BKRRIEITE IN RUSSIA Shops Ofler Le styling Leningrad Greets Barrie DR H01 at to Barrie Examiner LENlNGttAD hloscow is more than any visitor would BXPCCI it to be Their permanent exhibition grounds are breathtaking with water fountains ind ornamental buildings have not seen any thing anywhere that can com pare with it and am afraid we are not quite right in ad vertislng our own exhibition grounds in Toronto as the big gest in the world The Sputnik building draws large crowds where the actu al capsule is shown in which their famous two dogs orbitod earth Just now they are geparing for an exhibition of spaceship that Major Gag urin used in his space flight IThis should be tremendous propaganda and morals boost er for the Rmim people LITTLE PROPAGANDA It is surprising to see so few propaganda pictures of lenin and Stalin matter of fact no more than wusee oi our Queen andPrince Philip And only saw one picture of Khruc chev who is by the way very popular there visit to their Metro sub way is on every visitors list Most firsttime visitors are ab solutely amazed at what they see Practically every square foot of the walls and ceilings is covered with the most elaborate art work All stations are real ly museums in their own right asked one Russian why they would spendso much money on subway when they could use it better to build for example apartment houses and he re plied There was the war and the victory and the People felt like doing something like this NOT LIKE BARBIE visited couple of depart ment stores and found that there certainly was sufficient mer chandise but styling and colour was not in many instances on par with what we see in Barrie As matter of fact people do not seem to worry about that One young girl for instance buying coat seemed only can chemayorof are gilded to metre it even more attractive During visit to the city hall Leningr ed the heartleltgreetinks to our mayor and the city at Barrie lisalsopruentedasetofbe tlfulrcprlntsoitheirlrttre sures to be presented to His Worship Mayor Kinsle Ioniogred was the heads quarters for the Bolshevlc rev oiutlon and statues of Leila are frequently seen In the accom panylng pictmo am shown with one of them at the Smolky Institute from wilin Lenin led the Revolution II HOLM Beside Lenin Statue cored about getting the right size The majority oi women show very little interest in hats and usually wear scarves or nothing at all liylons as we know them do not enlist MORE APPEALmG Leningrad with its three and onehalf million people is about half the size of Moscow but even more appealing to the vis itor The city is crowded with historical buildings and parks from Conrlst times Many of the palaces are now turned over to museums the Winter Paluco being one of the most famous with paintings of Rubens Leon ardo da Vinci and others equnh ly famous visit to tho simmer resid ence of Czar Peter with its elaborate park and fountains is most rewarding The park it self is probably several hun dred times larger than our Queens Park and contains many unique arrangements for example the Sun Fountain which is large and rotates when The visit to the 11553 is over and the course is set for Helsinki in Finland and then Stockholm Hold HealthParley In Alliston Oliice AILISTONIwentyiour nur ses on the staff of Siniooe Coun ty Health Unit as well as Dr Scott medical director at health for Simcoe County and Dr Anderson medical offiA cer of health for Slmcoe County met in the new offices of the Alliston Branch May 26 for their regular monthly confer ence This was an opportunity for the stuff t6 view the wellequip ped new quarters of Alliston staff in the new Lions Club bull ding on Boyne Street Nurses were present from Colllngwood Midland orlilla Barrie and Al iision This conference is held regu larly once month and is part of the lacesvice educational program of the health unit The toplc for study on this occasion was interviewing and Counsel ling and was in charge of Mrs fthKGourloy and net Alliston PUBLISHER DIES CHICAGO AP Ether Anderssnn 59 publisher of the SwedishAmerican Tribune died may following heart at worklng Dozens of the figures Industry Developmenthnk Described To Rotary C1ubf William Stuart Ontario sup ervisor of the Industrial Devel opment Bank was this weeks speaker at the Rotary Club of Barrie Mr Stuart is frequent spea ker and writer on financial sub jects and his description of the Industrial Development Banks operations was illuminating flrganlzed by the Government of Canada in 1944 under the au thority of the Industrial Develop ment Bank Act its aim as stated in the preamble to the Act is to promote the comic mic weifare of Canada through ensuring the availability of dit to industrial enterprises which may reasonably be ax pectcd to be successful by sup plementing the activities of othi er lenders with particular con sideration to thefinanclng prolt blems of small enterprises NOT WORKING CAPITAL The IDB as it is known in business circles doesnot pro vide working capital for the day to day operations of business This should be secured through original capital subscription and loans irom the chartered Banks In most cases the IDB pm vides usistanee to times who want to acquire new machin ery or equipment or to erect new buildings or extensions to existlngbuildillgs The terms of repayment will depend among othertbings on the earning ability of the busi ness and the probable rate of de preciation and obsolescence of the assets pledgcdas security lilo limit IDB leads to many types of enterprise virtually every di vision of manufacturing plus two dozen shhercategories are listed in the IDB Act IDB does not have the legal power to lend for primary operations like taming for merchandising or distribution or for nonindustrial services like tourist establish merits NO RESTRICTION While the borrower must be engaged in an industrial enter prise in Canada there is no restriction as to the nationality of the owners Since its inception LDB has assisted 4500 projects with loans totalling some $300 million with loss through bad debts of less than one percent of com pleted loans There ispg spec uthe size of one loan but the total which may be loaned in amounts of $200 000 or over is restricted by the Banks Act or Incorporation to $75 million Interest rates vary according to the level of mortgage loan rate in Canada Since 1944 there have been seven changes and the present rate la 13 REGIONAL OFFICES In order to facilitate its ser vice to industrial entgrprism 1133 has established 13 reg ional offices from coast to coast and its policy to give sym pathetic reception and apprais al bu all applications coming within itsjursldictlon IDBdoes not operate at seaunrui 12 room eitth HoMs IN sTAyNsn ursrams emr1oohuamnngnnuranm wrmnnavv Wimpyer BAer mo AM BATH mowuarams anxious aqust microroasts is aware PHONEIBO sums the expense of the taxpayer Its earningswhile moderate are sufficient not only to provide costs of operation but to set aside an annual reserve which could eventually contribute to the National Governments con solidated revenue Ibis gratifying to realize that srnce 1944 the operation of the Industrial Development Bank has contributed materially to Canadas industrial expansion Lions Plan Circus For Illliston Show AILISTONPlans are under way for the Carson and Barnes big threeringcilcus at Allis ton Wednesday July 19 by the Alllsfon Lions Club Jackaflur neris iliespeclal agentkfor the cimis Col Tim NeCoy the wellknown TV and movie star of western flavour will appear along With the cast of cowboys and Indians The Lions Club plans two shows daily one at pm and an evening per formance at pm IflLLED BY TRACTOR LISTOWEL CP Bruce Alexander Patterson 28 of Pal merston was killed Friday when tractor he wasdriving down farm lane toppled into ditch and tell on top of him id extendr Iranaaaam Midi11 includeth Bruce Wise Mrs Mildred Brown Mrs Isabel Sawyer lï¬zcn Sawyer Iris Dabolos EXAMINER MAEImle INNISIIL NOTES Thousand New Votes MayBe Interesting The Examiner oiOclobor13 I924 ran supplement giving the total of the coimty vote when most of the county went dry The total for the County was 11375 Penctnng remained wet by majority of 580 while Ban rle went MA with majority of 10 The vote in lnnisiil was 1114 for 0iA 210 for Govam mont control With probably thousand mo re population to vote this year it will be interesting to learn the results of tnday svnte which is either to old the On tario Temperance at in force or to ravlse it to allow the sale of liquors and beer in the regu lation outlets of the Liquor Conlt trol Board LOCATED EXTRACT We are indebted to William Maicomson for the extract from the old Examiner He found clippings in the files of his father Andrew who was the grandchild of the first Malcom son nineyear oldboy who accompanied his widowed mo ther irom Ireland and settled at Cherry Creek In 1924 the townships in the county all went in favor of the 0TA the result in South Slin eoe being majority of 541 in favor This was the last time vote on the question was held in Innlsiii INNISFIL ENUMERATORS The counting oi noses is the job oi the federal government in spite of the fact that at the entrance of mostmuniclpalltles one can read the population fig ure off sign board The over all total must be taken once every 10 years This is the year and the time The Chief Enumerator for In nisiil ls Frank Higginsou He gathered his enumerators toge ther at Thornton on Friday to give them final instructions These are the people who will ask the questions authonzed by the Government They ask that the citizens will assist first by keeping their dogs tied up so they will not have to fight off the animals and se condly to have the answers fill ed In on the leaflet mailed out so that no matter who is at ho vmethe questionsmayhe com pleted Callbacks are an addi tional timewaster GOLDEN WEDDING On Saturday June Mr and Mrs James Speers of Thom ton will celebrate their 50th wed ding anniversary commencing with dinner served in the com munity Hall at Thornton fol lowed by reception at their ACTRESS ILL RIVERSlDE Calif APlM tired actress Dorothy Burgess 52 was reported seriously ill Friday with tuberculosls in hop rpital JUNE serene PowrmaticOilSurner ownmamceameentomizinge oil humanehave won orl wide acceptance for quiet and sturdy operation Installted fin qu existing inncs complete with Elliott ollflalllu and with 52509Q HEATING narannsmnu By 118 own home lathe afternoon and evening Mr Specie and his wife the former Edna Blackstock were raised within two miles of each other in Essa Township attend ing the same public school at the same time They formed on the home farm until about 25 years ago when they moved into the village Mr Speers taking Job at Camp Borden from which he retired four years ago They hu ve family of four boy who li ves at home Jack in Toronto Barale Mrs Scott of lo rontoi and Louise Mrs Ralph IIoumitnn of Newton Robinson Among the greetings received were personal letters from Pri me Minister Diefenbaker and the lion Earl Rowe PAPER SUCCESS Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Willis oi the Alliston Ilelt raid in the success they have made of the Alliston Herald in the one year since they took over the publication oi that paper ten years from now will be worth watching imam Are you doing good milking job You arent sure Maybe you can use these ideas from Professor Fred Hamilton of the Dairy Science Department at the First watch the vacuum gau ge on your milk line If it falls to show steady nonfluctuat ing vacuum level at all times your milking system is probably inadequate or defective Next multiply the number of mllker units you use times the number of minutes required to milk the hard then divide by the number of cows you are mil king The result should be no more than live minutes per cow actual milking time or five to six minutes for overall time in cludes carrying milk etc Ma ny mastitis bards says Prob Hamilton have average milking time per cow exceeding 10 min utes For conventional stall barns Whetethe militfmust be carried outside the stable he believes that one man cant handle more than two units avenundor CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PAS6655 srvshrii Role Of Army In Distter To Wam All Plat Fallout This is the seventh siticIe in this series and deals with the problems of communications and the early warning system which requlru that you know something of the role of the department of national de fence or more speciï¬cally the army in the event of na tional disaster Tneresponslbtlltiss given to the army are within those fields requiring tedinlcal knowledge and trained dl pttned organized forces to meet the hazards of nuclear war However they will be supported in almost every task by Emsrgeney Measures On gsnlntlnn EKG and its mined volunteers and the existing facilities of elpsl government The army is re sible for the provision of to cal facil itias and operation of system to give warning to the public of the likelihood and immin encs of attack group of officers has been established in the combined operations centre of the ItCAI Air Defence Command St Hubert Another group will soon be located at HQ NORAD ln Col undo Springs Additionally smaller groups will be at the headquarters of the varlduc NORAD regions These various groups will keep in touch with the tactical situation through the DEW line and advanced warning estab ushments MANNED ALL DAY federal warning centre has been established in Ottawa and is manned 24 hours day It is in direct touch by teletype with St Hubert and through St Hubert with IQ NORAD This centre is plotting fall out twice daily based on atlt tacks on major Canadian cities It fath responsibility of the officers in tbs federal warning centre to obtain gov ernment authority to issue the wamlng throughout Canada provincial warning centre has been established in each prov ince with similar responsibil ities for plotting fallout and NEWS ideal conditions Its cater to use one unit per man if pipe line milksr is used in conven tional barn he believes two units canbeusediithemandoesm thing else Similarly in milking parlours when the milk is collected in pails or suspended imits one man shouldnt handle more than units And under Ideal walk tbrough parlour conditions whe re the milk is carried by pipe line and feeding ls semiautos matic one man can safely hand le no more than units because cows vary so much in milking time Prof Hamilton says its difficult to handle three milkere when certain cows are milked at the same time BARRIE GOYERNMENT Wsuaruis STORE noes er PA 60622 issuing warnings of attack or fallout Communion on have been Installed to connect all of these elements at the warning sys tem together The army must also carry the waning right through to use public by means of sirens or whatever devices are used to attnet attention Commun ications to do this vary in the different provinces limiwd number of sirens have been installed and it Is lntondedto expand the cover age being provided in On tsrio the army has installed an unlined one system and special phone is installed in each fire or police head quarters in munlclpalitles hav ing sirens The may will determine the location of nuclear explosion end the pattern of fallout and give the necessary warning or fallout to the various news media for publication and to two for further public inform ation by them ARMY RESPONSIBILITY gllse Italy is also responsible for assessment of damage and casualties from an attack and from radiation in the blast areas This responsibility is limited to giving the degree of damage that has resulted in various areas This informa tion will be used by EMO to determine casualties to the population and resources and the numbers and amounts sur vlvlug Another army responsibility in the event of attack is dir ecting and carrying out re entry into areas damaged by clear explosion or contaminat ed by serious radioactive fall out decontamination work in those areas and the rescue and provision of first aid to those trapped or injured in eooper atioiL with involuntear EMO groups Police and fire will be ex pected to work with the army in seriously damaged and cgn tsmlnated areas on reentry operations AID CIVIL POWER Another item is the provision of emergency support by the army to provincial and munic ipal authorities lntha maintv enance of law and order and in dealing with panic or the breakdown of civilian author ity The army has always had this responsibility that of aidto the civil power If this country should come under nuclear attack the new aspect of this responsibility would probably be one of magnitude It should be noted that in this task the army must sup port civilian authority if and when requested to do so while other tasks are either in being mum on Cimdles Rd Barrio now or would commence im mediately following an attack The final responsibility is maintenance and operation of emergency communication the ulties Army communications are being strengthened and expanded so that they may be adequlte to support all the above operations and also Indie such other trafï¬c as may be necessary on behalf of the federal government SURVIVAL OPERATIONS In the event of nuclear at tack on oin country the army would have heavy responsle iuu in its survival operations Planning procurement and training are going forward as quickly as possible to ensure that it will be ready in the event of emergency The oounty communications system is complex scheme and will require great amount of planning lhe chief communications otflcer for the county Inner is working out plan will cover the county It ll all accepted fact that communications form the backbo of any organization such nd without them most omer ans would be lai most useless The plan when it is con pleted will lncludo the use of telephone runners teletype and telegraph Probably the most important will be battery or generator operated radios It is planned to have base station in county headquarters this year and then plans will be made to provide other mun icipalities with substations and mobile units Many of the ham radio operatorsln the city and county have offered to work with SimoneBarrie mm and they are being in cluded in our planning START TRAINING It is necessary to conduct trainingcourses forvolunteers in communications generally and it is hoped that these will be started later this year Mr Innes Is very well qual ified in these matters and we use fortunate in having man of hlsivast experience take on this tremendous task The Bell Telephone has been most cooperative in assisting to plan telepbono communica tions The Consumers Gas Company and the Ontario Hy dro have both appointed per sonnel as members of the plan ning committee Their radio equipped units would be in valuable In an emergency as would police and fire radios This article is very brief explanation of communications bu as mentioned our plans are not yet complete The next article will deal with further aspects of Emerg ency Measures Organlzatlon EMO SichEI Barrie PA Him Midland Panetang Elmvale Phone Zenith lllso No Toll Charge I955 NASH RAMBLER SEDAN 1954 cHsv sam WITH aanlo 1954 FORD COACH YOU NEED noun USED can2 in No are712 Reduced to inane THEN LOOKHBELOW Lie iizsslsiietiucsa Lie No H23342 seduced To Mannie 29500 32500 I954 MERCURY SEDAN Automatic Radio Lie No A654ZI Reduced To 29500 19$ldulCK ssbANMrrH show Lie No H1819 Reduced issoAusrleEbAN Redsanuiyltiz No Haooso Reduced To+ia ADANGERFIELD MOTOR muses cantor 233 aaabroiib 5T iA 19560 25005