it THE BARE EXMIINER SATURDAY JUNE BRAVE MEN CHOOSE maingoesmhmrflï¬rmhpnuldoddonmaraflojromï¬alwdllolmwufl Assembly Carc Switzerland on the amnion Dr Buchanans 85rd birthday JIM At this Assembly ORTY YEARS AGO THIS MONTH there came to Oxford man who had some knowledge of life some insight into the wag of East and West who had spent days with andhl in India and Sun Yatsen in China In what is now Kerala he met on En lish Bishop who said You must go arford They need the experience you have Our During those forty years the conviction he brought to Oxford has been live issue rousing men and nations through those who have chosen or relected his challenge It was an Oxford man Member of Parlian ment who had been Parliamentary Private Secre tary to Mr Macmillan man who had key part in the Cyprus settlement who this week spoke up for this conviction in public debate week before the head of college spoke boldly of it in introduc ing that great African film Freedom to an Ox ford audience These mm and many others are in the line of those who in Britains history have brought inte rity into national life by their decid sion The tit of this speech Brave Men Choose is taken from book by an Oxford man on this very theme that brave men turn the course of history One such man in Oxford was Professor Streeter The message ran clarion call to this reat scholar It challen hfm it touched him Oxford Town Hall efore many members of the University he said have been watching this work with what di lomatists call benevolcnt neu trality Tonight ave decided During these last years have felt the world situation becoming more full of depression more full of despair There is great deal of goodwill but there is not enough of it to solve our tremendous problemswar class war and economic breakdown Later he said Modern civilization can only be saved by amoral awakening It can hap en in Britain It will hap penif those who lead Britain learn to find in God their inspiration and direction And Britain thus led would save the world have decided Then is the key REVOLUTIONARY FAITH Eleven distinguished members of senior Oxn ford paved the way for Dr Streeters decision among them the Master of Balliol the Master of University College and others who later became heads of colleges They stood for justice and fair play for this message it captured wave of men in Oxford Oxford became voice to the world of revolutionary faith It was another great Oxford man the late Marquis of Salisbury who speaking in the House of lords said The cause of the worlds state is not economic The cause is moral He echoed Dr Streeters conviction when he id Ifl may use phrase which is common in great movement taking place at this moment in this country and elsewhere what we want are Godguided person alities to make Godguided nationalities to make new world All other ideas of economic adjust ment are too small really to touch the center of ï¬e evil He too decided and to his home invited this man to meet with the leaders of British life to see how they could unitedly give moral and spiritual leadership to world on the brink of collapse Under the Hatfield trees he walked with friends old and new among them Lord Lytton who was later to say that that walk had left an indelible mark on his life In East London in the cradle of the British Labor movement where Moral ReArmamentwas launched there were also brave men who chose There was Tod Sloan Keir Hardies fellow fighter from the docks He wrote Chaos cannot obtain if we work live and practice Moral ReArmament It is really laughing living loving obedient Wills ingncss to restore God to leadership This to me fs the only revolution that mattersthe change of human natureand it does happen There was Ben Tillett pioneer of the dockers unions across the world From his death bed he sent this word Tell FrankBuchman to go on fighting You have great international movement Use it It is the hope of tomorrow It will bring sanity back to the world The Earl of Athlone who first met this mes sage in 1929 when he was GovernorGeneral of South Africa speaking in radio broadcast to the British Commonwealth in the early days of the warsaid The call for Moral ReArmament has encircled theond and become asource of fresh hope to millions of men and women Heads of states national civic and industrial leaders of all classes creeds and parties have welcomed it as the cure for that deep disease of the spirit from which civilization is suffering Moral seminar stands rm change at heart for that new spirit which must animate all human relationships It calls on us to make the will of God the guiding force as for individuals so for homes and nations As theideological struggle intensified across theyworld growing multitude caught the fire of these pioneers For only men ablaze for the right can cver4 hope today to win men who burn for the wrong Fire from Heaven that is how Don Sturzo patriotpriest of Italy described Moral ReArmament in message sent to the world ass raembly on Mackinac Island His thinking inspired the Christian Democrat partiesof Italy France and Germany which have given three great Euro root of the worlds evils will bring about to the worldPrime Minister tieGayest rime Minister Schuman and Chancellor den nauar Prime Minister de Gasperi expressed his eon victlon that Moral ReArmarnent by gain to the under standin between men and nations for which all people orig Prime Minister Schuman mote What Moral ReArmament brings us is philosophyof life applied in action It is not question of change of policy It is question of changing men Demoei racy and her freedoms can be saved only by the quality of the men who lpuk in her name Chancellor Adenauer knows the value of Moral ReArmoment Heaays it has pla ed an invisible but effective part in bridging di ferences of opinion between negotiating parties in impora taut international agreements These brave men chose Now worldwide army is surging forward on every continent LATIN AMERICAN OFFENSIVE Four weeks ago there arrived in Brazila focal target of the Kremlin for Latin America force of 150 from twentyfour countriu Thousands flocked to see the Iapane play The Tiger show in the answer to the Tokyo riots Thousands more could not get in saw films iving the answer to conflict of race class and idea ogy The President summoned this force to the capital Brasilia Led by General Bethlem former Ambassador of Brazil in Pakistan and Bolivia the man whose decuion had brought them to his conti nent there came to meet the President modern roup of men and women ablaze with conviction he President heard from the randson of Ms hatma Gandhi formerMau au fighter from Kenya is former top Communist student leader from Kerala an American educator whose expe rience of Moral ReArmament had led him to give his life to Nego education in Amerim the son of an American mbassador to Brazil and Peru an Indian chieftain from Western Canada Nigerian nationalist member of the great Mitsui indus trial family of Iapan Frenchwoman who was member of the central committee of the Socialist Party and leader of the three million Socialist women of France and British admiral descend ant of the Lord Cochrane who helped liberate Chile Brazil and Peru gt The Carriers DeiisSera earryin this news to Italy wrote President Ianio guadros re ceived today delegation of Moral RteArmament at his residence He gave them cordial welcome and said have followed the activities of Moral lieArmament now for several eara am eon vinced that the world as it is to cannot survive unless men stand for the ideals for which you are fighting The disorder in the world today ecoA nomic social and politicalis due to the fact that men have stopped being concerned aboutspiritual and moral forces have listened with deep emo tion to our convictions want to let you know that as as as can will do all that is possible so that we in Brazil will understand better the moral values of our eivilization Respondin to the invitation to come to the conference for in Caux Switzerland on Iunclst Quadros said will send personal representative oral ReArmament whichcpcns IwhanmmmmbMwdwmyhmmmmdm lheownerofananonal persaidto me Many of us have lost faith We have regained it again through MRA The president of the largest newspaper of Latin Ameriaa said MRA is not olplyoan idea on the march It force En the more new spec is at your isposal one must be readhed with this idea The inescapable choice for Latin America Concludes General Bethlcm MonlRerArma ment or Communism We will never succeed in diis fight unlms we change men We are out to clean up the nation and the world have com mitted my whole life to this fight General Carpentier of France servant of his country in man campaigns and former Commanq derinCbief the Central European Ground Forces of NATO who flew toBrazil to join this force spoke to vast audience in Rio de From the heart of the best men he said must come this nemendous wave of Moral ReArma ment which will win over Communism In this ideologicalle we must confront Communism with another ideologythat ideolo is MRA It is because am convinced of that 9that am here to conduct war We need tactics strategy and meansSome people think that strategy can come from meet ing of men who are responsible in the political field but do not believe it have read in the news papers for the last ten years accounts of men who meet in Washin ton Paris and other great coun tries But it is from all free men who fight for Moral lieArmament that the answer will come r011 con on AGAINST con Workers and military find unity in this ideology Damasio Cardoso militant dockers leader of Rio told all his fellowworkers and their families pray to God that what happened in my family will happen to every family in the docks We are either for God or against God The choice for all of us is MRA or Communism The Catholic priest in the docks who before Cardozo change could not enter the quarter where dockers and their families lived six hundreds added By their fruits ye shall know them MRA is tree You can see it fruit Moral ReArmamcnt has become much more powerful weapon than any military weapons of Russia or North America The most powerful weapon is absolute honesty Mï¬uritywunselfishness and love want to declare When he learned that the Iapanese pla The Tiger was available he telephoned to the in charge of his Milita Household and said Provide all that is needc to bring The Ti er to Brasilia Instruct the Mayor to obtain the eater provide transport in the city and further have the Air Force put at their disposal so that this work can be known in city after city through all the centers of Bruzil eneral COMMUNISM CONFRONTED General Bethlem describing in the pressthe impact of this force writes For the first time on this continent Communism has been confronted with positive alternative and forthe first time IV it is being made to rctrat have found real revolution in MRA We Brazilians are being chals lenged to give this to Communists nonCommon nists and antiCommunists alike Many of us have been confused throu our moral com have found clarity rough change eneed to vwake up The ideological war is alreadyhere Which way Brazil goes sogoes Latin America The situation is deadly serious former Minister of Foreign Affairs told me Cubahas brought us to the brink of war MRA may be the last hope If Brazil gets it the world will get it The Minister of War said We will do everything we can to make Brazilrthe capital of the answer You have the winning idEa MRA In the Catholic University of Sao Paulo where it was stated eighty percent of the students were proCastro one professorpriest said Since you havegiven your films and plays and held an assembly in our universit there have been no Koalxiltical demonstrations oral lieArmament is talked about everywhere missionary monk who had come down from North Brazil where the Communists are training small armies and guerrilla bands in the hills said Brazil is just like Spain was before the Civil War Can you fill my truckfull of your litera ture so can distribute it through all the cities up and down the Amazonl romise ere that more MRA has friendadmirer and fellow worker That gifted artist Louis Bylzs from Jamaica ninety miles from Cuba speaks for many in Latin America and the Caribbean when he says 7W have very little time left He starred in that film The Crowning Experience as the man who plays the part of convinced Communistcapturcd by the fire of superior ideolog He has just shown this film to the leadership is his island Said one of the government officials This is not film It is God We must get this out immediately to Jamaica It isexactly what we need It will take brave men to free unite and save the continent of Africa Philip Vundlawho repre sents 600000 Africans in Johannesburg and was founder of the gold miners Union says There is great bitterness in our eoun South Africa is being used todividrEast from of color but the real issue is not color but chara acter It is not onlythe white men who have to change in South Africa We have to change too We need it and wish everybody to know that Vundla chose the ideology that brought unity and rejected division His choice almost cost him his life at the hands of extremists but his stead fastuess has won him the respect of friend and foe alike In Ken threatened again by bloodshed and chaos the ranch secretary of onevAfrican parz faced the choice between two ideologies He sai had an airplane ticket to the Communist con ference of African leaders Instead came to the Moral ReArmament Assembly did not know there were such people committed to eradicate hate fear and selfishness Our leaders went to the other conference within Calabash filled with the waters of freedom TheCommunists punctures it and our freedom is pouring out MRA will seal the holes so true freedom can be maintainedl must bring theiight of thisst to our country in darlmess THE CROWNINC EXPERIENCE woman former Mau Mau leader detained for eight years said Here my hatred of the white man has ended We women played ab art in leading our nation in the wrong direction ow we must play the fullest part in rebuildin the countryCalling herchildrcnvto standbesi her she said to each in turn Forgive me have been full of hate and have led you into hatred Another former Mau Mau district secreta said Bitterness has been the disease in our Ian From my heart and home it spread like fire until there was bloodshed and chaos eve here God give us all new hearts to put right at is wrong in time At the recent conference for heads of African states in Monrovia great applause greeted the specialshowing of The Crownrn Ear science We are your debtors Vaaid resi ent Tubman Everyone in the country must see this film He added will make every possible effort to meet Dr Buehman in Caux this summer Two out of est on therbasisr the six page in the conference edition of The Liberian Age printed the news of Moral ReArmaa moot underlining the statement that Africa ma be lost in the ainltin sandsof the materialism of East and West ea ers ofAfriea welcome Moral ReAmameflt because it is the solid ground on which hatefuse fearfree greedfuse continent an be built President Tubman shares the view of the Maharajah of Mvsore who said at showing of The Crowning Experience The only hope for mankind to give no quarter to the powers of evil internal or external Human nature is so conx stitutcd that it cannot be taken for granted that good will sutomaticall prevail over evil in an indolent or unintereste world It is of the utmost importance that we to on this task of Moral ReArmament with cease ess vigilance The armaa merit of morality is invisiblebut it is of matchless power and its army includes or should include the whole of mankind let us all both individuals and nations enroll ourselves in this army From Geneva where the fate of great por tions of the Asian and African continents is being discussed at the conferences on Laos and Algeria Swiss editor spoke over one of Europes most powerful radio stations reaching millions on both sides of theIron Curtain He said Through all the confusion caused many different meetin places press rooms de egation head uarters an olicebodyguards move the men an women of oral ReAmament who have come down from Cain high above the lake of Geneva and with very compelling sense of dedication are making available tofriend and foe alike their Whitsun message This too speaks of overcoming diffii culties in the meetings of politicians from East and West and quote Robert Schumans word that it was only in Caux that he found encouragement and hope The future of Asia may well be decided byI Fhlch idea wins the Buddhist nations Leaders mm Thailand Burma Ceylon and India are convinced that Moral ReAmament is the ideology with the answer Buddhism has just hear made the state religion of Burma Five senior abbots from that country have come to plan at Caux for the mobilia xation of the Buddhist world in the ideolc ical strug le These revered leaders were seen of at the angoon ort by hundred monks and senior ficials hey have ust been received in Oxford by the Warden of cw College mthe Mayor of the city and the President of the ion They were shown the rooms in Christ Church where this work had its beginnings forty years ago commons OF SURVIVAL This is the word of man on his eightyrthird birthday who has spent long life up and down the world meeting and knowing men who in I915 paid the first of eight visits to Iapan and was there the guest of those who laid the foundationbf mods em Iapanese finance and industry Baron Sakotane and Viscount Shibusawa whose grandson mini ister of finance his greatgrandson and even his greatgreatgrandson are working with this force today The come with former Prime Minister met to forge unity of statesmanship amon the free nations They carryforward the wor of which General Ho Yingchin former Prime Min isle of China says More unity has been created between the nations of Asia at one Moral Rea Armament assembly in the Philippines than in ten years of postwar diplomatic activity It is the word of man who has Icnown the ersonal friendshipof Viceroys and Governors of India and of the men who opposed them and brought them together who knows the problems of Africa at first hand since 1929 and these statesa men of Euro and the Americas for more than fifty years has seen the development of two materialist ideologies and the devastation oftwo world wrs theretreat of freedom and now the advance of mighty answer We are facing world revolution There are only three possibilities open to us We can give in and some are ready todo just that Or we can fight it out and thatmeans the risk of gobalsuicide Or we can find superior ideology at shows the next step ahead for the Communist and the non Communist world alike What we shall can do effectively is to patch things up by pretmding that basic differences do not exist or do not matter not by supposing that an ideological challenge can be met by economic political or military meant alone Absolute moral standards are not just guess tions of individual conduct toda The are the conditions of national survival nee to scour out the dirt in our national life our political life our economic life =our schooHifc and our homerlife throu change in men Whuevcr men give man they acein their lives that God alone should have slavery has begun Men must choose to be gova emed by God or they condemn themselves to be ruled by tyrants Thcre is no neutrality in the battle between nod and evil No nation can be saved on the cheap will take the best of our lives and the flower of our nations to save humanity If we go allout for God we will win 7th it is the brave man chooses While the coward stands aside Till the multitudetmalrc virtue OI the silk remind deniad Iapan Laos Cambodia South VietuNamr Kishi ando leading apanesetoCauLthis sums This page like alithehction at Moral lieArmament is ï¬nanced by thesuriticlal gifts or men and women Xrbm all walks of life determined bring this answer to Copng and the world Consglbmgzr ara taxdeductible andre eats tor informationrmfly sent to Moral ItoArmament 149 Yonge Street Lot onto Ontario