it Til nAitiiie skimmed munsnAr tan ANNOUNCEMENTS alums PROUD FAREN THE NEWS oi ha Blessed Eleni can Bit annme luui lnends and runuvea ior only 5150 inc telephone PA it DEATHS ucuori suddenly athii home in 1abn Street name on Monday June mi Edgar Wane ncn JIchon beloved hlubnnd oi the late Edith Alexander and threwn ir 2i ary an ear mmbzrley 130 brotherbl John 1a hon oi Gunph Rama at th Jenneti mnernl uomr ban Punrrnl rrrvice hidy June It prn interment nitric dolor cemetery WAGESPm nwny n11 hiu dny June INI ery Wnlei denr with OI Viurnd Wager In den mother ni Stupor hire Whilehlnd Inna Mm both Toronto berr or hrydeo uni Ileatlnl at Jnrrdlln Huernl Home Toronto or funeral service on Pridl June It viri lllllmflfl Prom Pact Cemetery Toronto IN MEMORIAM amlmNSDNln lovinn mem or dear nuaband Ind lather iiard Eiil Stephenxon who pnued away June 1m Deep in our hearts lie pit turn or one laid to rest in memorya iramo ua ehau keep It necaun be war one or the best AlwlÂ¥a remembered by nia wile and ï¬nally ENGAGBIIIBNTS cnnwionDcoctmvlm Mr and Mrs Victor Crawiord Eatrib wtah to announce the engagement or their daughter hinry Elizabeth to iir Edwin Emmn Cockhurn urn or Mr and Mrs Wilfred cuck burn or shanty Buy Out Tm marriage 1o iaiia place at Guthrie Prelhytellnn Church Guthrie on lulv 15 1961 pm HARVEYIAth Th en gagemenur announced ot norothy ai iiarvey only daughter or Mn timer or barrio and tha late Mr Alex HIrVe to st lay Dnvld iamne or Oakviiie only aon him staniev Inmu ator The mnirinizd will take place an Satunily in m1 at no oclock at nity Anguoan cnurcn nrrrie COMING EVENTS BARRIE HOElICULIUXtAL SOCIETY TOURS ANNUAL RISE EXHIBITION Canadian Rose society At Lauida Memdrlnl community Gnrdenn SUNDAY JUNE 15 TOTAL COST $100 mAIFDRD smrmnm TWA HENRY VIII WEDNESDAY JULY Bull turn and not dinner Woo Pnniivnl ticket $150 $550 $500 mint WINDSOR Dmoil AND LONDON JULY 1d 19 nixhin Iodllrill In 01 nee Detroit Zoo Belle late Ford 11 loiim Horticultural tour of Wind lor Ind villi Sidnibnoli Gnrdenn Landon Codi 575 excluding menllJ Renervntluri for this tour muat be made by June 11 or tour will be cnncelled to re um and or lntormatton phone MR5 AECIIER PA 34215 er M115 CAMPBELL PA 8481 ANNIVERSARY Lefroy United Church SUNDAY JUNE 11 MORNING smtvlcEii Arni EVENING SERVICE710 P1d Speaker REV JOHN MORRIS 0F AURORA DECORATION DAY sr MARYS EMETERY nARmE SUNDAY JUNE II 200 PM TILL 300 PM BENEDICTION 100 PM Spnnsnreii hy Bum Horticultural society Everyone interested in Invited gt MinimTtsr UNION CEMETERY CLEANUP DAY SATURDAY AFTERNOON JUNE 10 1961 Come and lend hand DANCE Fridly Jun at Legion Butt Collier Strnnt Barrie Flve piece band $115 per couple In eluding lunch For rcservationi phone PA $9754 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE condensed and classified adver tisemenu are Inserted at the rate at deper word per Insertion or one landlwa tlines 39 per word for three four or five times and per word tor or more insertions addi tional charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VEBTISEMENT IS 960 FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR WORDS CEARGLI PER SINGLE IN SEETION moons on CORRECTIONS Advertiser are reminded that nu phooa innertion order are once ed In convenience to all advertiaer ibarerora the mined Advartirin De artment require Ill adv era oikinlily nechcoit thaia advertisement immediately after om Insertion in order that anymore or omirrioor vim be reported beiore nm In ardu thlt damn ml ne rectiï¬ed tor the toiiowing daya insertion order Wn wlah to hint out that The narrie er renntmvvliid ior only one incorrectly noted inaarilon on any edveri mom and than on to the extent or portion MEI that ninzolvden to mlaprmt on to 0110 knew the lure thnvniiyeninp meat ere not eligible tor acme tionr by make anode Ruten and type uym tor ranii diaola cluslfledd may be on taiaed through The Examiner Id logdepartment BLIND lamEIi lniormatioo nlnrdlns advartirera uamihllud Letter Hun Nnmhnn or Gallon ilvhnld itrtclLy iiliiiti room REAL ESTATE phonon lion sand CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 824I9 93 Duhlo St ml PA H60 can Luna WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LISTINGS pursuantnu arms COKIIIECIAL townAnn INDUSTEIAL on HENDERSON REALmR II CLIan STflm room PA em 71 EUGENIA Near st turn and downtown bedroom brick billunion with tirepiner recreation rodin nhd ex tra waahroom in hunmerit Can flu or 37 maulth include taxed Cnll Rlil sCIlidll ltAGNm ximo charming brick bedroom bungaiw wtn garalte Ail room are rte and won ar ranged monthly paya thing Cnil iuta seaudrett LARGE SPLIT LEVEL tiuoo lovely red bitch and atone nttnimed heated double Ir age La 11 living and dining room wi stone lirepiace Deluxe Hnnover kitchen double rlxa bedrooms nelidd den In axerib ent Ina ierma call thn Sennth OODRINGTON AREA This line home bu roomrand piece batb recreation min in hntentent m9 mortgage Priced to roll CnIl Pecy Ford OVEMOKING BAY older lypl home ha 11 room three hntiimohu not rated all lovely treed infamy my no it Cali Percy EVENINGS CALL iurt SCANDREKT PA Mud PEICY FORD PA 87 mambo oi Enrrip and nieiriet and HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 6645 OAKLEY PARK UARE Grey brick ungaiew only two you old heated with toned nlr on Living room ahaped dining kitchen and three bedroom rour piece bath with vanity pauo ranch fence will Inntlllzlpod with treei Ilith and hulhl Divided basement with iruodry room creation room lrult cellar rtorage area one room on in Large garage personable down prymont Norah Rllken SACRIFICE SALE owner transferred Must be sold belore July Large living room dining nrrn iamiiy alze kitchen three nice bedrooms mnntion room rtarted Fenced yard mo equare feet or Ipace NRA mortgage swing price reduced for quick aaio1ow down pay ment CIII any dnlesmnn listed below $500 DOWN Very modern three bedroom home near the water at Big BnyPnInt carries ior $651 month For In rpuctlon call theory Miller PA was WI LLOWDALE CLOSE TO SCHOOIS Six roomod storey and hair home with our bedroom and mum mom Forced air heatlnr large lot so int 160 leet linmddi ate possession very low down prymeut For Inspecan cau KIrl hinrshnu PA tom $50 DOWN Ten acre pnrcel tll Innd It Bax tor on paved rhnd For further details call mar Mllinr PA 60476 DELUXE HOME Till in one oi the better all homes one to be proud tilLiving dining room kitchen and three bedroom attached gerage recreation roam hnihrodm Ind kitchen facilities in baaement Lnrle ann It the luck 01 vaed eet vary clone to down town Substantial down payment requir ed For lurther panic nrn cail loe Palmer PA 60m $50 DOWN Pour roamed house on sunnidala RondwllIcnly or ï¬ll per month Cali Emory Mliiar PA i504 SHANTYBAY annutliiil all year round home well Indulnted living room 25x1 with atone flrdplaukthe marter bedroom very large utiutv room with laundry tubs kitchen rcreenedln vernnd new not ter hertlng with eremond ndi ntars Garage irrge wooded lot rivate dentalway to annoy each ONLY $1010 iuIl price tum it requirean inspection can Norah Rniliel Ore um or room or tn but doiiIround Thorntonall workabie All econ venlencee or city home hydro and water in the barn One mile lrom nrotonecbooi bus pane the dooratahiing roi do head or nttie pig pem hen hourer hrooder house Large brick home CIII Jod1n1mor PA 54186 Member of Hindu In Reni mate will EVszds CALL EMORY MILLER PA 00176 or enmnn pittom ml MARSHALL PA mu NORAH RAIKES 0m 4023 mom ponsm PA tidied MOVING i°i°idér COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AOENT hand nim ltnil irnmd nitLinl Rd 31 to matter liqu will bl rh uni 10 tiny lituv taat day at publicntipn room home iece hi ofClituch rid Lhulln stayner Phone REAL ESTATE ROGER5 Firstth pooresty r03 sun CONNELL REALTORS moumrmmmr Heine satesreread laeuauueuerrioa PA 85568 TRUNK LINES flWDSEAVENUE LARGE BRICKBUNGAIOW GARAGE AND BREEZEWAY slim an or the bout named an an at our hat k4 pretqu pinata lIlataapeo mun lfluid pnutitomandiaa Maurintlorqulckuinr hwmiluhlnmuindlolï¬m minII lay he been by lion Conrail PA KI nmnlmnt rum away Icher with LAKE momma ON THE 0R0 snore but Ona ind right It rlhn Hnwluionl WWI Both huhdm at inn mull by in midi linesreemaegci IIle from Irnmn to which would um while building nun mll beau Cmmun Phona PA GENERAL STORE AT ALCONA BEACII OLD ESTABLISHED PBDFITABLE BUSINBS mm 0nd or the but lotlion Ih SImcon Chunky or thin hind til Inlnniliu II in fully thicklle nummu nun lion Ind nnaek blr and the pro with la in titan by pointmant Egan Bill or aty included comiortabia maroon niminar eottaro ilo AboutLivlilli also la mngnutlulld Ill nmrnedeumel will etanti elm threw 05 mortgage in tinting Rolnn mo NAPIER STREET 815009 0nd at the but plniinOd intHora oinny mm bungalow In Bnrrlni ao anointed brunwa connecting to to gang mill and Ill Ill overdue mar Huh in aadua Eomlï¬ WI ll theta ct or long Coop be nncnnmln cllphom with natural nwnn Inuinlfnm lbermo ape bedroom bin pe ecu pilnned 417 duredwlli bmmenl LB dun the hound on €001 Itll All up to bout them Ind ha pirated to anew It to you bowit wont be on the lining Flinn PA noose ST VINCENT STREET ZBEDROOM BRICK BUNGAWW illm Dilly noun Very pp Mimi and ID livin dininx communion ICernmlt tiin Gargo ILhmm rn old niid In lovely toldlucid Ihll bitulluw hln Ilnndy location lion ntarl bun nnd Ithabln 131 aale dua to 57 mom that carried or $6551 month includlnl mu K1 sc tbla onn without delay You may have poimelen any time to not you EVENINGS cAun MR MOOREPA if Rooms PA N581 mslmqA Nu It coNNnJ PA Inn Mutants Emil nlstiilcr amt ISiAtI BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALIDR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA em PA M1242 GROVE STREET yearold brick hunnnlow itltoiien bedroom nail buembnt rtorma and acreana Carried ior $101 monthly principal intereii and 000 down314000 full price Drivawn taxed and Ellage Hal living room dining room modern lot landed DOWNSVI EW Bonittiml ilrln brick bunnaiow bale dieponi ttnltLniinnhnd garage in Al condition lurihur dnintint $I 2900 TAKES TH IS Lnrld llviiil room in down iillment mund bednitiltil In Full huemnni Lot 75 150 otlnn Flinn mil Dill or BRICK BUNGALOWA 13 living mom bedroom piece huh lovely kklhen Hill blit Innnt with laundry tubs Sen thi nnn roeo Call thi oilica smith CampbellPA Mm Perth 1an Member or the Ba 57 ohm moriga curried for $90 monthly ovum Jinn LangPA um pA om Rlnl Bull Bond SEE BARRIE VIEW Bnrrlon nawut nubdileiun 14 or In The Mall locnIian or Lhnt new homo Cultom horde building Ii Gard Syrinr IndDdul Homnr All nervicda nupplled Ind hilly paid for It ll ldcnted jun nil BIYVICW Drivn nenr tho Euronin DrlvnIii GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD GORD SPRINGPA MM DOUG HOMERPA 84891 BOAKE REALTOR HRADNRD STRm BARR PA 55337 OR PA $5831 still reuiog term to rarmrn ior arming clnrd wareman PA emi italpb snake PA Mood iiemham oi barrio and matrict meal at Board CégliiQ 45A DUNLOPST Next door to Ilia Imperial Theatre ARTISTS VIEW sooli down mount storey house Full basement andoii lur nace large room three bed room One acre or Letitia street Very low taxer For roll dataila can instill Cnnon PA ml alter pm aaii PA neiei BETTER THAN AVERAGE room ranch rtyie brick bunga lowr and attached garage Wide beautiiui Inndnclped lot Newly dceonted Askinl sum 5157 momue Cali nuseaii Cnrwn PA 66431 alter pm NHA MALE REDUCED rrom 11000 to sumo Three bed room rick bungalow near North coueglate can human Carson rA M461 altar prn PA beiri $500 DOWN Two iriilaa south bl narrla Neat little two bedroom lrnme home with living room Ind kitchen water up tied by Pump Gaa idol filmldl go lot Low taxes Baianc carrier on low monuitv pumentn Full price only $3500 call niarg sherar outta PA 5W1 liter LII PA $75M $1500 DOWN Nenr Public achodl Nice three bedroom brick bungalow with din logarea oii living room nndtwn piece bath in huement Northeast Iran on manned mortgage for tho blunt with Interest It do On Gerry Mallory ortica PA moi aiter pm PA more 000 DOWN wnlkiiil dlltnnce nl ating niiib eme Good condition Full price some Li Idan sharar ouice PA out liter pim PA 57565 PA 6d48l member oi dam and butrlct ROI In Enlld WELLINGTON ST EAST Three in ii ai Molliï¬iï¬mciiiotifl ndiooln and atorcc Reaenable dawa pnymdntr MDEONE PA 348154 we square on Highway 27 thint oil Alnn Ilivaaw for than our mile mm mi MILL Tidalp111 Pluto b101 MOVED May 161961 10 113 DUNIKP STREET Next to Brown Co STEVENSONS ALL KINDS INSURANCE NORMAN SW8 m1 ESTATE elicited hunigp Etreat em PA 89961 OR 68742 SHANTY BAY AREA Scenic country DOB N0 dtoruy briek with IFlulflul room mm him with atahiing pill IP PWIMR °rigald 1ch howrd Norm MCDONALD ST mm mm mics meuent Troorn home raaturlng iarga bright roomy heautuuiiy decorated and partially dupiexed Call 11ode Norria zvnmnas nitua ioa Length Everett snalrweil liowerd Norrie duel wiiiacn dim Lemon PA Mm Norman sheiawaii PA portal to Anita Mariannakm yard ull No 11 highwny ynlr old madam huntniow Lined piece hnth New cemlnt block buildinl 24x40AIkinlflWflwiIhonly 000 down so Anus clone to Barrie iuat odd Highway 11 mo iarg rtrcama mixed buah wail reared Aakina only $5200 with good LOVELYBitnanioW on weil treed corner lot Will carry lnr sea monthly including interest principal andtaxea with sat mortnlle cboou To downtown lour bed room home Pitt leilcontatn ed apartment 011 large land duped 1ot Indeed for quick raie with only aim down owner leaving city clue to cum nordan rterey inrui brick largo liviin room and kitchen with three bedrooms and three piece bath upltnlrl ii ga rare and mail barn with cement rtabie on la well treed lot Full price with only woo down puriï¬ed lhln could he real levaiy homowlth veg little work Taylor 15 lap on too stree PA um even up call Al 1rd tar PA 61655 1541 BW for thinmedma hedronni bungalow in lovely dutriet Owner tranarerred uay be nedn at its Women at or telephone PA route noom atueco nu lien on highway mi Tue and ardwood aluminum atom windnwn 15nd doom REAL ESTATE PROPER P03 IALI ROSE IIALBIATI non nrlrymmnrJanm CALL my on EVENING PA 87379 lambdrfllmlllflhmm Innihtntanurd PRIVATE SALE lamb Mm bu alow and me 51 maï¬a Vltlnilr onh coilplate owner ualaahmd Telephone PA 68024 tor appoinan you nu by owner Iodern three bedroom brick buaralow naar church and Itth nara paved driveway and other riaa natures ror perticd iare Teiapbooa PA um raw nomad brick bongo low attaoaed garage ciopa In all eebooia barium ipr one with good dewo pnymlnl Apply 110 near Strut mu nnmtoox Brick Bunn ldw with attached true hm Iiinhen combined wing dining um Dnliu Nnnr Noflh Cnilemln down I7 NHA mortgage iaphane PA in PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT aunu HOUSE fur Ink or It In Strollfl Li lul CI to rtdraa Would eu edupia with one hiid Titylidiil IRII Skillid nlllr Pill noodl dva atloua roe lnrll eua lot locn rd outrlda nxter Low down wmlnt or rearonabia NIL Apply Email int stroud or iepbon renal stroll lWONIW BUNCAlOW be room lur iaia or rent Located on and highway eirbt milea south Elitll Tl dphonn lelnr am Cinrhon Ontario between an writa ackua tut Thornton PROPERTY WANT BUILDING LOT WANTED Thin Int mint tin It lull 75 lent 100 odd regldan ap to Box tn Eric WANTED New NRA litre lind mï¬ hull Immngnil or vnri aar been an own men nppmnlmntsl £14100 Nlini5y hill Ind pilth Ichnolnr Apply 30 77 knmiuer MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS Ito cannuiidntn deati ay olr existtn momgar mortgngen column dill ml Ill mumint IAIU wordawhua cniun Call today or nppolntment PA 50981 EVENINGS PA 51 Mortgage Funding Of Canada in iiWLOP 5mm EAST MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Pnymdntl lnrured againrt accident aickneu death CRESCEN FINANCE id DUNLOP 81 WEST eran PA mod ieov rinsr hindrance wedted Immediate to clear it In or tate App to Box barrio nitminer MORTGAGESint and and bought raid Ind arranged commerclai and rerldentiai nooayr leaned on oxiatlng moriga en Bnmn Mm gaganrokeme BUS OPPORTUNITIES RENTALS am gonna TO noon mmirbad apartmaot smut Ann nuhtuer conram unmanned 51 m3 central Min Apply at in uradiord st Arnnnam tor not in bce moatb nludl alanine Ieadre oao ria um min bath ad noel wnahlr Ego ramrill 15 l3aec€ar molari lA Tim UNI mmti ADImull Illh au lacliitin Elmo Pinn Avniiahln 33 iy to all Downs iiioboe PA HM no 531110031 Apartment hil chin Illnl roam hunud Cantn Iodntlnn Auuabia mi month Aduita only App 55 lulu va or Collin 3L or PA 339005 unid brick hon nhd llnln uh In All tonnnnllneu Avniinhln Jilly Wii month so like privnte nlnphonn PA 1110 wrumrm Bn aior rlhtlnln inr rlul EIIHIIiIidr nnti Eton Iii lltd Downtown io tnlinn Itvn hi Immedinflb Tllwhonu PA 15 dutiml Two Bxhnoou Apnrimtni ulr linin Rm nnd wninr In plld Sunni ontllnncl Nï¬nr will End aaa Ping xlIIGI udï¬n Thu itqu Apanm at with private bath and animate uniun nuhed Appiyrio lteitll barber snap nunlep Street Wen or telephone PA Him or pm AmAcnVn three room uninh nlahcd heated apartment Reda cornlrd loll cflnlnlrleii with riw ate ba om stove and en ator aupplled suitable or hurt ueag nupil Telephone PA NIH IABT IND Lu twp bedroom lpnnment lell cannined limi nirirarator ruppiied Laundry atliitiu and loud puking Adults mg June ili Telephone PA mp nooii rliltltiahnd apart maul upatalm ample modern kit cnan cupboardl 75 month in eiuder all iaciiltice Ava inhlo luiy Telephone in elm AP ply to it cumberiend Strut mu ROOM nnlulnlahad nPlile meat but water ruppilae Locn led him Ind Duulnp Ava ab immediately For mrtnrr ior matiou Trlaphooo PA unit or PA um RENTALS mama 11m ruinm room mutt Hal Ihd IA wlitr nib INC 181 on or two Millil Artil Ihin an Telephon PA run noon halted alloca tatlaad nrnrimnnt or not with mandated in rartm Cling on immedi Ti taty phone PA WANTEDTORENT All Emu or eat to not Iiihln miinnubl uapounr 31155 ta one can All Pull 300MB Third mum BIDIOOM or not Cw located 61 iii imbue PA $151 CLEAN miind itdbme or rant in downtown am For in romance pbene PA um THINK Erdndm til nut two iaan Irtim downtown Bulia nun mnn pflllmTlllphoun PA up ammo room with on or titenrn located on bill route Telephone PA Miro ntterunoiu or evening Ill ML Editfldnn or ID un or er inletnation MI er er pir no nuaiop st gar 300M lo ml or buniiianl llrla kitchen privliol nnlnnlhid ml Clo Gehorni dinetric blind iaeiiltle available immediately Tniwhnun PA 571 Mr prn ROOMS TO LIT it entldmep mlernbiy lrem iron ay until day Conanunion worker wdl cmking Ap to 12 ill Sthul par rea or taiephcoillm um ROOM BOARD mo mom to aiiare tha rama 3m with blllljllbdl lnTElLllliltli PIXERA apaca av ea one IMB iteaeonabie IIIEL ROOM AND BOARD availabi iti comlortabla homo Gentlemen preiemd Pnrklnl Ice Ind ID uni near General eclrie Teln pbooe Flt 3916 SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES 10 1mm nnnnouiit cottage to rent by the aeuon inrida eonvenlencea all any Pniul BILint lined locnlion Telnphond PA 50153 Tune boom Apartment with grivntn bathroom hot watar ou uninfl ranigarrier and heavy duty rtove included Loniid on nurton Avenue Apply Centra street min ROOM nil contained anrimenl hall nnd hot water in plied ewiy decorated tbrou ou Avaiiahia immediate gully Tllephnnn PA M71 or prn munitions two room mutt with kitnhdnflid Ind room Privnin dntrnncd Itnnt hie dio Ind pnrklnl rpch include Aduita prelarred Apply tat Na pier Street ATTRACTIVE elem completely luminlintl In room In ant Living room kitchen bedroom with twin bedl hIihlnam Soil contained Adults Availhid Jul Apply in Collier street AVAILABLE MAY Int on iui planed apartment one unfurnish ed Both null unit lined 0nd child welcome Dnya rhooa min Eva ologr PA was MODERN noun large living room kitchen ttlilily room titrro bedroom our ieca bathroom Pinonm Prvata drive Oak vlew Eeaeli Telephone Wanga Bench ldWi NICBLY narouhed Ap unent in modern home central stove re iTindrato and hot water iuppiied nurineu lady preierred Abrtain ersnon rmokar Apply at its neydeld MODERN tbrea bedroom uniub nlabed apartment private ent rnnch Ill 01 wllher Ind dIan Quiet dutrint near mu llun Etta711 ludlohanln Telephniip PA part nih wn Ant LOOKING non BUSINESS MAN TO BE TEALNm FOR THE POSITION OP LESEE 0F vipu LOCATED man vowm snwmn STATION Thu man or whom we In lookinl haa not neceaeariiy had IerVice atatlou experience bolero but no will hnvd raven hinte11 In bull plain and be wound to Ienrnn an one REPLY TO 80x 79 butqu mum state ammonium and reason ror wanting to enter thia held saw on co oncanmA up BEAUTY lAwNlor 323110 will take it Apply tenex aarria intminer RENTALS OFFICES STORES RENT SMALL OFFICE or Bill round flour DDPOAIIB Ennln ExultlneL Rent rearona Telephone PA 68806 moralitch space naar riv Point tool muare reel private warhruom no heating man out Eon RENT dean street cookatown Good idea on or bar hdl nhfle re lr nnd nhon nits Tnllphom Copmown APT HOUSES T0 BENT nix 300M Home torreacnvaih able July poriurthar detalla taiaphone PA in 71v DOOM Hound or rent in nulliï¬ed 14 mile from noaaonabla nut Tele iw Lenora CLEAN niea mmiebed nlnflw men in all bigMd liomdl Privnia blur navnrnh utllh Telephon PA W5 alter nva cmAGlihnn roomIi for In or tell Clone Gutterl Electric on good lot Avaliabia immediate ly APPIY In John Street HOUSE to rent room all Iidntr ed Centrally locnte Telephone XII Br informntion artment lornrent alao hndtnit room and kite eoetto Avai able in adiatoiy Telephu PAv H100 rumnnnb heated tour room apartmenteentral rdom agriment at Ivy to mua mtamp BorderiuAanl ab June Telephone PA Hm rout nonM bungalow on High wny 21 Eva miles north oi rlerJiilily iandc ed with gar and all tonox MODERN two bedroom apart ment or rent Sinvn Ind rdiflt aiutor supplied Laundry lactiitiea and parking Janitor nbrvice Avnlinbld July Talephone PA Two BEDROOM bouae Barri Terrden on lily OII Airlines ndultg Avauable iuiylrt Apply to Box 73 Arne Examiner or leiephonn WG T7853 Belinvilln collect men mom artment ileaao nabia rentrmrn rbed er unitin nlnhed to Wart en shWP ping plaza Telephona mu evening PA uiib CENTRALLY located Lhren roam unrurniibed apartment with bath SkiWe nnd Mllenlar dupililed Runonnbld rent anldu avntl able Telephone PA Hmhetween 430 prn Ind dzdo p111 NEW AND Mom one And two bedroom npnflmliih overlooking nenhic Kampnnidlt Bu Ed wn tar ridng and nttltor raic included Automatll with cilitiea emit UNFURNIEHED round floor apartment ona hedroom ilvtnn room kitchen and bathroom Heat and water lupplied Sepnnip In Luna monthly Telephone PA 815 FURNISHED three room lummer ootiall ilelrigarator atovo and trace hutdr Hydro included On or narrle on Kemvn reit nay Will rent reaaona Taiepho PA with SMALL it contained ruroiahed apartment ground rloor ale heated Privnte entrance Post oriice nedroom uvlng hath k1trhenettepiua rtor rnon ly rhonu EA Midi name can harm Invdn rcome bath 15 minutar drive tron Bnr rie in village or alliedlo Avaiiu abiaouiy $43 month with lute can be men anytime it landlord new or are do HELP CONTAINED unmer halted two bedroom partmeot Heavy wiring trout and back or trance laundry run Chlldrnn waicome Apply 31 nayiaid Streat or phone ennui rumsnnn eettaga two bed ioomnhot and cold water in athroem and kitchen Built in cupboarde Heated with nncn heater can he on at up too Ave MONTH AC Mind Point tour rooma hnth hot and cold Wntnr upnn ï¬r lace lb Ila LIrll trend lot aunt June 17 Told hone PA em Toronto on 15591 UNPURNIEEED lwu room Ignit mentwith kltchenctta and rib rooin Prlvnln nnlrnnue hell It the and king Atllill prelerred PIG street ace included ppiy iii Na Conner ndnrly naw Big nay Palitl Nrnlnhld modern conve nianc diode to rare bathing bench Inga lawn Jill to Ati uni L5 ninphoiin PA Hui canton putt lulu or rent bedroom aii convenience teriaed nimooe hour ciora to lake Apply men till Stroud COTTAGES FOR SALE Pub Two BEDRDO Cottage with all convuniuncu foot river lront age naautitui lot tomiier irom lmilrit diamrrmlihih ONOI II OX melnlr FILL YOUR FREEZER with the and Stan and BLUE MEA IS ETC tooit Gnarlnteedquality Budlet Term on order mm nnd over Compleu not or FRESH MEATS ATTHE LOWEST PRICES are Ivniinhlavto thou will with to purehua their order daily it your KLEERLPAK FOOD STORE Md mm 5mm aniline PHONE PA moi Free Delivery Open Friday tiu pm an tip Dump 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