50 1331111 Xï¬mmm Published by candied Newspapers Limited lo Bayfield street Barrie Ontario MONDAY JUNB 5ll Japanese Imports Hurt Canadian Producer Ianrade The quotas for lmportof Japanese textiles electronic products plywood and flatware must be faulted for the time taken to establish them They must be faulted too for the benefits they confer on the Japanese at the expense of Canadian producers Negotiations began last November They were concluded after midMay Many of the Japanese products under discussion continued to enter Canada during that period without perceptible reduction in volume Not only did the Japanese have the advantage of this six months of grace Canadian producers were put at severe disadvantage No manufacturer can plan ahead when he has no idea of what sort of competition he will be meeting This is particularly applicable to the textile industry Garment manufacturers must work six months ahead textile mills must work year ahead The benefits accrued to the Japanese from the Canadian failure to check these flooding tacti and market slau ghtcr before it began Japanese imports follow wellestablished pattern of heavy volume in narrow range of pro ducts accelerated rapidly from year to year The Japanese captured almost onethird of the electronic tube market in three years In this instance the Japanese could well afford toaccept quota amounting to about 20 per cent of Canadian pro duction even though it meant cutback from proembargo levels To be granted that after such brief period is no small prize It should be noted that the quota doesnt mention tubed radios Japan is thereby encouraged to flood our mar ket with this product Effect will be the same as if no quota existed Again that is the pattern followed after the first quotas on textiles Japanese ware able to circumvent these justas handily The trouble seems to be that Can adians bargain according to terms of reference fixed by Japanese The ques tion is not what Canada wants but what Japan will echoedDocs it make sense to Canada to expose the electronics in dustry to cutprice competition Does it make sense to let laborusing Can adian manufacturing be reducEd for lack of markets Japans purchase of wheat metals and other resource commodities valu able as they may be do not compensate for employment lost to the return flow of consumer goods Canadas position would be greatly improved if Japanese were made to trade on Canadas terms It is highly doubtful if Japans pur chases of commodities would be reduc ed Japan needs these Canada doesnt need Japanese consumer goods Union Members Have Rights Those who pay club dues of any kind would be properly shocked at the sug gestion that thalr money he used for any other than club purposes By the same token many thousands of union members in Canada have been properly shocked by the idea that by the somewhat questionable procedure of majority vote union dues or any part thereof should he used for other than union purposes Yet this is clearly the intention ofthecenadian Labor Cop gross which wants to see some part of all the money collected in union dues usedtolelect socialist politicians to pub lic office sponsors of the new socialist party including the Canadian Labor Congress itself like to argue thatsunion members who do not favor the new socialist party are free to fcontract out and signify their desire to do so by signing paper to this effect To argue that this pro cedure is democratic is nonsense Every onewho choosesto differ from the ma jority of members of union local on socialist political action will be subject to pressures which will prejudice both his union status and under closed shop agreements his job itself The only province in Canada thus far which has taken action topiotect the political rights of union members is British Columbia There Premier Ben netts government has legislation which forbids the use of union dues for politic a1 pumgsses altogether otherwise except with malnvfree toengage in panties and raise campaign funds from thEir own mem bers provided the money is collected voluntarily and kept separate from un ion funds such legislation makes sense The wonder of it is that other provinces have not already proposed similar leg islation aimed atlprotecting the rights of union members from the ambitions of socialist politicians wearing the garb of union officials Dawn VMémory Lane GRAND OPERA HOUSE Before the movies were perfected the qrsndflopera Houseginjarrie 0n oiiier streetwas the stellar show place Now Hammonds Discount and on May 24 1911 featured Uncle Toms Cabin with two brass bands white and colored funny top seys and eccentric marks Great trans formation scenes and mechanical ef fects jubilee sirigers cakewalkers buck dancers bioodhounds cotton pickers floats and tableaux drawnby rsmail Shetland ponies Prices evening 25 to 75c matineechildren 15 dulis 251 OEILIJABAREIE CHOIRS Below this was the program of con cert to be given by at Andrews Church Chair at Orillia in conjunction jwith their choir on May 22 1911The pro gramgives some idea of the choir cap ability of both including Gounod an them Send Out Thy Lightmaio quar tet Singing Softly andTenderiy solo by Mr Harris anthem unaccompanied saviour Again TostisfGoodbyeby Miss maeDougdll song Babylon Morgan chorus Hark Hark My soul soloists Missvsmith and Miss 500 son sunshine and Rain Miss male quartet crossing the Bar song FearNoter0lsraeiMr Edwards anthem LeadKi dly Light trio Praise Ya solo Miss Er Verdi Miss Scott Messrs Johnston and Morgan song The Barrie Examiner Authorized as second clan mail Port omre Department Ottawa only sundayfvand stituiury Holidays excepted annuala watts Publisher BRIANVIVLAJGET General Hunger only son Muslin senor cuaaaca wau mine Manager auuanf sartlara Advertising Manm JOHN aotmut Clronlgtion men Subscription rm dlily by elmr atemmh luo year so By mo in Ontario 170 year um man as use tari month of month butid ammo on you outside moo you as Universit ruomui no cathcart lllfnntrelli nzs lv 6mm siren Vancou cap Pub time Holt gh all In men Anonlion Cam in Pm Illldil eonu o1 circulation flu oanmm Fun is cxcluu ï¬lm in Anne and Pm or me for £1th callous ai new il 1mil in looi news pnhlllhed tli in It or eaten lfi sixth of ubl lieu of spacltl iii no also re acompanied Saviour Breathe and Ev ening Blessing concerted number was to be givengbyrthegchoirs of st An drews andOrilIia Methodist The dif ficult soprano obligate in Inflammat us was to be sung by Miss Scott NEW LOWELL FIRE On Thursday morning May 1911 the Morrow House New Lowell with the sheds and barns was destroyed by fire Mr Morrow awakened by the smoke found that the house was in flames With difficulty the inmates Vwere aroused and escaped with their livessaving only the clothes whichthey were able to put on The loss was lian and there was not cent of insurance to help The cause of known gt LIQTIOR VOTE 50 YEARS AGO gt The Barrie Saturday Morning of May 20 1911 had an item telling that no hotel licence was issued that year onde cision of Provincial secretary Hon Hanna after Rose gavea deals the fire was un pect touniondues unions rs ronoaon oï¬ulo Nor like lllSTliS THOUGHT SUBVERSIVE THI IKNG Hot Weather And Tempers Promise Rough Sea In UK LONDON UP Parliament reassembled for its summer ses sion this week with government members edging uneasily into their seats like schoolboys fac ing stiff orsls exam One trouble is they cannot agree the answers This session with its hot weather and frayed tempers is normally difï¬cult for any gov ernment But with tbeprospect of major showdown on such enduring issues as the Common Market and African policy the Conservatives may he in for the fworst spell they have had so If Minister Macmillan is the rebel action on the right and left wings of his own party In the background the old guard is still quietly molesting the govern ments handling of the situations in Kenya and the Rhodesia Fed oration Earl Wlnlarton has resigned from the presidency ofthc Hors ham Conservative Association as protest against some as pects of the governments Afri can pollcy In general be sup ports Lord Salisburys view that Colonial Secretary lain Mac lcod is moving too quickly YOUNG MP8 UP 0a the other hand number of younger Tories eager to es gt tablish the right to ignore party whips from time to time have taken to private rn of Macmillensileadershl Mosi disturbing for Puma He looks tired they say He cannot make up his mind Most important he seems incapable of coming to any hard and last decision about Britains entry into the Common Market formed by Germany hence Italy and the Benelux coun tries Yet commentators here are inclined toplay down the ob vious differences within the Tory ranks In the absence of any serious challenge from the Labor party Conservative mem bers are enjoying sense of widening freedom they have not experienced in the part Meanwhile Labor members are contenttowaich from the sidelines es the government grapples with the difficult far reaching and irrevocable decis ions an the Common Market LABOR MP8 Al ODDS Socialists themselves are at odds on this issue and opinion has dividedalong non party lines Many Labor members have joined the campaign in favor of Britains joining the economic community But some Socialist leaders share the apprehension expressed by this Conscrva fives opposed to such develop ment Despite such objections Mac millan seams prepared to go niieadwlth negotiations for en try into the Common Market He told Western European Unionlmeallng defence ganizatlon composed of the Common Market countries plus Britain that Britain was detu mined to work slowly toward the consolidation of Western Europe The question of the Common wealth remains as major stumbling block to such unity At threeday meeting of son for Synmoiiwenllh officials re cen promised no move would be made to loin the Common Market until Common wealth trade matters are further discussed CANADA WORRIED clear difference in altitude cnibeComnion Market has de veloped between Canada Aus trails and New Zealand on the one hand and the Asian and Africa members of the Com monwealth on the other The old Dominions withNew Zealand taking the lead are worried about Commonwealth trade preferences and the dan ger of uniting Europe and the risk of divlding the Common wealth The Nigerians Indians and other are prepared to give Britain the green li Behind the opposition from the while Commonwealth how ever there is general feeling of inevitability about Britains oiniog the Six The noises now ing made are regarded as preliminary manoeuvring for position in negotiations with Eu Fénce Penal Institution To Keep Out Tourists ay anrm cham Canadian Press Staff Writer around new federal panelin tiiution here but its intended to keep thefpublic out not to bar the dooron the 90 convicts inside The fact that theaminlmum accurity prisuu got along nicely for ninemontlis without female taken matter of ion showing that the petition for on trained as valid namesror 50 Thompson notif that an appeal from the temperance essary as on the votehe lwould veto it STEAMERr EXCURSIONS paragrap an in The Saturday Morningllliayiio1911 was The stea mer lslay formerly the foriiiia but with asectlon inserted amidships is ap cnfor engagements for the season 1911 All Sundayschools and societies should secure dates for excursions as there ar only six Wednesday dates open during July and August from Barrie Paragrap wally Speaking In some respects fools wholearn little in the school of experience are smarter than optimists For example many optimists annually set out some tomatofpiantswith the hope of raising crop ftornatoe Ifyou have always wanted prime male hyena you will be interested in the announcement that prices on hy enasrhaveheevn sharplyreduced and India may be purchased forabout only 1400 gt pie was pending but MrKannasaidthatthiS was not also course by Warden dc Van enncs who regards his trades training campas typical of the advanced phases of Canadas new penal program where the emphasis is on rehabilitation little wire fence wont stop anybodywho wants to leave but we had so many visitors around the place last summer we thought we bad better lay out some sort of boundary The bitractiou for the tourists is the adjacent pitliead of an abandoned coal mine closed fol lovving an undergron up heave 1958 that took 75 lives Operallng underidirectlon of the maximumsecurity peniten tiary at Dorchcsterhllï¬u about so miles away theSpriugliill institution takes prisoners from Dnrcheater and attempts to re habilitsie them in surroundings where looks bars and cells are nonexistent FIVE OF INDUSTRY the pithead Along with the land around the penitentiary service acquired large bull the coal var andshcet metal shops Jean Dellslo 1syoar veteran in the external sf fairs department was named canadas first ambassador to Central America in Marollh following eytebllsbment of di plomatic relations between Oauada andlheltepubilcs of Coats Rica Panama Nicar agua and Honduras His head quartsrs was to be in San ingruscdasa macbirla shopby houses the mnlortailoring can whlch form the basis of the controlledtrainingemogram stated recently in all federal prisons Here prisoners learn from skilled instructors such trades as tlnsmithlng auto mechanics and how to operate service station It abusy place Nine men in the tailoring shp in little more than amonth urned but it jackets 40 pair of trousers 140 pairs of overalls and 17 capsTh6 clothing iii worn by the prisoners and staff here and in other penal institutions llfer as well as convict the minimum years company Now it may be selected for Springhiil or for minimum securin farm camp soon to open adjacent to Dorcbester penitentiary Iri flier case the candidate is thoroughly screened by clas sification board of scalar offi cials at Dorchestel bNLY PROPER WAY week after Springhili opened four convicts walked off The official explanation was that onelroublemaker got into the place and led three first offenders out oflins What keeps most in line is the realib ation that troublemakers will be sent back to Darchesteroairip few relish aftara testcoflife here statistic Warden as Var cnnea considers more signifi cant is that of the Plinrnaies who completed their sentences here only two have got trouble Fifteen years ago wouldnt have dreamed place like this would work Now im Inmates sleep lndormitorles worship George swatpunctuated slo by lliouldnt drink So asserts By KEN WALLS pm COLUMN was as The First Co hora us it ran on the first WHEN Barrie scene Mull5 ver Iuccesshdftsyinwhlebbe dabbled in municipal life on me ay fronts and even wound up as president of the lions Club the column was fair over by George Cedogln his successor as new edlior George is now editor of The Orangevllle Bsn ner which be an affiliation with this new alterthrough lay in Bar susioaf with the school board In those days circa 2941 the one board served the collegiate and public schools some ways in which use school board operated particularly meetings to which the press was excluded or those called willi out bothering to notify the press There was no such thing as ra dio then in bother with herea bouts them golden slip persl Anyway our news edi tor kept thepubllc well inform ed that some thing might be going on without they the tax payers being told through the proper medium of the press So there were delegations to the managing editor and to the bu Iiness manager and so on But George got support from his superiors and kept up the ban rage CAME ELECTION TIME George decided to run for the school board and be got elecled hands down Only trouble was be stopped criticizing the school board And our readership drop ped accordingly Sinceth we have tried to discourage our editinnal staffers from running for municipal olfice Just think what would happen if EGS got elected to lnnisfil Council THE NEXT THREE we had on the news desk did not seem colluruilsllcally inclined so it be fall the present author to pick up the bits and piecz As men tioned last week column day of the week and appeared the first oolunm on the first page We find that the present managing editor still has it on tbe first day but it has wound up in oohfmn seven of page four ruls WEEK however in plan an extra ultimo likely on Friday same place ibis The subject will be Peanut and believe you msfliis scribbles has become an authoriIY hem all about the experiences of cor lain local Kiwanians and their door to door house and lpart ment calling over recent years while peddling peanuts ON THE SAME SUBJECT and you think others dont make mistakes too we pre sent this item from recent issue of tbsNew York World Telegram He was wittitled when the prosecution forgol to establish that he had no lie ence to sell his peanuts pop corn and lies cream BABEA 031st males University of Illinois medical professor Males dont quaily go around drinking without their on anyway But hold on it says the prof isrefcrrlng to men minus hair on their chests Elslesearcb ladicales this type appear to be especially prone in cirrhosis of the liver cau sed by drinking and he doesnt mean walerSo men bare your chests before mirror and start counting before you take but next one FEW PEOPLE south of the border except such places as Buffalo or Detroit have mud geographical knowledge of Can ads Most know such country exists Few ever even heard of Toronto This was strikingly brought out when members of the Metropolitan Opera arrived lasl week for their performances at the youknowwhat Centre No reference to drinis in this column just counted two hairs on myself ANYWAY theres Abltuf fuss over wages at the Royal York and groups of people sur round the largest hostelry in the British Commonwealth encased in signboards One of the prime dounas was informed of the strike by journalist Star type at the Italian Oh dear she saï¬ this is terrible belong to aunion too and wont want to cross the picket line Maybe had better change my reserva tion is there another hotel in Toronto LETTERSTO EDITOR rm YOU in Johnson St Barrie Ont Dear Editor May through your column say most heartfeltthank you in those responsible for the beau tiful displays of flowersthat are decorating the odd corners of our city The beds of tulips and spring flowers are so colorful and add lrnmeasurabiy to our claim that we live in Beautiful Barrie Im glad that do Mrs Ricks mi from in following letter sent to The Examiner or calamari an drafted ï¬n Action Commit tee of the Unitarian Fellow ship of Barrio it was appro ved by milliler vote of the Fellowship May 28 FAVOR MEDIATION 153A Peneinng St Barrie Ontario The Honorable Howard Green Minister of External Affairs Parliament Building sittawa Ontario The subject Moral issue of the Cuban Situation was dis cussed at regular Sunday Service of the Unitarian Fell owship Banks As Unitarians we believe that we have moral responsibility to the people of Cuba audio Jusr Supposm By GEORGE HILL Examiner Reporter Suppdsln that chickens bad teeth Enoi olin each jaw like oath Tbeir dentist would find Quite strain on his mind Flacin filllns away under neath sustain that ppm grew on trees Just one them crazy ideas Would surely be play On nice summer day Pickin tillugs there at ones They have considerable free diam within the camp watching orimuviesuorsialdngsiertrln orts after the work day After lgllts out at 1115 pm only four guards are on watch This is not mollycuddling mmonsense says John it executive secretary of the John llonard Society in Nova Sc tla Tlte impossible to train on rehabilitate person foxfreedom whileb is in close captivity Vihe government has promised that within ioyears well have the best penal sys tem in the world Springhill is good start on it is The smokers threw maflrhes asiern Supposin that Marys wee lamb Hada iikin for gooseberry jam fMaryd surely be wild gt At her wanderia child If he gulpdit right down with Wham samurai not turned bright blue Our color scheme would be as how But bluebirds would smile And enjoy it the while For to hide would be easy to do all peoples who are going through slrnilar development of social reform and it was raolved to bring summary of our findings toyour atten iron We wish to reaffirm our concern for genuine social pro gress and justice avoiding bys teria and endeavouring to obtain tbe facts of the situation and ap praise them in terms of our com passion for the wellbeing of peo ple everywhere Wetliarclora welcome and endorse your stand at Oslo in la vor of mediation and noniuier vention by force We believe that relations with Cuba should be ainiainedforaraormal basis as way of influencing the direction of Cubas develop ment Yours truly Sydney Shoom President Unitarian Fellowship of Barrie Lovmautro LieutenantGovernor Frank Basiedo Saskachewanwlth held royal assent of abill in April but the federal govern ment formally declared assent to the bill shortly after it meahttbe biliwliich opens up rcnegoiiatlou of 2000 mineral common in Saskatchewan became law Mr Basiedos action in viiholding royal antiwaewltlioutpreceda the province Photo Blair ruouolir All this evil is come upon us yet made we not our prayers before the Lord our Godthat we nilgiitluru from our iniquit lea and underutandlhy truth Daniel 8213 Just as pain warns us of in regularity or disease so evil warns us of unrepentcd sin and provokes us to turn from it