Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jun 1961, p. 3

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TWO GRADUATING nurses Della not left and Myrtle tlank greatgrandmother Mrs fda Well after ceremonies last night From left rear are other members of the family the grad5 dad Del bert Emms blrs Olive 29 GrddsTold RVH Patients Never Crumble There is quite contrast bet log in theory on behalf of the ween several bouquets of red board of trustees by Robert roses and the same number of pure white nurses uniforms The contrast showed clearly over 750 heads to the rear of Barrie North Collegiate auditor ium last night during Royal Vic toria Hospital annual gradua tion exercises Speaker to the 29 young wo men was one of their lecturers and mutual confident the Rev Sherring who in his 50th year in the theological ministry spoke on the ministry of nurs mgg The opportunities are wide topcn to you to reach the top he told them in this first stage of your careers have never in the years havevisited the bus pitai ever heard patient com plain he slid adding that the graduates could be proud of the great standard they have set NEED DEEP DESIRE in deciding your motive for choosing nursing career there must be deep desire to serve humanity or else your rlofession will not be succus Whatever your duty is serve to the best of your ability to the sick and suffering Terminating his remarks Mr Shcrring said May God bless you as you start on your great ministry of nursing THANKS two arms Valedictorian was given Miss Alexandra llaigh who thanked the RVH staff of instructors on behalf of her fel lows for their diligent efforts on the nurses behalf Awards and their presenters are listed below LQCiil AN GRAIN MOVEMENT Brisk are movements his season are inflated by Coiling wood Terminals ElevatorNOver two million bushels nave been handled since the owning of lake navigation At the present time largt grain shipments are passing directly to waiting CNR box cars and thence by roll through Allandalc to Eastern Ontario elevators This week marked the arrival at Coiling wood of the 14th cargo ship from the iakehead each carry ing about 200000 bushels of wheat LIONS PRESIDENT Former member of Barrie nions Club James Lyon will be inducted as president of Elm vale Lions Club on June 15 Last night Elrnvaic Lions held joint meeting with the Board of Gold medal for highest stand ter pleading setting 11 GENERAL Trade at Pinecrest Hall Ves praFlos towniine At their meeting in the Palace Hotel the Lions diose Harry Rowley and John Windrem as vicepresid ents Bruce Yarwood as secret ary Howard Ritchie as tail twister and Jack Whitfield as Lion tamer noma room nosprrsr Hls many friends were pleas ed to see the return home from St Michaels Hospital Toronto Armstrong to MissElien Leach prize for the highest standing in bedside nursing nurses alumnae by Miss Glenna Downey to Min Anna Husband Prize for the highest standing in obstetrical nursing by Miss Downey to Miss Myrtle Emma prize for operating room techni que on behalf of the graduate nurses staff by Mrs Wass to Miss Noreen Caldwell prize for medical nursing on behalf of this staff by Mrs George Pat tcrson to Miss Patricia Sproule Prize for surgical nursing on behalf of this staff by Miss Mur iel Ducette to Miss Lucille Dir quette general proficiency award of $25 by Dr Smith chief of staff donated by the medical staff to Miss June Batcs senior Miss Joyce Walker intermediate and to the junior student Miss Pauline Church Class rings donated by the medicai staff were presented by Dr Laurie nurses on behalf of the Emma and Mrs lledajatr terson grandmothers and Mrs Emms the girls moth er Examiner Photo Generations See Nurses Graduate Greatgrandmother Mrs ida lugwell 92 had threeyew old win come true at the our ses graduation last night She saw wo of her great granddaughtcrs graduate bells and Myan Emms of Dalston were among the nurses graduating from the RoyalVIc toria Hospital School of Nursing at Barrie North Collegiate tree years ago at the Emms girls capping ceremon ies Mrs iugweil sadly an nounced she didnt expect to be around when they received their diplomas in 1961 But she is And halo and hearty enough to accompany her daughter Mrs Fieda Pat terson RR Barrie and her granddaughter Mrs Delbert Emms the graduates mother from Dalston to the collegiate reference books donated by the Womens Hospital Auxiliary by Mrs Jack Butler Exercises chairman was John Mltchlnsou chairman of the board of trustees prayer of in vocation was spoken by Rev GTrimble for Simcoo County Warden Montcalm Maurice 1n nislil Reeve Charles Sproulc of fered greetings from the county Mayor Willard Kinzie greeted iiie graduates for the city of Bar Arrest Witness At Arson Trial 17yearold Crown witness wm arrested in county court here yesterday during the arson trial of Mrs Ethel Hunter of Wasaga Beach Chaiged with obskucting jus tice was Gregory Slolander The youth Was given tweyear sus pended sentence in January sf of Charles Parsons this week Since his retirementas manag er of Barrie branch of the Can dian Bank of Commerce 12 years ago Mr Parsons has been extremely active in com munity affairs Three years ago he was chosen Citizen of the Year in the Royal Canadian Lagions annual award for the Wright MemorlaiTrophy surrny TEACHER AldermanArthurS Morrow retired from Bairie District Centsa1 Collegiate staff was supply teacher at Elrnvaie Dis trict High School last week ow ing to the illness of Mr Roth erdale MEMORIAL TOWER Next Sundays memorial tow er will bo dedicated at Wav iey United Ghurh It was er ected bythemen of the con gregation The servrce on June 11 will replace the annual mem orial at the church cemetery held in August vcn1vrrsau urn Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 00565 fire to cottage owned by Hor ace Hunter Huntera widow is now charg ed witharson in the same fire The caseisexpededtogototba today PHONE DEFENDANT Sjolanders arrest came when he admitted he had phoned the defendant and offered to change his testimony for $00 Yesterday he testified set the the at the Hunter cottage fater Mrs Hunter agreed E6 pay him $400 tinder crossexamination be admrtted phoning Mrs Hunter and offering to change his story fox3300i He said he later drop pad the price to $100 and rou lehte wheel owned by Hunter but Mrs Hunter refused Another men witness Eric Mallinson 15 who had been Mrs Hunters manifeur said he knew Sjoiander was to be paid oft binning the cottage but did not goto the police VISITED IN JAE The witness said he Visited Cjolander in jail in January be fore making statement tothe police Judge Donald MarLawn ques tinned Were you conniving to implicate MrsHuater and want ed to see Sjolander to collabor ate on your stories No replied Mailinsop Thats what it looks like the judge commented Elite ifiarrie Examiner nfimoconnrvnrwsz monsoon noise nu Tbs Ewart of grand jury yesterday found the Simone Coimty jail facilities to be cow tircly inadequate and outdated The jurys report submitted to Judge Madmen at the general session of the peace noted There are poiloch when the number of prisoners far exceeds the capacity this building to care for them to an adequate manner Pinned By Tractor 0n Bridge Injured ALLiSiON Clairc Corseadden of Everett was pinned against bridge for 15 minutes by trac tor last night He wu working at bridge with his uncle Murray Caracad den They were pumpingwa ter into tank when Claire en gaged the clutch of the tractor from the front The tractor was in gear trolled ahead and pinned ban to the bridge He was taken to Stevenson Memorial Hospital after the machine was pried away from him He received bruises and alter examinationat the hospital he was released Prestterians Pick Moderator Simcoe Colmty high contributed to the education of the new moderator of the Pres byterian Church in Canada Rev Robert Taylor now of St Johns Church Medicine Hat Alta wm elected on the third ballot at the 07th General Assembly of the church ht To mnlo Wednesday night native of Scotland the new moderator received his educa tion at Orilila High School the Univérslty of Toronto and Knox College Toronto Dr Taylor is the father of istar of St Johns Church for the past 10 years and previously served in Lenora Manlnnis fail Aita rmd Indian Head Sask DrTaylorlsamemberoftbe board of the Missionary and Deacones Training School of the Presbyterian Church and has served the board of Christian education and the senate of Knox College MONDAY from Afternoon 2430 pm school five children He hm been min noonnnn citric 1N TY PARISH HALL comm sar bosons uncanny nanosp Aftaahrieltotnofihojnl the lots mentors also made tworecommcndatloos concen ingfoodandhitcbenfacliifles snsmrr comings Today Sberlf ulUclsedthlssementofthore port flie grand jury submission found We recommend that the services of qualified chef be obtained immediately to super vise all cooking and dietary ser vice It is our opinion that this would result in more efficient management of the dietary sun vices That an exhaust mi in the kitchen would do much to improve the ventilation in this area and would eliminate the throughout hm msrscnon snonr Sherifi Hughes told The Ex aminer that in his opinion the iury was simply not qualified to assess thequality of the meals being served after such short inspection Sheriff gbes also noted that jury members had not eaten meal at the jail before handing down their recommendations The third and final recom mendation of the jury was that onsideratlon be given to the the remainder of the The Red Shield appeal has failed Banla district resid ents contributed $10000 as canvassing ended Wednesday The Salvation Armys objec tive was $25000 Senior Captain James Gilles pie said this mprning the less than $7500 Dltliis 51000 was raised in Borne When the appeal first got underway the committee stat ed that capital funds drive was to be included This was the firsttime that the Salva tion Army had appealed for building funds in the 06 years they have operated in Barrie The $25000 objective includ ed operating funds for the coming yea and part payment fzffl the proposed $100000 clta The Salvation Anny gave out CAhlADiANRED crass SOCIETY Jun 12th Evening 630900 pant cooking odors from permeating Of JUIYS Report utilization of the lethal quar ter bymala pdsoom if ow siblo lbe pedal noted that this sec tion is presently seldom occu pied by ethnic prisoners WEII TREATED Also sccordlng to the report Conversations with prism indicated that they were being wellireated by the stall but the whole question of washing linen could be improved consid erably the governor of the jail and his staff were highly commend ed both for their department and their work under condi tions which mn best be describ ed as disgracefuL The iury also inspected Sim coo Manor at Beeton and was impressed by the excellent state in which these buildings are maintained both inside and ou rarmurs HAPPY The jury found that patients appeared to be well cared for on were generally in settled and happy state of mind We interviewed many pat ients andrcceivedcritlcism of only very minor nature Their report highly commend ed the superintendent and his staff for excellent wor The findings were signed by grand jury foreman lrwln Mt Msbon VRed Shield Appeal Is $15000 Short more than 06000 in Barrie last year Their work is expanding and conservative sources esti mate minimum 4700 ex penditure this year 0f the $10000 contributed to the combined operating and building lundby Barrie people this year only $3000 will be set aside to meet the cost of the $100000 citadel Before the appeal got under way the approximaleiy 70 members of the Salvation Army in Barrie pledged to give $10 000 This amount is to be paid in installments over three year period The executiva committee of the Red Shield appeal has called an emergency meeting to determine course of action building two for raising funds for thenew GINA WILLIAMS IE TOPS WITH ELEPHANTS 3Ring Circus In Barrie Today With Long List Of BigTop llcis intrepldyaerial artists equilib rlsts and gymnasts who scoff at the laws of gravity and daunt lessly dare disaster animals subjugatsd by kindness and patieooetothswillofman lovely bespangied ladies and loi fui Jestlng clowns riotous colors pulsequickening music peanuts popcorn cotton candy These are some of the peren nial allurements oi circus day and all of them are still folmd at the Clyde Brothers Three Ring Circus which corms to the Barrie Arena under the direct sponsorship of the Sheba Shrine Club today Thedrcus promises new acts new wardrobes and the finest of circus features inthcir 1961 pm gram Hes the list of famous names on the circus roster are such acts as the high sway sensationthe Hustries the Fly log Plerces Wilfred Mae hoop rollers 1eropkescbimps the mu Royal Hungarian troupe Risley Artists the internationain fam ous Alfonso Camps tight wire walker the aerial ballet of beau tiful girk at the top of the arena Mary Sue and Ruth Rex and Gina Williams forming elephants thevsmaliest in the world Mooles canine comedians Nagbtins bears of the funniest clownsen tour headed by the wellknown comedian John Batch and an equestrian display of Shetland ponies BRADFORD STREET Well known Barrie pianist Wltliy Perkins has sold his home on Bradford Street to Russ Londry the site to be used for parking adjacent to Kram er Motors This residence is the only one on the street which directly adjoins the sidewalk Mr and Mrs Perkins have moved to their new house on Vancouver Street Royal Victoria HoSpital Notice of Change IniVisifing Hours Due to the bonfusion arising from the present con struction program at the hospitaleffectlve June 12th visitors to the Maternity Patients will be re strictecl to Husband Husbands Parents and the Patients Parents for the rims being srquao How high the hot Who cares let the thermome ter rend right ofi wrecker Weve got the secret ingredient thutvtnlres the tempo out of tempera Mitchell Ton tun counmousn Ther Spacesaving Economy Model HELEN SHANAB Administrator Beautifully styled to enhance any roomthis wonderfulair coo ditioner brings cool filtered air day or night with Microsoatic dots Haven eouurnv clue filter giving you healthclean At either higher lowspeeds you have whisper quiet oper at the touch of finger at minus overcame Odintine or LInnisfiinsar Thinks The way OPENING to go Scenic Dome onus wssxslun to emeiitwthoow to dgu Featherwdight os lbs Plan to see Canada thisyearvia the scenic BanfiLakeinuise route so 14 its 10 Vmiles and miles ofeverohangiogscenery aboard fThe Canadian mamom on wauommtedtor furmnnce gt For passengers in the Georgian Bayarea canadian Pacifics TheCsnadian stops at Midhurst daily for passengers to and from Port Art or andwestl Information and reservations your any Canadian Pacific gates 01 Genus Faustino L4 ant 1300mm omdtou King and fangs SL5 Toronto the only scenic dome route across nada VISITORSWELEOMEZj Pro Stair Jennings villi be ovoilnbievdorin by appointment vMauaeait an Mammy GILFORD

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