In £32 812 the lsreeiita ea perienccd great religious revival led by Em the scribe And all the people gathered thermolres together while Ezra and the Levites read tram the law of Moses umNehemish one new torgotten religious rites were revised including the Feast of the Tabernaciee which hadnt been celebrated for 1000 years The people med themselves bootln and not under the booths and they kept the least seven days Nehanlah 815 In sackcloth and ashes tho people assembled to humble themselves by mourning and SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS ANGUS Mr and Mrs Edward Good and baby and Mr Goodsmoth or Mrs Mary Good spent the holiday weekend of May 20 with relatives at Cincinnati Ohio Mrs Mary Good remained or visit with her daughter Mrs Nora Howard John Allison returned to Guelph alter spending the week end with parents Mr and Mrs Allison Mr and Mrs Malcolm Mc Georga and amliy spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Mc George at Chathnrn Mr and Mrs Richard lroland and family Toronto spent the weekend with Dr and Mrs West Leonard Duchworth has re turned to his home alter year at Lakeshore Teachers Col loge Rev and Mrs WillLs are attending the United Church conlerence in Tomato this week Miss Marlena Robinson re turned to Amsteln alter spend ing the weekend withh her par ents Mr and Mrs Robin Ion Harry Smith returned home lrom the Royal Victoria Hospit al Barrie last week and is much improved Mrs Walter Tarhush has sold bar restaurant to Mr and Mrs Sacravitch of Toronto They expect to open in early June Mrs Tarhush Miss Betty Jane and Marty are taking cottage at Wasaga Beach tor the sum mar HOLLY Ralph Johnson and Barrie Downing spent weekend camping with Scouts at Wasaga Beach Many from the district at tended Cadet Inspection at BD Cl Connie Brown andGreg and Kerry Grant took part in dan ce recital Saturday evening Mrand Mrs Knapp had her sister and hrotheriniaw from Sudbury as guests during the week Commencing Sunday June church service will he at 330 am at Holly United Church Sunday School will be during the service commencing at 10 em Littls Hill WI met in Craw ford School or the May meet ing The president Mrs Furyk opened with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect Roll call was payment of CWW tees it was decided to attend the Strawberry Festival at Egbert on July and to have com munity picnic July 16 Mrs Lockle is to beconvener Max Morris was present to judge the copper tooling on dis play Prizes were awarded to Mrs Schandlen Mrs lgln Morrow and Mrs William Mor row Mr Morris was thanked for her good work in Home Ee onornlos Next meeung will be at Holy School with Mrs Fisher in char ge Mrs Coilurn and her com mittee sewed refreshments EDGAR Mr and Mrs St Thomas and Mr and Mrs OBrien ol Peterborough visited and Mrs James Fiday Joint services will be held in the United Church at Dalston on Sunday at so am Sunday School will be held at ii am at Edgar Church Mr and Mrs Sheardown visited in Oshawa during the weekend WI MEETING The WI held their ahnual cleaning bee at the Community Hall May 24 Arrangemean were made to have represent ative of the St Johnts Ambul anca Thursday evening June in the Community Hall to teach artificial respiration for shock and drowning Donations are being sent to the Cancer Fund Salvation Army and the Retard ed Childrens Fund $5 is to be given to Grade pupil of high est standing in Edgar School and $5 to he sent to Fair Board for school prizes Arrangements for school picnic to be made at June meeting Donations from Hayes and Mrs Hunter were received Ms Hayes won the monthly draw at the close of the meeting The hostes Mrs Dalley ser ved refreshments Mr and Ms Patterson ot Sqarboraugh visited Mrs Lees and Lees and family on Sunday Mr and Ms MacLeod spent Monday in Toronto Cook of Toronto spent few days with Mr and Mrs Cook thk week VASEY meeting was held in the church last night to plan pic me Mr and Mrs Frank Peters ande have announced the birth of son Misses Elizabeth and Margar et Leigh of Drillia and Glen Nixon of Toronto Were weekend visitors of Mr andMrs John Nixon Baseball practice is the order of the day as the boys are get ting ready for the games trousseau tea was held at the home of Mrs Waiter Bannon in honor at their daughter Myr an The wedding ceremony in Vasey church on Saturday The couple plan to make their homo in Milton Sympathy goes out to the torn lly oi Vern Todd in the loss of hi mother Mrs Iouls Todd Victorla Harbour The tea held at the parsonage Wednesday was success and the proceeds will be used to buy furnishings for the parsonage Mrs Pearl Edwads Terence and Sherry Clement were week end visitors with Mr and Mrs Morgan Edwards Mr and Mrs Ribbald and family of Barrie visited Mr and uMrs Orval Edwards and am YA Mrs McKcown returned home for her granddaughters troussean tea alter spending week with her sonGordoa and family in tendon They return ed home with Mrs McKeown SUNNlDllLE Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Ivan Harvey and family were Mr and Mrs Thomas Havey Mr and Ms Bill Knox and family Stayner Saturday guests or Mrs Rel lan Carmichael and Cook were Mr and Mrs Sam Burg ess and family Mr and Mr done right we have done wiqkediyNehemlah The priests and suites enter Doug Roberts oi ibronto Tun TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS day visitors were Ms Jim Freethy and Nelson of Toronto at the Carmichael homo Mrs Wilson Colllngwood spent few days with herson and daughter in law Mr and Mrs James Wilson Mr and Mrs Don Culham of Millikan wee weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Reg McNahh and Mr and Mrs Cul ham with the Wilson looLily on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Wil llarn Park and ivanmt Cielhs burg Mr and Ms Donald Arthur Shyner MlllllNl INSURANCE norms worsens awesome mom ouraoaan BRDAD FORMS COMPIEKE anomrrras muuru Am In narrow um spselar alternator on of the fender price nllllrsl Is mace installation to any one who now hll natural as service to my IP pliant in their home hamlet if Biroco Ind duct work installation cost $0500 an installation would he nude or $4500 ll III service is llreldy in your home and you do not have mturnl as finance This alter limited am only and no advance notice will in given at termination For Further Intomation Contaotr PLUMBING 86 HEATING SUPPLIES BLDG 259 lNNiSFIL sr at 55531 GOLDEN TEle commas manganï¬mnihudmoqaqwreiviliuam mmvimlhmasa foursomde mpersooshwldattmdsuvieareanhrbwd Phone Pa 414 arm Crunch services at Hobart UnltsthurchmamStmdly Jim at pm Visitors are welcome Rt Bard in walked to Sold ier1 Memorial Hospital In Dril lie when he will rmdergo surg morning armada pondus on John Hawks or Goldwater were an the week visitors with AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION by Experts with mean Equipment DANGERFIELD morons uolller St on um THE CHURCH FOR ALL ALI eon THE cHURcrI mammaibemfnmmanhnx dis both armorcum pod was Rsstem ofqï¬rlmlnlnu Without nippondischuriflseyue masb Forhisdiildrmlnbc For lhenhofhixeohmonityudmtbn4or llueflhelthechordsMWhinhmlIhi mmlandmelenal some Plabwb Book GreaterVane rearlam 1g For his 9310 We mammals WAYJUNE3ImI Ehandlln Milt Beard and WM Visitors with Mnlnd 110 AmmonglndEnEJJohn stonewareaarry of TovlstodMraaerIErnest kepihai grad Langley and Arnold Miss Helen Nick at Matchedssh Mr Ind Mrs Garnet Johnstone and Judy at oshawrand Mr and Mrs victor Johnston and grand daughter at Drillia Ledlea or Genll 11 JEWEL MOVEMENT WATCHES wierprool 5110ch HPECML Usr ova LAYawn PLAN IBWEILERS LTD home an IL on om mares frrghienedSlsas seeing ï¬re worn for ï¬le ï¬rst one msmwmymmarmrï¬gmoed Ever sales we we as ghtoreasonwehawebeen seeing the world through ItejustasPaulaaid Nowweseeflnooghagimdzrklybirtï¬senfaoshfma mymwonderlngwhyflï¬ngshappenasï¬rey darkglaaam dons why haired flourishes and love withers why sorrow inevita we gain ï¬rst oorn plebvisioowoare bleandj some wewemmtmeamoomderstand or Apparently Sonorau Godhmrmwledhngthcsaonrcnorehesheachfltbee hothsGod notaeaaalmï¬lanofliec norGhurchesshive Until at length dwmmmiorflntw larppiesi and strongest when we live faithfully in the truth already revealed Evan Wlfl1 dark glassesa man can see aloogashewalhs toward Wmmmmmmvï¬ by Mrs Price HI gllls books and cotton dresses hwere displayEd and gt Mrs Fis er gave on we poster on cotton materials on THE Boss Amorlrg the current events we were eased to learn that Ralph Price has receivadhis BA de Tm OFFICE STAFF gree and that Marilyn Graham received $25 award at Guelph at BABY TIME THIS FEATURE rs coarmaurso TO THE CAuss or THE CHURCH av THEFOLLOWING mrsnssrso lNDIVlDUALS AND ausmsss ESTABLISHMENTS BERIRAM Bans LTD WILLIS smegma FUNERAL HOME ammomarrmrs WHITE ROSE STATION pa asssa so Worsley st PA oozes 423 Blake st gt vrc wuss LESSEE DENIS SHEAR LTD 213 32° make mm Wilma SERVICE FMEguï¬Png EL MATADOR in am no Venn Zenith seem Phone Stroud as NAM 3mg MM Emil PM 5m Shme em Cecilend Marguerite Mills Props monies VD Mnan coon an 85164 170 Essa Rood ammo mammals cameos and aromas rm Rom mmc PA $5712 highway 90 on 55575 arm Road amylprm mam mmmgo WAosbngirsm lumen 13AM easements PA 21 154 Ave Phone raner RRflstroud rams our answer sacs rAeK wonsmz film mum JOHN gum 13mg SALESAND SERVICE BARRIE WELDING AND re ma mansions se tomorrows MAng LTD 3111 my Km sum suavrcosrmon 13A 37123 23 Dunlop St Phone 136W mmssgaiï¬qea TEXACO DELLAANDDANM lraum lflshwaymsfluth mum annex srock OFVCONTINUOUS FORMS AND COUNTER SALES BOOKS Sliilli BY ORDERING NOW FROM THE BillllllE sxnmmrn FOR AUGUST DELIVERY HA 61581 Welcome Wagon eels hmbasthaarxivalofeaoh newbsbywithatriendi callawith basket of assessors mom comm Painting and Decorating Connector Phone 3723 one Ontario NOTE Ontarios new sales box or comes into effect in September and will apply to all printing rThsgiimmerolaLPrlrrtin De numeric at The Barrie Examiner will accept any or ers now for delivery in August or before you prefer em FAGassorANoisAvsrr everyaw habyiruoar oavm ounraacro Stigma Cor Anneond wit PA 66302 sarcoma as SERVIGESTATION ms syiield