BEETON Mrs Wiggins accom panied by Mr and Mrs Shepherd oi Aliiston vlsltod rel atives and lrimds In London during the weekend McDermoIt and Mr and Mrs Wright visited relatives in Toronto on Sunday Reeve and Mrs Little spent the past week with relat ives In Montreal Mr and Mrs Elwood Nichol visited iriends at Nashville on Sunday Mr and Mrs Galbraith and Mr and Mrs HLl5k and family spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Porter and family at Glen Echo Camp Cal Iander large number oi Iolk tram town and vicinity attended the Schomberg Fair on Saturday Mr and Mrs Bell spent the weekend with Miss Ann Willoughby Mr and Mrs Bell returned Last week Irorn Florida where they spent the past Iive months They are now residing In Bram plan Mr and Mrs Wildash visited relatives Ia Tomato dur ing the weekend Guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Morgan lemclic during the weekend were Mr and Mrs Hamid Everett and Iamlly oi Lions Head and Mr and Mrs Karl Lemako of Weston number from town attended the Broderick sale In Bond Head Friday evening Mr and Mrs Crans on were In Toronto on Wednes evening attending the Toronto General Hospital graduation ex ercises in Convocation Bail The tunners niece Mlu Joan Gilielaud oI Vanoouv¢r was one at the validates MraneraJtthieraIud family moved on Saturday um their new bunsalow on Queen Street South Mr and Mrs Harry Campiln spent Tuesday with relatives in Commood Mr and Mrs Don Curry oi Port Credit have moved to town and have purchased the corner store recently managed by Drtnuan Mr and Mrs Curry reside in the Urbanskl apart ment house on Main St South Donald Campiln and family at Bulian spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harry Camplln Mrs Kesrus spent the past weekend with relatives In Tomato Rev and Mrs Willis and Wendy are visiting reistlves In Toronto Miss Lee Cohlnn Toronto spent the weekendwith her par enIsIMr and Mrs hill Cobiun ELMVIILE Mrs Scott Ra Baynes Mrs Roy on an baby Joanne oI Barrie spent Diesday with Mrs Scotts sist er Mrs Carnelian Mr and Mrs William Elliott oi Pmetang were guests of Mr and Mrs Howard Sping Wynne Ellis oi Meaiord re newed iiIendshlps here recent Mr and Mrs Harry Knox at Niagara Fella are visiting nel atives in the community Kitchener Manning london Is visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Manning Charles hurton Bob and TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE HAWKDAY 430 Ealrnont Sill Eolml Lri Tahiti Bull ï¬lmy Charlie Chan Nev Weather Sport Andy Grillithe Show Domain Thu Monaco The Peopiol CIWIC Sit Biiko Here Coma Mr ardan III News Weather an Geo Ian China in Bill Mon Carol Story Last Holldlyn SUNDAYJUNE Test Pattern Faith ror away This Is The Lila glows andvgeaiher opeya an Light Time Architecture Good Lita Theatr Country Calendar Junior Ma ulna Comedy uhuuse Cdn Open 601 2th centugfl Music by Wilde News ara arino Naked Cl Robin Hood National Velvet World or Music Ed Sullivan Show GM Presents Background Mont Mounw CBC TV News News Weather Movil Fun on MONDAY JUNE 1030 Telt Pattern 10 Man To Man 1100 Romper Ream non Popeye and Pals 1215 Noonda Report News eathir Sparta 1150 Movie The Meat Before the Divorce Fgfapessaswresv 33223382335232 art man sea Womens saw no Open noun 100 Reflections 380 Verdict ll Your aoo Popoya and Fall Junior Roundug sin Ramar oinm undo News Headlines ano Provincial amu uo ram Exhan yore arm er on non lamlaoon News Weather scan Love Lucy nan Menar nanny Thomas Musle mam 00 11 runmoau Festival ai sac7v News The Weatherman gasyum orta onsm ans Married Yean TUESDAY sum I313 Ii itrfiiam Il00 Romper aoan iaoo Papaya and Fall 1125 Noondly Rlport Markets Comlnl Events Al RID Repnrt Movie Ireasun of Fear Womens Show Talk ol the Town hlualo Break Verdict ll Your Popeye and Fall Junior Roundup Blanenears News Headline Three Stooges Farm Market RFurt Don Jamielon News Weather ortl Wanted Dead or we Manhunt Che Show lron Pall Chaiionlo Red Skelton Close For Ilest 630 News The Weatherman To In arts Community aws shesill o1 Cochin sIzo seessE nomadsi FF as 1135 CFTOICHANNEL TORONTO SATURDAY JUNE us wrestling 515 Camera Room Pet noon in Time News Weather Sports Palladium King Ganam Show Twenty Questions Naked City 51 ht at E3 Wsegkw my aw News Weather Sports Manhunt 1145 Saturday Night ihnm Want an on Eaanon us Epilogue suNDAY am 1010 Youth and RelIrina rose Storles for Sunday 1100 Playhouse Ming Lama use Around uia World News rickan aravo Theatre Gull Roots Channel Nina Theatre Miss Grant Takes Richmond amt Hymns of All Times Int Leagua amhau Careers News Weather sports The Real McCoy The Dana need Show Acadeï¬ Performanc Lucy alilnt Intermission Academy Pedomanca Part III 999 94719999 r3445 use as 823222 3232 Phetolraphy Fan 6J0 700 809 ewe Wieltihlf Sports is 1100 The Thlnlr We su ll Sunday Nitht Theatre aha Deteotiva 10 Ephesus MONDAY sum 1100 Free and Easy zoo Channel Theatre Double Canieiuuni eschew 400 Professors Hideaway can run Tin Tin mo aria College owe Weather Sports WagnnTraIn Theatre At mat gran Bedhead From mun are The eman iouo Wantadwnaad or Alive inso News Weather Sports 61 1100 Getter tau 1141 Glenrannon 1115 News Weather Sport 1220 Epilogua TUEsDAY were um Jiree and ly zoo Channel Theatre Walla arrancha ass as 400 Praiaam Hideaway no Science Fiction Theatre sou narm Beat 530 700 730 an Nawa Weather span Guestward roi Wyatt Theatre auhc Hundred Hour Hunt out as gt News rsparta or Better La mag iairbanka muni News Weather Sport Famine CIiliiiiEilMiss row If your carrier has PA in arrived by pm please phone 82433 And copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIYEYOURSELFVCARS AND TRUCKS Judith Rosa Dickie at Toronto mm sunny with Mr and Mrs Carolina Mr and Mrs Earl Draper at Washago spent Sunday with Mrs 11 Fleming Mrs Bert Archer Washsgo was Sunday guest of Mr and Mrs Archer Peter Street and Mrs Grooms and two daughters of Drum visited or Sunday with Mrs George erry Mrs 11 Eowat and Mrs GI Terry spent Monday In Ton on Mr and Mrs Moulden and children oi Math visited Mn Mouldcna parents Mr and Mrs Herb Ritchie Mrs Waiter Middleton Mrs Ken Guthrie and daughter visit ed Mr and Mrs Mel Priest oi Illluesiug Sunday MOVING TO QUEBEC large moving van from Ton onto came up on Monday to col Iect the enacts of Rev and Mrs Fatrhead who will be tak ing up residence In Quebec City On Saturday aiternoon Alvin lilsey was taken by ambulance to Penetang General Hospital suIIerIng from severe stroke Athur Jamiesou Peter Street Is under the doctors care sul ierlng irom heart ailment Mrs James Beardsall and Mrs Thomson returned at the weekend much improved al ter being patients in Penetang General Hospital for several weeks CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY East dealer Both sides vulnerable norms amass vaossa 992 10 EA vioaa iilgn 503m AAIOIZ vim arms unwinding East South Wsat Km 19 Pa use toss pass 106 $9042 Opening le ad of dia monda This deal necurred when Italy and Great Britain met during the World Olympiad played lost your in Turin At the lirst table Beliadonnatha itaiiau Eastrbid diamond He could not open with club in the Roman Club system which he and Avaralil play Schapiro ovemniled with spade which Reese raised to iour diamond was led and Schapiro made twelve tricks At the second table the bidding went nil Pass Pass South West Dble Pass Pm Pass Pass Full Pass Fans Pass Pass Chiaradla was North and For GRANDMA tlllkRV IF 591 OVEIE TGRANDMA BEFORE TIIETDRM comes wuuquLe wuunslzsau uaurNINS ANGNES ItalEl flPIIMuERHERBED uieryi Lets was patient in the Royal Victoria Hospital In Barrio for week alter torn dieclomy Mr and 1111 Pyle and iamily and Mrs Ray Wagner and Larry aI Kitchener were weekend guests of Mn and Mrs WIIIrcd Stewart Mr and Mrs Brad Ffld Tor onto at the weekend with Mr an Mrs Grose Mn Pottz and Mrs Andrews Tomato and Mrs Potts at New York visited Mr and Mrs Jim Elliott Mday Mrs Susan Paul has returned home alter spending seven months with her son Leslie Paid and iamily in White Horse Yukon Reuben Thomas is home again alter spending the winter with his sister Mrs Dave Owen Sound is visiting her daughter Mrs Dor an and Iamiiy APPEALS SENTENCE CALGARY GP Notice oI appeal to the Supreme Court oi Canada was lied Thursday at ter millionaire Calgary real Ior and merchant Abraham Bal berg oi was sentenced to six months In jail on two concur rent charges of municipal cor ruption Belberg was charged with offering two bribes to Law rence Walker the citys chiei building inspector BECKER ouet South or ltaiy They made twelve bids to reach their final contract In the same hand where Reese and Schapiro had made but two The ltallans are noted for their scientiï¬c ap proach to slam bidding and demonstrated their prowess In this hand where they reached sound slam contract The cuebid of two clubs show ed strong band opposite the takeout double The next four bids er all natural Four clubs by Chiaradla continued thesouudness of all hlapre vlous bids and indicated lnten eat in slam spades having al ready been agreed upou as the trump suit Forquet went along with the idea byshowing the king of hearts WiIh his tour heart bid Chlaradia having given his all could do no more than bid our spades but when Parquet press elrlI on to five Chiaradla went to Sadto relate their line bid ding wns not rewarded East led the king of clubs and con tinued with the ace Chiaradla ruffed but then misguessed the spade situation and went down one He reasonedand it certain ly was logical enoughthat East having opened the bid ding was more likely to have the queen of spades than West Chiaradla was missing only 18 Riighcard points He therefore led the king of spades at trick three and that was the end of the hand On Monday Another Famous Hand Is presented by Mr Beck Ela GEENVW EllaIAN EFFORT TGET THERE BEFORE IT RUNS we canes HELPIN ouasewsspur IN an KITCHEN AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY BLONDIE JULIET JONES DONALD nucx auz sawvela MUGG ANDSKEETER LARRY anaNNON AYE YER ANT OFA DIPLOMAYnWIU YMVE WE BITE OSUPPER WWWLLRANKANDW MAYBE HE WONTGEI ASAINEIAHIEH SCHOOL KID HE WW FROM FIGHTINGJULIE HURT HES VEY WSBJSATIOML BUTNEEDI SIRONGAND HECAN REMINDIDUOFTHEVMT FIGHTZSAWIHATI COMPANY CARS PARK MOTORS LTD YOUR METEOR MERCURY COMET BRITISH FORD DEALER BARBIE BARRIES NEWEST EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISED BRITISH FORD DEALER RETAIL SALE PRICE $1550 $2113 COItnANY CARS PARK MOTORS LTD YOUR METEOR MERCURY COMET BRITISH FORD DEALER BARRIE 196l ANGLIA 21961 ZEPHYR I961 CONSUL $1940 I961 ZODIAC mm mm $2251 12ooo MILE 12 mourns wanarirran COMPANY cans DOOR ills DOOR All DOOR mo THAT WAS EIIA PHONING FROM WHAT WINGEY CANT COME To DINNEQSO SHES BRINGING DEXTER SHE WANIS ME TO CHANGETHE PICTURES ON THE MANTE ESDEAI2 WILL ILL no EIGHi liftmjï¬mggiï¬i MIN IMIMALI IN were wvuso ma worded Ema TH OWNER NO BARRIE CREAMERY WITH EACH $500 MEAT PURCHASE nurren 49° HAIVIIIIIONDS 23 COLLIER ST WHOLESALE gt BARRE npnsa spoiasmonomtus IIEEEAFMWROFJTIgIJW imam mmwa ervsuruurr Mgr YOIILLFICKIIPYOLR vm Immune mu illmi ill AT manaroansiwmr IIIIIIIIIIII av mamas wsmuiéausrgnuouv marmoouuswrrzemua monanwuanm memo Au me memes maple WWLADDER Ruswua 1a FIRE MMEIEEMWAvin momma onefl immaneemrai