Published by lanedian Newspapers 16 Bayficld street Barrie Ontario FRIDAY JUNE in No Need For CdmmissionTo Look Into Organizéd Crime There is no need for royal commis sion to investigate organized crime in Ontario for the simple reason that there is no organized crime to speak of AttorneyGeneral Kelso Roberts says the chiefs of police pretty weu know all about the crime that is going on in the province and they feel that any royai commission investigation would have demoralizing effect We have every confidence in our Ontario Pro vincial Police too crime will continue of course but the police forces muni cipal and provincial with very few ex ceptions will keep it under surveillance and control It is quite possible that any public investigation into crime would demo ralize the police in their constant vigil against crime But it is also quite pos gsible tha tsuch an inquiry or at least much iranker view of the overall situ ation would awaken the general pu blic from the lethargy which is so com monplace on all matters of moral na ture And of course it is matters or moral nature which when they are ig nored build up into crime which even tually becomes organized If there should be organized crime it is the result of public antipathy There are many laws of the land which are largely ignored The fact that the chiefs of police frankly admit that they know all about the Ontario crime situation EVOiersfNeed Elediion Issue AOnce again thought is being given to provincewide municipal election day Ontarios select committee on mun icipal law has decided to make the study But no common election day will re sult in any additionto the number of voters The turnout at the polls it has been learned through the years is not aj result ofany particular day but be cause of the competitiOn for office in thehlgherb circle In dayspas tions weroLheld on thefirst Monday or the new year with nominationecn the last Monday of the old year Then voting in many muni cipalities was switched to New Years Day while today early December is In vored invmany parts of the province SECOND VICTORY LOAN lhe Barrie Examiner of May 20 1041 stressed the second Victory Loan with slogan of Help Finish The Job and statement that this war in money alone is costing four million dollars daily or three and onequarter times that of the firstwar The obiective was $616000000 in ad dition to taxes raised and in all with two loans they raised $1188000000 This year 1941 with population up to more than 12 millionsthe nation that dldit before can do it again At huge gathering in Queens Parkrwith sham battle over 5000 attended the Band of the GovernorGenerals Horse Guards played stirring martial music Those introduced by John Woods Chairman on Loan Publicity included Major rrank spry and Hon Drury ALLANDALE FIEHERMEN In the Allandalc column Barrie Exa miner of June 1941 was little story under the heading Enjoyed Good Fish ing which read For the past 10 years as groups ardent Allandale fishermen indicates certain amount of casual ac ceptance of at least some of it An aroused public will bring de mand for action will give the police the support they require for full enfor cement of the laws Far too often laws appear to be out of tune with popular thinking and they are therefore more or less ignored by law enforcement offi cers The day is long since past when law was law and quy enforced strict ly on that basis And unfortunately many laws considered as lesser add up in the ultimate to something pretty serious Those laws pertaining to gam bling offer definite proof of this As there has been general acceptance of many breaches of these laws organi sed crime has been provided with an increasing opportunity Bingo is an ex cellent example Illegal from away back it first became accepted on casual basis for charitable purposes It then has become regular and rou tine though there has been no charge in the law stakes have risen steadily And at the present time it offers splendid field for crime organizers just as it has in the United states There is no field in which the old adage that big oaks from little acorns grow is more true than in what we regard as petty breaches of the law And ofcourse there is always the need for better paid better qualified and mo re police officers including most of those in the County of Simcoe The changes in the voting day were attempts to find day suitable to the majority of the electorate The results however have plOVeh that the day has nothing to do with the size of the vote cast that only the candidates seek ing election and the questions on the ballot papers could result in large polls Unless there is apparentcausc within municipality for people to cast their ballots many will absent themselves from the polis8ut given an issue hotracabeoween mayorpity candidates especially and the voters will rnark their ballots The need then is for issues and com petition for office not change in the day of voting or provincewide mun icipal election date we feel Memory Lane have made an annual pilgrimage to Port Severn and last weekend was the date Eleven went by motor to Camp Rawley and than by boat from there Meals were prepared on shore with nothing wasted Fishing was good for once and splendid catchwas ofgood sized pickerei and pike 8111 Nose and George Hook have been chief round uppers of the group and the name Ness HookUp has been suggested for the club no woman an scant2N The Examiner of June 12 1941 told of 10 visiting United States newspa per women who despite powdEred no ses failed to take Camp Borden The answer was No women on work days When the southern accent was triedon the guards but even from North Ca rolina they smiled appreciativer but regulations held good They tried red coat patted the nameless bulldog who had adopted the guard post but regu lotions still held Two hours afterLthe aroma of delicious butter torn from Quarriï¬ditorsi vie MOTOR CYCIE MAKERS fWallï¬trethournai gt licketysplit toward cheap basictra portation Signalless Cango Campaign Is Education In Diplomacy LULUABOURG Tha Congo CPlCapt JeanPaul Brazeau will be elected mayor of bus baurg if he keeps gladbanding the population Brazesu from North Bay Out and Montreal Wesl is the 86yearold liaison officer with the Canadian Army signal de tachment in this central Congo city the decaying capital of Kasai province He is senior nfficer with the 10 man detachment charged with maintaining ocmmunloa LETTERS 10 some osxvmw Nor meson Wasaga Beach June Dear Sir As one of your Wasaga Beach daily subscribers think you owe Wasaga Beach formal apology for printing on the front Page of your Tuesday June 1961 paper OPP PROBE MUR DER lN WASAGA Jack Bar ker never did live in Wasaga Beach He lives in Oakview where this unfortunate thing happened have lived in Wasags for 21 years and neverleven saw Mr Barker but any and all papers seem to delight in printing all bad news of this district all headed Wasaga Beach lthlnk your paper should print an apologyto Beach on the front page of your paper and get the news straight on CKVRTV and CKBB too Sincerely MRS Wm NASH ASK ELIGIBILITY OTIAWA CP Merchant seamen who served in danger ous waters in wartime should be eligible for war veterans ai lowaace benefits the Canadian Legion said Thursday The sug gestion to the Commons veter ansaifairs committee was fab lowed bya request from the eomnzl for firmer idea of ty should be judged nearby YMCA canteen iured them Away lions between the Ghanaian army brigade which patrols Kasai for the United Naiions and UN headquarters at Leo poldvlllo When not keeping an eye out on behalf of his detachment however he conducts cam aign tbat would put world rotherhood meals to shame LESSON DIPLOMACY stroll through the down town area of Luiuabourg with Brazeau is en educationln di plomacy Any encounter with Congo lese rates at least mayo hcllo in Tehilubl language of the native Lulua tribeand one or two other phrases guaran feed to brlpg awide grin to the normally subdiicd Lillus fem Wm Toward the growing number of Belgians returning to tbe city Brazeau reserves first name friendship for some and polite acquaintance for others he turns on the full treatment for the Ghanaians His favorite greeting for the soldier on guard duty outside the five sioley UN headquarters build ing is You be happyf match lag the lilting English of tha Ghanaian ranks With their of ficers many of them seconded from the British Army he keeps up close liaison COMPETE FOR VUIES sharing much of the friend ship campaign is Brazesus iec andincommand Sgt Tom Ab bot of Calgary When Tom and walk to gether we compete for votes the captain said Every time we get someoneio say ilelio we figure its another vote Theres ganddeal of jok ing about the totals wevegot if the captain is busy waving to one group of people tell him Ive got the votesof big ger bunch be missed while his back was turned The eight other men inthe detachment handle variety of official and unofficial jobs Four are operators on the radioieletype equipment which links Luiuabourg and Leopold vilie Cpl Gerry Rafuse of Parreboro NS Sigma Her enca Moore of Sundre Aim Sigmn Lorne Robinsonoi Ban rie Ont and Sigma Jack Macbean of Sudbury Cpl Eon Lefebvre of Alexan dria 0st and Cpl Pete Thomas of Kingston are in charge of coded messages while Sigma Jim Machriane of Smith Falls Out is mechanic and Cpl Rock Collins of Me tsnc Que is radio techni clan Several have additional du ties MacFariane supervises food buying Collins looks after such things as insect control Robinson makes sure the Con golese houseboys keep the quar ters clean and others are as signed by Brazeau to different jobs as they arise LIVE WELL The Canadians and oneroivli isn UN employee live in mod ern apartment block only stones throw from the Ghana fan headquarters With nearly rooms to choose from each man has sizable roomlo himself The detachment eats together then the men use large reading room where Canadian newspa pers are kept or go to their own weliequipped mess Leisure hours remain prob iem as in most detachments Lefebvre who worked in Ge mena in Equator province be fore coming here said ts not as good here as it was in Games group of Belgians worked for cotton company there and we always had friends among them to pass the time With Here they seem to live apart and we dont see them Brazeau and Abbott have be casionai Belgian visitors but they are mostly older people with whom the men have diffi culty finding common mound Some free time is spent at the Ghanaian mens canteen on sightseeing trips to nearby na tive villages or with table ten nis andotber activities at the quarters Despite occasional tension Luiuabourg is regarded as one of the most stable centres in TheCongo €ir are it is 35 ti 1555 gr ii es ï¬r sin games min lilo wheel min the bottle car raffles etc This was for the purpose of raising BUT AN INCIDENT below the border invoivlpg one club fol lowing car raffle caused such row in racial relations that Kiwanis International at an an nual convention installed by law that no money shall be rah cd for welfare funds where gambling or lotteries are involved BARBIE 1wale Club along with all others has chided by the decision But money has to be raised clchvyear to look If ter the clubs responsibilities in connection wilb crippled chil drens care and trsahnaat Sev en years ago the directors of the club after much milsearch ing came up with the answer That was to sell peanuts it was either that or sell chewing gum brooms ballpoint pens yes and other articles PEANUTB IT WAS and has been for seven years The ro iecl has cost the club eerv cos of covers dozen memben who objected to going door to door armed with peanuts and peanut butter But no one has come with better idea After you are not asking for donav lion you are sellial giving vel ue for cash recclved HERE is THE reason why This particular food products company returns 40 per cent the sale to the Kiwanis Club in other words if Kiwauien calls on you next Monday night with peanuts and you purchase one dollars worth why no make it rive the club gelI back We for oureus PliBK at mesmercomu nymwsus wnrhAndbelieve been all commit ldybubumodmsio unseatgesture his camp for cri Bay ed is on labeiag belfihe MA out will underway HAVING soap mini 48 years am looking orwsrd calling on old customers lt Monday night Believe me you havent sold peanuts havent seen the world and includes Bermuda can rec oral instances Some of dont talk but there ha been some Irony Wilma LIKE Ar amp Borden vi wellknown local scorch called at one apartment oomer lass in negligee to thaer Ind oyedtliope but vendor with obvious into art He gave his sales pitch upon which she opened screen and said Come on in we should tell this over for willie My husbarde been at ngeiown for the past six months AND DO YOU KNOW he said he was too busy to had too many more peanut cells in make that night AND THERE was the local businessman who called on house in Barrie and an elderly gentleman about 54 answered the door and got the familiar nice pitch Dont you no have no teeth clnft est pee auls quell the prospect Ab yea laid the accountant but have here some of the most delectable peanut butter ever routed Peanut boiler snorted the prospect Why ld rather eat fertilizer DOGS All menace to pose nut salesman even as to paper boys There was the local soft drink tycoon who ind adog which hit one of our carrier boys lle sympathetic all right but he was even more sympathetic silences night on Codilegion Street when large police dog took Ith out of him when be was unmiart sbls sitting down for several days GET YOURMONEY ready folks you will receive caller next Monday night Kean the dogs tied up matter of fact keep your wives tied up the peanut men are coming But remember every peanut you eatior peanut butter goesforanoodcause Lure To The North DaZzles Government By DON OEEABN TORONTO The northern lights are still dazzling the gov ernment Ever since the last election it has been drawn to the north And ibere is no rotup this year short time ago Premier Frost spent two days in the Sud bury area attending among other things testimonial dinner for Rhea Eclisle th Niokeljelt winner And now Attorney General Roberts is on mom trip to points hither and you This makes Mr fourth trip to the area In the past year most essential for highclue office boy New emphasis is haw being put on the technical side of ad ucaiion And with it will win new and deserved prestige The premier left no doubt this would be prime aim of in government Therewere boys and girls who were receptive to academic training and there were those who were receptive to practice training They both had their function in society he said and this both deserved equal dig Roberis As usual he is accompaniedbf retinue ourra savanna He of course is quite sincere about this trip as about his others He always has been strong in the north he practised law there at one time and feels with some justification he is bit of hero in some parts remark that he lsytliere at the present time because he has been criticized so much he is afraid to be anywhere else would be uncalled ior But be may have to explain why he took the commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police with him when there was an un lportant crime conference under way Now however another attitude is gaining fast among auto buyers As our Mr Taylor reported from Detroit the other day automakersarediscovering thatso=calied economy cars best Not long ago it seemed that American auto makers could hardly scale down their products fast enough toss it the fancy of public demanding small monsensical cars along the linesth to eign imports The trend obviouslthas STUDIES than The yBarrie Examiner Auth ll second mail fol of ffmufl Ottnwi Daily sunsy unsettutu Holiday excoptc WALLILPIIIIILIHII GET general nilInger UBEES Managingfldltar us wanommunum mm unnecessaan trailing Mann JOHN down circulation minutes kl 7c8mlll rl 4250 hellish is on no onward have no men tissues ms lvm éeorgla sin Memen at the Canadian 11 Newm liehlrlAuooiltioa Ihe or ers Audit Burepu of ennuium zn Olaediea Prue from an or regpbllutien of all enmtsamitori edPreu Xlaruna also the local we published therein entries Buyers it seems want somethin fa cier than strippeddown piece of fun ars will become blggermore jI will sparkle engines will grow mightier And of course the criticswill ew againsttheunwanted frills forcing upo the poor custom NEW PARTY PLANS London Free Press It is an idealistic platform but incur opinion is utterly impractical without completefcentral control of all the ow ounce of business and of the individual It wouldba the and of free enterprise and the establishment of azsystem which if it is toworkwill result in the direction of the hulk blemish of Cal gary stops to makefrlends in small village near Lulua bourg CP from National Defence The new technical education program is mammoth Mammoth in sizethere could be up to $100000000 spent on new facilities in the next 10 months TURNING POINT And mammoth in significance for it marks one of the great turning points in bistory As Premlerr Frost remarked when he announced the pro gram attention io date has cen tred dominantly on academic training Students going to vocational and technical schools have been our education at least in the eyes of some pea pie secondclass students We have been living through the era of the BA and the varsity degreeat one time thing Dr flay Lawson of Mom treals Royal Victoria Hospit al was working on early dc tection of breast chncerï¬in 18511le planned machine constructed on the same priné clple as the heatsceking de vice used for guiding missile to its target it was designed to map the surface of the hu man body and detect varia4 tions in temperature Photo leis mouser My God nth shut the flona mouth that they have not hue me Daniel hit Godsway of delivering ills people is notby abolishing ilons dens but by shuttlng iious months