THEYRE NOW DUKE AND DUCHESS The Duke of Kent as and his uycarold bride the for mer Katharine Voraley walk down the aisle after their wedding in Anglican York Minster Cathedral in York England yesterday The Duka LAST IN scans Fire Other Departments Involved In EMO Planning This is the last in series of as Consumers as and Bell articles on SimcoeABarrla Em ergency Measures Organization that have been carried by this paper as public service The series has covered very thor oughly the federal and provinc ial organization and how they are established that Simcoe Barrie Eth was established in January of this year and incor porated the former Civil De fence Organization in Barrie The series also covered the threat of nuclear war and prob lems we might have to face to gether with description of weapons and hazards and valu able information to the public as to what protective measures are available it covered also the responsibility of elected of ficials and departments of mun icipalities and the need for trained civilian volunteers for the many EMO services WORTHY APPLICATION Previous programmes also described tha role of the army innationai survival and we have had it explained to us that much of the training and instruction provided without by Ellie has very worthwhile ap plication in the event of nat ural disaster such as fire flood hurricane and explosion This article will answer some of the questions which have been asked most frequently re garding Sim cBarrie EMO and deal with new booklets which have been released by Federal Government for distrib ution to the public and the use which can be made of materials on hand for improvised protec tion from fallout We have had inquiries as to the responslhilities of Simcoe Barrie EMO the Control and the Flaming Committee The county organization is re sponsible under the direction of the Control Committee for training volunteers and munici pal employees and for supplying specialized equipment for this training for the establishment of county emergency com munications system and for keeping the pu blic informed through the various news med ia and by personal contact with various organizations MAYOR IS MEMBER The Control Committee is com posed oi members of county and city councils and has as its co chairmen the County Warden and the Mayor of Barrie The Planning Commitee as the name implies is responsible for coordinating into County Plan all the municipal plans for their various departments and volun teer groupson mutualaid hasis similar to the Fire Mutual Aid Plan which is coordinated on county basis and with sur rounding counties In addition to the Fire Depart ment other departments and agencies of municipal govern ment are automatically involved in EMO planning because of their normal day to day activ ias The various police depart ments in the county should be organized along similar lines to the fire departments and Welfare Departments play very important role in any disastereither national or loc al Engineering is another sentlal service and associated with engineering would be Pub lic Utilities and Hydro as well as privately owned utilities such Telephone VOLUNTEERS T00 There will also be the volunt eer groups which are associated with EMO One of the most im portant of these is Rescue How ever it is essential that volunt eer groups come under the dir ection of local authorities which are of course the elected oi ficiais in the various municipal itles Each municipality throughout the county must cooperate in organizing in order to have ef ficient planning and training and to insure that each munici pality has all of the advantages of EMO planning It is suggest ed that municipal councils should support the county legis iation by bylaw or resolution and establish local of Committee and Flaming Com mittee composed of heads of municipal services Where municipality does not have the necessary services key volunteers should be ap pointed to take the place of de partment heads etc INITIAL INSTRUCTION Training for key personnel will be done by qualified instrurs tors from SimcoeEarrie EMO headquarters who will be sent out where necessary where there are sufficiently large groups to warrant the expense involved They will give initial instruction to municipal em ployees and key volunteers Ill timately we would like to train instructors in each of at least the larger municipalities in the county to carry on instruction of volunteers at the local level Overall planning for Simcoe County is in the initial stages and depends to very large de gree upon development of mun icipal plans It is thought that plans will include dividing the county into areas surrounding the larger municipalities such as MidlandPenetang OrilliaI Coliingwaod Alliston Bradford and Barrie At each of these lar ger municipalities should be est ablished communications cen tre and subheadquarters with SimcoeBarrie headquarters as the natural hub of the system RESCUE SECTIONS Each service within these ar eas be directed from these subheadquarters For in stance if Rescue were establish ed in this mannerpeach of the larger municipalities might have rescue section of eight men fully trained and equipped Barrie as the largest municipal ity and of operations might have two or three sec tions Other smaller municipal ities within these areas might also develop rescue sections at tached to their subheadquart ers as the need and equipment developed and the individual municipalities participated to an extent to warrant it If such plan were developed for res one and communications were established on this basis it would necessarily follow that all other services would be develop ed on similar basis The size and geographical outline of our county almost dictates the nec essity for this type of planning HOW TO SURVIVE One of the best booklets yet released by Federal EMO to as sist the public in survival plan IMPERIAL NOW SIHOWI NG ll urbed in the full drnsa uniform of his regiment the Roy Scots Grey AP Wire photo ning is Eleven Steps To Surviv al It covers in condensed form information everyone have to survive nuclear at tack For instance it is essent ial to know the effects of nu clear weapons eifects of radio active fallout how warnings would be received and what protective factors are available also what supplies and equip ment are needed in the event of having to live in shelter for while It covers the prevention of ï¬res first aid home nursing and stresses the need for em ergency plans the importance of knowing your municipal plan and developing family plan This booklet is straightfoer and easily understood and ev erything is well illustrated MANY MATERIALS One of the most interesting parts are instructions for the use of material at hand for pro tection In the event of an at tack you may not have base ment fallout shelter but there are in any materials in and around the home which could be used to advantage Block your basement windows with earth bricks concrete blocks books or even bundles of newspapers 0n the floor above the corner of the basement you select as your reftge area pile any heavy ob jects such as trunks filled with clothes books mattresses ates even earth is excellent Against parts of the basement walls that are above ground heap earth sand bricks etc and surround the corner you select as the saf est spot in your basement with heavy objects such as work benches trunks mattresses etc FILE HEAVY OBJECTS If you do not have basement choose that part of the house farthest from the roof and out side walls centre hall or cent ra closet and increase your protection by piling heavy ob jects around this place as high and as wide as possible Dont Forget Your Battery Radio There is another new booklet Fallout On The Farm which is invaluable to farmers and may be obtained through your Pro vipcial Agricultural Represent ative Both of these booklets together with complete plans for your basement fallout shelter may be obtained by writing Sim coeBarrie EMO County Build ing Barrie We would like to take this lair portumtyto thank this paper for carrying this series of articlt les as public service and for their cooperation and assistan ce in keeping the public infom ed on survival matters NAMED ALGERIAN BOSS PARIS Reuters Gen Charles Allleret who pressed the button setting off Frances first atomic blast in the Sahara in February last year became the new commander of French forceseia Algeria Wednesday He succeeds Gen Fernand Gambiez captured by the rebel generals during the abortive re volt last April Posrponasnowaown Liberal Senate Votes Dovvn Bill ALAN DONNELLY Canadian Press staff Writer mom or Government upperter in the Saute dc futed in the first round of the Milt over the governments tn riff bill Thursday WIND the showdown battle until next week The move came on the heels of Liberal opposition move in the Senate banking committee which struck at key section in the controversial bill the proposal to give the revenue minister arbitrary powers to make ï¬nal tariff ï¬lling with out right of appeal An amendment by Senator Da vid Croll LOulnrlo to provide for an appeal to the tariff board from the ministerial declsloaa was carried by the Liberal ma Order President Start Swimming President Kennedy just like any other good patient today minded doctors orders and gave heated salt water swim ming pool his No priority Kennedys personal physician Dr Janet Travail has prelt scribed plenty of swimming in warm water for the presidents aching back An excellent swimmer since boyhood Kennedy found the prescription easy to take Kennedy flew here from Wash ington Thursday afternoon within few hours after the first announcement he had been suf fering from painful back in jury since May 16 Kennedy suffered the strain while lifting several spadefuls of earth during ceremonial tree planting at Government House in Ottawa By THOMAS BEEDY JERUSALEM AP Drunk with war success Adolf Hitler decided early in 1941 to exter minate all the Jews of Europe and Adolf Elchmann was hand picked to execute the plan doc umentary evidence produced by the Israeli prosecution showed ttorneyGa ral Gideon fl oer concluding his case against the Gestapo officer after nine weeks rammed this point home in such manner Elab mann was galvanized into flurry of notewriting to his counsel DrRobert Servatius The focal point in the final presentation of documents lay in the testimony of Rudolf Hoess commandant of Ausch witz where 2500000 Jaws died Hoess made the statement to Polish war crimes court which Board Orders Special Talks Into Dispute UllAWA fCPThe Canada Labor Relations Board has or dered speclal hEaring next week into the jurisdictional dis pute between the Seafarers lu ternational Union Ind and rival union of marine engineers informants said Thursday The new hearing set for June 15 was called as result of new allegations against ha sit by Maurice Wright lawyer for the National Association of Ms rine Engineers CLO Mr Wright requested the spe cial session to hear evidence in dicating the board wasfraudu lently misled by the S111 dur ingtwo previous bearings lherival unions claim1uns diction over marineeaginaers on Canadian Great Lakes ships The dispute has been before the board twice beforein De cember last year and again in March The second hearing was or dered by the board because it was disturbed by recruiting tactics of the sill gt IDANCE7 MODERN AND oLa 111M FRIDAY NIGHT I00I HALL Collier St To jority on committee vote of 18 to fewbourx later rob the amended bill came before the Senate itself Scum Walter Aniline government leader in the hoilse asked that de bale postponed until the next sittingnext Tuesday evening Senator Aleltlne had told the committee earlier that the ammeodmmt would deficit th in 0f the an render it ineffective There appeared little doubt that the big Liberal majority in the Senate72 members com pared with 15 Promin Con servatives will amendment GOES BACK TO HOUSE If it does the altarsAl bill will be sent back to the Commons which has already approved the inal version Tho Conunona its big Conservativema jority has the choice of accept fng or rejecting the amendment PALM BEACH Fla AP In cases of deadlock between the two houses there is provi sion for joint committee to work out differences over leg lslatlon Only once before since the Conservative go vernment took office in 1957 has the opposition majorlw in the Senate changed major government bill Orillia Woman 60 Killed In Collision ORILIJA CPI Mrs Doris Annie 60 was killed Thursday night when she was thrown from car in collision on Highway 1113 at Coucblchlng Park The car driven by her son DArcy was spun around in the crash which occurred as car driven by Theodore Johnson of Toronto from the park sentenced him to hang in front of the gas chambers he oper ated IIIILERS ORDERS Said Roess in 1941 Gestapo chief Rein rich Himmler told me the Fuebrer had ordered the final solution of the Jewish problem and that we in the SS must per form this task bave selected huscbwitz Bimmler said More detailed information willbe given to you by Eichmann who will go there Hoess continued that Himmler told him between 6000000 and 7000000 Jews would come to Auschwitz Written lastructions did not exist because of the secrecy of the hideous scheme but he had one definite order Eich manna transports must be ex terminated and his operation cannot tolerate the delay of even one hour As the program was stepped up Hoess said Himmler and Eichmann came to Auschwitz and ordered more unloading fa cilities created to speed up things and also the activation of an extra creruatorium which had been in disuse SAW PROGRAM WORK After Eichmann left his Ber lin headquarters to supervise evacuation of the 600000 Hun garian Jews be accompanied tha first transport to Auschwitz to see for himself how it was going Hoes testified approve the momma diaries Lmlef 40 Mon trealbora lawyer took up fillies as Quebecs first agat general in Europe March 1961 ills job was to promote French investment in Quebec and atablish European marlt keta for Quebec products as well as to develop closer cult ural links between France and Quebec Photo ParentsPorPeace Program Approved MONTREAL CF Dele gates to the Canadian Home and School Federations annual meeting unanimously approved 15polnt parentsfor peace program day but once again deferred action on the touchy question of nuclear dis armament Representatives of the 325000 member federation passed re vised peace program with out debute but sent resolutions on disarmament back to the resolutions committee The program will include in ternational teacher and student exchanges worldwide parent teacher coca in 1867 adoption of an African Com monwealth country and interna tional parentto parent corres pandcnce Handpick Eichmann For Extermination The story of the dead Nazi chief of Auschwitz brought out declaration that Eichmann fixed the date the transports were to be gassed and was personally responsible to Himm ler for any delay In additional documents the attorneyg all established that Eichrnanns office delivered the skeletons of 150 Jews killed at Auschwitz to German rc searcb institute in Strasbourg France for study on ancestral backgrounds One of tha affidav its was letter to Elcbmann ex plaining that remainsof Jews who had been subjected to ex periments at Auschwitz had been sent to the institute llness also told his interroga tors that he himself estimated that between 10000008nd 1500 000 Jews were murdered in Auschwitz Eichmann Hoe added had given the number of exerminated Jews at Auschwitz as 2500000 fluess said Auschwitz was are lected because its site made possible mass executions with out the danger of hitch de veloping VITAL LESSON CIIEMAINUS BC CWA woman who had seen mouthltto mouth resuscitation strated on television used the method here to save the life of her fiveyearold daughter Mrs Rose Copp revived the child af ter finding her lying on the bot tom of lake in eight feet of water run HAIR mamas IBIDAY JUNE fillI Doctors Say Children Threaten Suicide More Than Realized MONTREAL CP Children try to kill themselves or threaten to much more frequen tly than L1 generally realized Dr Toolnn of New York said Wednesday He told the World Congest of Psychiatry that one of the most common reasons for child turning in luldde II to call It tentlcn to an emotional prob lem They feel they want to show someone or to get back at some one he said woman factor in study of 102 attempted or threatened suicides among children or ado lescents was an unsatisfactory home life Dr loolan appeared on pa ncl with several other US doe tors analysing the psychological reasons hack of suicides DIE or aunonsnor Dr Thomas Piiackett of Boston told the panel there is no question that people can die of suggestion if they believe it implicitly He said authorities long have accepted the fact that natives can die of voodoo hex put on them by medicine man but only recently have they re alized that socaiiad civilized people can be affected by the same kind of suggestion Such suggestion could be made unintentionally by doc tor who erroneously tells pie tlent be has an incurable dine ease Dr Beckett said lie described the case of man who was told by doctor he had cancer The man started to waste away and was actually dying when he went to another doctor who discovered there was no cancer The man immediat tly started to recover BELIEVE AND DIED Several cases were known of persons who sincerely believed they would not survive an ill ness or an operation They al most lnvariably died Such person showed no fear of death but were complelely resigned to it Dr Rackett said Alcoholics Anonymous would be more effective if so many of its members were not opposed to other methods of treating the problem Dr Joel Fort of Alameda Calif said fie told panel discussion that AA has been of great help to about half the relatively small segment of alcoholics who have tried it Unfortunately the rigid opp0lt sltion of many AA members to other treatment methods has worked to the disadvantage of other alcoholics Anglican Bishop Asks Unity But Not Forget TORONTO CP An Angli can bishop Invited the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada Thursday to consider type of church union that will not submerge denom inational differences Rt Rev Gower bishop of New Westminster 30 ex pressed hope that church union conversations would continue be tween Presbyterians and Angli cans ln Canada think it is inevitable that there should be divisions in the church he said The ecclesi astical stream of history must come together again somehow but the differences must not be submerged they must enrich the church Rev Dr Johnson gen eral secretary of overseas mls slons told the asseran the Far Eastls reembracing ZenBud dhiasrnI religious philosophy because it gives people some SWELL Twelvc new missionaries were appointedto overseas fields in Africa and Asia and mlsrlony ries currently on leave in Can ada gave short talks Very Rev John Fraser Queens chaplain and former moderator of the Church of LEGION BINGO SATURDAY June to mm $20000 JACKPOI so mans CALLED LEGION HALL 7i COLLIERVST Differences Scotland said Protestant church leaders in Britain feel tbatime is not yet ripe for church union and are waiting until they can proceed The assembly discmsed the problem of disseminating re ports of its proceedings to the public HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE STARTS SATURDAY SWISS FAMILY ll US PNVERS Iflldiflt saronnav MORNING snow ABBOTT COSTELLO GO TO MARS PIusCartoon Programme PLUS BONUS FEATURE The hapnvmrue and wonderfully uplifting story of the beautiful girl who left her convent to giveharlovetoamanandhuvaona bothewqrid THE MUSIC MAKERS stx PIEGELORCHESTRA Refreshments and Checkroom Admission 15$ Na Slacks or JeansPermitted UnderAuspihes Of Canadian Order of Foresters mwn Inna um Ann nouns nmnnranvnmnr snows an 700 and poo om CONTINUOUS SAT FROM IJVI