WI Cant Divide Christians on Christian Life Simdav Only ByRKV ERNEST Emmanuel Baptist Church We businessmen sat in res tauront drinking coffee One said Man what deal made yesterday it was little sur reptitious you know but than man has to make living and cant worry about little crook edness here and there The other businessman non churchgoer said thought 1you were areiigious man How is it you are pulling fast deal Oh replied the first What has my business got to do with my religionl Thats good question church as In business What has religion got to do with business7 Isnt lilo divid ed Into compartments and isnt religion one oi those compart ments Should mans religion have any bearing upon his home life His finances His recrea tion His driving hahim His reading habits His vocation SHOULD BE WHOLE rho Bible teaches that the Christian life is not life of compartments The Christian life should be one whole th ther therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do do all to ï¬le glory of God The apostle Paul up to the time of his conversion to Christ bod practised compartment nl religion His religion was one thing his words actions mot ives habits were something en tirely different He worshipped God in the synagogue on the sabbath but Sunday was anoth er day One day Saul met Christ on the Damascus road His spirit ual eyes were opened His life was transformed by the power of the gospel Religion became the centre hub and core of his life Everything else was relat VC He wrote to the Christians at Colosse that in all things Christ might have the preemin ence The difference between mererdigjon and real Christ ianity is that religion like cost can be put on and taken offvChristianity is daily walk in Christ with Christ and Ior Christ NO DIVISION It is human todivide our lives into the secular and the spirit uni it is divine to consider cry phase of our lives as spirl uai Jesus said Yc arethc vine am thebranches How rianwe be part of the vine on Sunday and consider our lives our own on Monday The scrip suitor COUNTY 1rrws1v BOND HEAD Mrs Copeland is visiting friends in Barrie Sympathy is extended to Mrs Smith in the death of her brother Rev JF Morris Mrand Mrs Ted Colwell and Susan of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Wliam Sutherland on Monday Mir an Mrs George Shep pard Mr and Mrs Lee Heycock and attended Kettlehy church on Sunday Asuccessiul sale of household contents of John Broderick was held on Friday evening number of bowlers Journey ed to Toronto on Monday even1 in and spent an enjoyable time atgthehprilllsanes bowling al le SIhe May meeting at the Wo mens Institute was held on Wednesday evening with 21 111 attendance Mrs Brownpresl dent presided at the meeting On account of the Strawberry Festival the next meeting will be held June 21 at pm Mrs Hannah volunteered to attend the banquet for honor students at Banting Memorial High School donation was granted the Salvation Army Gifts were presented to Mrs Smith and Mrs Stoddart recognition of their work in the on Club Mrs Hannah gave full report of the District Annual held at Cookstowu Mrs Mary Gould spoke of her trip to Calif ornia Colorado Springs and to Mexi Mrs Gould had very interesting trip traveling by jet and train and had several ictures to show of the many scanty spots she visited Mrs Browngave reading about Newmurket and followed this with contest Mrs William Sutherland conducted contest and they were both won by Mrs Styles Refreshments were ser ved by Mrs Willihm Watt and Mrs Hannah lihe reguar meeting of the was held Wednesday ev ing in the Sunday schoolroom an ttendance of iorTne program wasprepared by Mrs Sutherland and Mrs Green and gave message of Inspirationlfrom the past which should help prepare for the get organization of the future The worship began with the hymrTakeTlnicTtofbe Holy Mrs Green read the Scripture from Genesis chapter 22 recal ling tbe meaning of sacrifica Mrs Sutheran screadin The easuriugBod was one her by the late Mrs William afg Stevens led in prayecaod the devotional perr iodcudedwith the hymn Am ThiueohLord REV NULIJIIEYER tures are clear on this We are not our own we are bought with price therefore we ought to glorify God in ourbodies As we live in our bodies every day of the week so we ought to live for God every day of the week As we carry out the var ious activities of our lives in our wwwmnam mumooossaem The question ll often raised by the layman Should the Chrlso ian be the some person la The answer on the surface seems will evident If Chrth is really worthwhile it must be something whld transforms our lives seven days week 14 hours day Confusion exists inside and outside the church because so many are mislabeled Further confusion conlei because so few Christians really know what it il to yield to the lordship of Jesus in daily living What tragedy that oiten we find ourselves completely defeated by the pressures of everyday life In our hearts we know that we believe in Cbrist but deep down inside we find little comfort became Christ means little in the place where we find ourselves six days week We ask How practical is our Christianity Are we taking it into our business Our profes sion if not there is something radically wrong ln this let us not try to fool ourselves Rath CHURCH PAGE FORUM bodies so if we are believers in Chist we should seek to carryout every activity to the glory of our UTC and saviour Jesus Cbist SACRIFICE St Paul beseecth the Christ fans at Rome to present their bodies living sacrillce unto God Whatever th ey did in their bodies they were to do for the honor of their Lord and Sov iour Every professing Christian is witness for Christ an exam ple of the Gospel Jesus said Ye are the light of the world Men do not light candle and put it under hushe As lights we are to shine for Christ every day and in evey experience of life Yes religion does have something todo with business Living holy dedicated lives in the world is the Christians first and foremost business in life The Christian Is to be mindthruugb which Christ thinks vice throngs which Christ speaks heart through which Christ loves hand through which Christ gives Lutheran Church Mr Jackson chose this subject in keeping with the study of the Ecumnicai Movement Mrs Batman and Mrs Watson gave splendid reports of the WMS held recently in 0ril in Mrs Bateman drew attenJ tiou to names of Bond Head led ies whose names were on the printed programs in 1memory of the part they took in the first Presbyterial 35 years ago Mrs Watson stressed the message of Miss Sara Thomas scholarship student from India The ladies appreciated help with the program from William Bateman who played two piano numbers Business included discussion of date andprugram for the Strawberry Festival Mrs Robinson showed us two quilts ready for overseas relief and motion was passed to send cash donation to hflp with ship ping costs social time was enjoyed with Mrs Wilcox and Mrs Glassford as hostesses The WMS meetings be held at pm during the day light saving months lhe regul ar meetings are the second Wed nesday or each month and it is hoped more ladies of the con gregation will come and enjoy the splendid programs present ed thus preparing for the new urganizatio GETS LIFE PEERAGE LONDON AP The retired Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Geoffrey Fisher was awarded life peerage Friday night He becomes Baron Fisher of Lam beth the London borough where he resided for 16 years as spir itual head of the Church of Eng land He retired May 31 and was succeeded by the archbi shop of York Dr Arthur Ram SEY UNITARIAN FVELLOWSHIE or BARRIE 945 amt School of Rellliou s15pm Speaker out ro or new emm YMYWCA er let Us sit down and take stock Stocktaking may be em barrassing but it can also be profitable Christian should have sim liar assurance of his relation ship with Christ in business as well as in the church where he worships When we take Christ into our business something immediat cly happens Honesty truthful ness and fairness take preced enca over proï¬ts and become the basis on which profits are expected Does this come sis shock Justgive Him try and one finds that He gives not only clear conscience but also sense of divine leading and bles alng which cannot be measured in dollars and boots MAKES DIFFERENCE We all have business contacts as well as contacts They are inevitable and desir able When Christ controls our lives it makesrsuch ditiereuce that nomChristiaus immediater sense it Because this is true we cannot profess Chris on Sun day unless we are willing to lct thatprofession get down into tIlBbflllEs of weekday practice What is moreirnportant our Lord Himself said But whoso ever shall deny Me before men blrn will also deny before My Father which is in heaven Matt 1033 To make Christ the Lord of our lives means that we take THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH Rey Cornelia Bone Minister Phone PA Hm column Home 1100Servlce or blvlue Worshl in English ran Nursery for the babies To be heldin St James Church at Crown Hill We invite you to worship with us FIRST CH RISTIA REFORMED CHURCH St Vincent Street Rev lac Geuzebrock pastor Phone PA 84876 157 abouty my Road 930 HamSunday School 1030 mm MR KRANENBURGV 730 Rev No Gauzebroelt Dutch The Church of Back To God Hour Radio Program pared at all times to serve familieswhc in the surround ing areas mg FUNERAL eAvllltD st urns om RA 32530 newsman noneurosy School forChild REV MILAN BABE him into our husheas or well as into our heart on Sunday morning it Christ is ulivsftn yourheart as you hearliia Word then most certainly you will want to share Him with others during the courre of the week for then and only then can you share in the words of St Paul For me to live is Christ Philippians Ht TRINITY CHURCH Collier Street to the Post Dulce TRINITY 300 Ian Holy Communion Flint Communion lb Newly Conï¬rmed no ans Holy Communion Sermon Sand School and Nursery lLoo mm Holy Communion sermon IMPRESSIONI or arson arm llced 7100 pm mum Sermon noonHannah wrrn monomer Canon nus All In cordially welcome THE ALLIANCE CHURCH Baron and Dunlap Streets George noel Pastor 945 munSunday School 11m munMorning Worrpr 700 pmEvaugeustlc Service LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD sun so on um 11 REVJMILAN BABEL as 6163 n0oulm DIVINE wonsmr Sunday School 945 am The Church or TV lhll Is The Lilo PRESBYTERIAN ESSA Corner Burton Ave DURING PROGRESS BEGHN CONTINUED Church IS NOT THIS THE INDUCT RECTOB Rev William Flynn will be Inducted rector Shanty Bay Parish at St Aidlns Anc llcan Church Hawtestone Ines day nicht 8111358 EDUCATION The total church education program or Enunanuel Baptist Cblnch will be demonstrated by son Uniformed dilidren from the hinter and prim Wuhan on Sunday This will be the first of two Sundays mphslain church education GUEST SPEAKERS Samuel Smith of Orlitia and Mr endure Don SniderHM Curling will take the services at the Free Methodth Church on Sunday SOMEONE SAID Some are rebellious shaking their lists in the face at an no tngonlstlc universe So after the funeral service for her only DIOCESE 0F TORONTO The lit Rev 11 wllklnson MM M1 DD LlD Lord Bishop at Toronto Church or St Giles I5 Cook Street The Rev Riddel Th TRINITY 100 mm HOLY COMMUNION 030 All CHURCH SCHOOL 945 AM BIBLE CLASSES Young People 1100 mm Holy Communion Nursery Available nrun anonv AND TRAGEDY or MEMORY mu emfcormumcsm ELIAS ACTON Everyone Welcgne No Evening Service till September Roman Catholic 8T MARYS CHURCH IS MULCASTER 51 PA 2985 SUNDAY MASSES am am 1015 am 1130 am EVENING DEVOTIONS Sunday Ii pun Wednesday at 130 Our Motherof Perpehial 11pr Novena V1 imsr smears MASSES 730 and 1115 am 600 pm an cannon normas MUST BE IN BYIZ NOON ON THURSDAY ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH In Allandale Temporary Location While Building KING EDWARD SCHOOL One Block from Church on NEW BUILDINGS am commcanny GOD Nursery and Kindergarten 1100 am in Bethany House School 046 amPrimary Meet in Bethany House Junior to Young People inthe School VISIIORSSENEWRFBIDENTS WELCOME srï¬snDREws PRESBYTERIAN cHURcH Owen and Wnraley St jCARRaHrsR Pl PREPARATORY segvlog AROUND TE CHURCHES crueltlas that make up civllira iii iduiimlrinrwuiiei the damnation of the boom rsce Harry Emerson Fosdick Faith For Tough Times MOUNT ST LOUIS Maurice Fitzgerald has sold his farm and plans to have sale Saturday June it Mrs William Miller attended teachers meeting at Eedy Mr and Mrs Philip King and family attended the graduation of Shirley King Reg at St Josephs Hospital at Eetonl Auditorium Mr and MrsConsiant King Mrs Theo King Mrs Reg Mor rison Mr and Mrs Herman THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA ST GEORGES AMANDA duriou Avenue at Granville Strcet TRINITY Let or walk in Lllht of the lord 000 mm Holy Communion lo LILYon Peoples Bible cm 11 LELEDLY COMMUNION or Congregation and Church Sahaol Nursery cm in the Rectory Meeting Room worship with us CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 158 COLLIER ST Services Sunday School 11 um GOD THE ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR Reading Room on premises Wed 24 pm All are welcome uh TheSaIvntion AriHy Citadel 00 Collier Street St Captain IndMrI Gillespie Corps Officers SUNDAY SERVICES in mm and non Sunday School 945 mm welcome awaits you PRESBYIERIAN In JOHNSON ST SCHOOL STUDENT MINISTER Mr James Ferric EA 930 nm MORNING wopsmp 936 nan SUNDAY scnoor EVERYONE moons CHURCH semen amt um SATURDAY JUN norm camoucs so Dbilvhe 1Sclints Have any P1111 Moot oi us remember the out time we went hunting for lob We thought of any or all friends we had who might either have Job forUs or who might know someone with little pull Theres such thing as hav ing little pull in Heaven too Most of us know pretty clearly thatpur service at the Master has not been such as would give us celestial excellent for our work And at the nme time there are so many favors which we would like to have Godgivo to us health for our rick ones saiety for those of ours in den gar success for every one we love FEEL TIMID But so many millions of peop lamuklnsthinuofGodand we ourselves have done so lilti to deserve any special comider ltion that we feel timid about booking at the door of our Fathers house Then we remember the norm of those bon men and women who have won distinguth ser vice medals in His cause whose lifelongflght for Him has given them eternal oakeaf clusters We know them or can easily know theni they know Him They have pull with God and it is cure for the asking That is really all there is to this basins of praying to the saints They are Gods special friend and are also very willing to bring our petitions to God with word of recommends tion Through tbsiriutercession we have much more hope of obtaining the favor wblch we beg our Father to give Us So the Catholic feels that when he needs favor very badly and knows that he has done nothing to deserve Gods Bonneall motored iolluliogn attend the funeral of Philip Boo neau Miss Dawns Jones Vasey VII fted Monday with Mr and Mrs William Miller Mra Les Espey is patient in General Hospital Penctanguish1 one favor it is very helpful to have some one on the inside of Heaven with little pull Eomgéflct late than ms UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA QEDIIIEI int United Eilulti Iltlvril iilll ltpml low and nun illarm Minister Rev Skelly MA 3D Organist and chairmqu Lloyd Word IOURNEY INTDSPACE Members or Bayview chapter loï¬ Order or The Eastern star will attend CHURCH SCHOOL syears androver 030 Ian Up to years 1100 mm Visitors and Newcomers To City Warmly Welcomed CENTRAL UNITED THE NEW CHURCH WITH THE OLD STORY Toronto and Bon Streetl REV CECIL BBENN BA 311 MR IRELAND ILMT organist and Choirmnsier 1100 am LEVELHEADED LIVING CHURCH SCHOOL 945 uai9 Years uni Over 1100 amlvao Years Infant and Toddlers Nurseries IIIIIITIIII AVENUE UNITED CHURCH Trlmble os aio Mr George Jamleson Organist wlLLCWDALE UNITED CHURCH Steel Street Public School moo mu MORNING WORSHIP will It ATKINSON Minister €1100 gun srsvvsuve THIS SUMMER stinnsvsonoon 10 um NEW cannon aaovuvo suNnAr SCHOOL 930 NEWDISTRICI Beginners and Nursery at 1100 VISITORS WELCOME avun roan WELCOME BAPTIST FIRST BAPTSTV CHURCH mutation at Wonley Rev Gordon Walker Poor Miss Elsie plough Director of Music 10 to 10 Sunday crewqhnruxsman am BLESSED ARE THE MEI Communion and Reception at New Members pm STANDUP 5ZDBE COUNTED Broadcast CKBB The Friendly Church with the Warm Welcome 9EMMANUEL asrrlsr CHURCH sr vuvcsnr er Rev ANIU1dieyer 1v YOUTH IN ACTION Over 200 Boys and Girlsof our Sunday School 13 ade and Pioneer Girls will participate 11AM mm room mm Potsdam U45nmFAMILY mean scnoon