12eéédmhireve1s ice Men Kept50pinions Under Hats GRADUATION EXERCISES AT MCDONALD INSTITUTE Mr and Mrs Wild moo Cook Street chat with daughter Frances who gradu ated May it at ltlacdonold Institute Guelph ln llouse Teacher At CGIT ALLlSTON The annual mo ther and daughter banquet of St Johns United Church CGlT was held in the Sunday school rooms May 24 Approximately 100 were present including CGiT girls mothers and lo de rs Among head table guests intro duced by president run Pearson were St Andrews Ang lican CGlT leaders Mrs Mc Cutcheon and Mrs Miller Mrs Herbert Dunn president of St Johns WA Mrs Newton Wil son president of the Evening Auxiliary of the WMS and Mrs Sydney Owens CGiT leader of the junior group Response to the toast to the mothers was made by Mrs Gourlay The program was con ducted by Mrs Jenn Shlltco leader of the senior group Twelve girls were presented with white lanyards signifying their welle promotion from lunlors to seniors in Mrs Duckworth Hosts WA 77W MS The May meeting of Angus WA and WMS was held Wed nesday evening at the home of Mrs Clifford Duckworth Meeting with the theme song followed by prayer led by the president Devotion was taken by Mrs Bridger Mrs Cliiford Duckwortli will have Devotions for June Mrs Cleary Dempster invited mem bera toher home for June Tea bake sale and bazaar will be held in the United Church basement from 280 430 Sunnidale WA Hold My Meeting The meeting wasopened with members prayer The scripture was read by Mrs French The Study Book was give by Mrs Arnold Reading by Mrs Pellet was entitled Mother the Art ist and by Mrs Gilpin Mo thers Apron Minutes were read and 31 proved The next meeting will gt be held at the homepf Mrs Ford hold Science Miss Wildmali plans teaching career foli owlng internship in Cleveland with restaurant chain AI Macdooald the home econ Speaks Banquet dignified service which stressed the responsibility of worthy member to nl selections were contributed by Lynne Gross and Sharon Swenson Mrs Mary Hay English tea cher of Boating Memorial High School Alllston was guest speaker and took as her topic the CGIT motto cherish health seek truth know God and serve others She stressed the importance of good living fair play with fellow man and the very significant message of William ShakespeareTo thy self be true She said people must be able to live with themselves before they are capable of coping with lift Mrs Hay referred to El eanor Roosevelts recent book You Learn By Living and to Dr Marlon Hilliards book Woman Doctor Looks at Love and Life as the two musts in the reading curriculum of ybung women who face fut ure of challenges in all walks of modern life She urged all girls to seek out the best reading materials andfurther their ad ucation as much as possible As finale the CGIT girls presented fashion show of new styles Of The Town PARIS AP Jacqueline Kennedy in surprise personal tribute to her French hosts and their fashion industry wore Paris creation at resplendent banquet Thursday night PresidentKennedys wife ap peared in gown of heavy white silk and matching coat made for her by Paris designer Hu bert de Givenchy The gala af fair was held in the Hallcf Mirrors of the Palace of Ver sallles it was the only French ere atton worn by Mrs Kennedy during her threeday vlsit Al ready the toast of Paris today she was even more popular be cause of her gesture Mrs Kennedys fashion sur prise was wellkept secret press preview of her wardrobe for the trip showed only Amen icen gowns and reporters were told she would wear pink and whitestraw lace number by New Yorks Cleg Cassipi to Ver sailles instead she wore the Cassini DAM cnosswonow AGRIOSS LDIIgout canon 31 seam 11n poetry near Indigo plant Unaccus turned Nassera capital 5Land measure Jewish month Reason Footedvase 9Si1reads grass 14 Wavy ther 15 City train 18Bnrnb¢gto like grasses to dry 201111 synL 10Adarna 21 Mixed home breed dog 17 Half ems 23 Cuckoo 18 Sal 25 Kind of bean 19 Arid accolade 21 Hoarder hiatheat ino mm III 81 Greetv SAIL wealgiing gt 35Quickly ammu on 82 Corn wheat 74713 tion 42Musloa1in atrurnent 44Porous rock 48Dweliing 48 artrofa 22 Like spinads 23 Milk can 24 Noni ing 27 Ignited 28 Like ale before 31 Pistol case 33 Road marina 34 Slight taste 38 Music note 31 Sad cry 38 Wind instrument so At distance Big in no anoncal Illlgnoc on non PYI Ian mm Yeltaidlyl Anarrar 41 Laughing Cavniiex pointer 43 Sanskrit school 46Miss Hagan 47 Letter omlcs major was musical din actor for Curtain Call Macs lilill lievlew graduate of Barrie Central Collegiate she was head girl and Valedictor ian THORNTON YPU HOLD SERVICE Thornton Young Peoples Union held iLs annual church service Sunday President Valerie Elliott was assisted by Robert French in con ducilog the service quintet consisting of Misses Lois Black Eleanor Jennett Margaret Carr Mary Carr and Mildred El liott sang How Great Thou Art Rev Robert Rumbleoi the Church for the Deal in To ronto was speaker and call ed on one of his laymen he had brought with him He told of his life and sing Serve Risen Saviour in the way the deaf express themselves Rev Mr humble translab ed for the congregation number Wednesday night to the Elysee Palace then Thursday night unveiled the ensemble Giveochy madefor her some weeks ago and secretly sent to Washington The sleeveless gown had bellshaped skirt high neckline and bodice embroidered in law elled rose mauve and green floral design Notes are intended to cover the general social life of the city and district Wedding anniversaries bridge parties birthdays comingofage pale ties visitors and travellers are all items of inmost to the women readers of this page Your help in supplying this news will be greatly so predated Plensn phone The Barrie ExaminerPA 66537 aod ask for the Womens Page INFORMAL EVENING An informal evening will be held at the Golf and Country Club this evening for members and guests JUNE BALL Tonight is the night of the for mal June Ball for the senior NCps and warrant officers and their Indies The annual event Will be held at the Bileli Build ing Camp Borden Music will be provided by King Ganam and his orchestra and the event is open to the public STORK SHOWERS Mrs John Wood Napier St was hostess at stark shower Thursday evening for Mrs Arch ie Pickford of Shanty Bay Guests included Mrs Percy Ford Miss Marg Sturgeon Mrs Donald Near and Mrs Albert Massey surprise baby shower was held in honor of Mrs George Gallant at the home of Mrs Alan RoberCson Blake Street Thursday evening Guests in cluded Mrs Thomas McCaugh Mrs John Van Tassel Mrs FarisSiuclaiiZ Mts CnrlJeu sen Mrs Russ Mills ltirs Bill Vipond Mrs Gilbert Mrs Hl1eaurno Mrs mohair hers Mrs Ken Jackson Mrs dim Woodall Mrs Norman vSloan Mrs Frechette Mrs Iveany The gue onor was show ered wi miscellaneous gifts for the coniiagaveai andaperaanal resentatfoa we also made MisUGaliaiit leaves tilt Syd ney Nova Scotla this month where henhusband will be stn OTTAWA CP Canadian men have neverbotliered to write booka teillag Canadian women how to run theirdives Thats the conclusion of Eliza betb Long atter no 150 years of publications dealing newcom P08 books of advice by magigr women were quite theme to Victorian England and in the United States of the same era But there was no similar sit uation in Canada She has been studying siicb boobs in herrole as chairman of the Lady Aberdeen Memorial Library Canadas first molar collection of books by and about women The library is project of the National Council of Women to honor its founder the wife of Lord Aberdeen who was governorgeneral of Canada 1893 Apparently canadiani men thought the women did argood kept their thoughts to them selves said Miss Long here for meeting of the librarys advisory committee The national committee in deioted tomemeptoes of Lady Aberdee who during her hos bands term as gavelnursed erat established the National Council of Women the Vlc torian Order of Nurses and the charitable Moxcmmlubs Thwarted in desireto enter politic herself the organized the worlds than votelaasmonieo into forum of their own She had part in establishing both the international Council of Women and its outgrowth the Associated Coutrywomeo of the world Our library is the first living memorial to woman who did job on their own or else they cluded Mrs John Dleienbaker and Senator Catrina Wilson of Ottawa its members seek do nations of books about women who through the ages have somehow achieved fame or notoriety totally visualized the library will be complete record oi the lives of such women Youll even be able to find out what furious women had to eat said Miss Long Cook books will be included along with the history of womens dress There now are some 1500 books in Winnipeg as start of collection which eventually will be housed in Ottawa The libraryis Canadas first book collection devoted to the accom plishments of women There are 42 such libraries in the US and some 20 in other countries including Britain Canada has produced its great women said Mbs Long The time is ripe to assemble all they have left behind in the realm of the spirit either in published or manusarlpt for While the emphasis will be on Canadiana the library commit tee hopes to gathervbooks of all countries about women Dona tions already have been re ceived from more than no coun tries sectionoi the library will be tinned with the Royal Canadian Air Force LIONS CLUB CONVENTION Some 1650 members and wives of Dimlet Ontario and Quelt bee met at LaSaile Hotel King ston for the annual convention May 2a to 31 parade higlr lighted the affair with the city of Barrie represented with Beautiful Barrieflower float in charge of Mac Feadley Doug Stephens and Charlie Lowe Other Barrie guests at the con ventioolocluded Mr and Mrs Reg Ayres Mr and Mrs Bruce French Mr and Mrs Edwin Myers and Mr and Mrs Hamid Forster Mr Forster acted as chairman of the Board of Gov ernors and Mrs Myers repres ented the Ladies Auxiliary oi Barrie Lions Club OWL CONVENTION The Archdiocesao convention of the Catholic Womens Icague will be held at To rooto June sand St Marys CWL members attending will in clude Mrs Gerald Coughlin Mrs Clarence Corbett Mrs Cole man and Guide and Brownie leaders Mrs Corrigai Mrs Saundeis MNC Giorgianni and Mrs Baker EUROPEAN TRIP Mrs Gladstone Currie Kerri peiifelt Drive has returned to thecity frame Europeoo trip Mï¬s Currie was accompanied on the at weeks tour by her sister Mrs MacDonald Town to jetflight of five hours and 40 minutes from New York to Lisbon Portugal took the tra vellers from our cold April cli mate to sunshine andblossoms InMadrid Spain Mrs Currie and Mrs MacDonald were enter tained by frienders Hogg formérly of Pittsburgh Pennsyl vania and now Head Mistress of girl boardingschool in Me drid Rome Naples Florence and ii nice were some of the ci ties visited Italy with tour Art Flo the trip Zurickand Lucerne Switzerlan Munich Paris London Glasgow and =Ediu burgh were included in the tour 3ft rlilfc Mka4an rcnl FREE DISNEYKIN iron in 90 in he no in phi COUPLE SIGN Sinus studio TEE REGISTER Misslloyce Pratt Becomes Bride 0i Allan McMillan lit Stroud Miss Joyce Maria Pratt Paiuswick became the bride of Allan Lawrence McMillan of Strand at an afternoon cere mony held at St Pauls Angli can Church Bev PeterTrent ofï¬ciated The bride was given in mar riage by her father She dross floor length gown of tradi tional design The bodice was fashioned of chantiily lace over satin andibe bouffant shirt SPEAKING or PEOPLE AND PLACES Shes The Talk While in Londim the travellers were guests at the English speaking Union Clubaod were entertained at afternoon tea Mrs MacDonald remained in Scotland as she has been chosen as representative of the Scottish Country Dancing Society to meet Queen Elizabeth June 28 Mrs Currie returnedto Barrie May 24 In the city to renew acquain tances this week were Mrs Ru be Hndiield and Mrs Harold Blacth of MootrenL Quebec ATTEND WEDDING Mr and Mrs ERIW of Wyaodotte Michigan were guests of Mrs Earleysbrotber iiilaw and sister Mr and Mrs Borysiuk Bayiield Street yesterdy Mr and Mrs Early are in Torontotoday attending the wedding of Mr Earleys hie ce Miss Carol Jean Early Mr and Mrs William Near and family of Oakviile are weekend guests of their son and daughteriolaw Mr and Mrs Donald Near Sunnidale Road Mr Near Sr is press room foreman with the oakville Journal Try An Examiner Want Ad Phone Pa 82414 featured panel of lace over not trimmedwith sequins Her headdress was tiny crown trimmed with crystal and die carried cascade hou quet of red Sweetheart roses Bridal attendants were Mrs Noriue Rupert matron of hon or and Missiinda Walt brides maid Miss Carolyn Patton was flower girl Their gowns were fashioned alike af mauve silk organza overitaffeta Tiny crowns of matching organza were fash iooed into headdresses and they canted nosegays of yellow mums The flower girls frock was mint green nylon trimmed with lace Her accessories Were White and she carried baske of yellow murns Jark Pratt of Paioswick was groomsman The ushers were Gerald Pratt Brantford and Charles Horton Stroud reception was held at the church hall where tbevmolher of the bride received guests as sisted by the bridegrooms mo ther out of Down guests were from Parry Sound Peterborough St Catharines Newmarket Oril lin Tomato and Brampton After wedding trip to Pet erborougr the couple will resid Peat Moss Fertilizers Grass Seeds FEN DLEYS FLOWERS 14 Blake St ra sssis iuBarri BARBIE artisan SATURDAY JUNE 156 MotherDaughter Banquet Held The First Allandale Glllde Company held its annual nuther and daughter banquet at St Georges Pariah Hall Wednes day evening The Allandale Mo thers Group catered Guests oi honor were Rev and Mrs Bell Rev and Mrs Waith Dyer district coin rnissiooer Mr and Mrs Frank Carter division commissioner Mrs Danny Day Brown Owl First Allandale Brownie Pack Miss Barbara Lee Tawny Owl First Allandale Brownie Pack Jim Rose Calder White Owl First Allandale Brownie Pack Mrs Cain Tawny Owl Sec ond Allandale Brownie Pack Mrs Shirley Chew Tawny Owl Third Allandale Brownie Pack Mrs Dallua Lee and Mrs Lorna Pierre Captain Mrs Stan Scutt open ed the prooedlngs by welcoming everyone and Guide Gayle Tucker PL introduced the guests Heather Clieesman in troduced the speaker Rev Bell who gave an interest ing talk on Changes and How They Affect Us Mrs Frank Carter then eoroli ed Louisa AHaarn and after wards explained the procedure of obtaining proficiency badges Proficiency badges were pre sented by Mrs Dyer district commissioner to Heather Chess man and Gayle Tucker Guides Pegg Crawford and Elaine Smith PL were presented with their religion and life emblem badges by Bishop Hunt at con finnation service held at St Georges Anglican Church on Thursday Second class badges were giv en to Linda Fltzsimooa Diane Willis and Anna Belts Mrs Dyer distributed service stars to the following guides First year Patsy Dyer Patricia Applcten Beverley Chew Patsy Greenhaigh Bonnie lilosiak Linda Moore Georgina Noon Christin Thomson second ear Judy Roe Connie Brown Belts Linda Greenhalgh Mar ilyn Kiosella Boonie Lee sec ond Diana Gethooa Janice Tra versisecondl third year Diane Willis second fourth year d°l°°° lit First Allandale Guide Co Peggy Crawford PL Heather Cheesman PL Linda litulm our second Rosemary Mark wick PL Elaine Smith PL Gayle hickonPL fifth Year Dorothy Markwlck Mrs Lee secrctary of the mothers group committu read letter of praise to Heather Cheosman in recognition oi her prompt action which prevented drowning lastsummcr An enioyabie evening ended with the guide prayer and taps Toronrocnin Miss Grace Applegate Brad ford Street is recent gra duate of the Lakeshora Teach ers College Miss Applegata has accepted position on the teaching staff at Scarborough She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Stanley Applegate and is graduate of Barrie Central Collegiate Clifford Hair Fashions Halr Slyiihnl and Spofiened wa or am oo use make notepad our NW Phone number PAC0491 ammonium north i0 ins Depth in Width nu Height ms ins with atand Aa Weight us his uss saucers PLUMBING DEPARTMENT snconn moon surrams BLDG 259 INNlSFlL ST 676531