Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jun 1961, p. 11

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ARTICLES tor SALE BOATS oslorons EAbs LOANva ll NHL Telephone PA Crescent Finrice Dunlap 5L hut BOAT In deal Ship MI Illl glr Bellini ion nil Nelsonbl pd Tr tphnno PA 67904 19mm HELENA VLF hllh rude rtrfr nut completely qulupeo TeeNe Thu Mn condition Telphone PA Iv hubs unto CIr cont ll llrhtuelrhl rho II mnnloe hlawr Oh no ill lcli uphrllriy sucrlcce Avvly Iv Axon st llInIc leroor Ceou smn humboul nbcrzlu bottom to hp Mercury motor tully eutumntlr romplltl wlth lights windshield curing wheel drck rowerel lit on inner no an be rren H1 61 vhuhl Tnfi vcocrADLcs APPLES THE APPLE BARN HelNfOSlI WINTER VAlllrrlns Ering your own contlinor HERMAN FETCH HIGHWAY ll SOUTH PA uzcl rorAmns for ulr nod guilty mroreo Seblgn Pot ou lien tree 52A hlutey ItTl Rune drnwn senators complete good condition Apply Alln Bouncy PA D7565 Mldhunti SFARMERS MARKET Lfisrocs TWO nOLsrsm llSllIRI for site Also one Jersey Cow due to freshen soon Apply lock Lennox lth Derrle or tlicphonl colts Stroud FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES Er SERVICE cue Now Hollan Dvld Brown Deelty relm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA $2313 TIME FOR HAYlNC EQUIPMENT Ellen ltkers blowers Hinesiers Ind vrrone ALL AVAILABLE NOW CASH TRADE TERMS OEEAVAL SALES SERVICE VACUUM PUMPUP To UNITS $115 LBS MOTOR HANh UIIUWN RR BAKNIE HOLLY PA 60338 VIKING CREAM Slplllton stuken SIie Ind pIrtI Craig hunt Out box tl or ttiv phone PA as its roan TRACTOR fo to model coo good condluon will to the highest bidder Coll PA H5 between Inl Ind Dim cnec moron Driven filler also Cur Power Mower Cue Side Rake used two Insults neuron Ibly priced Also ms Punt 2w toll Truck $100 Telnnbonl mull liloanlto Ind rch SEED GILAIN BARRED ROCKS still blrd to heat or eggs cud mesh 40 yem pennull seize lion behind our closed flock Eek Inland hltchery Accredited loch Blby chicks stmed Chicks nod upolu TOM KENNY SHANTY BAY PASTUEE FOR RENT BOOM ma Herd of Crttlc miles west of Strand Plenty of wItrr Ind sbndc Telephone Cooks gm access for further inform our srAnMEnsliggltg POJLIEY ct onions DEKALB CHICKS le you Munx noy fol an when red when tor nod livability the scum lSundry pulse to In Ano ii on Ind Sum croueleou Pneu MN oa mum HUNTERS POULTRY FARM STROUO PHONE 77 Ind AUTOMOTIVE moron cnasvcon BALD HAROLD ORY MOTORS TRIUMPH ls ANDARD KI Miain to All III om Inn NAL tomes Iervlcn 75 IAYIIILI ST SAME PA 84165 WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR lily It chI won bounce LiflJnlIuId SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 107 DOWN l7 GOWAN STREET PA 66488 I955 IIILLMAN for nit Ills Ind and cure Iiclsannblo Telephone in 3121 early cvcninn 1151 coNlUL for nu IIka over Iymontl 40 par works AP len Cicmmonl Nicpbon 643238 PACKARD In very and com oluon Fully Autumnal Apply It la Mnry street or telephone PA Non lost some AND Meteor rcIl slurp top running omen dun bI firlInccd stall Spronil Supcrtesf lllshwuy 21 one mlle south of Thornton Telephone lvy llItli mo ruoNlzNAC blue our door lldlo one Owner in load condi tions Ap iy in evening to Blu com troud Telephone lmll Strolld TRUCKS TRAILERS CIIEV KTDN Truck II 1055 lhtlrllltloull stluon tilgun Both In GXGIIIOnI condition AV Ply It 32 Blyfleld Slleut It Phone PA Infill 1m mNPAIwO 11 volt tem Al condition Now bro llnlngt Ind cyl kill new exhtutt Ultem new paint lob Inllfreclo block neuter end can neuter cur lunl built with lrpnulln cover Mrny olhur cxtlIs Apply Stnnuhln luoton IIELPWANIID RETAIL CAR car supplied our employ HANAOII IceI null re Institute clan st Cmrtinn on Ind GUI runvol Informlion Apply II l8 IOHII 21min rtllssrllulun noted by large nut rutunnl Good houn Illnt lurking condition4 Apply Rob Rly Nutlnrlnt BIlrll Shopping Plus Iuonr an ounce noted by is new muunut coon noun excellent wotMn heliumgr gly nus my RutInnnt hopping Plan FEMALE HELP TRADERSFINANCE REQUIRE CLERK TYPIST Ifload lilflinl ullry BNIIEM workinl condition IAII lulll benefit for Appointment nil MR TELEPHONE PA mil kxPsnmNCln Wllinu muted apply Grill 180 Dunlap 5L whimsical vnted mil tim emlllnymeni 3ng ll cbntter Box Resilunnt illhwny Chou town Clover Leif WAmESSES cxveflenfld Wlllla Cd by In new reelurth Good Noun excellent worklnl concl lions Ii ply flab lily uuuunnt Birth upping PIIKI cnPAuLta Molherl Helper Live In Must be and of children Friendly home Relerencey Apply to hint Feidmln II Dvor blnnk PiI Downwlnw Ont SALES HELP AGENTS SALARY AND COMMISSION To experienced salesmen To all on new Ind oxlmng Iccounlr pm lccted territory For Ippnintlncnt all WALTER ADAI BARRIE PA 89298 I3me 930 Allah PM EMPIJOYMENI WANTED thl LOOK AHER children in my own home Will clll Talk phnnc PA can BUINESS COUPLE would if to rent concession or muscle mull business in arm Inn Pbom PA 61591 BOOKKEIPBB find on lnllon dill yun service wtb lonnl Ieking full or lrtIlnu Implcyln John LIlnlr Elli lLrIII TIIIDIIOIII PA mil BUBNIIB WOMAN nullretired cod Ioplurnu dulrol pm time cmploynldnt fiperlenced nlu Ind dork clerk cubicr able to typo Ind It Rabinlie PhnnI PA 61 PoslrlONWANrDD for elm licensed machlnlc presently em loyerl Chlvmiut oelensl berm Itcldy em ioymont Cuntrli ontmo lien Aver nue Vlnoeor Outerlo Accounuul re PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Enrol now lu thls gavermnelll chlrtcrcd Ichoui where on are thoroughly trulneu lo Ill rIDche or built cultun Por Information write mem HAllmltcssmc SCHOOL lo COLLIER slltlam Olt PHONE PA save by certmed hairdresser tn your own home Phone Bernice It PA 39851 or PA 53581 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Yénr Talcphona PA 82414 LANDSCAPING DAnsuE LANDSCAPING son SUPPLY rm estimates landscaping inn nulutemuee Sodding sowing ml ilnE fertilizing sprulng Cedu Rcdm Ind manner mom ity Kentucky or Hindu blue mu Ilso field and dclivered Inywbrrc Ruinnlbie rates TELEPHONE PA 61555 GRADING Beck Flilln Ind land euplng Cru John ey It PA c2501 UPEOLSTER UPHOLSTERI NG Chesterfieids chairs couches Jumble fullliture recovered Prompt scrvico Big range of fabrics shown in your own home 12 NONm Tums BARRIE TENT AND AWNING co LTD x4 EAYFIELD STREET TELEPHONE PA 56431 CLEANING nutes UPHOLSTERY mranN euNDs FREE ESTIMATES CALL MAYFAIRI PA 612 CAMPING EQUHMENT TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT ron nmr Tents Ind Tllnl cmp Cot endstov Coolers BARRIE TENT AWNING CO LTD at BAYFIELD Snu TELEPHONE PA Oddl7 ammo cusrou BUILDING REMODELLING KITCHEN CUPBOARD monstrous emu doom no Annl stag SANITARY DISPOSAL WANTED DEADOR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly for disposal Telephone Barrie PA 87751 Long distance ZeniUt 32800 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLIA License No 69061 DEAD AN IMAL DISPOSAL ACT WI vao been Unused to remove you dead Ind INDIGO Inn Inl null under tho Ibnve Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRE PArkway H617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 55061 INSULATION Alrilte Insuiollon Iljnppy to announce in unoluon tbeIrROCKWODL Blowing InmlItlun till All NEW Alumln lull Ellpbdlld lIdIflEr EOMPIBRI lnltllled with Styroform inmiIta InK bunk band In all talml ISO including lIllmInIIIl doors 11an And nothing by WINTER SEAL ALL WORK GUARANTEED ESTIMATES TERM Write or Phi SCOTT MUMI ltMINESDIG COLLECT Know YOU BUYGWE III TRY EXCA ATING FILL GRAVEL OP SOIL SEPIIC TANKS PUMPED no Iting IndGrldlnL Wrter Delivery Crushed none Eli ynl Bunkhon for turn DENNIS MORAN Bum naval REFRIGERATION STANLBRYSQN REMGERATIONSERVICE 33 Cieppeiton sL PHONE PA use BEAUTY slloP Coldwnvu ctc noon II LEGAL NOTICES NOTE To CREDITORS lhl Adminlnntur of Lbl STATE OF GIOVINA BEEDA Also known leth Bredl lIte ot Lh clty ot emu in the County at Slmcee Illmen Wo men who died on or About the nth cry of lunch lool wlu distribute the Isseie of the dc eued to bench entitled there to one June znh ml thlllg reglrd only to the cililne then Properly bled with the linden cIchd COWAN ls cowAN Collier Stu sme Onturl Solicitor to the Administntnl SHERIF LANDS UNDER AND DY VIRTUE or Writ at non Fuchs issued out at lhc supreme Court of Outerlo wherein The Curdish limit of Commcrce is the Pihlntiff and Myron item is the Desenonnt and to me directed shut the lands and tcncments the me be fendhllt Myron Km fun fun Irld mm in execuuou Ill the right tllle interest end eolnty Of redemntlou of the uln Myron xorn irl Ind td the follow lug Llndx Ind tenemen ALL AND smOuLAn mu Irch or trIct of ten nd rem see sltu Lying Ind bei thorownot Pelleth in the county at Simeon being cannuud of pen or lots ins we on the west stile or Church street bu lying But of Pox street In the unld Town or Penetlnl According to Plen Nor 701mm pIrtlculIer describud follow comlmcmc On the Westerly limit of am lots point dis taut Northerly lla feet from the southwest corner or said Lot 101 rmcc Easterly Ind pmllel with the soother limit or ill lot me on us eet mmcc Northerly Ind ourum with the werteriydlmlt or nltl lots so feel Tlrlmcc Westerly Ind and with the salrl Snubhfil it at to let me to at wumly limit of sun int mac Southerly Ilorl nld westerly limit on feet the PLACE or WINNING All of which said right title the telest Ind equity of redemption ellJud Myron Rom In no to the Bid lands wul offcr lol me by Emil Iuction It my or In IIL Court Ha tb Iy 1961 LII hour of 130 oclock In tho If mm It oneqty of some County of Simlne till IS an MI IN ==I 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JUNE 10 Auction rule at 40 held of Hero fordcottle pm mm menine hey rtuw rnln Indlloull hod etreutu MAURICE FITZGERALD not in Concenlon Mldan townlhlp ZK miles ltrlilbt at mus Ill village rem No renmu term it mid lo It non Ihflrpl new JERRY COUGIILIN Au IONEER rev llan WANT ADS IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY IN BARRIE real opWrIunily to lein In cohuliuflc most accepted lutolnobilu ideal working logs above average heroine employee benefits cod company WRITE BOX ll BARR WHEN In of Text MALI our SALESMAN group niilnx Couldnt condition Ind uro mommy ea I3 AUCTION sous VAUCTIONEIRS ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND uthu LILI momsuntrue PA on VICTORIA HAN80W hrs Rem Ii Pllu Advnulls Pruiouionll Ionic Satisfied curtomcn AUCTION SALE OI ltuuuhole Remission not sumn Niffio 130 pan MRS unhcinel cnwm HI hw ll In AmmNHE um BARRIE AUCTION ROOMS s5 Duniop St West AUCTION SALE Friday June I961 Commencing on sharp Ylacuwliirgceiletpulbifdc only for II PA sun to thumbusing ntu Ind telme I118 BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY um no 41 New Canadian Free OiPrison Thanks PM OTTAWA CPIA WyeMid PoibhCohrdien uper hit personal thanks to Prime Mill Illel Dicfenbekcr Saturday for the Canndlrn governments luc ctutul efforts In bevth him relented from Wamw pricou Im lucky to be alive ccon omist TodeunKuyer told Mr Dicfcnhukcr during 50minute visit to the prime ministers office He was Iccomplllicd by IlIl uyclmid wife Ind Jr Murphy PC Lambtoh Welt who brought his plight to Mr Diefenbekerl attention Mr Dicfenbuitcr took per ronei interest In his case after Mr Koycr wu Irretted ell rur picioh of murdcr arising from Second World WIr Irmy duties Polish police took Mr Kcycr formerly of Semi and now of Montreal into cultody while he wu visiting his Polish home iIhd Inst yclr Iic wu impris oned from August to January IDOL Try All Exemlner Went Ad PHONE PA lull WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF BIRDMAN DIES METZ Ernncc Reuters Guy Messcim French bird mln died at nearby Doncourt iesflonfiulls Sunday when his pIrachutcfolied to open Mu sclln jumped from plane at height of 1500 fcet during In air club meeting CONFIRMS REPORTS ATHENS AFlA Greek for eign ministry rpokesmcn Sun dey confirmed reports that for mer Greek Communist guerril las Ire being moved by main from Poiund into Bulgaria llcer tho Grcck border BAN ARMS SALES JERUSALEM ReuteraiTbc lslIoll ll Sunday an nounced ball on tile epic of arms to any country fighting to maintain colonial rule The matter came up before tbo cabinet following press reports which alleged Israelimade sub machine gulls sold to West Ger many had been resold to Portu gal for use in Angola RAILWAY HEAD DIES BALTIMORE fAPiCoilloy Barton While 47fonner prose ident and chairman of the board of tho Baltimore and Ohio Rail road died at his home here Saturday night after brief ill ness SENT LETTER BONN Reuters French President Charles de Gouile has sent Chancellor Konrad Ade nauer personal letter About his Paris talks with President Kennedy French Embassy spokesman said here GRENADE KILLS ONE ALGIERS Algeria Reutersi iiiosiem insurgent threw grenade into restaurant Suh day at Boicourt working class area pf Algiers killing one person and injuring 11 others Two hours later another grenade was thrown Into chic In neighboring suburb by another in lniuring three French soldiers SUBS DIDNT VISIT GIBRALTAR Reuters British have spokesman Sun dey denied reports that eight Soviet submarines which steamed out of the Mediter ranean and into the Atlantic inst week visited the British Navy hue here Washington report Friday said the Soviet fleet units icft Albanian waters May 26 and spent eight hours It GibraitIr Thursday FAIR CLOSES MOSCOW Reuters fhll British trade fair In Moscows Sokolnilti Putit closed its doors Sunday night after successful 17day run The fair showing some worth of British Hoods from machine tools and television sets to shoes and fab rics started with all opening day visit by Soviet Premier Khrushchev WILL HOLD DEBATE NEW YORK AP Pierre Salinger White House press secretary and Soviet Premier Khrushc evs sonihiew will be on oppo Ite sides June 24 in natiorlciiy televised debate on freedom of the press The Na tionai Broadcasting Company announced thedebate would be broadcast over the NBCTV network Khrushchevs sunin iew Aleksei Adjubey Is chief editor of lzvestie Soviet gov ernment publication ARRIVES FROM MOSCOW CAIRO Egypt Reutersi Somali Prime Minister Dr Abdi Rashid Shermcrke cr rived here from Moscow by his Sunday on twodey visit to theUnitcd Arab Republic for political and economic talks SCISSOBED SPORT MOON SUSPENDED L05 ANGELIE AP Out fielder Wally Moon of bus An gcies Dodgers was suspended Saturday night for three days for making bodily contact with an umpire The suspension resulted from an incident in the ninth inning of Friday nights San Fran ciscdLos Angeies game Moon charged up to umpire Augie Do neteili after being called out on an apparent forced playot sec ond base Moon denied making contact withDonnteliiHc said it was Donateiii who made the contact bumpingbiln on the shoulder as be called him out WINS ECLIPSE STAKES TORONTO CBMoony rid den by Avelinn Gomezhwoll the 511200 Eclipse Stach as Old Woodbines 24davsprihg mccte ing ended Saturday The horses now move to NewWoodbine where asday meeting opens today with the running of the $7500 Selene Stokcs Moony reached the finishline In 150 $5ohly twotifths of second behind the track rdy ehd paid crevasse $240 An itas Son was second alllefo Monarch third WINS CAR RACE MILWAUKEE AP Vt crab ver Rodger Ward of In dichcpoi won the 100 mile reccfor big cars It the Wis consin stateFair Park here Suhdeyvbyo King 210389 miles an hourthe fastest time ever recorded for Ye duomile event Ward finished the race In 17 minutes 4021 seconds to best out Al Keller of Green Acres Call by about onehalf mile Foyt of Houston winnerof the 500 mile Indianapolis Memorial Day Race May 30 was forced out of tbeJcco at the on of miles with broken magneto nonscl FOUND nun TORONTO ICPl may thevlosoDuthummpwlnne owned by Max Cristaiie lim New Woodbine Stable Saturday with severe burns to the mouth and throat apparently caltscd by caustic solution it is hard to say whether he picked up somethlhg in his stnli or whether someone had purposely lntcnded to injure the horse track official said terming Windyshlp very sick horse BAD GOOD YEAR POWELL RIVER BIC CF Amateur hockey in Canada in 190061 had one of Its best sen sons Gordon Juckee secretary mcueger of the ConedionAm atcur Hockey Assncitltioll said Saturday that for the first time ln many years there was not iosmg serieslin theAlien Cup in fact proflts returned to the teams amounted to $26000 WINS MEMPHIS OPEN MEMPHIS Tenn AP Hometown fevorite Caly Mid dlecpff Won the $30000Memphis Open Sunday with threeun derper 67 that gave him tournament record of 266 The Memphis dentist winning his first titlesince 1959 overhauled Gardner Dickinson who started the final round of the 7Zhoie medal play event with ufolle stroke lead and blcwto 78 DRIVER INJURED TORONTO CPl Keir Sim monsrasycarOid Torontozra lng was transferred Sunday to Toronto hospital from main Bowmsnviiiehfter he suffered severe head injuries when car XOIIEII0VE Mosp Racetrack aturd IIls car flippedes he weetry ing to pass another during the Oakvili lrefaig Lightc cell stable was almd This STATUE of PhilomenI Iud other like it in Roman Catholic churches with the By BERTRAND TIIIBAULT Canadian Pm Ell Writer MONTREAL CPIM least nine churcth in Canada in cluding cathedral may have to choose new names as result of the Vaticans decision to strike the name of Fhiidmcnn from the roll of saints The Vaticans decision was announced Apriiln when the Sacred Congregation of Rites declared that Philomena popu larly vooerctcdlls martyred virgln was neither martyr nor suiht The college said she had been vchcrclcd in error due to popular fervor rather than liturgicalfact The decision not the first of Its type taken by the church caused some surprise but was looked on as evidence of the cars the church takes to en surc the veracity of testimonies Of inith in the light of tho most modern historical and scientific mothods of research Devotion ioPhiiomenI known as the little saint of the Cure dArs started In Italy In 1805 although her authenticity was never truly established de spite miracles attributed to her inter The devotion spread to France and then to CInedlr inth lDtb century Mistaken Martyr No Longer Sciint name of St Philomrnn may have to be removed as re IllIt of decision of the Vcti in 1640 thechurch in subur ban Chotcuuguny was plnccti under her patronage in the early 1380 the pastor OfSlc Pctroniiie perish oh the island of Orleans henr Quebec City become the scifappoihtcd prcp egaior of devotion to St Phillr menu In Canada MORE CHURCHES FOLLOW Later tho name was given to churches in Forticrvliie Mont curf Ensemount and Manne vliic in Quebec Ormsby Ont the northern missions of Buffalo Narrows cudlinwe Island nnd glckvcathcdral of Grovciboulg Si The Demo Philomena which means beiovcd was taken from all inscription on three bricks enclosing tomb in the Fris cillo catacombs in Rome The inscription on each of the thrcc bricks was chte Cumfi Lumenn 7Pcucc wilh you Philomena in 1805 Dam Francois di Lucia from the Naples parish of Mugnano dci Cardlnnie wont to Rome to Obtain from the cutacombs saintly body for his private chapel He obtained the one buricd behind the three bricks From that time onward there was devotion to St Philomena cahs Sacred Congregation of Rliel Photo feast day for Aug 11 in 1383 the Sacred Congrat ticn of Rites Ipproved the war lhgof the cord of St Phiioe melts society bcering her home was founded and May 21 1mg Pope Pius raised the roclety to the rank of univer sal confroierhity RELICS QUESTIONED Ellriy in the 20th cclliury uh ltuiinu archlcniugist expressed doubt that the thrcc bricks found in the tomb of the cat combs octuciiy belonged there controversy developed cmng historians and experts Some claimed the bricks had been removed from some other spot and were simply used to block hole intile tomb in 1930 Popo Pius esteb iished historical section in the Congregation of Rites and or dcrcd it to make thorough study of facts and documents pertaining to the bcatliicetioh and canonization of saints in epriicr centuries As rcsult of its work several names were struck from the roll of saints What of the mireclcs Ind favors ccrieih pcoplc cipimed they obtained through inter cession to St Philomena This question was put to theologian at In Grand Semi main of Montreal and ho said it has to be remembered that miracle is the result of direct intervention by God An all powerful God could use fic titious saint to perlorrn miracle accomplished solely Pope Gregory XVI fixedIIEr oi the faith oir the siting for it By LYNN HEINZERLING LEOPOLDVILLE APtThey stiii tend the monuments to the Belgian kings in Leopoidville regularly and expertly King Albert still stands on his huge memorial etthc end of Eduievard Albert in this city of The Congo That old Imperialist Leopold site astridc his horse in the square outside parlia ment The grass Around them is brilliantly green and freshly cut Flower beds are tenderly at tended You get the feeling in this improbable city that ifKirlg Buudouin arrived tomorrow be wouldbc cheered in the streets The Congo has been free for nearly 10 months now but the capitol citystill looks much as BALI LEADERS Dy mc ASSOCIATED PRESS American League AB Pail Brandt Haiti 103 23 39 2379 Picrsnli Ciev 180 so it 315$ Romano Cleve 159 3055 345 Cash Detroit 165 39 57 345 Kiiiebrew Minn 132 26 48 ltunsCoicvito Detroit 41 Runs batted illGentile Bel timore 48 DoublesPower and Rd Cleveland 16 TriplesWood Detroit Homexruu Coievito end Versnlies Minnesota Pitching runtClc and MossiMDe Tait 1000 Strilteoutl MI sot HitsPierson Cieveiand it did before the cry of illde pclldence was serlously raisedi gt HouiovhldAlbelt ls somewhat grimly gay with its sidewalk cafes and striped umbrellas The Belgian supermarkets still operate with shrinklng stocks of goods Congolese women in gay wraps with babies on their blacks pass pert United Nations secretaries on the sidewalks There are no statistics but perhaps 10000 Belgians have moved back into their villas and flats in Leopoidviiie some hope ing to revive their Old busines ses There were about 20000 here in the days before inde pendence mutihous troops and the late premier Patrice Lu mumbo persuaded most of them to leave The Belgian Embassy has been empty sincethnt day last August when the Belgian flag was hauled down to the jeers of small mob of Congolese But it is expected that relations soon will be restored Notmany Belgianshave moved back to their old posts in the interior Oriental Kivu Kasai and Equetcr provinces attract few ofthe aid Belgian traders civil servants teachers and skilled workers There were more than 35000 Belgians in these four provinces at the end of I959 WARRIORS THREAT arriors with their Denim Ivnv SCHOOI AND SUPPLIES 973 come Pm mum of Air Station FINANCING RANGLD Congo Capital nchanigedv By Recent Political Upheavdl batticaxcs still make lilo In many regions precariolfl The Congo bady needs steady hand and the United NI tions with limited budget II making what appearsvto bee devoted effort But The Congo also needs ousallds of techniv cians and skiied workers who know this country and its foibles and can get it back on its feet Dre Sturc Linncr Swedish businessman who heads the UN civil administration in the Congo is popuinr with the Congoiese He is tryillgto set up cram courses to teach them how to handle some of their own cf feirsy He hopes to bend many of them abroad to study There Is much unemployment but somehow with UN heipev erybody gets something to cut There are more people than usual sleeping under the palm trees office does everything Cell up come illtodoyi YOURE Tlle BOSS BENEFICIAL 15 AVEIEI STREET oneuPArkway 875931 snarl ls nonlreuulmu an lull our mm up to your loan can 01 Iiirinlvrlo Lsoau BENEFICIAL ANC 600 OANADA

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