WE Inquest Cdlied PLEASE DONT DROP THAT CUP Lineman Bruce Bertrim paused for coffee this mum ing while clamping street light circuit on Dunlap street East The new lights will be officially turned on at 930 pm tonight to wind up die citys conversion program to fluorescent lighting Exam liner Photo OBITUARIES JOHN THOMAS GAINES John Thomas Gaines oi Ivy died May 21 1061 oI heart ailment at Royal Victoria Hos pital The funeral Tuesday May 23 was from the Jennett Funeral Home Barrie with the service there conducted by the Rev Mr Harper Relatives and friends present included Mrs Clinkinhlonmer of Barden Personnel Invading Florida George Christopher civilian engineer at Camp Borden has recently returned from visit to iii7squaremile land develop ment project at Port Charlotte jFlorida Mr Christopher was sent to Florida to investigate invest ments made by reported 504 Camp Borden personnel The development is located on the Gulf coast Mr Christopher was escorted by Derek Browne representative of the land development firrninvolved RODNEY MUST PAY LOS ANGELES AP The government wants $33719 from actor Mickey Rooney and $28 079 from his former wife Elaine Mabnkeu for back taxes Tax liens totalling $61798 were filed against the two by the internal revenue service Thursday Toronto Mr and Mrs Harold Palmer Earriewiih Llewel lyn Muriel and Lorna also Bar rie and Buscombe Marion and Lillian Jennett oi Angu John Gaines was born March 21 1994 at Ivy sonoi John and Catharine Gaines All of his life had been spent in ivy He was member of the Angli can Church and by politics Conservative Interment was in Ivy Cemet ery Pallbearers were Melvltion ey Kenneth Smith Jack Bant ing James McDermott Do Hammond and Dick Price Surviving relatives are Mrs Margaret Buscombe 11 Dunlop St Barrie William and Elmer Gaines at Utopia Ernest Gaines in Ivy and Catharine Jennett of Angus me An roux FUR DROBIIM to Barrlos Locu melo rlvo Farrier who palm and sells furs only man most on canon mu rWltiiiiliS Hills 5mm TQRONIO 25 DUNLOP or Realities Remodeling Cold Storage clinic macromolecular gluflltlfllin An INVESTMENTof MERIT With Common Stock interest Yielding 6V2 INTEREST PAYABLE QUARTERLY LFEB May Aug res MAY lAUG NOV Debentures in Denominational $100$500ond since cameraman IN name or HOLDER Prospectus Relative To Above Supplied you Request investments limited Pleasant Blvd Norman Suite 205 Toronto In Death William It honesty unintent Crown attorney reported to The Ikamincr yesterday that there will be an inquest into the death of Jack Barker 50 of Onkview Beach The inquest has been called on direction of William Thompson county Crown eta torney Mr Barker owner operator of Red Wing Cabins at the beach was found dead in his liv ing quarters An autopsy show mflo had sustained lractured Following dLscovery of Mr Barkers body the criminal in vestigation branch of the OPP conducted an investigation PRINTED JFK TEXT MNDON AP The Soviet Communist ty newspaper Pravda today published the full text of President Kennedys ad dress to the American public Tuesday Moscow radio re ported small army ot Ontario resi dents many of whom know the sports culled shuffleboard and horseshoesonlyhy the sound of the clunk of wood against wood or the metallic clash of steel against steel may ploy the games for the first time this summer They will hear the slapslnp of waves against wooded shoreline the mstle of leaves across 13 acres of forested land For one or two weeks they will have the freedom to room without ear of the seeming unpredictability of stop lights at the live points in Barrie or of street car tracks in Toronto NEW ONIB CAMP These will he the first people to take advantageof the CNIB Lake Joseph for the Blind The only one of its kind and design in the world according to Tom lrevelyan camp direct or the centre is $400000 pro ject and is located five miles be yond the jundion of highways 10a and 65 on the south shore of Lake Joseph About 75 per cent of the lot ls flat withe rise of only three ondnhalblcet from the shore line to 550 feet back Improvemean include 10 buildv logs plus main dining lounge and recreation loungen All buildings will be connected by covered passageway to guide the blind vacationers in event of inclement weather ABILITY TO PAY Bill Murdock CNIB field see retary for the county of Sirncoe and districts of Parry Sound and Muskoka uplained that the camp fee will dependon the in dividuals ability to Nobody he said ill be turned away BLIND EARNS PILD CAMBRIDGE Mass AP blind mathematician won his PhD degree today at Massa chussetts Institute of Technol ogy James Slagle 27 totally blind since his first year in high school Verdict No Surprise To Iudge Raps Bad Company Of Youths Sirncoe county jury yester dly iound Mrs Ethel Hunter 87 oi Ooirview Beach not guilty of an arson charge The charge was made after Lounge owned by Mrs Hunter burned lost Christians When the jury delivered its verdict Judge Donald Mochb on commented cant say Im surprised gentlemen If had been in your place would have done the some thing As Mrs Hunter was dismis sed Judge lilacLoren chiled alter her hope you dont mind it give yousorne advice advise you to keep away mm The centre will accommodate 100 campers who may sign up for either one or two weeks possibly even longer if time and space permit This the opening season will run from July 15 to the end of August In future years Mr Trevelyan pointed out the camp will probably be extended for three months from midJune to mHSeptem her gt No AGE LIMIT Theres no age limit for appli cants From proschool young sters to senior citizens any alghtless resident of Ontario is eligible We feel the blind need phys such bad company in the tut ure Of Arson he was reierrlng to two fcen aged Crown witnesses who test ified against her Defense counsel cooper Schoolfs Barbecue told the Jury that Gregory Stol ander l7 and Die Mellin oon 19 both Crown witnesses were hoodlumr During the trial Siolandcr was charged with obstructing Justice when he admitted in court he had altered to change his testi mony ii Mrs IIunter paid him $300 Mr Cooper described Mullin son as thief convict larger and sponger Lake Joseph Camp Is Haven For Sightless OngrOvinoe lcal exorcise not requiring too much quickness Mr lrevel you said in explaining the campsite Hence we have planned iovm howling horse shoes shuffieboard and other similar exertions for adults and for the children we will have the things usually adsocidtcd with playgrounds swings slid es jungle arms Ontario Lions Clubs have ac cepted the camp as on ellOnt ario club project and have und erwritten $800000 to $350000 The Ontario government is put ting up another $50000 And many individuals and smaller groups have made srndller con tributions Proves Successful The family barbecue mod raising event at Steele Street School gained sud response Wednesday night the Home and School Association plain to make it an annual project The cookout under the guid ance and operation of the men of the association began at 530 pm By prn more of everythlng had to he obtained and by on hour later every thing was sold out again The barbecue was attended by all the students and their parents and byrneny hungry friends and neighbors with chairs blankets and appetites the hundreds polished off the sizzling hamburgers and hot dogs in short order Firemen To Parade To Church Sunday Simcoe County Mutual Aid Firo Association annual church parade is Sunday at 1030 am from the Penetang Knigth oi Columbus Hall Following is the 11 am ser vice Barrio fire chief Roly Irwin will attend with several men from his brigade Service is in St Annes Church Penetang rIvs GENERATIONS lilED GRADUATION Without going into lengthy technical explanations of why the above photo was unrecog nizabie to say the least on page three of Thursdays Ex aminer suffice it to say well tryit again No graduating nurses Della and Myrtle Emma flank their great grandmother Mrs Ida Tug woll after nurses graduating ceremonies Wednesday night From the left rear are other members of the family the grads lather Delbert Enuns Mrs Olive Emma and Ileda Patterson both grand mothers and Mrs Emms the girls mother Examiner pho to This Is certify mildew Ale Is brewed by the exclusln Cool Control prams Thls was Is continually leafed thereby ensuring uniform high qualifyI one DR WlllACEI outcropme mqulaceunlua master blending of 35 great brews brings outtha host in beer makas Dow the easiestdrink lng most dependany uniform ole ever brewed BLENDED HOP8 Only masterful blending oi the best hdps can bring outthe best in beer Dow selects prime hops picked at the fleeting moment of perfection and blends them carefully to give you that true haartasto you enjoy in Dow acsunen BARLEV mus The best in beer demands the hast ingredients The spacial blend of top quality Canadian Barley Malls used In brewing Dow Ale calls for the very best barley Canadaproduces Noth no lesswlil meaiDowstandarda smaosn veosr special highlyprized yeast is another secret oftha fine quality of DowAlo This exclusive Dow Smooth Ala Yeast haabean carefully developed fromjsome oftha mostvoluableyeastsiralns inltha world JRIDAY some 1m Christian Isle Indians Request For Lumber Scow Not llcied 0n WAWA Special In The Bar rie No action has been taken on moust from the Indian band at the Christian Isiond reserve for barge or new to carry truck loads of lumber from the island to the mainland immigration and cit imnslrip minsler Mrs Ellen Fandough revealed in the House of Commons this week Replying to quastionvlrom Richard of Ottawa East Mm Falmlough said that the barge presently in use was con sldcrcd to be sufficiently large to handle the present production of lumber However she said that if conditions were to change consideration would be given to the bands request LINK AT MIDLAND in connection with telephone service to the island Mrs Fain clough said that there was radio telephone service which linked the island with the main land at Midland This service was rented from the Georgian Bay Airways and arrangements were being made to rent on im proved service from the Bell Telephone Company She explained that the tele phone wes located in the India lei Travel Today Topic To Iaycees Robert Knapp sales repres entatlvo for Scandinavian Air line Systems was guest speaker at last nights midmonth meet ing of the Barrie Joyce at 72 High Street gt He described modern jet trav el that can whisk 08 to 125 pos sengers from New York to Cop enhagen in about four hours The inaugural flight between these two points in 1946 took over 21 hours he said In addition to shorter flight times passengers can now ex pect much better service and lower costs he added The balance of the Joycees meeting was devoted to reports and planning for the Dominion Day Festival do be held at St Vincents Park on July WITCIIES TO DIE DAR ES SALAAM Tongan yika Reuters Two selfoo fessed witches were sen lenced to death Thursday for killing fouryearold boy for cannibalistic rite ELLEN rmncnoucn iiimutton Costly agency allies and was for use by the stair although it could be used by the general public in case of an emergency The agency office was open from Monday to Friday between 830 am and 515 pm N0 PAY PHONE Mrs Falrclough said that no provision had been made for the installation of pay telephone service to be available on nights and holidws The department has ap proached the Bell Telephone Company in regard to the instal lation of pay radio telephone on Christian island for public use Mrs Fnirclough said However the installation would be costly and would inlt valve certain technical difficul ties Thematter new rests with the Indian band council to de cide whether they are willing to pay the cost and assume the re sponsibilily for the care of the equipment FOR expans naram worn FRENCH MOTllliS YOUR CHRYSLER DODGE SIMCA RENAULT VALIANT DEALER T75 Bradiord St PHONE H971 Barrio Furniture Ltd illiciin rumour Fabulous Strings Tremendous Reductions on Chesterfields colours to choose from Threeand fourso with foam seats and backs in fine tailored ia exciting coloursbeige broom comhmatxon or urquoisc and gel maimed voun more Beaumuliy styled and shudin