Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1961, p. 10

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Home Hunting Io TEE EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE lo ANNOUNCEMENTS pinElia momso At tho Itoyll Via toria llclp Barrie on Friday Juno 1m to Li and Mn John Thompson 100 Johnson street name Ion loan at Lloyd GOOD NEWS STORYwhoa no announco Ilia birth at your lid in Iha narrla Exarninor clipping at the notice an Ivaillhlo or Bbya ooob Family run Accord to mail ynur Honda and rot In Inora anally Places To an Inuounument mar Dirtu Tha narrio Examiner cuaai old PA L21 IN MEMORIAL COULIIJI Inlnvlnl memory our dear lather Kullol Elly worth Couller who plned ley Juno IN And our our mother Olive Gertrude Coullrr who passed lwly Juno II 1350 Your rurncaJa on near in Your ova remains with Lil yet You were in kind DI parenl Your loud nnu ulu never lorgot Iha Family DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Paris Professor Camillc Glierln so who in 1903 proved it was possible to make vac eina against tuberculosis MontrealDr Charles Light ioot Roman 72 pioneer in in dustrial medicine in Quebec OsloDiva hijonjnnd all last surviving discoverer of th South Pole LondonLtGen Sir Henry Itoyds Pownall who com manded Britains ar East forces early in the Second World War MontrealSister Beatrice St Louis 52 mother general of the Roman Catholic Order of Grey Nuns Vnncouver Philip Iingley Rogers 53 chairman of the board of the British Columbia Sugar Refining Company Pole Explorer Dies In Norway OSLO Nrway APlThe last surviving discoverer ol the South Pole Olav Mlaoiand died Thursday night at his home in liiorgedal eastern Norway He was 88 iillaaland was one oi our ex perienced skiers who accom panied Norwegian in Ronald Amundsen on his trip to the Antarctic in NHLThe five Norwegians reached the Polo in December 1911 Amundsen disappeared on plane fliglt over Arctlco waters in June lino while searching for the wrecked Italian airship Italia CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified adver tisements are inserted at the rate of in per word per insertion for one and two times do per word for three four or ivo Limes and 2m per word or or more insertions 10 addi Ytionai charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CrARGLlZ PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS on CORRECTIONS Advartiacra are reminded that an phoaa inrortlon ordenaro acca ed as convcnieneo to you advertiaar Therefore tha clapsilierl Advortiain De artment require all Idvhrt Sara kindly recheck their adVartlaamant Immediately IItnr lint insertion in order thlt any error or ominsioulirlu no reported before turn in order that some may no rectlhod tor the toliowlag days lnsurtlon ordor Wa wlah to hint not that The Barrio Exam ner relpurmble or only and incorrectly rintcd Insertion on any adVartaemht and than bill to the extent in portion that Involves tin misprint Error which do not lanen th value at tho advertth moot are not eligibla tor colrod than by mlku good Rite and typo ltyi or semi display claarldedr may no on tliried through The Examiner adgt vartlslng department BLIND LETTER riEILIFS lnlormation regarding advartlam using Blind Letter our Numberl or apich in bold trlctiy nonflu autill Re lies to Letter Boxes will be hell only lo day altar lllt any of publication Cooling Events 59 per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words so per word extra In Memoriam No tines $150 if verso used llc per word extra AIIWANI AD copy lliauld be In our billed by pm the is heloro publication On Saturday by noon COMING avanrs TEA AND BAKE SALE at the home 01 MRS Naow1ns 42 PARK smear THURSDAY JUNE 15 230 Tosioo PM ADULT sao CHILDREN loo Aoipiccl nanla Womans lnrtituta THE BARRI REAL ESTATE Paoraan son sons HENDERSON much II coLuxh mm PHONE PA em MINING CALI RITA scmonm PA HMS PERCY FORD PA 079 lumber or Barno and Dinrtet and Onllrio Elli Elmo Balm MOVING ror compute movin urviea no uttr All COOKE CARTAGE Cr STORAGE LTD volm ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT nu ltd Blml PArhuy sun PA 68125 CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunio St MABEL Iiiinsn PA H450 canar PA was JUNE SPECIAL Your choic oI two or tam hed rcoin brick hunglawn cum to roilooi the ping cantre or down town no low down paymant Thu homes am has already lmwn in tho back yam IMAGINE $3200 Buying homo only it year old with lnrga in lost mile from city ilmita auid achaol and Highway ii lNcolIm Pnornnlv vo raveri Aha buildinr ndrountry acmgo WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LISTINGS nlnnNliAL FARMS CDIIAGI SINESSE FIGURES TALK No listing is too small and hand too large Our sales have been made from $200 for lot up to $0000 or buildings We need more listings at eVery kind We wlii be most happy to supply you with the names that have dealt with us Note our haw location is up stairs directly above our Ionn or location GRAYDoN KOHL am rante BROKER PA am no DUNLOP 51 mar EVENINGSi PA 84508 PA nasal CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST WORKING MANS HOME 52000 DCWN MORTGAGE $60 MONTHLY Seven roam threa larga bed room living room with flraplncr dinln room inrga kitchan wiLh bulltn cupboards and run porch nuuiiml landscaped lot gan 38le or Street Telephonu PA PA 6648 Member oI EarlII Ind Diltrlct Nell mate Board gt AGENCIES LIMITED COLLIER STREET PA 85901 CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS BEEN FARM 100 acres miiea outn oi Bari rle gond building at prlng creek through tho property We have rams ranging from on to too hem Priced to am with low down paymentg STOP it you are looking tor neat well kept bungalow with largo hedroolnr shaped living room with dihln area kitchen with ampla cup card spice lot or show you this one on ancouver Street today NOT SO YOUNG BUT Ive got modern ideu one at tho neatcgt ke older home on North Street really have lair nixed kitchen dining room sun room study or brary largolivlng room wth fireplace upstain have toul bedrooms tub room and bathroom You no Im old English stylelu PA H901 to inspect ma pleural MEMEERSDF BAIIIIE AND DISTRICT REAL lastAra BOARD Merv GouldOra 2515 Dari NuttycomboPA 56301 Edith GouldOrb 1510 lorry Si orPA 50671 VLA PROPERTY lo acres bound and barn mile east of StlynEr PorIent s7aoo Telma Arranged otber am and taummer propor tioa Illtld Contact Lloyd Owl liel mate IIurontnrio at calungwoon Phono all or soc WORKING MANS llama moon down Mortgage monthly Seven mama three large bed roam llylng room with nrcpiacc dial rooln illgo whenwlth builtn cupboards Indium porch acauilmuy iantiaca ed lot Na lar Street aal lattn lnl Canon rlln CANADIAN melon cordially Ilia presentational illa WILLIAM anrnfmplly gt Port THE oman or muddle WEDNESDAY 815 can ml of dozens at satisfied customers ROGERS one DUNLOP mornr roa sans CONNELL $353 First in Barila Home SIiuForamoot in Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL MOOREPA Go ROGERSPA MEMBERS CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIEx PHONES PA 602 PA Smith CampbellPA Mm Perl Glrve Mambo oI tho SEE BARRlE VIEW Blrrill uowut luoflvilinn Thu Cuatom ham hulldlnl try Gard Syria and hour unm Lotl Ior II All aarvicu mpplied and lully paid for It ll lfltlildvlflfl oII BIyVIW Drivl our lb Hlrorlll DrlvoIn GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD GORD SPRINGFlt slim nous hennaPA 34m This is Your Invitation to inSPeft 257 DUCKWORTH STREET corner at Melrosa and Duckworih Sis New large room contemporary home with car port OP FRIDAY EVENING SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING SUNDAY AFTERNOON Builder PA 8428 HOMES OF DISTINCTION CROSLEY BER NOW BUILDING Bedroom Homes Attached Garciges Port Stone Fronts Storms Screens Provided Custom Built Cupboards Exhaust Fans FULL PRICE $14400 WITH LOWEST DOWN PAYIVIENTS EVER FOR THIS rr$98700 Down Payment FOR INFORMATIVON PHONE PA 82670 pass swan binnim am NSTmPA H20 Com PA mu ISIAID BOARD loan LangPA um PA 5151 Rani niato hoard Ideal location or that how burnt EN Bud ALLEN BY NICK CONST inKjtchen TYPE OF Homo BOAKE REALTOR 161 amronn swam BARBIE PA 5387 OR PA 5333 Still lelllnl Ilml to armor tor taming Clara WaltemmPA wool Ralph aoakaPA coon Members or Barrio and Dirtrlct Rel Esta Sr ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 73 mm STREET BARBIE ACRES DWELLINGS no more orlou or heautitul trend land located south 01 Ear ria an IIilhway on which ll lo cated bedroom atone homo plug living room IIIII silo dining room kitchen hathroomr tall ballmentltonn faced garage plus In dxtrl dwelling consisting of bedrooms living room kitchen and both ihi is an eltltd like Property with llawar beds shrubs and circular driveway and ha highway from ol about 232 test NEAR BRADFORD STREET 39pm lull prlce or II two ItoI rcy brick dwelling having rooms full basement garage hardwood floors Down paymont only 2500 and the blllnnl on an ohm mortgage SHANTY BAY ROAD Brick bungalow room lull blsemnnt recreation room rolech lirall heating open lirnplacc gara lolly iandmpcd lot with pave drivawa Terms condom on EVENING PA82379 Member at the Barrie andBIItricI Re Eltata Bulld PRIVATEVSALE Bevan room bunlllow oils and onehall old time xiclnily tth Collolilto down er ltor Streatu MOVED May is I001 T0 113 DUNLIHV STREET Next to Brown Co STEVENSONS ALL KiNDS iNSURANCE HAROLD FQmER BE BAYFIELD ST PA 65453 Member or amla and nlrtrict REAL Estate Baud EVENINGS CALI EMonY MILLER PA Mold JOE PALMER PA was KARL MARSHALL PA Hm NonAH hAlKEs Org 4013 HAROLD Anonsm PA Moos NORMAN REAL Panamaniana nuniop streat can PA 89961 OR 68742 EVENINGS CALL Yoo Longtln PA 601 Everett Shallweil on NI Howard Norris PA was Ilck AWIliIon PA HI lim Lemon PA Hm Norman shelawell PA DWI amour and ma halt tram roam house piece Comer at Church andLou street Etnynar Phony 2m stayncr 325 DOWN for III modernyd bedroom bungalow in lovely district Owner transIerred May be Men at I55 Wellington St or tolaphonq PA um BEDROOM Drink Dunla ttanhed llrllo alone to III bargain or one with down Payment Apply 110 lad REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOB SALE OR RENT mu noun for solo not to Stroud Int Clot to now would eonoio with on child Telephou DRII Strand flux ma PROPERTY WANTED BUILDING LOT WANTED iblr lat mun hava at lent 1n eel front dlplb It In loo III Should be In ood olden till aru of Birth op lo 841 7a Bania lzaamtnor gta prie Ind lot looLion MONEY T0 LOAN MOUNTAIN 0F DEBTS Ply oin Now with Lawnt ulrInlured BCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA MORTGAGES INVEST YOUR MONEY UP TO 15 RETURN For Sulef Short Term First Mortgages with guaranteed collateral an and mortnla For luriher Information call MR MILLER PA 61032 IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS io consolidate dobu Pay on axiltlng mortg 0r mortlllu coming Hnml in rovcmant Any wo nwhtla coma Call today or appointment PA WI Mortgage Funding Of Canada DUNLOP STREET MST MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payment Innlred Illinat accident lichieu death CRESCENT FINANCE DUNLOP 51 WEST BARRIE PA 60103 MONEY AVAILABLE You an invited to dioeuu your Emblem with in with ion providing tha pro perils are on rogirtrred plant in about or City lntamt at ore wailing rates Clli Cnuttl do Cd Owen SL BIrrII PA Miss timid mar MORTGAGE wanted etlintely to clear on on late Apply to lamlo Examiner MORTGAGESlat Ind 2nd hflulht laid and arrangad comma and residential non lolnod on ex ting mungll Barrio Mm arokara PA Md BUS OPPORTUNITIES lvn ARE LOOKING FOR BUSINESS MAN TO BE TRAINS FOR THE POSITION 0P LESEE 0F WELL LOCATED IIJGII VOLUME SERVICE srltwluliyx The min or whom IrolDokInl in not necessarily had service station experience belore but ha will hava roven Mmsell ln busi ness and it no Willin tolearn new one REPLY TO nox 7a annals EXAMINER stato quallflbluonl god reasona ior wanting to enter lhla hold smb OIL C0 OF CANADA Um In RENTALS OFFICES STORES RENT mom omen Shana near Elva Points and square not privatn washroom hot water oil heatlnp pen month Telephone PA Luis snout Pun naNr Queen street cookltown Good location or bar her shun repair and ahna leg Telephono 45mm Cockatown APTS HOUSES T0 BENT Two BEDROOM house Elmo Terrcu on hay Oil liraco aduita Avauablc July in Apply to Box Barrie Examlner or Telephone W0 mm Beileville collect UNFUILNISEED two room apart ment with kitchenette nd roam Private entranca hea drn and puking incl Adults prcrorrcd only may pier Street cBNmALLY located three rnpm unfurnished apartment with bath Stove and refrigerator auppiied Reasonable rent Parking able Telephnna PA lasso bet 150 p111 and mo pm NEW AND Modern can and two bedroom aparimont ovulantdng Icenla Kempanrclt any out tel arklng and Janitor llrv inqu ed Automatic warhlna II clutter PA um maunrnsnao groundv aprrunent ono bedroom living room kitchen and bathroom Heat and water supplied sepnnta en trance ass monthly Telephone FILE2555 some sell contained lumirhed apartment ground ilonr Clean heated Private entrance Near Post orlloa bedroom living room bath kitchenette pluaotornle manuily Phonov Phenol nouaa Port rim sevenvrooma hath in minutes drive iron Ban no in village or Euladalo AvalL able July as month with Ionie Can bo seen anytlma Jennings PA 85573 or Ora so momma twn room loan mcnt with kitcheneita and bath room Private entrance heat tin and pnklngopacaihclude Adults pretcmd Allah13 oiar street SELF comamao unmmirhcd hcaiod two bedroom apartnient Heavy wiring mat and back on trance laundry room Children welcom Apply all Bayfleld strch or phono PA will MODERN two bedroom npart ment for rent stova and rnlrl orator lupplled Laundry raclliilc and parking Janitor rvicc Availabln my Telephone PA floor MODEILN threa hudrno unlim nlahad apartment PerIIl rnnca use of walker and dry Quiet dmrlcl noni bill Ilna almi and Achoolg Telephono PA Try on Examiner Want Ad Phone Po 82414 RENTALS AYES HOUSES T0 BENT mum nucleus MM Alumni mo Phone PA uh rwo nlnlooad cottag or art mont or not around art unlined lrpiiunl moi naga ouch condose to room lor rain or not in to General nintrie on nod lat Available immediate 17 only in as John street nous to rant room all hub ed centrally loo1rd Availabl Ju$ Telephone PA 751 or or inlormuon ISL comm unmrnlabad lulled in bedroom IIInudist naavy wiring CentnL on bua route APP 180 Brlflnrd Strut ml BIDROQM brie oflnll low Inmllhed Io rent or July iii an Tllophono PA we or information 0N HOOVER Constellation moda cnu or quick Illa Aldo on Pillr Eurn Telephone PA on and or rinix noon belted mrniahd aplrtnient tor rent Illa bed alt tnl room Ind kitchenlie Avlll allmlmmediliely Telephonl PA on nunxx Iplcioul Lhru roam apartmont with balcony henkd his duty wiring re decorated elephonu PA 54510 mul hour or IVEIIIDKI two FURNIIIIKD Room Iri niedt hot Ind cold wiltr ulb ablc lor on or two adulta Avail Ibil now Tolepbcaa PA no evenlnll SIX ROOM Haul or Nut In bathroom Ilrla ounroom llIIo ma oil hosted Avatllbla an mealidly Apply on lintI Thornton UNFURNISKED modtm roam artniont or not 55 monthly sated Loon tad II II Penatnnl Elrlll Talo pbon PA 54M man 300 moniepra nlrlnco mood parking cilltleg Avail abla lmmcdiltoly rciepnon ra MD or mrthor lnlarination mans noon Apartment no path ground floor warhcr 1nd dryarIPrlvaio vorandnh and parking Tel hon PA com oveniul PA 1m FUKNIIIIBD baaied Iplrtmenl central Also thrill room rtmcnt at lvy sto nlno mile run Camp Borden Avail lblu Juno Iolaphonl PA H081 mo BEDROOM Aplrtmant up lurnlohed outed ona block ram main It $60 or month Tele rtnr s1s or Hardwara TWO mammalian Bachelor apartments or rent Retrltaraior log lupplied onwotnwn lo immediately Telephone PA N751 dlyliinl rwo asonoolu Apartment ub nut and wator ruopiid Sepl ta cntranca Near West End hopp ng plan No ablldron Phona PA Mm AVAILABLE Immediately one iuinincd apartment nna unlimi llhed Both leIt contalne child welcome Days on arching PA Mm hmhmvs threa room uniur nlrhod heated apartment Rede eorated rail rantmed with rlv ata bathroom Stan and relr ger aupplied Suitable tor buri dupio Telephone PA oSflo EAST END Largatwo badronn apartment rail contained llova Ind reIrigalator supplied Laundry iuilitlu and good parking Adultl gyunsilllhIIJuno ill Telephona PA THREE nooM rumlrhcd apm ment nonin nmpla modern kit chnn cupboards 116 month in clad au laci ties Av blo Julyl Tnicphnaa PA solos Ap ply to in Cumhdrland Street THREE ROOM unturnilbed apart ment heal water luppiied LacA ted Elnka and Dunlap Avallahlo immediately For turtheriintar motion Telnpbona PA most or PA 85477 natal noolu Apartmant with grlvato bathroom hot wainr oil eated rcrrlgerator and heavy duty atova included Located on guru Avenua Apply Contra rea MODERN HOME large living room kitchen utility room three bedrouml our loan bathroom Floor Kilrulne VII drive Olk View Beach Telephone WISll Beach BBWI NICth mrniahed Apartment in mndarn home Control Stove rc mgento and hot water InppUed Eusirlen lady prererred Abltain era non smoker Apply at 125 Baytield THREE noolvl heated soucon tamed artment Idr rant with nora an reirigeratnr $15 month ly lituated in tho Eut end Avail liluauimmcdlately ieitpnnna PA FURNISHED oothge two bed rooms but and cold water in bathroom and kitchen Built in ouphoarda Heated with spa hdhter Can on non It Bub ton Ave SELF CONTAINED unturnlahod heated two bedroom apartment Private bath and entrance Central location in west end Good park lng Available July Tolnphono PA H5145 Punmalmn artment bed git ting room and itehan with atovo and refrigerator Available immed lately Tolephonl PA 53494 or Fly 111 Burton Ave Heavy dly atova ior aaio Pumsnan tam roomaput meat three piece bath heavy duty stove and rnirlgomtor Hardwood flooro Sell contained Available July Apply Armstrongs narci wara ATTRACTIVE clean lgletely iumlahed threo roanav apa mant Living room kitchen bedroom with twin beds bathroom contained AdulLI Avallabla July Apply 13 Collier street Lowan DUPLlix spacious tell contained heated retrlgerator Itove laundry garaga Central $76 monthly Adults 1113 Available July Apply box Barrio anilner lei contained our room WANTED TO RENT Two BEDROOM Apartment iota pl cupboard space Quiet relin bla tenants In Queens Park area Ground floor it ponlnle Wanted by July 15 Telphono PA 571 WANTED Two or threa bedroom lrllnerlt or house or July ortii elal or aartrlocatinn only Threo adultlTelnphona PA Mm ROOMS no LET ofUflNIEEED Boom tor rent Very cetnral Parklngtacllitlea Tele phone PA 61142 after pm nooms no nan to gantlcmcn rcrarabiy iron Mandny until Erlday Conalructiongtworkerl wel camkcin Rxlsolynaizlefirfifafi Egon no gr tlaphmi Loom avonlnga RENTALS noonls TO LET CLEAN emotion phan IA 0352 WWII 34mm to uni two bloelu from downtown auri nua men pralemo rolepooao PA sun mama lam bedroom with twin bean suit can or run genlt tlemon ror unhor lnlcrmatinn call PA um alter or an ply us Dunlap st nu ROOM BOARD Joan AND noum Gonnanan nilemd will act lunchea ary strut vtclni Tlielrhono PA on or turthgr dell SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES T0 BENT cDIIAGK nearly new 61¢ hay Paint furuhhed modern louve nloncel cloud to It bathing beach lawn July to Aug not 15 Nepbonl PA um connos run slits or rent bedmnma all rnnvoaicam win terlged Laka Sham Cedar llnn hour ciou to lake Apply tarot emu int stroud COTTAGES FOR SALE TWO BEDROOM Cofllln with III canvanioncaa 100 that river Ironi III beauillul lot mile lrorn Barrie Mullah district Sign force InlouWriIo Box 79 Barrio Examlnzr ARTICLES for SALE FILL YOUR FREEZER with in ones nna and lawn MEATS ETC lam Guaranteed duailul Budget iérlna on order $5000 and ovar Compilat Lind OI FRESH MEATS AT THE LOWEST PRICES are availablv to than who who to pureh their order daily at your iltLEERPAK FOOD STORE TIFFIN sneer BARIHE PHONE PA boom Free Delivery open Friday till pull NEWSPAPER MATS Sixel uxln ldedl rnl unlnr he houses attlu gargal ctr Darlect tnralatnr 25c PER DOZEN AUDI ina aamanamlnor Barrie Ontario PRIVATE SALE OF FURNITURE ELhIVALIJ Coldopot nnlrlgcrator rau delrosi inr Westinghouaa Rolllgeratorl Hi died nearly naw Gal Iilulo with flttlngl Electric Range uud nix months Oak Barret chart or nrawen neatly Washing Mach they new Kitchen Set with air chain Writing Dealt hadl Odd Chaim Smou ialil Hoover Floor warhnr or 44 Yooga street Elmvalo FOUR corneas for rain Apply Box on cilimaraa Mottl or rain phone PA 251 50000 YARDS ol Iload Gravel Ono mild north Earrll highwa 28 and 27 For further dntala telephons PA m7 savor DRUMS Bavarly in good condition Asking 75 Apply to 3MP Eurbidle 1111 moratt 1951 PREFECT ltmron lot 1000 miter complete with access Dries Ind front and chassis Pric flo Telephone PA 37742 EANICRUPI STOCK Wall oven and table toneicmcnu complete haw Hall price Telephone no iroy 2a orrlpply to Kelly JUNE SPECIAL Singer Golden Gilda Vlcuilln Claaner reduced 510 Singer Sewing Centre 25 nuniop street Welt Barrie COLEMAN Spnca Heater or Isle also 200 gallon oil Tank and connecting copper tubing$55 Tel Iphone PA 34224 CABIN TRAILER 15 McGInnlg aluminum furnished oil heater clcctrle brakes axcellent condi tion $1000 also in hp Evin rude outboard SW PA 5239 x0 FREE CUSTOMER Nrnlshlfl Room or null dmb riot in downtown lru For Inlt Rosa Cowan atch Examiner Wantids ARTICLES for SALE ourran AND tau union how cm no Will nil or boot artr IIllphono PA um CAM for II Yllhlgl Itaflu with annulled Good condition PH IIlophonl PA HULLDOZXNG AND Grading nab Pond cnnatrvcuou Apply Loo uni PA um NATIONAL Electric Eton at our fill hillMr in unclu condlt on used very iliill Tellphono Siroud Rial lmN mmnmuc JACK in nirycla mi Woodln Mantel in in so Lodyl snou IAA lad brown all wcaiiur can to PA um can POST also cedar Po All liul Mr Illl Ca bo out desired APP to amu banon shanty ay CDNTINZNTAL 3rd or all then aimori no ano l1 inch Admiral Talovll 15 Good coir dluon Telephone PA M115 MeCLAhY aaa Range tully oqulp ped deluxe modol inch in ox cellant condition Actual ura Inna monlhr ielophcna PA won or PA Mood unth Propana Goa homun tor reconditioned guaranteed nag year up cubic out Can be on convened to natural III we Telephonl PA 60511 or PA $106 JUNE SPECIALI TD powerful IInllDIIIllo Vacuum Claanlr or in pccm lies at who Sinlar Sowing Cen rd Dunlap SRO wm Barrio JUNE SPINle no amour silk or SUlIOMlilo lg flowing Macblha or on Home Singl sowing contrv Dunlap strut Welt filrrlo I3 WHEELS Tinl trailer nae hindin on drink Cooler Cement Mixer SHINE Trallnr unconi lotedl l6 Coiu good turn luau 1th relt Ora cal WNB SPECIAL win In Druid an flin ler munakghobgln tatlg NAM rnvona at Ely singer sawlng Mach union Strut Well Barri wsnbmc onus whlta nylon potting dvar min on lirat ionrthl lilo hridbsmalda an ytl iow nylon halting er utin his 12 mm length aIo arid crown Telephone PA moons olvannaaoomuonu alao Clhln In vary good condition strolIor Chroma Kitchen loin II on IBM Packard car lolly totemtic in good condition Agply is Mary sum taiophonl com ARCHERY Equipment bred La reliviuon Lampl Crib Ind itmu Rlnlatta In dilltriol sawing Macbinl coir Clubr two lcnnh aunt and not Portbl Record mayor or calla all co Cramn Pistol rcicphan PA com chest or Drawerl chlida new no Wardrobo plywood sifl Ar boritd Kitchen Tabla and chairs also not or Form Dim via my whoop almost now ow And New lloiiand duck llay hair and year old 521s Tcicphona lmi strand mo usan convaralon bur hers tuiiabla tor converting coal lurnaco to gas tiring to be Iuppllcd and Installed Irea char or anyono who with to inrtal gal rontli watar heater Rental on wot heater is on per month Tc ophona PA Mall orPA Mus AVAILABLE used manual Caaavant pipe organ pl 35 stops less console either whpia or any division him he removed by July IDS liIay lean Ind played It St Simona Chunk aroma Spocillutlonl on rcquent Contact The Church WardEnd Olllceg St Simonl bureh 40 Howard St axu rantl ago door with complata with hardwnra liliup gargo door with aix Ariel lights corn glut with an warn Largo dou in and triple window tumor nsh con iotc Bod rprlnla llh now hinge coin LII1a oak buc Int Valanca boards oak ltrlr iloor carpet underIan and mnnnnir Teicpboaa PA new or PA assoc narrows WANTED WANTED EEFRIGERATORS FOR SUMMER COTTAGE HIGHEST TRADEIN VALUE Cali McFadciens FOR PRICES PA 89285 Two SLEEPING alien in and condition Telephona PA so OLIVER 70 Tractor wanted tor parts Must have belt pully raio ohonc mito Eimvnia liter pm we WILL PAY CAB or good ugcd futlilting or any good tiled article individual or contant iota Poona PA Mm 11an xnrhruamrons wanted Stovcl woollen manor In Chests We will pay or trans an othal merohhndiao Cull PA om clark IIYAn Examiner Want Ad PIIONE PA 2414 TRADE iN YfOUR OLD RUGS or NEW BROADLOOM All the Ilillt Ln Wool Nylon Triton Acriliiu Itd Viuoao FROM $495 PER YARD VISCOSE HUGS $2995 ALL WOOL AXMINSTER RUGS $4835 stock carpet in roll Also animate and allow samples In your home CLARKS HOME FURNiSHiNGS 34 BAYFIEID SI BARRIE TELEPHONE PA 82843 usr oun LONG TERM canan PLAN PARKING AT BEAR WE ARE NOT FOOLING because WE NEED TEADElNS WILL PAYOMUCH MORE THAN ANYTIMEClVN OUR HISTORY USED REFRIGERIiTOEchSé RANGESWASHERS OUR COMPLETE LINE oF KELVINATOR APPLIANCES APPLIANCE DIVISION CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS 38 BAYFIELD STREET FOR THE BEST VALUES IN TOWN CUSTOMER PARKING 1N REAR

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