Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1961, p. 8

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the RCAF Station RECEIVING instructions on reading radar scope is Mrs Coic while Mrs Stdyner Women See Radar Post EDGAR Wing Commander Dcmpstcr welcomed 2a members of the StnynerVom ens Institute Wednesday alter noon on their arrival to tour VC Dempster said he was Particularly pleased to wei come members of the Institute and conunended them for show ing enough interest to want to see first hand the working of complex radar system KEY ROLE He cemented that alter the visit be hoped they would have better understanding of the role that gar plays in the defence of rth America Thevisitors were first shown des in the tion theatre and sunken bus Mien1H vmw 115 meeti of the Operatnhl gloss where they Shanty Bay wr old at the received briefing from the chief Operations officer Squad SUSPENDS INSPECTORS NEW YORK AP Mayor Robert Wagner announced Fri day the suspension of 32 school construction inspectors in snowballing scandal over pay offs by contractors Investig tion Commissioner Louis Kap ian told the mayor he had no covered 4T incidents of board of education employees accepting Christmas liquor gift certif catgs and similar items from gulpactors whose work they ere supposed to supervrse OdIm standing looks on The instructor is Ser geant Parkinson Davidson Street Barrie The Womcll ron Lender Anderson After the tour the guests were entertained at afternoon tea in the Sergeanls Mess Mrs Stoit and Mrs Boisson neault poured ten Mrs Cole expressed op preciniinn on behalf of the WI members to those in charge of arranging the tour In thanking he wives of the Warrant Officers and Senior NCOs she extended an invillr lion to them on bflialf of the W1 members to visit Stayner Shanty Bay WI Plan Aurora home of Mrs Roy Hickling with 16 members and one visi tor present tour through Sterling Drug of Aurora was planned Current events were given by Mrs Love Mrs Martin reported on the East Simcee District Au nual Canadian Industries was the topic for the meeting willie commentary on the Copaco of Barrie read by Mrs Lewi son Refreshments were served by Mrs Folk and Mrs Brooks PIERRE POODLE Is there dog in the house Yes there is but is he astame and lovable as newborn baby poodle Youll love making it too in light oxford wool or pink or anycelor you want The eyes are shiny buttons and the collar is trimmed with rhinestones and sequins very nice article for your next fall bazaar Would you like to obtain the crochet instructions simply send stamped selfaddressed envel ope to the Needlecraft Departi ment of this paper requesting Pierre Poodle Leaflet NO 01 31472 msnrr rrooucnous 34 different FREE DISN are members of the Stayncr WI wbo toured the radar sto lion Wednesday RCAF Pho AKINGSTON GRAD Mix Mary Edmunds grad uated from Kingston General no tal School of Nursing June The graduation esters ciscs were held at Grant Hall ofArthur Edmunds manager of TorontoDominion Bank Barrie RlXMcDOUGALl Standards of white Shasta mums and gladieli decorated the altar of Trinity Anglican Church for the wedding of Miss Beverley Dianne McDougall and Rev James Allan Rix of To rcnto The bride is the daughia of Mr and Mrs Arnold Gordon groom is the son of Mrs James Albert Rix Crown Hill and the late Mr Rix Rev Kenneth Hill officiated at the afternoon wedding assisted by Rev Frank Tompkinsen The bride was escorted down the aisle by her father She wore fulllength gown of white peau de soie fashioned with fitted bodice and square neck line edged with tiny leaves of matching material and seed pearls The accent was carried THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLIIA FOR TOMORROW This days horoscope is es pecially encouraging to those in the literary artistic and enter tainnlent field inspiration should be at peak and novel ideas should work out very well FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope forecasts many stimulating challenges in the year ahead Personal matters are highlighted in your chart which augurs brightly for social domestic andwsentimenfal re comes SALESMAM we navn Miss Edmunds is the daughter McDougall Mitchell The inISPLAY OPEN TILL 91PM T1 even EVENING arrow mononuskmmcnv sane Peron 74909 Can Do Moved Your Let cons 0N Shannon rowan cannon 0N DISPIiAYrMIhOE ooiuermnw wmrnmzm LUMBER Rev Robert lrimblo was speaker at luncheon media of the executive of Simeon Pres bytelei Womans Missionary Societyth at Burton Avenue United lurch Wednesday Mrs Bell presided Global Christ was the topic taken by Mr Trimhie bes ed on Christs words The field is the world Although these words were spoken by Jesus nearly 2000 years agegthey aggll true to day the speaker many there is tendency to isolation ism in the church Industry and medicine consider the world as their field Products are ad vertised sales are sought in every country and science and her benefits are sent abroad to fight disease in order to protect ourselves be concluded Mrs Perkins thanked Mr Trimble and paid tribute to Milk Coolers For Summer Ever heard of milk coolers not bulk storage tank but delicious cooling drink Theyre wonderful way to relax in the summer Have milk to finish every meal and then in the middle of the afternoon take your pick of the following drinks Better still try them all on different days Mlllr linglers Slowly stir tabIESpoons of thawed frozen glnpe concentrate into cup of 01de for each serving Top with dab of whipped cream CafNuInlt shake Combine tablespoon of instant coffee teaspoons of granulated sug er and cups of cold milk in shaker glass jar or electric blender Shake until blended Pour into two tail glosses Top with ice cream banana Milk shake For each tall serving slice fully ripe hand iotoa boyrlnueatuptll its smooth and creamy Add cup cold rnilk Beat wellPour into glass and sprinkle with cinnamon Then garnish the edge of the glasswlth at ban one slice through to the waist extending to two sell roses above the bus tle back Her headdress was fashioned of peau de soie and held fin gettip veil of tulle illusion She carried white prayer book with orchids and cascades of stephanotis and ivy Bridal attendants were Miss Ann Moffat Hamilton was Maid of Honor and Miss Mar cia Frause Preston was bridesmaid They were gowned alike in creations of leaf green peau de sole with maan overskirts single rose of matching ma terial was fashioned inte head dresses for theattendants and hey carried bouquets of tawny roses and white daisies Rev Logan Varey To ronto wa groomman The ush Iationshipsexcept for brief pe riods in late September and No vember In October therejs strong possibility that youwill benefit jobwise through superiorsper haps through change of duties nnd if you need assistance in furthering your goals this will be the time to seek it Look for some good news where your pocketbook is concerned in late July October and December but until then be exceptionally conservative in financial mat ters Property deals will be un der good aspects in midAugust however child born on this day will he forthright diligent and honor able in all his dealings rot $94900 THE BARBIE BXAMINBLJATURDAY JUNE lit AT BURTON AVENUE CHURCH Simcoe Prestterial WMS Hold Luncheon Meeting Here his untirlng efforts on behalf of the church and Gods cause throughout the world Mrs Carol Ireland led the 5B votioenl period after which re ports were heard from four ex ecutive seatetnrleu who were delegates at the Dominica Board conference Au the value of the Bible study per iod conduch by Rev Francis Mrs Wallace Cough reported for baby bench Mrs smuiton supply Mrs Gordon Gervals fer secretaries and Mrs Dough Day It vicepresidents Mrs Setterlngton Mid land expressed appreciation to the women of Burton Avenue Church for their hospitality ier and Mrs Kerr celebrated their golden wcd ding anniversary yesterday afternoon and evening at their Cedrington Street resilt deuce The eelebrsnts have of powder blue chiffon with mat Hamilton Preston London and been residents of Barrie since Bride Wears Peau de Sole At Mitchell Wedd ing Rites enswere Malcolm H3MacLeod Port Credit and Donald Mc Innes Toronto reception was held at the Stratford Golf and country Club where the mother of the bride received guests wearing frock ehing accessories She was as sisted by the mother of the bridegroom gowned in navy blue crepe with blushing pink accessories For wedding trip to Ottawa Montreal and Kingston the bride wore navy blue suit with red topper and navy blue hemor res Rev and Mrs Itix will reside at Toronto Outeltown guests at thewed ding werelrom Crown Hill Bor rie Orillia Toronto Paiuswick Listowel SPEC Sunday June Consume Chilled Tomato Juice cumu anonem PDRTERHOUSE sonar 5th Mushroom GRILLED HAM STEAK Finelpplo rung Cottage Cheese Rom rrima RIB or anar so we Horse Rldi erem Whipped Pottees Oven Roast Pntltncs Asparagus supreme Tussud sold Eman Apple Pie deuce Te Hot non croan row or menu BARBIE COUPLE MARK507 YEARS Donald Girl Guides Mrs The Paleilé Room Barries migfiti gingisttnciion Fathers Day Dinner Menu Split Baked Alaska my Cream Sundae mu strawberries and Cream Choose Troy neusn om gt After pronu Mint DINNER SERVED FROM QPJVI on the hostessPA oozes canalen Portions Served is unonraur mm or run Parana ROOM SPEAKmG OF PEOPLE AND PLACES Nnumtntudedteeover mumunwoun db Ind dbtrfet Wedding Illlverurleehfldnpnrtlu wwwmunfmm Ila visitor Ind trlvellul mlfllknuottnterutto the women render this who helplaeupplytu Momfllhomutlyup pnctntod Pleuophanenl MWPAlmn and ask for the Wamlul Pm FROM NEW YORK Mr and Mrs GM of New York Ciw were recent vts nwmrflw er and Mrs John Stewart Wellington Street Wst Mr Gundy Ls gem crul manager of King Features Wests BRANIISOME HALL Mr and Mrs Walls were in Toronto Thursday to at tend the annual graduation monies and prize giving of Branksome Hall which was held at Metropolitan United Church Sir Ernest MacMillan Mus Doe LED presented the school medals and was the prin cipal speaker Afterwards there was reception and garden party at the school mounds on Elm Avenue Among the senior academic graduating class was Miss 1940 when Mr Kerr retired from farming Mrs Show Barrie bridesmaid re ceived guests The Kerrs have two sons Tom of Bar rie and John of Willewdale and five grandsons ch PresiTlZnt Names Conveners Mrs Jerry Cougfilin presid ent of St Marys Catholic Wom ens League has announced the appointments of the follow ing cenveners for 196162 Historian Mrs Moore publicity Mrs Coleman Aim care Mrs Harry Part ridge education Mrs Mac Hook hospital visitors Mrs Donovan inunigration and citizenship Mrs McCanll membership Mrs Golds projects Mrs George Bouchey Redenrptoristines Mrs Brennan social Mrs Mc Cleskey Program Mrs Saso social action Mrs Smith radio TV and films Mrs Stone spiritual Mrs Padfield attendance Mrs Vermaat and home visits Mrs Clarence Corbett MATERNITY APPAREL 100 Center St PA 841804 VELKAY 4th Door East of Town Hall Your for Privacy and Economy IAL 18th 1961 Cannon sit in mode rte Milk French Dreld swam Lynne Walls of Barrie and Miss Elizabeth married June 1986 by Rev Baillie daughter of Ier Pickering at the Manse Dr and Mrs Baillie of Griffin WESTERN VISITOR Lloyd Sillers of Estevan Ses katehcwan is visiting his sodiu lnw and daughter Li and Mrs Stove Grove Street East He also renewed acquaintance with Mr and Mrs Bobter Agnes Skeet fonnerly of Este van SOCIAL EVENING Mr and Mrs Bey Bishop Perry Street entertained friends and neighbors at soc fol evening to mark the occas ion of their silver wedding anni versary Mrs Edwin Richard son Cornwall and Mrs Brenn poured tea Tea assist ants were Misses Betty and Marylou Bkhop daughters of the cciebrants Among the guests were Mr and Mrs Theo Lainson Mr and Mrs Leslie Walker Mr and Mrs Welling ton Dobson Mr and Mrs Lorna Jackson Mr and Mrs Mac Marcellus Mr and Mrs fbm Bishop Rev and Mrs Brena Mr and Mrs Bert Cald well Mr and Mrs Vern Stew art Mr and Mrs Alvin Robin son Mr and Mrs Bill Pratt all of Borrle Mr and Mrs Bert Lawrence Oriilio SILVER ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Ray Bishop PcrryStrectwillcelebrate their 25th wedding anniversary at dinner for family and friends at the Palette Room White Towers Motel this even lng Among the guests will be Mrs Cleve Patton opened with the bridesmaid and sister of the bride Mrs Edwin Richardson Cornwall and the groomsman and brother of the groom Syd Bishop and Mrs Bishop of Hom ilten Other guests at the event will be Misses Betty and Mary Lou Bishop daughters of the celebrnnts Mr and Mrs Hill Mnnness Londo hlr and Mrs Cliff Jenkins ls gton Mr nnd Mrs Begnrdr Toronto Mr and Mrs Gar old Dumford Minesing Mr and Mrs George Culhnm Mr and Mrs Alex Clllharn of Steyner Mr and Mrs Mel Culham Miss Shirley Cuihom Mincsing Mr and Mrs Jock Garner Mr and Mrs Elwood Benvls Mr and Mrs John Murray Mr and Mrs Keith Meridlth Mr and Mrs Ed Norman Mr and Mrs Jack Boss Douglas all of and Mrs Bishop were Delegates Give Rally Reports The May meeting of Ivy Pres byterinn WMS was held at the home of Mrs Bert McLean with lsmembers and two visitors present The devotional was in charge of Mrs Harold Gibson The president Mrs Gordon Cochrane conducted the busi ness session letter from Mrs Dixon was read thanking the WMS for the used Christmas cards Mrs Gibson and Mrs Cochrane gave reports on the rally which was held in Mid land The program in charge of prayer Two readings were giv en Light On Suffering and Illness Net The Will of God Mrs Gordon Cochrene gave full rt on the Synodical meeting of the WMS held at Lindsay all Central United Church Bar SWIMMINGPARIY Miss Elizabeth Snelgreve was hostess at swimming party It her Theresa Street residence Wednesday afternoon Guests at the perv were former class mates ol Havergai College BRIDAL SHOWER Miss Patricia Cosmnn Toron to June bridcelect was guest of honor at miscellaneous shower lest evening Hostess at the event was Mrs Jack Black man Berczy Street Miss Cos rnan wrll marry Elev Stephen Triley pastor of Bethel Pente costal Church Barrie The mnrringcwill take piece at the gunforth Gospel Temple Junp T0 TOUR EUROPE Mrs Lawrence Platte Les Al tos California is guest of her brotherbelow and sister Mr and Mrs Harris John St prior to leaving on twomonth tour of Europe In her travels she will visit Paris Rome Zur lch Mllnn Stockholm Helsinki Leningrad and Moscow Mrs Piettes plans include visit to London England before return ing to Canada Dr Pictte will be attending the International Re Search Conference during the tour Mrs Pletto is the former Mary Harris and onetime ra sldent of Bnrrie GRADUATE Robert Stone has successful ly completed his third year in the faculty of medicine at Queens University Kingston He will spend the summer with his parents Mr and Mrs Man tin Stone RR Barrie DINNER PARTY Mr and Mrs John Kerr of Willewdaio will entertain at dinner reception this evening in honor of Mr Kerrs parents Mr and Mrs Kerr of Barrie who celebrated their golden wed ding anniversary yesterday Mr and Mrs Thomas Kerr of Barrie will be among the guests GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Luke Shakelf el Stroud were at home to friends and relatives on the occasion of their golden wedding anniver sary The celehrnnts were re sented with akitcheu suite om the immediate family and many other gifts Among the guests was Mr Shakolls only sister Mrs Alex Van Camp of Pence GARDEN CENTER All Garden Supplies Available At FEN DLEYS FLOWERS 74 Blake St PA M915 available by mail SAVE ALL DRUG PRESGRIPTIONS 15 T0 25 LESS THAN AVERAGE PRIOES For Free Quotation mail prescription to GRAINERKASHIN CHEMISTS 350 Bay Street Toronto EM 4411 PRESCRIPTION It SERVICE 6K SPECIALIZE in drugs and drug prod ucts only By specializ ing GK have become more efficient able do effecteconomlas GK HIGH VOLUME keeps waste at mini mumunlike drug stores that discard high percentage of drugs which have gone stale GK LOW OVERHEAD saves you the indirect costs of services you dont use GK ls cash andcarryorhymallfrom simple austere stark white layout GENERIC NAME PRE SCRIPTIONS on your Doctors approvalr Where two products of equal qualitylexlst GK will usetha less expen sive product We invite you to show this ad to your Doctor

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