GROWSWITHBARRE Full fohoéi Are Plans Po Central ï¬naowum If the present plans of the Barrie District 001 legiate Board materialize Central Collegiate will be come full Composite School in 196263 modern Vocational Wing will house the new technical department for boys and the present well estabilshed commercial department This school will offer full courses in general commercial and tech nical education NATURAL DEVELOPMENT This is natural devoipment in keeping with the grouth of Barrie Academic secondary education was started here in will The commercial course was first offered in 1930 Industrial arts and home econ omics were added in 1951 The latter subjects permit students to determine whether they have special ap titudes in the practical lields they allow some de velopment in them but do no aim to turn out trades men The new Technical Course through more spe cialized equipment and courses of study and with more time or this work will train more directly for em ployment in the trades and industry WELL TIME Barrie has been very fortunate in the timing of this present development With the rapid change to the use of machines and mechanical devices through out our econom there has developed an unemploy ment situation that has disturbed our governments This has resulted in very generous financial support for technical education our new Vocational wins will he in line for this assistance NOT PANACEA Parents students and in fact everyone concerned wlth education should realize that technical educa tion when it comes to Barrie will not perform miracles nor act as panacea for all of our problems large percentage of our students that leave school too soon do not do so because of lack of ability but because of an unwillingness to work This coupled with lack of selfdiscipline and ambition results in the present pool of unemployed persons wth little or no secondary education Since languages are usually omitted from tech nical course it seems to be easier to achieve limited success without as much hard work Students who take this course because they are not wining to work hard or because they wish to escape languages will not make good employees Too many of such stud ents grouped together not only give themselves bad name but give the course they are associated with bad name also Recent studies have shown that language is ara thinking of taking this course parents or these BY BOWMAN Principal Barrio Central Collegiate probably the best predictor for success at the univer sity level Experienced teachers would confirm this fact at the secondary school level students boys in particular who indicate weakness in French even at the grade level are usually indicating general weakness and technical course although it may hide it will not correct it In the commercial course the subject of shorthand which is really new language performs similar service Wise employers will choose commercial girls who have shorthand as an option even though it may never be used tor the particular job CRITICIZB GENERAL COURSE Many criticize our general course because it does not tralnrdirectly for job Graduates must start at the bottom and work up Yet again many employers will prefer student with good general development to one with narrow specialty In our commercial course lob training is reasonably successful In tEChnical courses it is much more difficult Probably one could be reasonably accurate in say ing that even in the technical field the better the boy the more general should be his education students with very limited ablllty may have to be trained for specific jobs ONE CONSIDERATION With these reservations in mind we should wei come this new development to our district Boys who buys teachers who are teaching them should have one consideration in mind occupations may be dif ferent yet all are important An occupation shouldbe chosen because one has special gifts for it or because it has special attraction for one Every occupation has unlimited opportunity for those willing to work hard and for those who pre pare weil for it Our commercial department is firmly established in the school and in the community our students are proud to be in our commercial department Some in their senior years are convinced and are rather proud that they work just as hardvor harder than some of our general students Many Commercial grad uates hold fine responsible jobs We would hope that our technical students have this same aim in mind YOUR AmITION IS IMPORTANT Choose the course because it leads to your ambl tion Then work toryour capacity until you reachit Bring honour to yourself and to the course you have chosen Parents teachers and all members or the community will have part to play in firmly estab lishing this new course as an equal partner witlliour General and Commercial Courses North Picks TOp Boy Girl Cadets Chew Up Bullseves By LESHE COXALL Students of Grade 18 have clefted their head boy and bead glr Elspetb Cameron active in school affairs since sbe started at Nortb is head girl She has received scholarship in French and Latin senior pin the highest proficiency awardsrin Grades 10 ii and 12 and was chosen as Citizen of the Year She was also best girl cadet last year took part in tbeopereMa as soloistand was on the 2x4 ecutive of the Student Council Allan Motfalt was elected head boy Allan was on the year book staff for three years and bas received the outstanding boy athlete trophy Hobos two senior letters The army ï¬ndetb riiielteam mm orth as roug the Time inteer Lieutenant Boyle Tro ckto 99 orursehodlivithtb mégwa 19 antral for the trophy took piacein Onl tie against teams from Barrie Speaker at the ISCF III has Central Collingwood and Orillia The teammembers are John Robinson who bad the top score John Robertson Andrew Malcomson Paul Marshall and Bob ChoppeL Each boy re ceived an individual trophy TYPEWlllTEllS News neauur 4173120 RENTAL and SEthCE SIM CUE Business machines uniop st on tissu LTJOYLE mornz WINNERS Esteem common Ge actor of the people who live in thém This was the laslgmeet log of the this year The clubs gilicers will be elected in the Students interested in selling used books can leave them at the ELY book store on the last day of school HURoNIA naiveIN THEATRE on can when uncut mu an EDWARD ii RflRlNiUN RflD STEIRER JUAN GflillNS gt BIG COMDY C0ltFEATURE ALLAN MOFFAII last Thursday as in from Wasbago He gave an interesting talk about houses and how they the Ladies orWGental 17 mwnr MOVEMENT WATCHES twalerproof Sbockproor run emu axwmn muasnav Jose 1118 bode Billinner Held In Alliston PreSentliward ALLISTON flie Alllslon pub lic school held its annual Grade dinner in St Andrews Pan lsh Hail Wodncsday night The dinner which was sponsored by the Home and School Associa tion was attended by nearly 100 guests Speaker for the occasion was Burton Ford bistory teacher at Banting Mariana High School where the Grade student hope to be enrolled next year The Malcolm award which is given annually to the top Grade student was pre sealed to Paul Whiteside age can of Mr and Mrs Mme LWhlieside of Alliston Paul was chosen com 60 Grade students by Princlpal Harvic gtlulgrt and VicePrincipal Earl Mr Siqu explained that Paul had been chosen because oi aca demic ability leadership and coopcration The award which was donat ed by the Public School Board was denied in honor of Freder Vick Malcolm who served on the board or many years The purpose of the award is to stimulate competition among the students of the graduating class and locncouragc them to work hard for their forthcoming examinations By MARGARET KEREKES Our ï¬rst spring prom held on Friday night turned out in be huge success We decided to have Campus Queen who would be announced at this dance Friday morning students of Grades 10 ll 12 and is were allowed to vote for their choice of Campus Queen in order to be eligible for this contest girl must have had 66 per cent inberEasterexams andbea student of either Grade 12 or 13 The results of this competition were announced at the dance at the stroke or 12 Our Queen is Ann Hollard and her two prin cesses are Ann Gardner and GloriaJean Gardner since this was such special May After Staff manna NEATHWAY am Central wednesday noon the Honor Society held meeting at which Major Mathewn of the Canad ian army was guest speaker Major Moiheson showed ter ies of color slides be photo occasion music was provided buy an 0W8mlhe Strata nes run were carved in the cafeteria great deal of effort was put into making this dance auo ceslul one by the members or the Student Council They de serve credit or the marvellous job they did in decorating the arm Field day results Scalar champions John Siam and Emily Slmurda runnerwp Henry Kleiss and Marilyn loam son intermediate champions John ny bez and Mandy Hunt run nersup Richard Plkul and Bar bara Gardner Junior champion Bill Miles and Pat Siervogel hindersup Penald DcRocco and Janice Bur Dfl Last Wednesday evening Mrs Klnneor held party at bar farm for Grade 123 After lovely dinner those present played baseball and horseshoes graphed at El Peso Texas and Juarez Mexico The main feaiure of he slid was the experinm tal missile base run by the American in Southern Texas Picture of such missiles as the Nike Ajax Nike Hercules Honest John Little John and several other were shown The exlpanatlons of the action of the weapons fascinaled the students The major also show ed pictures of Texan scenery and surprised his audience with some beautliui slides ofscenes around Barrie BEATS RECORD At the 0FSSA track and field meet last Saturday at Guelph Brian Wiles came secV 0nd intba hopslep and jump His distance 44 it in was three inches better than the ex isting record The winner of the competition made jump which was one inch longer than Brians YEARBOOK DUE NOW gt Students who are becoming impatient to receive their year books will be glad to know that 0vertones members put in night of steady work on nlesday assembling the magazine they arranged the page in book This means that Over tonasi should be Issued to sub mmmmMmmmi course on am noon mm amnion ENTERTAINMENT on ll12W Now snowmc IMPERIAL EVENING SHOWS AT 100 and PM IssueOvértones Tdda orks OVertime mlbers by Thursday or In senior assembly on ch mday Pat Barre Cenhals representalive or the United Nations Seminar at Western University lrom June 2740 wu presented with cheque for $27 to cover her expenses Pat will give an account oi the Saw inar to the student body when school reopens in September Also at assembly Mr Chil bolm head the English do pariment spoke on Ilw popular ity and success oipublic speak ing in our school this year He presented the winners at the innerschool public speaking contests with their trophies Winners of the senior sirls competition was Ann Lindsay and runnerup was Nancy Hodg rson BadcnGrirlin won first place in the boyslconiest and runnerup was Ed Ellloiso nms REX DAY HARRISON JOH GAVIN Lodies Soft Spun COTTON Substandard Reg 39c Pr Now gt PR IMens Corlï¬on Jouluo Sizes 2910 3a Loden Grey Brown 3139 value with thelurchose of 14 lb no car unseat OR HAMBURGER PWER Lady Rh do FEATHER PI Lo ANKLET Sizes you save 56o Reg 119 For Comping or Cotlqgo Now ea Ladiesi White SUMMERPURSE RVorious Styles Rés 98