helisrrie Element Published by amppm limited lo Bayiiold sugar Burris oathe PAGE F003 Do The Lilile Old LadiesR 731138ng HaveToDo All0i It The little old lady apparently had sudden impulse lor she had called taxi to take her to the home Gordon Beswetnerlck He is the inspector or the Barrie Branch oi the Ontario So ciety lor the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and she presented or this work Mr Beswetherick thanked Mr kindly and drove her back home There mail be many other people in this area who appreciate the work this organisation So for this year more than 200 calls have been answered These calls include not only cases at cruelty to animals but injured and homeless animals along with many other problems it is big Job because it is big area The Ontario SPCA has only 37 inspect ors in the province so they are spread pretty thinly While Mr Beswetherick has no specified boundary of operations his duties have taken him across the length and breadth of Simeoo County and sometimes evenboyond that The Fez Is Familiar Were still enough olja smalltowner to enjoy the occasional casual ambie along the main drag We lenjoyseeing the lamiliar places and familiar laces Then summer slips around the corn er and with it come new laces visitors from such dreary places as Toronto and the US or Its nice to be reminded that there are people who envy us our shady rees our neat parks and our beauti ul bay As more and more seasons speed by they become years and with the years come new faces and new places We domt seen to recognize many folk the new buildings seem allttle startling and werealize that the main drag is changing too iron SMALLWARS Hamilton spectator More Emphasis on Military hard ware asthe Americans can it andthe men to handle it is one of the purposes oi the NATO conference meeting in Oslo Norway Militaryhardware is artillery tanks machine guns and so on the pre atomic weapons or war which in these days of vague expressions are called conventional armamen Secretary or state Dean Rusk will stress the need or these weapons in the NATO iorccs Recent events in Cuba and Laos have shown that the com munists can exert decisive or nearde cisive military pressure with old iash ioned weapons Since NATOs delensive policy was switched to nuclear deter rents military thinking has tended away from tanks artillery and machine guns NATOs strength which on paper is thir ty divisions is in fact only twenty The United states intends during the next twoor three years to spend about $2 billion on equipping fresh divisions im conventional weapons which would enableithem to right in brushrire wars In spite olthe emphasis placed on nuclear weapons in recent years there have been considerable advances in in fantry and artillery weapons particul arly tank destroyers Some of these wea pons have not been produced in quantity because military budgets have not pro dad tor them It seems that the time tor reequipment which along eavy cost of nuclear weapons the burden of armaments streams that it not switch then adjustment of the NATO forces means Kissing exposes apersen to bacillus subtiliis streptococci and staphylococci says physician Â¥es and also to mind swan cring and heelrttrouble an shoots Womanin Westltndl Headline Tchk tchk such manners silhe Barrie Examiner Anthoriien mm elm mu you own memorandum DailyiSiindays and Stlmlory mum excepted Mimosan wuss sebuml amadsrslanrmem Mlllnger nanny colm sumo Manuela Editor cnmas Lwnndn Basin Mangar nonnl sunmu mans simm 10ml l0LllEBcircnlatlon mu Subscription nu dlikv mus Ida hittiï¬ ma ea oumu Ontario looo year voulou usiu mu Av 53 ldoatrsl its museumn In Alum Bureau decimalunm The dunslur ere1 II min ex Ill° nonpublicdon or noan per ltedto enter lnd Ilnrtil itll Lbnnliidm him with $5 contributions null In Ontfl molapdlrusoluru with This has been comparatively recent development for the Barrie Branch is only tour years old actors that cases 01 cruelty to animals had lo beinvoati gated by authorities irons Toronto and homeless animals were largely left to tend tor themselves or starve Now there isan active and interested organization currently headed by presi dent Fred Lawrence assisted by score tary ms Marion Fell and treasurer Mm OBrien Saint SPCA runs are thinly spread too The Ontario society has an annual bud get of only about $30000 for the entire province The local branch spends much less than 31000 year and only tiny portionol that comes lrom unsolicited go locally tag days are the main source of income lor their humane work SPCA taggers will be out around Barrie this Friday evening and Saturday Perhaps we could make point of buying tag this weekend We cant make little old ladies do it all can well This week we ielt little twinge as we saw the gracelul old black lamp stand ards on our main thoroughiare giving way to stark new light poles But the new poles are clean and modern and must be accepted as adelinite improve ment The poles add to Barries attrac tiveness and well get used to them as we have the new buildings As long as the old main draglooks Just bit laminar well be happy Well accept progress with pride and perhaps get 14 chuckle at our little twinge nos to Well remember the story or the two Turks who met in the marketplace dont remember the name said one to the other but the tea is laminar Eyditors Views of defence may be decided at this con ierence The Communists have demons trated that the wars of the future may not be fought with nuclear bombs vic tories can still be won with machine gun bullets shells and tanks The united States isdeteimlned that along with its1 alliesit will be well supplied with these caszr takenor DOGS 880 London Letter It dog bites someoneexpiained dog psychiatrist Frank Petittheres rea son and our first job is to rind out the reason we can find that out we can usually cure the dog We normally go into its history and breeding and ï¬nd out inwhat circumstances it hit Then the dog is taken into our kennels and we try to simulate the same sort of sur roundings Il for instance dog re garded the postman asa potential en emy one or the trainers would dress up as postman and would gradually en courage the dog to look on him as friend This can be bit rough on the trainer but he has to be preparedto get bitten as part of his lab Mr Petit claimed successin 98 per cent or the cases at the kennels and thought it would be 100 per sent it they could leave the dogsat home and train the owners lay any case owners get their turn Once the dogs complex has been cured the owner comes to the ken hole for day and is sent out with dog and trainer to gain better under standing of his dog Oneloi the main troubles Mr Petit said was that owners were inclined to treat their dogs as children and or course children had not got the some inteligence as dogs PéfagraphiCdlly Speaking you preier live instead of lacing dead Keep ample distance mm the car just ahead SLEEPING TIIB QUEENS park Rap Industry For Pollution By DON OIEARN TORONTOThe Word re port on Great Lakes pellulion was revolution to many peo The report gave an almost complete bill bcallh in oil and gas drilling as source of pollu on Out in inquiries it lound only one lnslance of any im portance and this was where well running wild had dis cblrsed live barrels oi oil And this discharge ll mind was damaslns new Initially or only mailer oi hours There were two good lessons to be gained mm the report LETS Six Conqdicin uns Cling To Then Past In StrifeTorn By earns BUCKLEY Canadian Press stall Writer MWENEDIIU The Congo CP Six Quebec nuns are clinging to their mission school in this Boluba stronghold do splte increasing tribal warfare Iched army battles and dwind ling supplies Our work is here said Sister Saint Coeur de Marlo 01190 lion is good with them and they Ev never tried lo berm us at PRIEST KILLED But in the months allowing indcpendenca last June 30 the petite superior oi the white robed community We cannot leave was theviirat Canadian apart irorn members of the nuns own community to visit the mission since less The chance to show visitor groin Canada through ihe crowded school broughtfexcited flushes to their faces But the smiles dimmed as they told me calmly about days oi tension of priests murder oi cod and drug shortages And Ghanaian army olilcer serv ing with the United Nations here recalled fierce battles and pos slble cannibalism Tbls town of 25000 in un painted wooden homes or grass roofed native buts lies about 190 miles south oi Eskwanga capital or the aulonomousstste of Soth Kasai and Is the sec ond largest in the Baluba terri tory on the grassy central plain of The Congo gt ornaas Al KAMINA About 50 miles southeast of MweneDitu nine other Cana dian nuns teach at Kanline in northweslsm Katanga They are unders nod to be living quietly and tbout incident You should have seen it be iore said the sister superior here using the same expression heard throughout The Congo to describe the situation before in dependence nnd the disorders which still plague the country We had so many plans to im prove and expand our buildings Everything was peaceful the people were kind And the Eu lubas are smartI think the smartest in The Congoso it was pleasure to teach them Their mission comprises low redbrick buildings on the citys edge Some are topped with cor rugated metal roofs but the pri mary grades still study in mud iloored classes under grass roots which leak during the frequent tropical storms There are 1300students at the nuns mission girls and kinder person who was given shot of 311 antibiotic to which he provedrtolic ai lergic says the treatment undoubtedly saved his life as he couldnt quit scrat ching long enough to die person can kithimself byeatjng physician Yes and there are fewrmore delightful ways to commit uicide Not only did Yuri Gagar go around the earth for quicker thanjanyonc ever disparate butghe travelled gar route doinz youngpe 11 gets nailIll pep and goes to bed listed it middleaged rich and highly seasoned foodssays SCHOOL SITES garien children To teaehlbat number there are the six Ca nadians Haitian nun and about dozen Congolese women with only primary education themselves At an adjacent boys school another 2000 pu pils are toughtby handful of priests and Congolese men Alll FROM QUEBEC Thamune at both MweneDltu and Kamina are members oi the Missionary Sisters of Christ the King whose motherhouse is in Gaspe All are from Quebec provmce PROTECTED BY TROOPS When my singleengine plane landed at MivcneDitus grass airstrip Ghanaian troops on circled it and aimed their sten guns into the high grass British rrlajor seconded to the Gbanalan army and in charge of UN troops in wide area around this city described the growing tensl We had three men taken month ago and Im convinced they were eaten he said Then be pointed to an unkempt Congo lese soldier at the roadside as we drove by and added He was one of the oneswho did it We have most of lb picked out week before seven Congas lese soldiersm mbers of the army ol Baluba Kaicnjiwere killed and two Ghanaian wounded Another Ghanaian and three Kaionjlsls were wounded in battle lhe night before my visit The air carried watts of smoke from burning fields and villages The nuns thmnselves say they now go their way molested Weve always got along well with the people the sister au perior said thinkvour repute leng Albert things were dllicrent When Belgianrpricsl was decapitated it was the nuns who prepared his body for burial When former Congo premier Patrice Lumumbn sent his Rus sianequlpped troops into South Kasai last Augustn purge in which an estimated 1000 Balu bas were killedn detachment arrived at Mweno rum and threatened to burn it The entire city fled the sisters recalled Only those at the mission remained Abel dozen Lumumblst troops rouse the nuns one night and accused cm of hiding Eel glans and priests and of conceal ing radio transmitter After more than an hour of threats and arguments the troops leil But for three weeks then we had armed troops all over the place and things were very bad the superior said Latcr United Nations repre sentativcsdsmanded that the nuns leave even threatening to evacuate tbemiorcibly romrosrav 1But ws refused to go Sisie Saint Coeur de Marie said We however One was on the influence and unreliability ol public opinion In tbs Lake Huron area por tlculsrly Ssrnis the question oi oil discharge became maior issue There were public meetings great statements of protest and associations folmed And in the excitement there were some quite remarkable slalemenls One man said several hundred barrels ol oil had been dis charged Into the lakeirom wild well Anoilier had on estimsle discharge going into be bou Iandl oi bombmore than the capacity any known well The signiï¬cant thing was out time were olilclsl One was actually scientist the other prominent local leader And with this clock of su limrily the public nuiurnlly book lire book line and sinker com plete with Russian droning And how oiled doesnt this happen in public life so we know it The second lesson was in what polulion laually docs The report iound that while drilling wasnt despoliing the lakes industrial pollutionwel it gave iigurss to show that 400 tons ol oil was beingrt covered daily irom sindusirlsl waste dumped in the Dencl River And then it gave these lind lugs That induslrisl pollulion dei inllely does klli oil iisb That on Lake Erie alone ihou sands oi elld die every year throughbclng irapped in oily waste should we have an investiga llon of that LETTERS TO EDITOR URGES NO VOTE Siroud Ontario Dobr Editor As manager or ihe Vote No organization oi Innislil Town ship wish to say few things to your readers and more par ticularly lo the eligible voices in lnnisiil aboui the plebisciie which will be held on Saturday June First does everyone under stand clesriy the issue at stake There are eight possible ques tions on which we ould be re quired to vote In this plebis cite we are being asked to state our opinion on two of these questions are you in favor of the estab lishment oi government stores or the sale oi liquor this in eludes beer stores are you in favor of the sole of liquor under dining lounge license or consumption with meals on licensed premises Second are we clear on who is eligible to vote All Frillsh BIBLE Taouear Neiihcr shall be reng the God oi his others but In his estate shall he honor the God or lorcesPDanicl 1138 That man is rash and wicked who forsakes the God of his fathers to trust in the imperson al God of forces thermonuclear power subjects over 21 years of age who have been permanent reri dents in lnnlrill Township for two months prior to June Righily or wrongly our sum mer residents are NOT entitled lo vote in this plebisclleu This is something over which we have no control In other words the some voters list used in provincial election will be in II leer Third let us not be deceived by those who would minimize the importance of this issue it we give up our present dry stains there is no limit to the number of outlets which might be opened wltbln the but low vyealn DEVAEIAHNG Finally may ask you people who intend to vote yes on Saturday are you prepared to accept the responsibility or the endless potential devastating re sults of increased drinking among your children and minor No one can honestly deny Chat will liquor made more easily available there willlbe increas ed sales with consequent results oi whldi we are all well aware lurge every ellglbla voter in lunisï¬i Township to go to the polls on Saturday June and register decisive no vote both ballots Sincerely yours LLOYD CUMMING Manager Vote No Organization of Innislil Township Please yourself With Molsons Export Ale asked the motherhouse whether we should stay and the answer wasltbat we should unless there was real danger The nuns maintained iinnly that the incidents did notrepre sent real danger The mission sabool carries the stamp of long tiring work It was all brush when we started in lessbrush as high as your head the superior said In tour of the classrooms saw monitors lending their pupils through French lessons and mathematics One woman sat at crude ench her own baby on her lap and instrilcted group of youngsters in the alphabet Under tree nearby another tried to keep nearly 100 toddlers occupied At noon ole kindergarten chil dren swarmed for powdered milk served by teenage boys members of the Congolese Red Cross NO mrns nonm None of the none has returned to Canada since arrival The sult perinr comments persons firstyear here never seems too hot After that it becomes worse and worse Maybe its because were tired or perhaps its the lack ofany is always with us changeintheclima Theheai Recently lher have been shortages of flour vegetables and meat atysrious timesuAnd more serious or long lime Congo residents ashortage of sants such drugs as malaria suppres The liuns remainihoroilghly Canadian The familiar accent of FrenchQuebec is still strong and thewhole city knows their nationality When proteaiedto Sister Maria Foretï¬ about the lavish lunch prepared for their visitor from meagre stocks she clasped herplump hands to anything less iorracanadiauzw her andlooked siernly at me MOLSONS BREWEllY CNTARID LinL lNDEPENDlZNT eaeweasslNeE use But after allcouLd we do grasskm earnestlo