunabl drums and some delegates com plained the resolution was con lasing Tupper Bigeiow chairman oi theoulorio Racing Commie sion urged that it be rounded to include medicont knownas butazoiidin on which conflicting repartswere presented during the wealta long sesion Bring this out in the Opel1 said Blgelow Ontarioand some American states already prohibit use of the drug The association com prises supervisors of thourou bred racing in North and cen tral America AMERICAN DisAOilEEE irviog Gushcn president at the Horsemens Benevolent and Protective Association termed the resolution hypocrisy at work Gosheu claimed hulaxolldin does not ailect thespeed of horse Hexelerredlo re it on the drugs client on lor oughbreds and argue The only thing it proved was That Could liliect Nags Speed that it took digraph to ion horse The resolution states the ban does not apply to horses with drawn from racing while under going ueatnientrand spells out the rules on medication All medications at any type may be administered to horse in trainin during race meet ing only licensed veter ibarlati or licensed trainer or under their personal order it says MUST REPORT The veiétiharldti or trainer shall hand the race ateWards signed report giving the name or the horse date time and amount or each administration identiï¬cation oi each medica tion its purpose and name oi the person administering the medication he Edge ROGER MARIE them for the Yallhetts hiarls 18th hoiï¬Ã©r iif til yédi twist the majofs ddilié Willi mad all base and broke 56 lid in the sevcnth inning against Hay iier bert 36 Luis Arroyo Ml won in toilet The Senators beat the White Sox on pidcli single by Harry Bright in the opener as Dick Donovan blanked his lor mcr mates on six hits Elmvale Thumps Hillsdale 14s nlnivaie dcieaicd Hillsddle 14 ill Georgian Bay Rural Soithali Leagllé gains playéd at Hilisdbie last night nimvale scored in all but the iirst and sixth tunings collect in 13 hits on the way Hills da es lone run game Rose and htoaulcy sup porleo Ed Kiniberleys ourbll pitching with three sateties apiece Weather Hurts international By Tim ASSOGIATED PRESS International League secre tary Harry Simmons says the only thing wrong with oaseholls oldest liltith léaéué ii the wealher Simmons commenting recen tiypn lilo leagueta lriihchise churning said holding our own now on in about every front But this col wet stuff has been murdering Us IOWlhg that attendance was just about equal to last years despite the irancluse hopping then said about one gamé1n tour nail to be postponed be cause oi rdln or cold The league lost three oi four games to weather Friday night Only game at Jersey City got it way it lasted just gtle lull before rdln halted play lit the Jerseys heating Syracuse Chiefs 30 Toronto at Columbus Eullaio at Richmond and Rochester tit Charl too were rained out Haircuts 75 Saturdays 3100 Birth CLIFFS BARBER SHOP an duo Arron fromAlhnrllla Bdr IF you waNt AN AUTO RADlO were close to Simmons produced statisticsi DONT BUYl TILL You snEnAKA avro RADIO ND iiiPi AMER rrsniinm oN wnoass tniseue crime in the sixth iramc but didnt cause any damage Second baseman Well ey tired high over the hasemanr head alter libid ing ground bau kuapp tie Dulles oi the iron Knapp would hille been sale at ï¬rst NOTES lilnls lwo hits mov ed hiln lnld sole possession at ï¬rst place in the ion Stewarts Falconer idle last is second at 384 Jimmy Edwards him has been boiling the ball hard but with he luck collected ills first hit at the season lor Torgis 10 dis ilit lo 2b Eflrrelt as Johnston ct Rawn ri Edwards lb Thdrogooii lt Reynolds lr lttlc tuner Totals sii uoyu an ll it knapp and Little lli Doivney Umpires Larry Cempcau and Bud Knapp bases ghl Back lionsloN ex AP=llinsl Negro track stur entered in the 1931 Meet oi cnamlpons withdraw iiildn night from the contest shorlly store the hours started They withdrew in pro lest to who they called Segre goled sealing of specialois John Thomas world record holder in the high Ralph soslon lvorid rechrd holder in the road jump said they would not compete as long as Negro pickets were outside lhc stadium protesting segre gnled seating Alinut so demonstrators oar rying signs such iss Segrega lion is sin paraded In lronl oi the main chlrailcés however hieet direclor Johnny Morris said the se ng the stadium lvasvzlot Se came in the iinal Compare thé galvnhidlng on Frost schooner 13 GAUIIE MES 16 poi ioolt 42 per too it is per too it on per too ll 12 per too it HOG Eollball at Queenslark iii its big $1515 $795 $2095 toss $1095 TM industrial Softball league twin bll come through with one line coolest and another that duty nt nté lily Mplllfléutl Smiths deieatrd amta weld ing or and Eagles ciobbercd hlargl Fish and Chips X74 Georg MacDodilll totmei atai in the Butrid and District senior Dengue tired it sixhitter oi the Welders Russ Granger and Don Browning soolner pair at citSeniors supported the lily with homers dorm Mano did the hurllur lor Welding and although giv ing up 10 hits didnt allow more than one run in more than one lrame the Sixthdllui ker hall three of the 10 And Jack Graham lwa Greg Tomllnson had hit ior Welding Cose Eagles scored six times in the lirst inning to start the rout bvcr itlargs Dcspite all oi runs Eagles only call édlcd ll hitm Him by and two each Dunnnore and Jim Walk Leighton Smith allowed the three losers but three hits two in the lilth Sports On Tap TODAY Barrie nnd District Sellior Sollbali at Queens Park Stew arts Lunch vs Thomas Electric South Simcoc Baseball at Ulnpid Allislon vs Ulopiai ol Knock Thornton vs Knock Nanarllet and district sot cer at Barrie Fair Grounds Harrie City vs Colllngwotitl South Simcoc JuvcnlleBuse ball at Fair autumn Alllslon vs Bnlrie at colgan ivy Vii Coigaii MONDAY Barrie and District Senior Torgls Autoidotives vs Bleuoits and Brisloivs Plumbing and Healing vs Mlhesing M15911 TOKYO AP The US Air Force reported today that one 0133 turboprop cargo planes th eight men aboard is missing en route to Midway island Don Drytdaie Whit pulsics again or the tint time in month and Lo zero are on top once didri in their leaping battle with Cin tlihnotl iledle League lead Drysdaie the Dodgers side arming rlgnthander knocked over the last lace Philadel hin Phillics with fourhilt or victory lriday nighl it Was his fourth victory of the seasbli and lhd third over Phil Addiphin The win gave the Dodgers hail nine lead over Cincin hiiti St Louis Cardinals defeated the Reds 84 The Dad gerll ahd Reds have sw first placelive times in in lost sevn dayll The third piece San Fran clsco Giants twice came from behind and beat Pittsburgh Pl rales in Chicago Cubs de lealed Milwaukee Bram iilO RUN BREAK Til Wally Moons lilh home run ol the season broke 11 tic lor the Dodgers In the fourth picking on his gs lot the National ii winner Angeics Dod Ped WARREN SPAHN inning against the rlï¬hlhnlldcr Frank SulllVltn on Dem cier lorliiet Do nor had two oi lha Phlis illlst driving in their run with louth innln double Drysddlellal walhc hrcc men and struck out seven Dt his first mmplélé Gain Archie Has Plans To KO Challenger Vvay Mummy nose NEW YORK MPlA sleek ll aging Archie Moore tonight defends his piece of the light héflvyWeigllt title dgainsl young husky Oiuliu Rinaldi ol llaly ii the graying 44year old marvel hasnt lost too much in the bottle oi the scales nnd with lathertime he iiguras to knock out the llalldfl from Anzio within live rounds of their scheduled isrounder illolire is favored at odds roug Ing from to to lo This will be Moores ninth de lcnco ol the title he won on years ago and his lirst since to ildltenéd crude but poweriul Yvon bureile oi Bole sie Ahllu NB at Montreal 22 months ago gt He weighed 174 pounds ior that return light Since then the Nailollill soiling Assoriahon has RAMBLER COSTS LESS AT VIAU MOTORS LTD GOW SI buy 11 canon MESH 2495 2395 329 195 $4995 as per ion It 42 per 100 ii is per ton oil per rill it 72 per 100 it new lo LINE as men STEELFENCE Pasrs roar POLE FOOT POLE Poor rots root Ptth llAiiltlE ORE you PA 66483 rnosr stripped him at his title lie is recognitcd by New York lilasz snehusclls and Europe Moore holder of the world record tall knockouts hos liollencd his last six challeng crs in title lights only Joey Maxim has gone the distance with him lfl iilic bouts at lilo ivspnlmll division limit WON TITLE IN 52 The strong aimed master boiler and launcher lllrcsted the crown lrdlh hiaxlbi ht St Louis Dec 11 insi on lopsided de cision uhd than outpoihled lila xim in two title defences Rindidi 28 solidly built and decpcnésted earned his big chance by nutpolntlng nontille luroundcr in Rome last Oct 29 more Was it plump 190 to thilldls 181 Pirates ior good Moore in rince healing the Phils in live inning genie my The Clrda winnidl our straight rallies for the lime this year and climbing back to 500 with ll Victoria in their last 20 games built load against the Red with three run third inning Ken Buyers single drove in two runsxond Stan hiusial brou ht in the winner dï¬airsl lclty lm OToole illIi wnlc grounding out Bob Gibson was ill winncl lion Francisco overhauled the on thIcerurl homo by Ed Bailey that capped six run seventh inn ing Baileys shol cam illst al lcr Bobby Snunlz had come in as Pittsburghs lhlrd hilthï¬r but tnggeti the loss on Elroy Face Wle FIRST GAME Ed Bolln won his that in lnc majors iii rcllcl lihlmy drove in iour ol Ilia nianla runs and Orlando Ccpcdo Ihe leagues twine rilu loader knockbd ill three one with his lath homer oi the campaign The Cubs New at and on loads as the Braves unloaded four home runs Iltcil rattle lrom bcliliid wh Ivo runs in he iiinlh inning and tidal Wor ren sound in the lirst lime in tulle dccisions since Julle Ill 1958 single by Mac Thacher btougllt hi the clincher and llnhllci Warren soalin iiioi his sccon loss in tlvo days this out in Hut The Braves called on pitcher Cluuue llayiiitlild ol St Jean Que ior rellci in the scvchlh inning lie was treated roughly giving up iour hits two bases all bulls and titles corned hills in in innings He recorded one slrlkeuut Joe Torre Joe Alicoclt Ed hlollicws and Lee hioyc hom ercd lor the Braves with Muycs ii iziulid Sinnlmci ill the ninth inning lllatgdlIe hill workers at 109 lead Bob Adder son lasl Von in relléi GOLF DRIVING RANGE comma rdlnwnus No 11 Highway Norlb oisln Line Guthrie Onli Parking EXECUTIVE Age 50 graduate of so years management exper ience retail financial sales Seeks responsible or level position at senior or propriet AVAILABLE roa iNTERVle BOX 96 BARRIE EXAMINER FillilVl iiilclllli tote 42 LlNE 42 LINE 43 1903 pel rod $145 per rod $1568 perrod AVAILABLE IN 20 go 40 ROD nouns Less For so Rods Mon molar ls LINE 448 99¢ each $l 09 each $l 25 ml at 45 each BARBED WIRE szrouNo ROLL 15 POUND note as POUND ROLL politrilil petition