Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1961, p. 6

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Two Views Liie The writer oi Ecclesiastes thought to be Solomon tells us that he fthe preacher was once king over lsrael in Jer usalem He exhorts young people to turn to God before SOMEONE SIIID Alexander Caesar these creations or our genius pend Upon iorce Jesus alone founded His em pire upon love and to this very day millions would die ior him Napoleon Bonaparte Christianity with Its doctrine oi humility oi Iorglveness or love is incompatible with the state with its haughtiness its punishman its violence wars Leo Tolstoy CHURCH COUPLES SOCIAL The mnrried couples oi the Church of the Good Shepherd are holding harheque social at pm Sunday They will meet at the home of Edward Dohsky Vine Street Charle magne and myan have ound ed empires but upon what do its the evil days comeEcclcs lustcs 112 121 rlio cites the miseries at old age when the legs shall trem ble the teeth iall out the eyes he darkened Death to him By REV EDWARD LAW St Marys Church politics sin of any such laws and himseli HONEYMOON IN BIIBRIE Recently married at the Salvation Anny Citadel Newmarket Mr and Mrs Thomas Carl Woodruil spent their honeymoon in Bruce bridge London and Barrie Mrs Wondruii was formerly Thelma Beatrice Boyd ROMAN CATHOLICS SIIY Blessed Water Superstition if you ever attend service in Catholic Church you will not ice holy water iont just inside the door Catholics dip the index CREEMORE SCHOLARSHIP AWARD Miss Susan Hesilp daughter of Mr and Mrs Jack Heslip has been awarded Sirncoe County Scholarship Susan is Grade Eight pupil at Greemore Public School and topped the class writing special scholar ship examination held atBar TIE Mrs Jean May has returned to her home at Creemore after spending the past four months wiihiriends in Morocco North Airica Alex McAllister former resi dent and errcouncillor oi Cree more but who has been resid ing in Colliugwoud has purch ased the former John Hood home from James Patton PIANO nacrrar Mrs Burton Johnston ATOM is holding piano recital at St Johns United Church June for her Creemore and Stayner pupils BIBLE COLLEGE GRAD Bill Ovens son or Mrs Ovens and the late Ovens graduated on April 28 alter uWISEyear curse at the Toron to Bible College Over 5000 peo Ple attended the graduation ex ercises With the diploma from the college he also received certificate with gold seal from the Evanglica Teachers Training Association AiterViur ther training Mr Ovens expects go to the mission fields in rIca Mr Lawrence and son Hugh of Shelburne were renewing an inninlances in the village on Thursday finger oi their right hand into this water and make upon their head breast and shoulders the Sign of the Cross Does this strike you as stran ge Does it seem little super stltious It isnt The use of holy water in relig ious practicé Jews even before the time oi Christ usedwater in their rel igiuus ceremonies extensively Holy water is plain ordinary H20 that has been blessed by the priest It is called holy because of this blessing The priest adds little salt to this water to sym bolize incorrupiion and immort ality The holy water symbolizes for the Catholic who uses it the attitude he should have when entering the house of God Catholics do not believe that the water has any power in it self They do beiieve that God will smile benevolently on them for devoutly using something that has been specially blessed and consecrated to Him UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP 0F BARRIE 945 am School oi Religion 815 pm PROGRAM PATTERNS ran IosIsz Panel Dischssionl To an amp ar BARBIE mvwca 24x owns so For Further Information EVIUODQ Wellnt can PA Hons There Is moral breakdown in public llic today it is present in business the proiessions and We see harharism on the out side and moral decay within In this present moral crisis people are loosing the very sense oi This crisis is not merely matter oi loosening moral cod es it is denial of the existence The resulting estrangcment iluds mun separated irom God Big business oiten mews de gree oi inhumanity in handling the working class Some work ers thicve and ion in return Scandalous 911 accounts is not new The streets Mans whole pur pose Is to obey Gods mn InnndmentsEceluiutee 11 St Paul writing alter Christ brought the message at love to Our Breakdown Alienating God ior lavish entertainment and reoklcsa living have little rela tion to sound business practice We ear and light Commun ism but we shall not remain iree or long if we are morally corrupt in our business llie However through the person al religious commitment oi each individual and his own ready acceptance of the place oi spir itual values in his life religion can penetrate in these areas oi iault We still assert that man is man presents more latte happy picture even Will he In prim under death salience am ready to be altered be writ eaII Timothy46 RELIGIOUS FORUM We are continuing the low on Christian living Today Path er Law oi St Marys and Rev erend Walker or First Baptist voice their views on the Christ ian Ilia and business This forum was initiatedto provide our readers with inion motive pointed articles How ever we do not wish the iorum to he aerlrs oi sermons We want our readers to participate by writing to us and voicing tree and responsible Man Is moral person It will bencilt the vigor oi morality in private and in put lic liie it less is saidahout the socallcd rlght to be wrong and more is done about the ohllga tion to be right THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH Rov Comelli Bonn Minister Phone PA 610 SUNDAY MORNING 1100 Service of Worship Dutch Bldslond Voor Gowns Eu Industrie 1100 Sunday School ior Children To be held in St James Chard at Crown Hill YOU ARE WELCOME In FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH St Vincent Street Rev Jae Geuzebraek pustor Phone PA 841316 151 Shanty Bay Road 950 auraSunday School 1030 am MR KRANENBIIRG 730 Rev Jae Geuzebroek Dutch The Church at Back To God flour Radio Program imarks the twelfth anniver sary of ourfirm since l949 we have servedwith understanding sincerity ethic FUNERAL HOM I27 IAVFIELD SI SAIIIE ONT PA 82530 murmur mum ootmu TRINITY CHURCH it Collier Street Next to the Post omce TRINITY 11 st armbu L00 mm Holy Communion 030 munMorning Prayer Sunday School Nana 1100 camMorning Prayer Sermon CANON REA 700 pmEvenaoug Sermon THE NEW ENGLISH BIBLE Canou Read All Am Welcome THE ALLIANCE CHURCH Barony and Dunlap Streets George Rosa Pastor 945 amSunday School 1100 amMomiag Worship 700 pmEvangellatie Service LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Steel In on Hwy 11 REV MILAN BABEL PA 81631 1100 mm DIVINE WORSHIP Sunday School 045 mm The Church or iv th The Lite ILLUSTRATED smarscumr Lassen By some Buesoher 8e1de 111 1i Mawa SHUTINSATCIIADXL mueguaoluuqavialo atiou group at the Salvation Armymetheurvicu lithe Salvation Anny Citadel on Sunday Arrangements are have fought asood fight have kept the faith Hence iorth tberels laid up iorma crowo oi righteousness which tholnrdahaiiglveme II Timothy 47 COHEN TEXT II Timothy their opinion on topics being discussed We shall publish as much reader corres ndeuce as space will allow dress all material to the Editor Barrie Examiner PICNIC SUPPER AT ORO There will be picnic supper ior the children and congrega tion oi Burton Avenue United Church at Oro Beach Park on Wednesday June 14 They plan to assemble at Aiter the rapper all will engage III iun games and races DIOCESE 0F TORONTO Church of Sr Giles as Cook sum The Rev fliddel In TRINITY 000 mm EOLY COMMUNION 91m AMcaURcu scuooi Mi AM BIBLE masses Young People 1100 euroMORNING PRAYER Nursery Clam THE GREAT INVITATION Everyone Welcome Roman Catholic ST MARYS CHURCH 05 MULCASTER ST PA 52935 SUNDAY MASSES ans am 1015 am 1130 am EVENING DEVOIIONS Sunday non Wednesday at 730 Our Mother oi Perpetual Help Novena msa rumors MASSES 730 and 1115 utn 600 mm ALL CHURCH NOTICES MUST or or 12 noon on monsoon PRESBYTERIAN ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN ICHURCH Corner Burton Ave fInA1laudale JUNE 11 IS ONLY In KING EDWARD SHOOL Burton Avenue one Black mm Church during hEIilding operations TO LIVE GET INVOLVED Church School Primary Senior and Young Peoples in Auditorium to hear Rev Mr King of Mission to Lepers at 045 am VISITORS WELCOME ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Owen and WorsleySt Rev Adams BA Minister Raymond Daniels 1100 am gt SACRAMENT OF THE LORDS SUPPER Director of Praise omcascaoon 945 HintJunior Intermediate and Senior Dents 1100 munNursery Kindergarten and Primary Dents COME AND BRING THE FAMILI T0 CHURCH bdnsmwummut Lusloandhomtbaaarviou QUARTERLY COMMUNION The sacrament the lords Supper will be served at St Andmra Presbyterian Church on Sunday Communion Sunday occurs quarterly at so And rews EMMANUAI ADVENTURE The renter young people at Emmmuel Baptist Church will present program called Ad venturlng With Christ on Sun day Several young people will characterize Old and New Test ament ilgures The program will be augmented by vocal and in strumental numbers SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY This Sunday is Sunday School Sunday at Collier Street United Church Members oi the Sunday School will participate in the service by reading and singing The service will be conducted by the general superintendent Ronald Pile MANY USES Breakfast cereals may also be used in pie crusts cookies quickbreada and desserts THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA The Rt Rev II Wilkinson MM DD LLB Lord Bishop at Toronto The Autumn cams or ST GEORGES ALLANDALE durtou Avenue at Granville Street TRINITY II victory or to Lord 000 am Holy Communion 10 LamYoung lenpiul Bible ELI II LILMORNING PRAYER Ir Congregation and Chitch School Nursery cIn In in Reetnry Martial Room munEVENING PHAst wn tnvlt you to come and warmly with III CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 159 COLLIER 81 Services Sunday School 11 nan GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN Reading Room on premises Wed 24 pm All are welcome The Salvation Army Citadel so Collier Street sr Captain and Mrs Gillespie Corns Oincen SUNDAY SERVICES 11 mm and p131 Sunday School 045 am welcome awaits ou PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICE In JOHNSON sr souoor STUDENT MINISTER Jame Terrie BA 930 am MORNING WORSHIP 930 mm soup sonoor nvnavoun WELCOME BAPTIST CHURCH Clapperton at Waricy Rev Gordon Walker faster Misa Elsie clousbiey DIreetor oi Music 10 to 10 Sunday Church School 11 Im Tho Fourth rBeatitude pm Its Story in Word and Picture MISSION no means Rev Gnli King guest speaker The Friendly Church with the Warm Welcome an toppings ior Beginner and nursery at mm gmmhmum nu conformity Curses Our Apathetic Age by 11va coupon wanna mam canea Does Christianity have any reintioushlp to or any bearing on the ordinary worka day world we live In Some times when we stop to think about it we wonder We go to our place of worship and believe ourselves to be hon ut before God We humble our selves belore Him and make our desim lurown to film We expect that He will answer ua Then when we leave our plan oi worship we leave our Christ Ianity at the iron door oi the church and return to the world Unchanged in our attitudes We give excuses ior this by saying that our world is such that we cannot possibly get flgfisuniasa we conform conformity Ls the curse oi our age To be Christian means that you will seek todo the will oi God Not coninrm to the ways of the world It Is the deslra of Christ that every Christians mind will be tranaiormed The old ways will be iorsakeu The Christian will be new man Jmus emphasized this with the simple statement Yuil must be born again Beiore Gods will can be iulliiled in you you must become changed per SOII This change will be evident in your actions at all times It will be evident every hour of every day and ee Christ on Christianity have dei place in our workadny world He can make His presence iclt through your lire PopEIInnounces Queen Expecting VATICAN CITY APiPhpe John told Belgian newspaper man today that Queen Fabiola Ia exnecttng baby The Pope gave special audi ence or newspaper men who came here with the Queen and King Baudoulu who are paying state visit to the Vatican The Pope received the royal couple in state audience Thursday Fabiola 32yearold daughter of noble Spanish family mur ried the 30yearold Belgian king Dec 15 in Brussels Baudouin and Fabiola are the worlds only reigning Roman Catholic monarchs UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Collin loi Elation Church In Iuunvn in illlrn Inn and upon lIinrm Illintsler Rev Skelly IIIA BD Organist and Cbolrmaster Lloyd TIIiiord il om Sunday School Sunday cannon soaoor years and over 930 nm lip to years 1100 am Visitors and Newcomers To City Warmly Welcomed CENTRAL UNITED TEE NEWCIIURCH WITH THE OLD STORY Toronto and Rose Street REV CECIL BRENN 8A 31 MB IRELAND Organist and Chairmm 1100 8111 THE PARSON REPORTS Beaver Rebekah Lodge No 190 and Barrie Lodge No 63oi the Independent Order oi odd Fellows attending CHURCH SCHOOL 945 mun9 Years ind Over 1100 lamUp To Yours Infants and Toddler Nurseries COTTAGERS NEW RESIDENTS WELCOME iiilillflii avenue WILLowoALE UNITED CHURCH UNITED CHURCH Rev lrimhle as an steer Street Public School Mr George Jamleaon Organist 1000 am MORNING WORSHIP MR ATKINSON Minister SO FAR IN WHERE OUT 1100 mm 9357 SALYATIQN SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 10 mm NEW CHURCH SERVING NEW DISTRICT SUNDAY sonooi AT 030 VISITORS WELCon EVERYONE wnncomc aArTIsT 4EMMANUEL CHURCH Our Senior Yonihw Prueu Entitled

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