Are Preparing Kill Ldmprev Local Waters symvnrolvaico Maudthoughtth heroine sports Mill atlan were biologists Aarne mumnnirmn nina menu LeafsWin Pair Wearewrllingthiyeollm wearetntoouratxtiiweeklandweli theakiliafoormrgeonanddoctor thiswonderfuihoepitat We have been letting quite class the time for their gradua We do not blame them for because they have been looking llieannuslniperWorefiahingtfbelnntheiOcaimE Plant takeoff tonightfor die Parry Sound areaand for the fintdmeinmanyyearayourcollnnnietwllinothewltiitbnn tphyrlcalb um is We trust that the pickueimolttumtomeetunm Talking of plekerel fishing the gmd old Nottewassgn River hiis been giving up some really goodrcatchet lately Frank Malcolm of Colllngwood married to the former Winnie Bio Barrie shunt his limit with some to Ill mums the other day at one of our favorite holes down below Montgome rys rapidsl BrotherEarle did not fare so well but maintained that he saw quite few good might lot of pls do not realize that pkterei are careful feeder Manypegeople lose lot of them by being trigger happy yanking on their line too soon We remember one opening am couple of years ago when we were hauling in our third pickerel before anyone else had one We went out of our we to owlsin oln theory of with lnztil the pickers had re ood had and was literally ready to break our rod before in it was not long before other were reeliogin some lovely fish The secret seems to be to move the bait slowly and not reel in until you felt your rod was going to break because pick erei seem to move the bait around in their mouth before they actually bite right into it re ANOTHER 8F SON NEAR About three more columns from now everyone will be geï¬lng ready to head for their favorite ban and murky grounds These seasons open July Last year we found filhorobury to be fair apot forbau especially for thine whohketoilshotlehoresndaotwalktoofar to get good mot Georgian Bay hit of Penetang it our favorite spot off Beausoliel Island and er the mouth ofPsnetalig harbor rne hails fishing was exceptionally good last year and our cottage was always well stocked with has fillets wanna that lot of people who do not likeeating fish have not learned how to fillet or cook them properly We can just about taste those golden brown fillet with dash of lemon right now We have found that the or you clean game fish the batter and if they are proper fillettku rolled in fine crumbs and wellbeaten egg and cooked very lightly and quickly you cannot beatthemfor foodfitforaking Even our youngest at two cans of age was eating whole fillet and asking for moraynnd we thought that he was fussy fish ester Fish are one ofthe most valuable of tooth and people who eat lot of fish are better iii healihvwise than those who donot BATTLE OF THE MEWS We have devoted lot of space to those parasitic deepotlera of some of ma best fishing waters the lampreys anrently there is lot it edivity in the Mouse River in the area of controlling this menace to our game fisheries Remember when locally welliaiown biologist nanometre spoke to the local conservation did and made reference to future plans for our Nottawasaga River watershed and tributaries All local onservattonists and fisherman will be greatly giaddenedtoseeslithese hardatwoikonourbe half in their battle against ey menace Film FIRE SEASONi Careless campers smokers and those who burn Wan in forest and resort areas please remember that now is the dangerous season do not let your tires meldiea or seller goout alone chapeeona them Riiicildi To Press Old Archie Maore heating owns the most hits ire right the battle will begin withina ewdeya The lemony parasite is of borrbledecline merdiniitfishlngindiecreat parasite clings to the fish and sucks the blood out natlnaliykiil The lamprey has spread flie Fisheries Research Board of Canada has diseovered and rid ded other streams and rivers of the terror It knew of the lam preys presence in the Nottaw asagi famous trout fishing site for some years in lï¬a the board went into action with surveys few week ago crew of biologists and technicians ar rived at this location off Blair way no where the new bridge spans the river TESTS Test alter test has been made Yesterday this reporter watch ed laboratory te wherein lamprey lar al nmmooetes were placed in tanks with nat ural stream and river waters trout and different concentra tions of the lampricide We saw the aifect on both lamprey and trout After the first hour the results were netlt urally different depending on the strength of the treatment it war encouraging to us more fisherman to see with our own eyes the result Lampray were being killed The trout were still living Few Bait For High If there anyone whoyu doubts who has the upper hand in the Bertism District Sen iorSofthali segue this year iuettakaagoodlook atiilofoi lowing batting averages Ineontraettothelastfewsea sons few tele with at least 10 at hatein firsttwoweeka ofthesdrodulemholdersofre spectablevinarke Only nine batters have not or better mark The leaders are George Falconer of Stewarts Lunch always an earlysearch leader and rookie Gary Hines of Mlnwing Each has four hits in 11 official trips to the plate for 304 average Boss Horne of RCAF Camp Borden Flyere along with Dan MacDonald and John Mdhinn of BHszl Hunting and five flie one gune scheduled to night between Torgis Automo tivee and Mlnasing will be play ed at Shear Park starting at seven oclock Following is the list of bidders Lemminehargeoltreahnm for the board Doug Dodge Herb Johnson and instrlnneot technician Joe my Watersused in the tests were from the streams and rivers that will be treated Noisy Blv er Med River and Upper and lower Notlewuaga River Thecrewhssalreadyrun tertastoliielengtholthnethe lamplicide will take to get from one point to anotherA green dye iluoresceine dye was used More the treatrimt can start conditions will have to be aim flartothatnftheteetnret leastsdiustments made rename srsnous Feeding stations will be Singhsmpton Noisy River at the dam near Highway 24 Not tawasags River at Nicoleton Dam Boyne River near Aili ston Pine River near Anglia and Bear River near Utopia The survey crew that preced ed this team tried aoo cheek points some repeated two and three time Dr int Tibbles in charge of all lamprey control was not at the reeds during eitherpt our visits However he arrived yu terdny afternoon When treatment starts the Maple division of the Fisheries Board will send men to lend hand Upon completion of the neat ment that should union or five days at least the trout should have free roll except nounally from the thousands otouldoore mambo for years have sworn by this watershed and for the last few years have sworn at it eijs Surat Average with at least in at batstand ooo orbetterr is al Falconer Hines Reynolds Goyetche CB Murphy Th Honkmuuuwutenueouuuenueu$wuee vnwmuuuhumuubumubabuum rn an BIOLOGIBT Herh Johnson of the Hebela Research Board of Toronto is preparing lamp rieide concentrations for tests at government site on EMI wny 90 where the bridge spans the Nottaweeags River The town of biologists and techntc lens has been studying the watershed for few weeks few feet run Mr Johnson in the portable lab are tanks with rived water trout lam prey larvaeammooeiee and Ladies Night Vï¬t Wrestling Three feature bouts will make up next Tuesdays professional wrestling eard at Barrie Arena Notonly that its iadles night All tho tel ones will be Mormon enoug to be the main 1t featuresthe return of Bi Curry Hell go against Pat OBrien Middle featun is tag team midget match men comes challenge between Armon Hus sein and The Great Mephisto different concentration of the lamprieide These teats will determine the treatment need ed for the job at ridding this famed watershed of the pore eite Examiner Photo IIIIDMAIIC DELIVERIES See SlMtltlE irritation PHONE rs 8256 Edison Wine Prop iovAnne st Barrie WMURBAY ROBE NEW YOK AHGiulio ill naldl knows what he has to do to heat Archie Moore in air world light heavyweight tle ï¬ght Saturday mt After all he won verdict over plumplshrMoore in non tiflcboutinRomelostOct and he has checked films of Ar chias losing heavyweight title ï¬ghts with Rocky Marciano and Floyd Patterson Marciano and Patterson pressed him the 26year old Italian said Thursday They knocked him out Move Moore hack and his legs get tired gums that hasibeen his trouble for long time He cant do the things he wants to do when hee pressed discovered that in about the fifth rnlind in Rome CAN BE Giulio knows the enroler But can he do it think can Maybe it will take me seven or eight rolnide but think can stop him The challenger is as optimize tic as any husky youngster should be at the prospect of fighting fellow of 44 But the big question will be answered byArclile if old age hasnt caught up to him hes apt to blast Binaidi out of ac tion in three rounds of the scheduled 15 rounder Archie from San Diego Calif showed in training that he could still rip off powerpacked combina tions feel grea said Moore as he prepared to break cainpet Monticello NY feel better now than have in long time All can say is that wish that Binaldl makes good on his promise to go after magThen it will mighty interesting FIRST 1N iW YEABS It will be Moore 5fint title defence in nearly two years He hasnt been forced to trim down to the 175 pound limit alneehe belted out Yvon Du rella of Bale Ste Anne in the third round of theirsec and fight at Montreal Aug 12 me He lost recognitions champion by the National Box ing Association for inactivity but retains his title in New York Massachusetts and Europe Madison Square Garden offi cials expect crowd of 10000 to contribute to $60000 gate Open Players 1li$Illlandale On Wednesday The Ontario open golf dinni pionship is scheduled for June maineat champ is 22 yearold GeorgeKwdson previous winner of the title was Moe Norman fellow leokilulegnbuie hononfortha out time is Frank Vyeo All threevare professionals All exceptional golfers local golf bugs will get preview of what thesefeilows might do inthe opuiwhentheyvhvmhola at AlinndaleGoif Citlb next Wed nesday Fourth man in the group whom many feel can beat many of the best pros as amateurs Barrie Golf and Country club champion Jim Small Following theafteinoon play the spectators will be given fowjtips and general tiuiiir by the aeq of the fairways Essa RoadiBianks alllaaglnganieplayedstohk Parklastnight vidorsscorednlitheir runs in the firetthree frames tour onenndtwo lit Rained 50 County Ladies Have Field Day Iii Oriliia iltrrained yesterday so nat iirally fliers had to he ladies golf competition somewhere it waa at Oriliia and the host chm took first place in the Simooe County Field Day with 534 strokes Midland was second with 504 followed by Barrie 591 Call ingwood was disqualified for not having full team Three lndies Matty English of Midland Jean Murphy of Oriilla and libbie Brooks of Oriliia tied for the whole low grass with its Mrs English got the nod on the atrenflh of the heat back nine Mrs Mur phy got the second low gross Low net prize was won by Sue Mulaihy of orillla with 71 Mad Bidding of Barrie was second with 74 nine was 36 by Orillias Corby Waite isobel isloof Orillia was prc rented with gilt from the Ml for her fine reduction of handicap last year in the inn lor division Menthere of the Barrie team were Grace Ough Mar Hick ling lane Young Maryanne Smitil Edith Corby and Rhonie Anderton Others who made the jaunt were Phyl Harris Betty Ciyno and Lorna Bell Tuesday the ladies of the Bairie club held their weekly games with ll players going nine hole and 14 going Ill dean Pollock andedith Hod gins won the ninehole prizes Marion Armstrong and Barhara Harris won the whole prizes Low grass for the second zine holes who 40 by Tibble Brooks Low gross ftthe secnd nine was is by Grace Ough of Bar rie Low net iii the first nine lioles we as by Barriea Jane Young law netfor second it Merry Menagerie oua GAS HEATSSmCK TANIlt5N ATRlCE THERES NorA cue 80 III tchiratedetitZso rpm Whatevuyour speed advance the throt tie ofynur Tiger Shark little merefeel 10 Instant emlamfiun fltatl Fasln lng cedi Performs West Bands amusiva PM Spread Fuillrlfl skiers from deep WI mfl or hurtling heavy milsv Tlgar Shark lies tile power you need at any speed ELECTRlSHMIK SYSTE Con Btlill Current CCAt=lnalorGnncrnm DialId 15 Imps even at idling Speed ouner OPERATIONnuns at full ihlottie with nlonrerlo mountingsliber glsss cover ODUAI DIVINGDIN MIC Sun gt ASSUREEflsmkedioshcnkoutottlltirig Full ONEYEAR WARRANTY Part and Labor WMPACI AFFEARANBE blonds withthailnesetyourbnaL et Lustom Mll In my venuemu QWERED Wbï¬rmué iiti west sriiiiio SPECllltl aicsAVINGs on NEW i960 25Aiin 4o HP morons 5MYlillls Buirlsrlivicr root oflMapl on aoiro SA OK FOR OKEEFE