UTOPill William Demeter who he been in hospi returned home Saturday Mr and Mrs Jack McClnn Mrs Arnail Muir and Mr and Mn Fred Mariana were in Oh title on Sunday to visit Winfield Cairns whose wife passed away Friday They also thltod Mr and Mrs Hï¬vey Bell who have both been to ill Mrs Maurine Miller enter tained few friends to birth day party for lrwln Miller and Willie Miller twine who ceielt hrated their 79th birthday WA of St Georges Church will be at Mrs Harvey Tinn bulls Tuesday evening it Is be ing held aweek early on ac count of the continuation which is to be held June in St Georges Church number of candidates from the churcheswili be conï¬rmed The bishop will be there from Toron to joint chair will furnish the music June 13 the South Slrncoe deanery conference will be held this year at Everett The annual Strawberry fosti val and cold meet supper will be held in the Utopia Community Hall June 28 Mr and Mrs Tom 132er and Mrs Andy Lakatos visited Tue sday evening with Mr and Mrs Orval Armstrong Johnstone of Carley and Mr and Mrs Johnny Muir of Angus visited Saturday evenlt ing with Mr and Mrs Tom Exell William Exell of Barrie visit iexit Frank Broil Saturday even Mr and Mrs fruax enter tained few friends and relativ es Saturday evening on the oc casion of their 25th wedding an nlversary Mr and Mrs Tom Tattersall called on Mr and Mrs William Goilop Friday evening Mrs William Gollop attended the Tracey Harris wedding Saturday Dawson Mecann and Bonnie Muir spent Sunday afternoon in Barrie with Mr and Mrs Albert Dawson William Gollop and Jim Exell flew to Brantlord on Sunday Mr and Mrs Albert Olark are spending few days with Mrs Arthur Dobson Sunday visitors were Robert Denney and friend Mr and Mrs Jack Hirons of Toronto Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis and children of Barrie Mr and Mrs Harold Henderson of Baxter with Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis Mr and Mrs Robert Ross and sort Donald of Hamilton with Mr and Mrs George Mrs Vera Ward Minoan and Mr and Mrs Jack Taylor of Rexdale Mrs Pridham and Jim Essa Station with the Hed tor mrnhulls Mrs FraulrElphick ishome from Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie Her daughter Audrey and soninelaw William Tard itf and granddaughters arrived from Chatham NB Sunday on two weeks vacation Miss Virginia Muir and Wil liam Orr were married Satur day at lovely spring wedding ceremony in St Georges Angli can Church Dave McMaster and sister Mrs Eattiam of Cookstown cal led on the Bells and other relatives Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Albert Clarke Toronto visited Mrs Arthur Dobson Mr and Mrs McCann spent the weekend at Sudbury and attended the christening oi grandson Terry Lister Mr and Mrs Lou lruax cele Angus WERNK brated their 35th wedding anni versary with family dinner at their lion on Filth Line of Else Township Saundey Mr and Mrs Maurice Miller and Erwin Miller Visited Alli lton friends Sunday Mr and Mrs mo Parker and children of Barrie and Ern ie Roberta Creemore visited Mr and Mrs Alien Miller Utopia baseball club came out on the short end of an were with Drillia at the park Setup day night The gtria team were also unlucky at Cookstown on Monday night Joe Smith is in Royal Victoria Hospital for few days treat ment STEELES CORNERS Dr Sturgeon of Wei land called on his brothers Wil liam and Linwood last week Mr and Mrs Earl Dales at tended the graduation exercises of their son John from the School of Embalming in Toron ro Friday and the dinner and dance in the evening at the King Edward Hotel Also attending the graduation were Mrs Dales and Miss Betty Dales Mr and Mrs William Hunter am Robin Mount Dennis and Mr and Mrs Archie Adams and Carol Ann Weston were Sun day visitors with Mroand Mrs Ernest Dales Evening callers at the same home were Mr and Mrs Ed Moore Barrie Mr and Mrs Jack Rumble at tended the funeral of Mrs Rumble at Maple last week BRIDE HONORED large number of neighbors friends and relatives attended shower Monday evening for Miss Marie Moriarity held at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Moriarltyr Marie received many lovely gifts Lunch brought pleasant ev enlng to close Mrs Jack Rumble spent the weekend at Maple Mrs Doug Kirkup is expected home from Newmarket hospital this week BOND HEAD Rev Kendall of Victor ia 130 called on Mr and Mrs McLean on Monday Mrs Olive Evans of Newmer ket spent Sunday with her dau ghter and soninvlaw Mr and Mrs Joe Noble William Reynolds is confined to General Hospital in Toronto where he underwent surgery Mr and Mrs McLean of Detroit spent few days last week with Mr and Mrs McLean The McClean families held their annual reunion in the park here on Saturday Mr and Mrs George Shep pard visited friends at Clark son and Toronto on Saturday and Sunday FREE BRAKE CIIEGK Be Safe See DANGERFIELD morons 65 Collier St PA 82487 On Wednesday evening the sacrament of conï¬rmation was administered In St Louis Churéh to so boys and girls and four aduiu by Most Rev lroa ck Marrocco Auxiliary BIshop of ihroato and assisted by Rev Maloney Brochin end it ev Vooriciek Uptergxove Also present were Rev Fitzpat rick Parry Sound and Rev hf OGredy of Pbeipston The chil dren being confirmed came from Wormlnister dgnr and Mount St Louis Th girls wore white gowns and red caps and the boys were red gowns His Excellency Bishop Marrocoo congratulated Father Bolger mourn ST LOUIS Paul Creole and Gerrard Bel anur attended the alter boy ultra menus SIMi in Throttle on May Paul Greatermdyadl 9cm me Mr and Mn Murray John ston of Atherley were recent visitor with Mr and Mrs lew ia Carr Mr and Mrs Fraser Carr and Susan at Toronto spent the weekend with their relatives Mr and Mrs Vanatter of Buffalo were attheir summer home here or few days Mrs Hilda Richardson and Mr and Mrs Roy Richardson and family of Toronto visited Mrs Hodgsnn Sr on Sunday Mr and Mrs Coultu and farm llY oi Toronto were visitors with Mr and Mrs Ralph Hodgson at the weekend and Mrs Du hues and daughter sum or mm are on holiday at the home of the latter parents Mr and Mrs Ran Delhey Mm Knight nee Barbara Tough 01 Fort lene Indiana bout the weekend with her par ents Mr and Mrs Jamel Tough Mrs Wioe visited her mother Mrs Elston of Barrie Sunday Mrs James Irwin willbe oelehrating bu slst birthday on hastily June 13 when she will Mr and Mrs Wilson of rotten celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary at the um iniaw Mr and Mrs Mal home at their daughter and lion Sunday with farmly re union Mr and Mrs Vincent Wilson of Hamilton assisted the Milan Relatives and close friends of uree amt names menstrual XIII olhoaoerrom Whitby CONDUCTOR NAMED oronto ami tor LONDON lReuters John Thornull Ottawa lslington and Prltcherd to one at Britains the Angela California atteod oooductnrr bar been ed the reception appointed principal conductor Miaflflhmwmoruemammmamw weekend with his grandparents Orchestra for the season be Mr and Mrs Weikem mm September on Haircuts CLIFFS amen snor as In loan Across from undue Ed George novies CONSTRUCTION LTD Bnrri PA Hi teachers and parents on how 34 rilllelunt FREE DISNEYKINS Im on Dog pin Im so my rainy THIS GIRL IS SWINGING ON TWO NYLON 0sz just this sizem Pretty Judy Cox and her graceful l09 lbs swing thou the air with the greatest of ease and safety on two tire rords like those in Canadian Tires DOUBLESTRENGTH IwmPWNVIOII In every750ll4 SuperLastic ï¬vinPly Nylon Tire there are 2168 similar cords sufficient to support with absolute safety 1084 young ladies 59 tons of beauty at one time This is living proof that the DuPont Nylon cord in the NEW SuperLeslie TWINFLY tires by being TWICE AS BIG is TWICE AS STRONG as the tire cord used in cohventionel tires New CONCEPT IN TIRE BUILDING that gives Ihe sorresr RIDE on my road the COOLEST running Tire ever built ah so SAFE that milllnm of miles of driving on over 100000 of these tires in the post test year have not produced single solitary re ported caseMn blowout Bruise damage caused by striking curbs otholes and stones shown to be more mom of DOUBLE STRENGTH TWINFLY NYLON eontnins by weight thesnme amount of finest DuPont Nylon Tire Cord but by being twice as big is Mice In strong as the tirecord used in conventional tire building This new method allows the produeIien of tire that is ALL MUSCLE like welltrained athleteso oom pleIer flexible and reachto respond Instantly to every call for action Yes flexibility is the xoerat of the success of the new Doubla Strength TwinPly NYLON DARETO COMPARE Exemmethls new SuperLeslie DoubleStrength TwinPly NYLON tlrev FEEL lTl Youll be amazed at the llghl Weight flexible resilience Liken champion boxer the Twit Ply NYLON rolls with the punch IhaIswhy lt soaks In and absorbs levery variotlpnin tlmrood surface resists heavy Impacts that cause breelrsnnd blow out in the kind of liresyouve been riding on LONGER LIFE Tire cord flex at every turn of the tire In conventional cord tires this causes hoeI buildup tires run he arid the hotter they run the weaker they get This flex fatigue is like cverburdenlng rela ed heart for the tire cord is the heart of the tire Superlame DoublmStrength TWINPLY NYLON rune appreciably cooler minimizes the damaging heat buildup that is molar cause of premature tire failure SPEED SAFE Supertesllc DoubleStrength TWINFLY NYLON TIRES have successfully proven capable of sustained high speeds hour after hounwlth sidewalls the are all but im pervious lo breaks even from the most brutal Vljmpoets The FullThick TREAst are thelaleet In tire design for traction and quiet wooing Theres let talk in trade elrelas thellha new worm In popular categories will be equipped with the TwinPly tires tau goon Earthen new finer features NOW Ybul only ntCenedinn Tire save SAFELY From servicelife angle Supertech DoubleStrength TwinPly Nylon rould command emueh higherpricafbui inlreeping with Canadian Tiresï¬tl yearold policyï¬he eonsumer price lsour factory oostplus or small directselling profit margin Investigate Supertestis Double 5lrength Twin Ply Nylon this week and CANADIAN TIRE Rodd annrd lnsured plus 5year Guarantee ROAD HAZARD extends 5YEAR INSURANCE ws commutes WHENEVER AND WHEREVER YOU DRIVEEvery Canadian Tire Store from Newfoundland to theHead of the Great Lakes will honor the SuperLastieINSURANCE GUARANTEE in the event of tire failure due to workmanship materials or ROAD HAZARDS including Blowouts Accidents Glass Cuts enaountered in normal driving This is big convenience that youll appreciate odourchum trips This Adjustment Service is therefor you IFAS and WHEN YOUNEED ll Custo er pays only for servicerendered afï¬rm hours Additional service or extra banking hours on Friday have now been included in the banis mgvschedule of the Angus Subbranch The Bank of Nova Sootle me Subbranch gt will be open during regular hours on Tues Tc andon Army and Airforce paydaya As well Ipday Wednesday and Thursday of Each week there is 1m opening from 430 In 600 everyFlidny1he bananas takenbhis step 995 in order tosbettér serve the residents or the communityylipnrticularly Comp Borden Drop ROY gt anywhenever you are near and beoome an ma PI DUNLOP STREET WEST quaintérd Lb servlcesrand staff otthe BARRIELONT PARKWAY 66518 ban BFINK TH anmt DENIDIIHSGDTIH Sub branch Mr Barrie Managed