Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jun 1961, p. 12

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339com TE BARRIE EXAMINEB FRIDAY JUNE rm ANNOUNCEMENTS litmus My Wortm birth II yum clilidldlc ufifllflfl um 001 ID ED he Slrlh nu our and atrium lion disirA wit The rlll only use ldelllunDAt the Royal vic toris Hospital Burk on wednet day run ml to Dr and In Jouph iiellrlde rm bar tic twin duxbten menuAt the torn Bowllli Blrdh day June lrdi to En George Miebels anlclt Drive Bllfle lchoryl Lynn MEMORIAM LOWEIn lovlns memo or our dear mother CIrDlino who passed away Juno ml pane in the book or memories is so turned today rov remembered by the family McDONNOUGIIIn lbvlnl mem cry 01 daily beloved min and brother Tommy who passed away Royal Vic on Wedncs Trooper and lit Kemp daughter CARDS OP THANKS LDNOflUnSTWo wish to ex tend our heartlelt thanks and ap reclatlon tor the many acts or ndneu memes sympathy and be uillul no tributes tropi rellives florid Ind neighbor dunul our recent bereavement in the loss or our brother Sprclsi thanks to itcv Adlrtu Tha Longhuist Family comma uvums DANCING EVERY SATU RDAY CABARFI STYLE CDUPLES ONLY PINECREST Sun couple For table reservations PHONE ELMVALE 757113 BARRIE HOBTICULTUML SOCIETY TOURS ANNUAL ROSE EXHIBITION Canadian hoso society At Leuldo Memorial community Gardens SUNDAY JUN 25 TOTAL COST $800 smATroriD snAluSPnAitpAN FESTIVAL HENRY VII qulenAY JULY bus lore and hot dinner soon lsrtivai tickets $250 $350 $500 TOUR To meson Dmoll AND LONDON JULY ia inward ni bis lodgta in sor see DuhTait Zoo beiie lsic rord Mu sauna Horticultural tour or Wind sor and visit storybook Glrcierlsi London cost $11 excludinr meals ncservalions tor this tour must be made by June ll or tour wul be cancelled so re serve and ior intermouoh phone ions Aitcm PA ems or MR5 cAiiPhpLL PA M31 DECORATION DAY 51 MARYS EMETEEY uARRiE SUNDAY JUNE II 200 PM TILL 300 PM BmmicTIoN 300 PM sponsored by Iinrlie Horticultural Soclcty RUMMAGE SALE ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIER STREET SATURDAY JUNE 17 AM TILL 12 Noon SPONSOREE BY 51 MARYS CATHOLIC WOMENS LEAGUE IAWN TEA ind BAZAAR WEDNESDAY JULY 200 500 pm It the horn of MRS TYSON SMITH nth CONCESSIQN VESPRA Ausplcei Orallie WA Admission 55c AFTERNOON TEA FRIDAYJUNE 16th pm till pm at the home or Mr and Mrs Haber Smith 125 COLLINGWOOD STREET EVERYONE WELCOME Spdasored by aarrie Womens Progressive Conservative Assn DANDE Friday June at Legion Hall Collier street Emle Five piece bllid 5115 per couplc lip eluding lunch Por reservations phone PA 89254 Atomic SCierilisls lisk Nuclear Ban DEEP RIVER CPI Can adas atomic scientists and tech nicians living in this nuclear age community have petitioned the ghvemment urging the ol timate and total abolition of nu clear weapons The petition mailed to Ex ternal Afiairs Minister Green is signed by 235 persons most of them workers at Canadas giant atomic energy plant at nearby Chalk Ell2L DEATHS By THE CANADIAN pithss Vancouver Harold Rob prison 86 British Oniumbia judge for 22 years Crowhoraugh EnglandLord Winster 76 former governor of Cyprus and apdstWhr minis ter oi civil aviation in the labor government after is long illness New YorkLouis Kol onyme 61 former Bll critic of the New York Times REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE STOUT AGENCIfi LIMITED COLLIER STREET TAKE OFF YCUR SHOIfi and watch TV in the chilly room while mother clean the dinner dunes and the kldl are getting ready ior bed When you own this home there is no need to spend your an hour rising be cause everythlcs ll done bedroom living dialog and on bedroom eoverrd in broadioam canveulcut kicihea sitcard age troll trees in iuu blesso mt martgagc Clll us today PA odour ior upmlulnicnt to his spect MARY WANTS LIIILE LAMB PETER WANTS PONY DADDY WANTS RIVER WIDE AND MOM HOME THATS HOMEY All this to this beautqu bed room rug brick home overlooking i0 loot wida trout stream is be doomed up or and Benulimi stone nrcplaca ln filmde lllvlrllt agile orn Iiul ome Priced right it llddoo with icons KNEE DEEP iN SUMMER $1000 er reason with option to buy lills bedroom nearly new rottag on Kcmpcniclt pay Make appoln cut to sci immediately WANT TO GO COUNTRY STYLE Thou see this macro Dairy Fun with modern homo and car gar aarn complete with all steel stabllng Just take over the key and start living All this or only mode EMBERS OF THE BARRIE AND LIISTRICT illAl STATE GOARD lllcrv Gould0rd 2516 Doris NuttycombcPA 359m Ddith Gould41rd and Harry SIMONPA 6067 CQQTTS Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrie $7000 MODERN DUPLEX built in los1 llartcr living quar tcis 1300 so it Consisting thrco bedroom closets with slid ing doors Isllhped living and dining area Secllliy designed kitchen cupboa Lower duplex has private en cc is salt con hns our well designed rooms ado so It rents for 75 monthly close to Norta Colleg iate condc Lilo mortgage Terms arranged up on EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME With builtla garageccatro lull plan living room 22 with llreplacc large dining room beau tliui kltcbcn with broalriast area lulut room oii kltchcn three largo bcdrooms ceramic tile bath room oil and hot water bcatlhs view at bay rWESl END choice or two bungalows living room combination kitchen and dining arcs two bedrooms oil hcating storms and screens with in walking distance or shopping Coatsc Member or DalTied District Real Estate Board PHONES omce PA le5 Evening PA use CONSULT US ON Law down payment housing plan Exchange Properties Natioaal housing Loans Business Opportunities Property Management OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON PHONE IVY 29ml THORNTON Large brlck building now in use rest home Win give ac commodation to iourtcen patients plus living quarters Has two bathrooms two prnssurc systems heated by nearly new all unit The building is in good condition and well located Owner will consider two or three bedroom home as part payment mics NEAR WASAGA BEACH service station snack bar living qunrters two bedroom winter ized cottage two cabins garage 400 irontage on highway TERMS STAYNER No acres on Sunaidale Street level one Oilfhe best building areas in the town and priced to sell ihil is buuders chance ror iarms homes business upper tunlttes contact this olilcc Oscar Dates Mrs memoi Maw HENDERSON REALTOR Treasuries BUILDING LOTS Olhrre acres about 375 root troutage close to highway 550 Euilding lot with crcek closota highway Any size you require OLotitta street lot as 250 not Only cocoa Cali Percy Ford 42 OAKLEY PARK Just ott sh Vincent street lovely shaped three bedroom brick bungalow attached garage neautlruuy kc Owner transfer red Fal iu details call Rita Scandrett TREES GALORE About thrco miles rrom pants on two acres oi beautiful trees and lawn Large uvins room with open fireplace diningroum two twin size bedrooms dcn suhraom tour glieohuefigi filzsssnvenliéncen or terms Te ephono Filth Selndrett uvnilmcs CALL MILSCANDIlm PA HIM fighfgicghlfggn SAD BJIKII II an LII oatrid no mtat uoirvisn uwrzbliliioiONVST EAST Threh bodrodin brick on into Ilndlclped int 31102 schools Ind lloifl Runnable down plyment mrzruonn PAdsisc REAL ESTATE Home Hunting Watch PROPERTY roe said REAL ESTATE PROPERTY you SALE BAYVIEW HEIGHTS REALTORS ONE DUNIBP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home StilesForeth in Quality oi Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL MIL MOOREPA 18 It ROGERSPA we Wm 51mm CLIFF years old has bedrooms piece of cupboard and storage space nice living room bath NU hue and mm BUNGALOW $3500 lull price or this room This home is in so it 153 bought with low down pnyment Iivo rooui brick bungalow IIX ye kitchen bedrooms pleco reliibn room llealcd by torcrd equipped wllh GROVE enced Lovely living room large PIKD bathroom Pull by toned air Room colldc on 50 room with dreplacc apartment with kitchen and two tank Priced to sell smith CImpbeIlPA 57389 bsrrloi newest subdivision cuslom home huildlnl by on or solo All services supplied and It ll iDuled Just on Bnyvilv GORD HOME DE Large double ga ge lol 000 down blurt be sold GOOD BRICK HOME ON MAPLE AVE TM any brick home his rooms on rumsce garage on lovely lot 70 in Landscaped bhllll treu iece bath basement and pressure system liumlnlim norm Ind incur lovely hrch Ind nicely Ilhdubped per month principal interest and taxes ST EAST ONE YEAR OLD Five room brick bungalow with attached rosrmPA new It CONNEJ PA mu DISTRICT Em STATE BOARD BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 50741 PA 6020 BRICK BUNGALOW ATSTROUD large kitchen with bredklait nook meat with hot on heating Lola On belnfllui on each floor lull basement uew AT ST PAULS rulinw miles lrom Ellril nd oil turnacc humcul coadllloa Ind may BOWMAN AVENUE In aid liar IIVIu room nod sized tiled bathroom litll basement with rec sir oll runace insulated and The wn is traced has The monthly payments are in Inn on lot completely spoilch lichen bedroom tiled buemcni partly Inllhed recreation room Belted This home glitters with cleanliness MINETS POINT it 200 well trccd lot three bedrooms and bath Ailo Double garage large iivinl three room hcdrooros Good well and septic low down payment roan LangPA $57M Pcrgui GarveyPA 07951 hlembcri oi the Barrio iical rutto Bilrd SEE BARRIE VIEW The ideal lochtlnnJor that new home Gord Spring Ind Doug Homer lolly paid ior Drive nclr the Kumull DTIVhIn VELOPMENT LTD GORD sPlthOPlt MW DOUG HOMERPA 80m corner oi Melrose FRIDAY BOAKE REALTOR sci BRADFORD 5mm tiAitllii PA 85307 OR PA S5833 still sciung grind to tormers tor teeming more WlkemdnPA 0715 Ralph unlikePA 60303 Members or barrio and District Ben rm to hoard RD REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre PA 66481 Member or barrio and District Real Estate hoard cosine humbly Type Him PMde earnest withered vim Dregs ID Sunfish Gaelic 16 External car 17 British jailers Perform 20 Male cal Am Girls momma firehouse as casing 12 Son Islands aflnlmol Ks Three 59 Seed in awake munderwnhci detector CARSON This Is Your Invitation to inspect 257 DUCKWORTH STREET and Duckivorth Sts Nel large room contemporary home with car part OPEN EVENING SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING SUNDAY AFTERNOON Builder Bud ALLEN PA 84281 MOVED May 16 1961 T0 113 DUNLOP STREET Next to Brown ls co STEVENSONS ALL KINDS INSURANCE CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlop St MAEEL MARSHALL PA H450 COREY PA was WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LISTINGS RISIDENTIAL FAIIMS ICDIIAGE DhIMERClAL INDUSTRIAL BUSlmssis DAILY CROSSWOBD 22 Filip 254de as Sea Sup polm SLIMIISIC note stuns Run river as bin 38me Di 37A¢ross mchihmo dynasty mom 1me 20 PP pztl 2p 01 27 IHIIHIIIIH Illllflfllll allazan illlflfiillyfl éfllfillfiflfi Hflflfiil Innn nllnlannlll illllilfifll gagillli nlnlazznlll en Iiflflllll IVAHIHWH WIIIIfiIII good down payment Apply gage 34 to ROSE REAL ESTATE allow 73 TIFFIN 5mm BARRIE ACRES DWELLI N65 acres more or less of beautirul treed laud looled Inuth oi lul rla ou Hizhmr on which is lo eaten bedroom atono home plus living room lllli aim dinln8 room kitchen balhroams mil basement stone raced garage plus an exit dweulng consisting or bedrooms livinl room kitchen sud both this in In estate like property with lower beds bhruhs and circular driveway and in huhwhy troutgo or about no es NEAR BRADFORD STREET 3900 iuu price ior this two no roy brick dweutug having rooms can basement garage herdwood noon powa Plyment only $25M and tile balance on one open moms SHANTY BAY ROAD brick bungalowc rooms hill basement recreation room iorced Iir oli heaung opcn hreplace garage hilly landscaped lot with paved driveway Terias CALLDAY 0R EVENING PA 82379 Member of the Billrid and Diltllct Rel Ernie Baud HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 65453 Member or Delrid and District Rel Ernie Board EVENINGS CALL EMORY MILLER PA 60416 103 PALMER PA was xAlu MARSHALL PA Hail NORAE hm Oro 4023 HAROLD P01151113 PA 84465 NORMAN Shelswell rtEAr ESTATE Briana Dlsulop Street East PA 8996I Poi OR 68742 WGS CALL loo Lnnflln PA 807 Enron shellweii Orn HID Edward NotTil Jack Wilth Jim Landon Normp Shelxweli PRIVATE SALE Snven mum bungniuw one Itll1 onehalf years old 32990 down vicinity North Collegiate owner transferred Telephone PA 68024 tor appointment VLA PROPERTY IO acres house Ind ham mile all of Elmer Perfect condition $7900 Tenor arranged Many other inlnu Ind summer propcn tier listed Contact Lloyd 0W1 liei flute 196 Hurontnrlo collingwon Phone 151 at BEDEDOM Bungalow orsale heron iroin school Concession Sideroad do inhishL euro lot Apply Mr Cortsu 1m Le truy 20 DOWN tor this modern bedroom bungliow in lovely district Owner tnnslened May be seen at 195 wellington St or tclephoiiu PA mu LOVELY HOME for solo by wid ower Renoiillfl down payment Electric stove and some iurhish ings Ehttrl building lot 40 Min neiot Street Couingwood NEW BEDROOM Brick hungo low litlobed gums Ginsu in all schools bmfln for null Rode Siren mu nBDlqu Brick Bunga low with lttnched Kluge Large kitchen combined livinl dining girth 275 1331 door Ire Telephone PA 68151 Barries Most Convenient SubDivision Over 40 Homes Six Models To Choose From $550 to $695 down to one NHA Mort Bedroom Bungalows I050 Sq Ft Aluminum Storms and Screens Ceramic Tile Bathrooms Attached solid brick garage Solid clay brick structtrre Choice of decorator colours inside and out All homes with II block basements BAYVIEW hElGllls sunmwsmu is medium AT JOHNSON AND STEEL STREETS JUST NORTH or JOHNSON STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL TURN NORTH TWO BLOCKS AT TRAFFIC LIGHTS AT ms DOMINION STORE SHOPPING CENTRE AT Bum AND JOHNSON STREEiS OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY JUNE lOih 1000 am to 00 pm For Information Call GORDON COUIIS OfficePA 82485 Evenings PA 66I64 COUTTS CO OWEN STREET BARRIE Exclusive Agents For WEST POINT CONSTRUCTION LIMITED IREAL ESTATE sTOrizir and and hail came room house ploco hath corner at church and Louis Street Sthyner Phone 725 stayiicr PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT SMALL HOUSE ior salo or rent in Stroud Largo lot Close to stores Would suit couplo with one hild Tolcphaao will stroud alter Pan nanE live rpaclaus rooms lords ilre lot located outside Baxter Low down payment or reasonable rent Apply Howell llrt1 Etroud or telephone canal stroud PROPERTY WANTED BUILDING LOT WANTED This lot must have at least 75 cut troolhgc depth at least 100 icet should he in good rcslden tial area or Barrio hep to Box 75 barrio Examiner stn ag price and lot location MORTGAGES FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY T0 LOAN ON Resident Properties Businesa Properties improved Weu located arms VICTORIA GREY TRUST OWEN SOUND ONT REPRESENTATIVE FOR BARRIE AND DlslrlicT HENRY ELRICK MICHIE 15 OWEN ST PA 85831 NO ARRANGle FEES Ort BONUS IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS aro consolidate debts any at existing mortgages 07 mortrnges coming duo omo improvement ny worthwhile Clause Call today for appointment PA 60931 Mortgage Funding Of Canada 129 DUNUOP STREET EAST MONEY AVAILABLE You are invited to discuss your mortgage problems wltb us with out obligation providing thn pro perties are on registered plans in or out or City Interest at pre Valllng rates Cali colitis 0D Owen SE Barrie PA 02435 $1200 misr MORTGAGE wanted immediately to clear up an es tale Apply to box 86 barrio Examiner MORTGAGESlat and 2nd bought sold and arranged commercial and residential moneys loaaod on existing mortgages barrio lam gage brokers PA 68504 BUS OPPORTUNITIES WE ARE LOOKING FOR BUSINESS MAN To bi TRAINED Pull THE POSITION or Lrssuc OF WELL LDCArm HIGH VOLUME snnvloc STATION Thu man for whom we are looldag has not necessarily bad service station experience bciorc but he will have proven himsclt In busi ness and wul be willing to learn new one REPLY TO uox 79 BARRIE EXAMINER State qualifications and rcasous for wanting to enter this Acid SHELL on on or CANADA LTD RENTALS OFFICES STORES RENT SMALL orrlcu or rent ground iioor opposite Barrie Examiner £3956 rensonuble Telephone PA FRONT OFFICE Space near Five Points cm squarc ieet private washroom hot water oil heatlnr $85 month Telephone PA 02343 STORE FOR RENT Queen street Cookstown Good location or bar bar shoe repair Ind shoe soles Telephone dsdmi Coohstowii Try Au Examiner Wail Ad Phone Pl 82414 Available July RENTALS ms houses To rum cum nicely nirntihed arlo ugf la olibesttrdI home ut so me on nesTei PA ones on an COTTAGE three rooms or all or rent Clan to General urctrie you good lot Available immedldte ly Apply to or lohn Street Hours In rest room all ClentrrnlliyphlucnfldAr Availle oae mrr rurtaer liilormluun on BSDIOOM unrurahhcd rigid IvVina ECOElli ent PP Ml In telephone PA sooov °r sup cornAm unhunhhrd heated two bedroom lPulmenL heavy wiring centsL as our mule Apply at landlord st APARTMENT or rent two bed Mind luge living room no month heated Mir has hood Telemann PA Hm Tim noon Apartment and blth oltnd floor wuher Ind dryer vta versedh and me parking Tel bone PA basal evenlnll PA I031 0N DBDnOoM Apertmeot with All lsciutles opposite Simeo Plan Avliilbie Ju Apply to halo Dowasv aw Drive or telephone PA 6050 minimum bested our room apartment central Also three room arlmeut Al ivy store nine miles rum Camp Borden Avail ahia June Telephone PA 55061 Two BEDROOM gcmldetachod brick home and garage Gu litr nace All conveniences Available luly fldTpor month com lcle ly private elcphone PA Two UNTURMSBED Bachelor apartments or rent llclrigcntor and slave supplied Downtown lo cliion Ava able immediately Telephone PA H751 daytime nvo rlliDllooit Apartment up stairs iicat lan water supplld sep ate entrance Near West Dnd ihopplng plus No children Phone PA Hm THESE EDD Apartment with private brill and autumn untur nished Apply to llclds Iilrber shop 27 Dunlop Street West or tcicphone PA Mull alter pm AVAILABLE Immedillely one nirhlshcd spertment one unhilrl 3mg Blotil unseattilled up we come aye one H270 evenings PA ONE AND Two Bedroom Apm meats stove reirlgeraior rsultor service and laundry aciiitlu Renting iron monthly Tole phono Loco PA 81519 AmAmVE thrca room unhin nlshcd hosted comment Rede coratcd th contained with priv stc bathroom stove and rolrigen nor supplied Suitbio tor busi ness couple Telephone PA Hm EAST Largo two bedroom apartment soil contained stovo and refrigerator rnpplied Laundry facilities and good puking Adults Available June is Tclcphoaa PA my Times RDOIII tarnished apart ment upstairs amplo modern kit chcu cupboards $75 monthl in cludes all lacilitles Ava able luly Telephonc PA snnd Ap ply to on Cumberland strch THREE ROOM uanirnlshed spart moat heat water supplied Lou tcd hicks Ind Dunlap Available lmmedilleiy For iurther lnlor matlon Telephone PA 83th or PA d5177 THREE ROOM Apartment with Erin bathroom hot water pill sated refriuentar And heavy duty stove included Located on Burton Avenue APPIY Centre street THREE BOOM self contained apartment heat and hot water supplied Newly decorated through out Available immcdlntcly sill wccltly Telephone PA 02720 liter pin UNFUmsDED two room apart meat with kitchenette and in room Private entrance heat by dro and parking space included Adults preferred Apply in plec street xaminer Want Ads RENTALS m3 HOUSES T0 BENT six molt House or rent Avliio able July For nirlher details telephone PA Huh ml KW Knur or RDI in side ulnar I4 milk ruin Barrie flemmbh renL Tel phaaa 7m Lenvy mils allka brick Dunne luv tarnished to rent or July and Ann Telephone PA bola or lurther litiumluon 7mm Apartment targo liv lns room bedroom and kitchen ette looted ln Ailmdllc liesari able not Telephone PA no Tim DOM heated rumiibd apartment or rest also bed all tins mom and kitchenette Avail ailhmeaillelyi Telephone PA UPPLR DUPLEX spaelaua tbree room Iportinent with baleooy heated helvy duty witlog Au decanted Telephnnl PA will nzcu boars or evenings Two FURNISH Room Apart meat hot and cold water suit an or one or two ed Avail abla now no eveninn Tam ROOM bested editeon taioed utment or rent with store In relriurator 15 month lilulled In the IJst Dd Anil Dliocnlmmedllieiy Telephone PA PUersnnD cottage two bed rooms but and cold water In bathroom and hitched lluili In cupboards Heated with ice hesler can be seen at up ton Ave LP CONTAINED unmrrlixiled heated two bedroom lvnrtmenl Private bath and entnnce Central mango lrlbrers 7ndl Gaga ark vs PA 61 eiell out FURNISHED It artmcnt bed ting room and lichen with no and relrlgcrator Available lmme lately Telephone PA Mm or Ply hurton Ave Piesvy dill stove or sale FURNISHED three room spart oneut three piece bath heavy duty stove Ind rellllcnlm Hlmwnnd noon Sell contained Avallbie my Apply Annstronsi Hard ATritAcrlvP clean completely tunushed lhrcrs rooui Ipartuient Living room kitchen bedroom with twin beds bathroom Sell cantalilcd Adults Available July Apply us Collier street Lowell DUPLlrx spacious sell carilllned heated retrigerator stove laundry gonzo Central monthl Telephone WANTED TO RENT WANTED Two or three bedroom srtmeni or house or July orth east or cost location only Three adults Telephone PA 66175 evenings SMALL House or cottage wanted to rent within miles or Barrio Prelcrahly winterized Rcduired as soon as possible Telephone PA 951 sltcr in ROOMS TO LET PumsiTBD Room or rcnt vary cctnrll Parking tacilitles Tl phohe PA 37142 tier CLliiN Purnished Rooms for rent in downtown area For in romation phone PA c2352 PUltleDED Bedroom to rent two blocks llaln downtown Buri ncss men pretcrred Telephone PA FURNISHED prohl Bedroom ror amt to East 3d nus into at th dor an par og available Tele phone PA 02538 FURNISHED large bedroom with twin beds suit one or two gen tlemen For tnrthcr idiomation call PA 37561 altcr pm or ap piy 225 Dunlap St East ROOM to rent top business xlrl kitchen privileges reasonable rent close to General electric Laundry racilitlcs avauable immcdlatcb Telephone PA b2577 sites pm MODERN DOME large living room kitchen utility room three bedrooms tour piece bathroom Floor Imace Private drive oak vlew Bench Telephone Wessga beach lan $48 MONTH At Miuets Point our rooms and bath hot and cold water open fireplace an age Large treed lot Vacant rune l7 Telephone PA 50353 Toronto CE 1551 fr moan mmishcd Apartment in modern home Central Slave re rrigcruto and hot water suppued pushrcss lady prcierrcd Aastaia en non smelter Apply at no Bayocld MODERN three bedroom unrul nlshed apartment private cot Thrice use or washer and er Quiet district near his ne stores Ind schools Telephoho PA 66777 MODERN two bedroom apnflv meoi or rent stove and refrl ecstor aupphed Laundry facilities and purkluc Janitor service Telephone PA Hm cwo aabnooul house uarrio Tcrrace on bay Oil turncc adults Avalilble July 1st Apply to box nanlo Exum her or Telephone we Lissa neuevlils cpllect mumsnnn two roqu apart meat with kitchenette and be room Privatu entrance heat Are and parking space included Adults preierred Apply loi Nd plet street clzrmlALbY located three room unturnlshed apartment with bath Stove and rcirlgorator supplied Reasonable rent Parking avail able Telephone PA assoc between 430 pm and 530 poo new Arm Modern one knd two bedroom apartments overloakiag scenic Kcmpcotelt Day neat wa ter arkiag and Janitor service inciu cd Automatic washiag ia ctutlcrc PA ucoL mummst ground floor apartment anti hcdrcom iiv room kitchen and bathroom Hen water supplied Separate en trlncc $05 monthly Telephone PA 31058 PUnmsnEn three room summer cottage heirlgerator stove and space heater Hydro included Outskirts of Barrio on Kempen clt pay will rent reasonably Telephone PA Mots SMALL self contained rurnlsbed apartment ground flour clean heated Private autnnce Near Pnrt Ofllce bedroom livlng room bath kitchenette plus storage 975 munLhiy Phone PA 34831 HOUSE Foil RENT scveo rooms both is minutes drive rrom liais rie in viiInEa of Hilisdiiie Avull able July $45 month with leose Can be seen anytime it Jennings PA 55673 or 0rd 65 sliLP CONTAINED unhirnished hcatcd two bedroom apartment Heavy wiring trout and back on trancc illirldry room children welcome Apply 71 Biyheld Streht hr phunI PA noonls To In to gentlemen prelenbly trons Monday uatli Iiidny construction workers wei come rtcasonable rates aood parking Apply to 72 high street or telephone PA 34m COTTAGES T0 RENT BEDROOM cotton to rent by the season inside conveniences illg bay Point Beaumul treed location Telephone PA 59765 COIIAGE nearly new Dig Bay Point furnished modern conve nieacea close to sale bathini beach terse lawn July to Au gust 15 Telephone PA 84861 colman For SALE or rent bedrooms all conveniences win terkad Lake slmcoo cedar rial baur close to lake Apply Pet ersoo rill Strulld COTTAGES FOR SALE Two BEDROOM cottage with all conveniences loo foot river trout age beautiful ioL in miles from harrle Muskaka district sickness tomes sale Write box 76 Dorrie hummer == ARTICLES forSALE TENTS SLEEPING BAGS BARBECUES oRAnios DOMINION TIRE STORE MARY ST aAllRlE TOP SOIL GRAVEL AND FILL LDADEE AND TRUCKS for hire JOHN ELLIS Construction PA 83000 OR PA 047 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES CASH REGISTERS AND SUPPLIES SERVICED AND REPAIRED BY CERTIFIED MECHANIC CALL REID McCRiMMON PA 68350 CONTRACTS AVAILABLE Two SLAT springs do almost new also one ensuicl kitchen sink with chrome swivel taps Telephone PA 54450 or tumor Mnmlflan

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