Home Hunting Watch Examiner Want Ads 10 TEE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY JUNE ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PROPER FOB SALE GOOD NEWS STORYWhen pronounce the birth or your in The Burie manner clipolon or the uotiea In lean or war boot runny Tm Recom end to mull your mood end rue am In than tonu IIIcan In place In nnnouncemvnl erier birth cell The Burll nxpmlner nod PA um DEATHS BROWNINGSuddenly oi tho Royi Viclom norpiu name on Prid June m1 Inna lulled gallium or at Grove St West nrnIo beloved wile the IIIO Cordon emwnlor and don mother or ruler dordon browning or ï¬lpulklgnfl 3d lam elly In It on on loin room oi runi coirn Mroeuno bin II Bnney ol Torenlo Laur Lin ill Mllcndvlcn of Teh onto one wuliun Home in her oath yen neruor oi the renneii ninenl Home Is and Innl street Barrie lHlnernl vice Mendy lune ll ll Lou lnlermcnl rrrlo Union Cemclcry cARMlCIMlbOn Friday Iun Ioel cliherlne Isabel hisAl ihnr or nine street Barde beloved wire or the ill Archb bald Dnrxlllid cIpnIm lId hand our nlo er lc am lid Jr or Willodela Ind Inmor WM F0 ï¬rm or Sarah loved liner oi Doullll IM De nut lucAnhur aI comnrwood and all 0m John IIchrlhur oi Victorir no ncrune It thI lenoeit him all Home In nrrdlord street Barrie noeni Iervlce Monoy Jim pm Interment Coll InlWflDd Cemetery HENRY ELRICK MlCHlE Pnonerhmn CASILE DRIVE Ind dvm Three mahollm home lluulhied or healIn Dupes Ind areplnce Ind winter in llv Berriel belt Term arrbled SUNNIDALE ROAD AREA homel euior PA Ailer hours mono REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL roeiusBSIMeen was bum DISTRICT lulu 15 Owen St Barrie mam Dunn llel ISTAII llfui iriiovei home in Bob Section pl iivlnl when is 11 modern with buuun stove bedroom Im leiu Iln one dllpncllakh LI unlly room as Ind Bro Ice This electric screen or Member or in porn Re at room to rennin This is one now New room buntlow hilly mod em iilir home is an nieer ones Phone PA was after hour call Pnddy Miler PA woo nob Plow REALTORS onenumormmmsT First in barrio Erma5eluForemooi In QuatIU oi Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARBIE PHONES PA emu PA WI Smith CImpbellIA uses Fem GarveyPA 87953 OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION 56 MARION CRESCENT Large Room Bungalow Builtin Oven and Stove Thoraxr Ton son IOWA IL CDNNKLLPA um ETA BOARD CLIFF BROWN roro AntPA H10 Board millsAt the no Victoria Hos iiIi name on dly June 961 Minnie Lloyd beloved wire of the me or vIulom II hits deIr mother DI Lloyd Ind Edward EIrrleInil Morley ol Perton Quebec in her Bilh year Rutan It the Jenneti Funcni Home llrIdIord Silent Barrie Funenl servlca lilorldIy June It l0 pm lnlermeni Barrie Union Cemetery WillrBLSYAt Archer Nun inl Home Barrie on Ihursdofi June ml Lennard whiteleg nil om yur beloved hue and or Ellxlbeill Cnldwou It the Slccklcy men Home so Worsley Street Barrio or service on Sniurdny Juno at pm In tcrmhnt st Jemea Cemetery Crown Hill CARDS 0F THANKS MELSWe wish to extend our helrlfelt think Ind apprtutlorl to all our Iriends and nelrhhegr who helped the time of our recent Am also In Iccept our thinks and appreciation ruin or the lovely lifts and money re delved from the community Ind our muly Irlcnd who dona led in the Specie encore Sutur day lilly in In the Uto Com munliy Hull now In still we ml Illn corner null Ind rmllv COMING EVENTS The Ellch iI invited to tend mpg Dle LOCAL COUNCIL OF THE INTERNATIONAL READING ASSOCIATION ST GILM CHURCH MONDAY JUNE 12 630 prn Donlld Warren RA Mind rudlnu authority Ind director the association will speak Tickets Iinllhie Iroln any Them her of the Blrria Public School uteri$175 TEE IROJANAIRES lnlemrllonolly famous Soho mired ehorur lrom Ti nulll will present Promom Sacred Ind Secular VMII Music in EWNN AVENUE VNIIED CKURCH THUMDAY EVENING JUNE 11 I561 must ror ru who dellpht in line mudcl SPONSORED BY TIE CHURCH CHOIR Adult 30c Children 25c CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiï¬ed adven ï¬laments are inserted at the rate ul do per word per insertion or one and two times so per Word for three four or ï¬ve times and zinc per word ior or more insertions 10 addi tional charge II not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSHIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96 EOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS 1F CPARGEL PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS 0R CORRECTIONS Advertiser are reminded taut all phone lnrertlnp order my Iced tr ed as convenience to you tge Idvertiler IhcreIOre the Clusilicd Advertising Department require all advert are to kindly recheck their edverthnment lininedltoiy one out insertlooln order that my error or on DI he reported heiore am In order that nniu oily he rectiï¬ed for We will to hint out lb The Belno no er Is relpunuble Ior only one incorrectly rnted insertion on Iny IiIVe mom and then to the extent ol portion orvn that involves tbl misprint Errors which Io not lose the value or the advertise men are not eligible for comm tionn by mph goods Retel and type atyiep Iol Emi Jlispl clumped my be on nine vertlslnz oepernnent 311131 mm Angus on regarding Val ultra nund nutter cnx NunhE tor epilcs is heldlil1ctly coon mull Ru lies to Letter box will be had only lo uny otter Ins dry or publication Coming Events 5c per word minimum ahargeSl Birth Ileltinl For complete mavln the ment stucco home She This home in thrth The Enmlnor Idr troed lot Paddy MilesPA 85200 Bob FloweliinzPA 85888 HENDERSON REALTOR II COLLIER mm PHONE PA um WINGS CALL RITA SCANDRm PA um PERCY FORD PA 57950 Member oI Barrie and Dirtrict and Dnilrlo Roll flute Bond CARSON REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre PA 6648 Member or Elrrln rho olltrlei Real Pluto Board MOVING uler Ind oulor Ill COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT as me Rd BenIo PArrwny H715 PA 88125 STOUTT AGENCIES LiMlTED COLLIER STREET PA 3590 CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 50 ACRE PASTURE FARM One mile from Lake slmcoe on ml or One Low downpu STOP If you are looking for neat well kept hunvnlow with large bedroom hnpcd livinz room with dining area emple cupboud show anI this one on Incnuver Street toduy space DOWNTOWN BUNGALOW $11900 lull pricze foll Income vnlz on ninx mom with hclutliui ilro Piece Ind builtin hookcnscs Call us today for appointment to lee STONE BUNGALOW Cute home just little diIIluentl ll you hnve relr Iec us Show you this Melrore Street home now MEMBERS or TEE BARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL ETAIE BOARD Merv GouldOm 2519 Doris NuttycomhePA $5501 Edith GouldOrb 2518 Bury Sleasolhlli m7 NORMAN REAL ESTATE BROKER nunlop street em PA 84996 OR 68742 $$$$$$ SAVE MONEY MORTGAGE Th1 beautiful brick buuiolow on quiet residentlll streetjna Iiilu Ina room dining room large mod ern kitchen bedroom situated on lurid well landselped lat lnnnocullc Ind insieluuy decorated throughout For your inspection lppolntment lcell loe Lonmn PA dime even Ml SUNNI DALE AREA Could be bought It verydow price It thistlmhbfllck bungalow with The livin room with til idenmli ii mmen ly flnhhed Situlteil On Pwell rioillo mullï¬liliï¬vif man Princl inlgmst Ind tiles rnrvicc JOE PALMER kitchen with lct us down payment swell June r16 $1 Per month Stone Fireplace Attached Garage Paved Driveway OPEN THIS FRIDAY Saturday and Sunday Afternoon and Evening GORDON ENTERPRISES LIMITED SEE BARRIE pm to 930 pm SPRING VIEW Blnill newest dubdivlllon The ideal location or tht new home Cuitom home bulidlnl by Gard Spring Ind Doul Homer Chat for role It ll located lust of Bayvlcw Drive near the Humnili Driverln GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD GORD SPRINGPA 35097 DOUG HOMERPA 51891 HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD 51 PA 66453 Member OI BIrril Ind District Roll mote Bond EVDIINGS CALL EMORY MILLER PA W16 PAMGSJ KARL MARSHALL PA 89917 CAMPBELL RAIKFS 0rd 4013 NORAD RAIKJS 0ro 401 HAROLD FORSIIIR PA YOUCANT LOSE wrlm YOU BUY RIGHT rive room hunlllow hunt iA yam prox looo loot iloor nren Four pece hIth tolced Iir oil hetlny nluminum linrmr and rcreem Two acres or land Taxes only silo sliunted north or one rta on in mxhvvnyiotrl price $9000 Term ITS RARE FISHING SPOT Two trout ponds red to tresa sprino wom stream no ern six room home run basement forced air all Ilentlnx Storms and screens in windowr and doors so rcru or land on county road west of Creemore 5000 ATenns In dood COUNTRY TAXES CITY CONVENIENCES room bungalow at Painswidt hullt three years Tom price $10600 ery relisonnble term hSUMMEES HERE Ava many excellent buy at onvlew and Wu Ivech in olildinl several businesl apron tunluee that will return your capital investment in very shore time Visit our cum on Mosley Street rt Wanza perch Four niesmen to nerve you UPPER DUPLEX To RENT Two bedrooms living room kit ehen rho bath Heated Available GRAYDON KOHL REAL ESTATE mom PA e425 Ila DUNLOP 51 EAST EVENIN PA um PA ohm MOVED May Is 1961 To 113 DUNLOP STREET gt Nmyto brown leCo STEVENSONS YALLKINDS INSURANCE ROOM BRICK Ewell lundSCiPed lot so it 165 PROPERTY COREY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 824i9 93 Dunlge St MADEL MARS PA 450 connY PA um IVE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LISTINGS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL FARMS COTTAGE BUSINESSES TREEST am ESTATE BROKER 1o TIFFIN 5mm aAnnln $50o DOWN room hunluiow located on well tloed lot on hood rohd just or Number to Bmhwny in the iownrhip otFJsI lluvy duty wirinl lnod wcil Full Price only SCUM with down plymant or 500 Ind the bnlunee on one open mortgngo with low monthly peymenis ALLANDALE moo room and bath lnsul brick sidinn rhoorl now run Located close to school stores Inn on bus line About but corn required LOT Good level int loclted on Peel Stu 58 185 Bill price sum cull DU LOP ST Two storey brick home Mull ideal npurtment houre meters Ilrchdy lnslllled hill price only $11M SHANNON STREET bedroom hrlck hunglow rhoped living and dining room family size kitchen piece celv Imlc tile bathroom exua lam completely ï¬nished reoreltion room equipped with elumlnum norms and sereenl extra laxï¬e mirage hrving ample room or your alt Ind OIr pill longer All this is loeried on mIIy Large down payment required vaed drivoway WANTED snow to mm cash Yes have reliant wantlni purchase or room hunvrlow or Iv rtorey he in the wait end John Street area or Alhndhle This In would pIy the rhovo mentored cull lI nimble Client would him posreselon any unle lrom now until around the tint sen REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE BOAKE REALTOR xi bnAnmIin mm nAnnm PA $5331 OR PA Hm still illn1 Iran to Arman or Iarmiux Clare WnkllnlnPA Iusl Ellyn BakePA Denim ol Barrie Ind District Roll Duke Bond Two bore to loot Ironlul ercb one eorner wui tell aniely ooo en so or two rile an no lineman ant or tele phone ml error pm Did BAY POINT hickont coi lIIrlor nil with our bedrooms chem location undy heath rum deck PIrnlehed Slim Apply Boot Store Bl iley Point DOWN or till modern bedroom hunlalmv in lovely dixtrlct Owner trhnxlerred ll be leen It in Wellln on It or telephone PA LOVELY Corner Lot nelr loll course unlit Itrum rnd undy he II II miles uouth oI EliHe sap Cove Irel drove end her streeu Well end our been Good buy dont ruin it call PA em PRIVATE ELIl Storey Ind In brick house with all contained apartment will llndtl ed ined lat maxim Xv Quiet Itnet eut end Owner trrnmrred Telephone PA woe PROPERTY ma some BUILDERS Opportunity Room helm double lot Grove Street nlent Apply la Agnes Street rm PROPERTY WANTED BUILDING LOT WANTED Thin lot mint have It leut 75 feet Ironu depth It lent loo lent sound be In load ruiden till areI hurl Rap to Box IE Blrrle Damn It price Ind int iocltion avrnnvrron tronrrenco to Bar ri willie three or our bedroom homo on or hclord Sept lie rollbio down plymnl Principals on Apply to no 15 Dorrie me In lllv WANTED New NHA three had room house immedlnie or very early occupancy Down plyrnnnt Ipsroligillielyh we mg In pu arc on ox Barrie laxminer pp MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS ITO Conrolldeie dehu Phy oil BUD mortllul or moitruer coming due Home improvement Any worthwhile couso Call today for appointment PA 60901 EVENINGS PA 64932 Mortgage Funding Of Canada 128 DUNLOP STREET EAST MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Pumanu ionized elliolt accident sickneu death CRESCENT FINANCE Id DUNLOP 51 WEST BARBIE PA 5020 51200 ms MORTGAGE wontod immcdlntciy to clear up an tote Apply to no lie BIrrla Exnminer MORTGAGESlat and and hunt Iold And mound Commerc Ind residential mane landed on existinz mart nrrle Mort nae Broken moi RENTALS omens STORES am RENTALS ARTS HOUSES T0 RENT emu OrrIce or rent and door opporlio Berri ringing Rent rumble Mennon PA IILANDALS mo Iqqu Icet store or tunnelill Will reno nu to rail tun All dlie HIIdIIre FHA in APTS HOUSES To BENT bronco ï¬llltrut Khml Iron 00 per month Gail Canon It PA ill mun noon Apernnen elem lo ecboole Ind xlpres New decor ted Ind Terranhie Ian eiephnnl PA mot ior runner intervention Iwo pronoun brick bunglow II heliinl piece hath Locum near North Coilehte Availhie July It Tdcphone PA N6 IMALI COITAGB in the country sillihirtlliil Twol no on 4994 Cooksiown Pb nnIOlrI tour room unrurnlebed IDIrtmcni Utiliilci lupplied Near Welt End Plan Avllrhlo in medlaieiy Telephone PA mill MODERN three bedroom homo with In iueheo nnze Clole tn Collelille Ind public nnuoL Available Aul Ill Apply to nor 11 Barrie Examiner Two nunnooni Coll or Apart meet or rentlyur und Prrily rurollhco Telephone 12A Wu an Belch Wm three room rpm merit three piece huh tor run Apply in 51 Hutu Strut Elma DNIUINHEED three room IpIrt Inuit halted Relrireninr no no WPPlled Cent leeled It panelLion elephan PA or PA 5306 10 131 For July one Anni UnIurnlnhed Indulrtment in modern went Kitchen ID aniline lnclud Phone PA mm modem Bungalow goEyrentr Aceninl nilgcriéond int an uxurt 6650 alter pro in runner in oxnation mu noon unlurnlshed hou ed relr ecniuined aprrtmeot with private bathroom rl rerrlcentor mppued Suit bunneu coupla Telephan ind rum ROOM unmrnldhed Inlli punt private entrance no hrtll New Mixertor and run he eludedDowntown locItioo AVID II It once Rent 351 month ly Telephanl PA 59791 MODERN DOME Ilrle llinl room kitchen utility room three bedroom Iour riece hnmroom Floor Divorce Pr vote drive one view Such Telephone wuux Dead WI mar ibreu room lelr copilln ed eprtmeni pnnte entrance her wirinl neIr downtown ï¬lpflllyren cwpï¬oomsein leIlOrzlfllL or um Pnonn Ivenlnrl PA 50m TWO LARGE Front Iloonis Iurn ished very nuomhlo rent Not ulIbie or children Apply 15 Street mun R00 unlurnrhd Iptrt mnt Dilvnie laugh hcntolfl wa el on Human Street FOUR Roan Dunlliow on Kirb wry 27 live miles north of nor rie Pally lIndsclped with up Ind oil but Apply lo Bill Dorrie Ex miner SMALL lurnlrhcd Apartment Share Inn hrthrnorn Suitable lor tau Cloro io lactories Ind hur roll Telephone PA oluo CLEAN nicely rurnished pm gorge in niihutfd Ronnil you repeln on mice one PA 32595 utter live ONE DSDROOM unrurnlrjlrd incited apartment Scprrnto unt nnce Apply 15 Anna Street or telephone PA ovooo SELF CONTAINED unIurnished hieted two bedroom apartman Heavy wiring Central On bus route Apply It loo nndiord St APARTMENT in rent two bed rooms Ionic Ilvlnp room you lhvulh hentco Apply ml nerd Telephone PA eons THREE ROOM unfurnished loll contelned ortment Congo and porcinan Dnirllly lacted Her vy wiring Avuilnoie now $70 per month aluphone PA m1 vnnv cumnu Unrurniebed rive room ncntcd lpartmenl mi contInca Suitable ror burincis coil ie no monthly Avriloblc lm mc Intely Telephone PA 06154 roux ROOM Apartment ncnr Five Poinil Private entrnnc nnd hrihroom Heat and Water includ 35 monrztly AvniiIolu now Telephone PA 66437 Iwo zlnpnnomr booted apart menu Onu lvoilIbla now and one on July Both in east end Area 335 Ind $30 monthly Telephone PA Mind ATTRACTIVE Upper Duplex our room and bnth lei contniucd lieted AdulLv Cipro to bur stop Telomone PA 87155 or iurther duh UNPURNTSHED two room npnrh ment with kitchenette nrili hath room private entrance Hunt hydro nnd parking space includ cd Adults prererred ApPiy in Napier Strca CLEAN nicely Iurnirhzd uchr duplex elf contnincd inur rooms boil Add balcony Aduitr Not lilitlhio for children Telephone PA 89751 m8 BOOM unlurnilhed lplrt meui but wIter ouppucd Lou ied Blake Ind Dunlop Avllilhle immedltcly For runner inton mItlon Telephone PA 59054 or PA 55477 Tunas noosi Apnrimeut with Erivlio bathroom hot whter all ten retripcretor and heavy duty llovn included Located on Burton Avenue Apply AB Centre Street eruILNIannD two room art ment with kitchenette and prur room Privnio entrance hent dro uld prklnu rpoco include Allqu prelerrcd Apply lad piur Sircet gt FURNISHED Apnrimcni bcd nit ilng room no kitchen with new Ind roirilenlor Avniinbio im medlicly Telephone PA Niel or npply nurion Avenue Heavy duty rtovo or nie RENTALS WANTED To BENT mm on FOUR Room unlined rprunenl no oonlu and men bony Women by July I5 Tele phono PA elm BACIIKDOB Aplrtmeni durum Inca unld to reni by quiet afoot mm of cod character elcp one PA uni ROOMS TO LET tourism Bed Silttu Room Ind kllcben Scolnio enlrIncI Telephone PA New or further lolormllion mm bedroom Io rent evo bloen rmm downtown on uoeu men prultmd Telephone PA um PURNIIIIILD lIrll bedroom with twin Dede Suit one or two lane Uzmen For rurther inlormnuon call PA I750 liter pm or ply us Dunlop St me FURNISHED Bedroom or Red sittloo Iloom nrukIrt Ind lunch if desired Tel hon PA oml or apply at 151 uckworth Street ROOM BOARD ROD AND BOARD IVIllIhle Gentlemen prelcrrcd in undierd Ind Dunlap Street Iran reie phone PA 57352 Iwo Plum to pher ibe some room with and Included Perk flépnce IVIillhla Telephone PA SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES To RENT Cornea or rent mllea Iron Dnrrio It Leonrdo norch by the weak or IIIIon Telcphonl PA H491 Iiicr pm corms For SALE or rent bedroom nu conveniences win tcrkcd Luke Slmcoc Cedrr Hus hour close in nice Apply Pet erson RRI rolld COTTAGES FOR SALE IIvo unbnoou ColtIre with oil conveniences Ion root rivcr irone are heantllui lot 40 mlin Iron Dorrie hluliroiul district sickneu axes me write Box 7a Barrie Examiner ARTICLES for SALE NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom oprtmuou operlooiuna chnla Kemponlelt any Hut WI tor Irklnx one Janitor rervice lnclu ed Automntia wuth rp Cuilunl PA Mm ONE nnnsmmu room with kiL chunotte with not wnler Also ihrep room nomad riaor apori mcnt Privnie entrance Com 1e teiy tarnished Mao linKiu urt nished bedroom Au uvuablu now Telephone PA Lem eItclnoonr FOUR ROOM ground liner overt mcht unmmlshcd heated prec mcnt uni vorugo Ivlliphlo new euneld nnd Grove 15 monthly Also Ave room aclr conhined apnrtrnrlnt stain 70 month AiniahIn In Children we come Teioplzono PA esolv WANTED TO TRENT Two on Tuner hedroom Apert mom would Eut or north nut preierred Required or Iuly adults iciephono PA H178 evenlt inn on mmnoolu House wnuted mecdintely in or near to Bar rio and schools Responlible ten eptb Write George Henderson P0 Box 544 Karrie Portable Water Softeners and Purifiers $2900 No installloo churns ï¬t all taps Sntiriecuon nuruntecd or money remndcd Aim Chilv Launla Cots $1195 Bnbecuu $995 Mnuy other Items Expreu preplid Cnhlorum TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING CO FERGUS ONTARIO NEWSPAPER MATS Size mm deli tor Uninl harl huuaes om perreci lnrulotn runner am 25 PERDOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner panic Outliifl sPAnmN WIShInK MacIiine good condition wriugtr renamiy over hauled 535 also hp Elto 1957 Outboard Motor 55 Apply Mncn St BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Yaor Telephone PA 32414 MONEY AVAILABLE You are invited to discuss your morin problem with us with out on atlon providing th pm parties are on reglucrcd ns ln or Elf or City Interest prc VI rates Clli At limits Own st berrie pA MONEY TO LOAN MOUNTAIN OF DEBTS Pay Iin 0i Now With LowCost LilaInsured scorIA PLAN Loin THE BANK OF NOVA SOOTIA COPY for Want Ad Section accepted until pun Day before pubiichtion BUS OPPORTUNITIES WE ARE LOOKING FORT BUSINESS MAN To BE TRAle ron THE POSITION or mm or mammal HIGH VOLUME snnvzcr STATION The mm lor whom we are looking has not necessarily bad service station experience heme but he will hovewproven nlmselr in hurl neos and II he willinl to lento new ons mm To box To BARBIE EXAMINER lute quollncntlonr Ind rearnpl Ior muting to enter thlr held BEAUTY SALON or role $2300 will take It Apply to box so bunlo Examiner MANUFACTURERS Mount unique Product Cupn selller with world wide acceptance on rights reserved orrer relive pon FURNISHED honted our room epnrtment central Also thrcn room eportment pi Ivy Store nine lnilu from Camp Borden Avnll this June Telephone PA 55032 Two mannooni upstllrs nprri meet Imiurnisiled Central in Al landhle Heat and hydro included gigiilhld now Telephone PA men ROOM uplurnirhed uprrt ment aeplrnte entrance self cu tuinedy parking Incliltics Ave ubln immediately Telephone PA 32710 or iurthcr iniormntion BRIGHT three room apartment on upper floor Furnished Privaiu bathroom nnd aeli contained Lnundry Iocilitles and parking lpace Centrally located leia pilono PA 3374 mi ROOM Apartment coln Tietcly mrnished newly decora ed aell contained luundry Incli luel near Queens Pork 65 monthly Telephone PA $5sz on er i5 pm SELF CONTAINED unfurnished one bedroom upmment Refriger ator and stove sup liad Avail Ihle June 15 St Incent and Penetnna Streets $75 per month Telephone PA usE ATTRACTIVE cicno completely turnlrhed three room rportment Living room kitchen bedroom with twin hadI bathroom Sell contained Adults Avrilnhle July Apply no Collier street THREE norm relr contained nprrimcnt heel and hot wnler ruppuco Newly decorated through nut Available immediately SIB weekly Telephone PA 720 nltcr pm AVAILABLE MAY ht on fun nirhcd nonrimept one uniumlrh ed Both loll eon uincd One child welcome Days Phenp M270 Evo ninzl PA was TWO BEDROOM Apartment up stain Hut and water supplied Near west and shopping plan No children Se rate entrance Avnii able July Telephnnb PA 64157 ATTRACTIVE tarnished npart mane bed pitting room kitchen bathroom separate entrance suit girl or couple Reasonable lip Ply Hz Pcci st PA 347704 LANDSCAPING BARBIE LANDSCAPING son SUPPLY Free estimates landscaping lawn lonlnlenrnee Sodding seedln rn unp utilizing spraying CedIr Score and Evergreen rpeclni lty Kentucky or Marion blue guns also rield rod delivered nnywhere Reasonable rater TELEPHONE IPA 61555 GRADING Back ruling and Land 335133115 Coil John Key PA UPBOISTER SANITARY DISPOSAL WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly Ior disposal Telephone Harrie PA M751 Long disbanc Zenith $2800 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLlA License No 69061 UPHOLSTERY Slipcovers Rugs Drapes FREE ESTIMATES CALL MAYFAIR PA 61612 UPHOLSTERI NG Chesterfieids chairs couches summer furniture recovered Prompt service Bigrange of fabrics shown in your own home 12 MONTH TERMS BARRIETENT AND AWNING co LTD BAYEIELD 5mm TELEPHONE PA com CAMPING EQUIPMENT TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT rm Rm Tents and Taxpr Camp Cots and Steven Cooler BARR TENT C7 AWNING co LTD IDEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to remove your dead Ind crippled Iurm Inl mnlo under the uhove Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRE PAikWhy 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95061 INSULATION Alrilie insulation Is happy to Innalmca in addition to their ROCKWOOL Biowtol Insulntlun the All New Alumin um cupboard aid as Completely inltllleflVWILII Styrofoam inmate ins bunker board in eight colon We are also include aiumlotnn doors windows Ind owning by A2 GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES Write or phon SCOil alum211 MINESlNG COLLECT BEFORE YOU BUYGIVE on my PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING ticlpatlou opportunity to rclinhle lobar min with small investmen Minimum noon Write to Cup Seltzer Ct Lahonioriea Ltd 91 Oxlord Street Toronto 26 BUNGALOW lumbar cu now ll you have the Lorie kitchen dininlroom llvg rhovo or or are thinklnz or mroonlrour bedroom Polly Iii 125 coDmNGTON heated booelnont with extro hnth room Lerle corner lot Iderl for ALL DAY 0R EVENING Reduced in price sum io 91 CANADIANPetrnilna LimitedJu cflvalohudramf Lovely brick buntnow lenturinr PA812379 TE ro role in OIeNorth any urea hm mum bed EPHONE PA Member or the Home and nutrch ortwo our service ItItian rce menu piecehnth iiviol ror nppolnunent Ext rd tlurant ml min Dorian It mm 11 bmmn mm trched Renovation eqhn be made heatin herdwood and tile noon In THREE nbnnooM Home newly to auit Purchaser Morinre than mo gefornledLhruuthhtluur pleeo available and on to nogatlotion nct Ind lights Included Blue eqldpmam and Death Noticeeriorup to 25 my home call Joe main words over 25 words 5c per word extl in Memorianl Now Lines 5150 verse used He per word extra MODERN thren bedroom more SI BAYPIELD 5mm nlshcd npurtmcut privnto cup TELEPHONE PA 66401 ronco use wuher and dryer Quiet ouirlct near bus line TRADE 5030015 Al ENTIOLl MEN uterus and schools Telephone PA HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS um Two LAnae Roanled sell con Are in dcmrno lor huudoeen acropen graders drnxlincl and teined ground floor apartment Ihoveh vrlvto entrnncc l5 blotk rrom Dunlap Street and Maple Avenue you quality you will be trained by lop lnatructore right on the LL CEILINGS ROOMS Arcilwnys Patches FREE ESTIMATES TERMS N0 DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRIK LEFROY 69M IPHONE COLLELI EXCAVATING GRAVEL In our cities by pin heiorepuillicotlon 0n Sutures Hhruh tree nndtoundatiun turnca recreation Reply in cool enco to KO Box Dent and qundry IuhSl Telephnnn HIW Non moon and mu non No sea North Bay Ontario rAImol 1mnl°¥i€iu3io98e dim mono Carries ror loo pal Nm GENERAL STORE AT ALCONA BEACH OLD ESTABLISHED PROFITABLE BUSINESS Martitel 8990 Oneor Ihehut iocntlonr in Eimcoe County or this kind or onumrlln It in lully integrated rummcl resort store and snack bar InIitbapro arty includes Ivcomiortnhlo ShannonI hummer colile with IIIInc itiel All lintill this hulincaa will ltIIId clones llIVOS Itileliolli About umrm coll is required to alnzlc open mortgage KIII dctionby minimum Phillie PA IDSBB Exclusive lasting Ronn at lulled lP SOIL DDNEI DELHI INQUIRE ow Write nciurliul addrers and tel phone number to NATIONAL SCHOOL OF HEAVY EQUIPMmT OPERATION Box a4 BARIllE EXAMINER Out or town cnquirier invite Delivery Crulhed stone nnLt Yard Bncrhoo or bin DENNIS MORAN 1o Almo strch it PA BZPIII hernia