S°flbd11 Fons Watch Two Terriï¬c Games Softball fan saw the two lsmes of the young Barrie and District Softball League season last night at Queens Park Bristows Phillthing and Heat lag the new entry in the loop retained first place With squeakcr over RCAF Flycrs of Camp Borden and Stewarts Lunch reigning champions nip ped hitnasing an HUNT WINS in the game with few big blown Bristows won the decis ion on the strength of sacri flce bunt In the sixth inning The clubs were tied going in to tho sixth 22 lendoff bata tar Bernie McCann rapped single into ctre field The next batter went down swinging then Brien Wiles groundedto shortstop Billy Henderson lisn derson juggled the ball then threw wildly for twobm er ror moving Motions to third Pitcher Jack Velr got credit with ï¬elders choice as Mc Cnnn heat the attempted cutoff at the plate Wiles who stopped at second base on the play got to third on passed hall and zoomed in the plate on Dan MacDonalds sac riflce that had pitcher Ken Ln pointe buffaloed it looked very much like play scheme would have nipped the runner but Lapointe elected to go to the bag instead triple by Dennis Tlnklin ion hall that should have been caught and error to Bernie Mc Cenn in left field gave Flyers one run in the seventh but still one too short of at least tie McCanns error was slickout due to the fact be was trying to take ball his brother John in centre should havo had How ever Bernie moved over as his younger brother misjudged two previous balls iinklins tripl and Barretts homer Young brother John had earl ier stoned for his mlsfortune by driving in run in the fifth with single Both pitchers went the route with Vair picking up the win while allowing nine safeties Lepointa was more stingy giv ing up only five DAN niacnonaw Bristows was short two fine dï¬iï¬Ã©flï¬i 33 W2 ea appe rge Boormao filled in well behind the plate Flyerl played without their big mm on date Bud Kelly who suitered groin injury in the previous nights game SMITH HOT In the nightcap the spectators saw the return to form of Al Smith former MVP with Legion Smitty contained Mineslng on six hits and in only one inning the gave more than one George Falconer Stewarts tremendous clouter failed again to come up with towering lum ber shot but excelled in the field He made great running catch of ball by Bill Adams in the sixth in the next frame on similar grab off the but of Jim Pratt Georges perfect throw to the infield nipped the base runner Johnny Cole for th double play that ended the game It was Falconers single too that won the game for Stew arts With Jimmy Bertram on the sacks with single Falcon er took wild swings at two high balls before connecting with mascoting and gamewlnning line drive Bowsfield Hurls Hit Shutout By THE CANADIAN PRESS The number of Canadians playing bigleague baseball can be counted on the fingers of one hand and seldom do any of them make the headline on the sports pages Possibly its because they dont get much of chance Britisb Columqu led Bows fieid got his opportunity Wed nesday night and turned in performance that should rate him more attention in the fu ture Bowafield 25 pitcher from Penticton who went to 105 An geles Angels from Boston Red Sox in an American League trade earlier this season ap peared in 11 previous games this season as reliever and had hitched no longer than two ion gs in any of them Wednesday night at Baltimoro manager Bill Rigney sent the six foot one southpaw to the mound to start against the 0r ioles and Bowsiield was still there at theend when the Angels were celebrating their +0 victory that lifted them out of the league cellar In games Wednes day night Cleveland lndians strengthened their first place lead over idle Detroit Tigers by walloping the Senators ll0 at Washington New York Yankees defeated Minnesota on two hitter by Ralph Terry that plunked theTwins into the cel lar with their 13th consecutive loss and Boston Bed 50 de feated Kansas City 62 The Indians sweeping into the league lead on ninegame winning streak carry half gama edge into Detroit where they meet the Tigers tonight in doubleheader that opens fourgame series Predict Activity At NHL By WHEATLEY Canadian Pres Staff Writer MONTREAL CF The Na tional Hockey League draft next week may turn into hectic ses sion or it may be dwarfed into run of the mill affair in vniving few players because of pre draft agreements Present indications are that the combination of deals and drafting may be substantial The NHLs three day annual xeeiing opens Monday and pri te talks aimed at swaps likely will continue at least until the six clubs file their protected lists at pm Tuesday The leagues internal draft is scheduled for pm Wednes day Each club can protect 18 players plus two goalies against the draft The draft price is 320000 Pre draft deals have become more or less the rule in recent years Loadedclubs and Montreal Canadians have been stick out in this respect have been inclined to do pm draft business witbfha havenot clubs WOULD RATHER SWAP The reason largely is that the landed clubs if they must lose unprotected high class young rookiesand established players would rather lose them in swap with low placed club rather than the draft to bot rival Hockey men any money doesnt figure greatly in such dealsibecause usually little or no cash is involved They say also that the draft not established as an act ofgenerosity esp means of providing players at cheap price They feel that $20000 is Draft realistic price for marginal player The intent was to make sure that players capable of playing in the NHL could do so Prior to the draft by reason of plenty of money or good farm clubs or luck some clubs found them selves with more good players then they needed Staff Says Dukes May Leave OHIl TORONTO GP Toronto Marlboros may follow St Mich aels College Majors out of the Ontario hockey Association Ju nior series coowner Stafford Smytne said Wednesday Smytbe fold the Junior councils annual meeting the Marlboros want time to consi der the impact of St Michaels departure announced Tuesday and ay operate as an inde pen at term in the manner of HullOttawa Junior Cenadiens The Marlboros are sponsored by Toronto Maple Leafs of the NHL as were the Majors Sammy Pollock farm director of Montreal Canadiansland coun cil delegate of Peterhorough Petes termedSmythes an nouncement asmoke screen You are trying to lay the blame elsewhere for St Mich aels leaving and you want to load all the guyson one team said Pollock Lloyd Pollock of Windsor OHA president asked for dis cussion on the Majors departure but delegates of the other six teams refused to considerdny concessions that would keep the Collegians in the league St Michaels hadrprotested long schedules were interfering with education of their players Valr Stewarts other two runs earns off homer by laoene Arnsuona tn the six Falconer was aboard with walk Wendell Downey pitched sn otber 800d lame following his lbatrikenut performance of his last outing lie allowed but five hits Theres no action scheduled or tonight Tomorrow To Automotive play Mmeslng gamemayhave lobeheldat Queers Park if the Minesing diamond is not ready NOTES John White who has had good and bad fortune lately is expected back in the Slow arts lhaeup next week hie luf fared mildly separated shoul der early in the season Bis good forttnse came Just day or two earlier when his wife ltlar let Pat Wanamaker made his first start with Stewarts since sprslning an nnkl in the allv star game two weeks ago Standing lPts Bristows Stewarts iergis RCA Mineslng Thomas RCAF Shepherd linidin ah OToole rf Home as Handerson 2b GoyefCha lf Gilliouly cf Barrett lb Lepolnte Totals Brillcwl MacDonald 2h Boomgn Murp 55 McCann cf Neal 3b Mch if Skelly rf Wiles lb fltlrsk lb uMNNNu nunuun usupuoooopm at awenooeno oaao nil uouuahuuuu til Nuuobpugt Totals giepresentedhimwithadaushL Lapolnte and Shepherd Veh and Boersnan WWWf mum man an Case Eagles Draw With Smiths 33 CaeEagluscorcdlrunln the last of theseventhandï¬n ll inningto Ila Smiths Dllry Hinenindustrlal Softball bea snegame played also Par implant An error putting Miles Hick ling on base followed by singles by Norm flickiing and Fisher new edforthebigtally Case had taken the lead with two runs in the third but lost theieadlnthenextfrsmeastb gamma came through will by Jack Etheringion Bob Girls tie Rim Granger and Jack Gra ham did the fourtbdnnhu trick George MacDonald pitched for Smiths allowing three hits Leighton Smith went the route for Case and was touched fu seven lafcties Hill and Mansï¬eld Rub ber play tonight at Queens Park 0lpmhfbl5il°lllare plate Pat Mlnealng Grant llines 3b Wen Downey Adams as Adams lb winDmney Silence of ll ll ti Luck lf Stewart Bertram McCartney 3b Marley Falconer cf Smith Wanamaker if Armstrong ib Martin 711 Babel rf Bertram rf Totals ch Downey and Wm Downey Smith and Marley Umpires Pat OConnor plate Bill Hare bases at Mawum at muons eel eooHootaerA of ooeooeooeoa out ooenerveorIDI NHL Owners Should Study Heavy Bidding For Youngsters By WEEATLEY Canadian Press Staff Writer MONTREAL CPlWhen Na tional Hockey League owners gather in annual session here next week it is virtual cer tainty they will take hard look at growingepidemic of wild competitive bidding for kids under 10 years of age During the last year or so as much as 310000 has been paid parents of young prospects still in their early teens Essentially the money wav ing pro clubs want to assure themselves of future negotiation rights to twinkling little star by having him play with sponsored junior club or jun ior clubs lowerclass affiliates The owners as matter of ï¬nancial self interest dont want to find themselves in cutthroat situation of fantastic bonuses that fastened itself upon major league baseball The question of rights in hockey to youngsters has been touchy one at times For short period following the Second World War the names of youngsters could be placed onpro clubs negotia tions lists or youngsters could be signed to certain forms of agreements on attaining their ldthvhirthday But in 1950 if was decided this should be modified so there VCANUCKEXTRA Nvlou no 15 olefisq 14 BLACK smnwsu ruannnss errsronrsa Vanessa Vi lOl Buyiield Sr could be no such acquisition of young players until they at tained greater maturity their 18th birthday ThisWsystern of negotiation rights should youngster de cide to turn pro is still in ef fect gt The sudden surge in competi live bidding for under16 boys is linked with the draft system of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association The national amateur body allows junior clubs in its Onta rio and Manitoba branches to draft from the lowerage classes within clubs own branch Players are subject to this draft when they reach16 So now the top scouu and bird dogs of pro clubs are at their busiest before the iikeliest young prospects become 16 The scouts have persuaded their so periors that plenty of hard cash is needed to place these young sters in the amateur chain that leads to the pro clubs spon sored junior team and ultimat ely to the parent NHLclub GOLF DRIVING RANGE GUTHEIE ramwags No 11 Highway North of sit Linn Guthrie Oat Parkingi For One Year wmosoa or Windsor one of the ranking members of the Ontario Hockey Associa tion Senior circuits since the Second World War will be ml nus major OHA franchise next season Windsor Arena owner Bill But cher announced here Wednes day that he has asked the OHA for one years suspension from senior hockey activity for Wind sor Bulldogs Butcher said he proposes to turn the arena over to public curling for part of each week with Junior minor prep and industrial hockey filling out the program Last season the Bulldogs were in slxtesm circuit with Gait Woodstock Strathroy Strntford and Chatham The Windsor withdrawal could have pronounced effect on scheduled atory senior meeting scheduled for Wood stock this Sunday Last years remaining five clubs plus other interested par ties in such places as Kitchener Welland Whitby Belleville and Barrie have been notified of the meeting WILL BUY PLANES BONN ReuterslWcst Ger many will buy 54 Lockheed TF lodG Starlightch for training purposes defence ministry spokuman said today Clothes of Distinction CRAIG SONS awe sum not The star that quality built fmflnsa WWLOWPBICESI wrra canon Koufax LeddsDodgers Out Of Slump To Top use wuss budted Preu Writer Lac Angela Dodge Ml lng off shoppe are back on top in the National League race again thanks to Sandy Koufax who has put away four of their last eight victories The Dodger have lost no more than two in row during the last three weeks while win ning ll of 20 games in head tohead battle with CinClnnati Beds for first plane The Dodgers regained ball gameleld with 73 victory over the Pirates Wednede night as Kellix became the first league pitcher to win eight this season Milwaukee Braves helped the Dodgers by beating Cincinnati and thirdplum San Fran clsco moved within its games of first place with 11 lnning victory over Philadelphia Phflllu St fouls Cardinals de feated Chicago Cubs 86 with Stan Musisl going Mar4 and belting pair of two run homers The Dodgers canie from he hind with four runs in the sec ond inning beating Earl Fran cis inhis first major league start on tworun homer by John Boseboro and clinching tworun double by Willa Davis They added three uneamod runs in the fifth making it easy for Koala 52 STRUCK OUT SEVEN The young lefty gave up seven bits and two walks but ltruck out seven for his fifth straight victory all complete gamer flamers by Roberto Clemente in the first inning and Don Bonk with man on in the ninth scored the Bucs runs The Braves beat the Beds for oniytbethirdtlmeinlotries this season behind the fourhit pitching of righthander Don Nottebsrt who squared his rec ord at with bisfirst maior league complete game The Reds scored in the second on walk Gene Feeses single and passed ball but the Bayes then scored three in the third two on Ed hiathews double against rookie Ken Hunt 53 Musialr home runs giving him six for the reason built the Cards winning cushion in the third and innings Larry Jackson as won but needed relief in the eighth after homerun by George Altman Maury Winner in finally saved it coming on when Ernie Bankahltutworunbonnrnfl rclleverAlCicotteintheuinth Bob Anderson tests the Cardswontheirtblrdinarow Giants nailed their third victory in 10 games on two walks and single by Orlando Capedl in tho ulh off losing reliever Chris Short 12 Bald toanerunlndtwohitsfor seven innings by Art Mahaffey San Francisco tied it in th eighth on consecutive doubles by Matty Alou and Harvey Kueon both pinchhitters and Willie Mays Jim Buffalo and Stu Miller shut out the Phill on four hits over the last nix innings with hlilier winning his fifth without defeat Barrie Lakeviews Wont Go Senior Barrie Lakeviewr last years Central Ontario Intermediate hodrey champs will not turn senior next seam The announcement was made at an executive meeting last night The club had an invita tion from the OilA to attend meeting in the near future but laced that no good would come from being present Puritans alumnus lthS for PUPS Dads big day is just around the cor ner and we feel that we had better start giving you few gift suggest ions for him And while you are shopping for him youmlght as well make it one stop venture and buy for his son and heir also We are sure you will agree that $400 is not too much to spend on Dad and it is gift that we know he Will ap preciate Keeping cool lsrtoi all that difficult but keeping cool and look ing right is You can solve that prob lem with one of these shirts You can choose Pops shirt rem the largest selection north of Toronto and this is not an idle boast We have tables and coun tersjust groaning underthe weight of short sloweddressshlrts short sleeved sport shirts or dressy lookingT shirts If you cannot findthe shirt for Pop here then we feel safe in saying he istoofussy and perhaps we can suggestgsomathing else All these shirts are from such famous makers as John FdraytliLLipson and will see him through severalsumlners The sizerange is as complete as it can be and colorstoo are here in on their splendor Common in now and browse until your hearts content and pick up one or two shirts for Dad Remembcrthai we have an equity on tochoosedrom for that ladbt selec