Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1961, p. 2

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marsari sores fSudden Illnesses Mar OBS Dinner Urns district acting of the Oruer oi the Eastern Star held aI Stmud Tuesday evening at which the local members served the 130 delegates with turkey dinner bad repercussions of some illness The meeting was to elect district matron for the coming year Mrs Campbell hav ing been tlle presiding district matron for this year Mrs Helen iiaibourne of Bel Haven Chapter Sutton was elected and her husband was one of those taken ill The dinner was cooked locally of specially prepared turkeys not bought locally served hot on the diners plates It was prais edby Ill as being delicious Ber rie chapter had four cariost of delegates at the meeting and the only one of these who felt any ill diects was Mrs Spearn These members were seated at dilferent taqu and did not eat in one group The matter is being invosil gated by tho Simcoa County health unit and samples of stom ach contents have been sent to Orlliia for report The effect seems to be very upset stomach some chills and slight fever MRS GEORGE JOHNSTON Alice Mary Young widow of the into George Johnston died Monday April 10 1061 She was the mother of Hugh of Montreal Dr Eric of Lon don and Alan of Minesing She is also survived by two els ters Bernice Young of Minesing and Mrs Winnilred Sollitt of Peterborough and brother William Young Nelson B42 Also surviving are 10 grand children Mrs Johnston notthe late John Young and the forrner Miss Emma OBrien and was born in Mtnesing On Oct 1909 she married George Giohnston and in 1959 they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary The late Mrs Johnston took an active part in the various circles of the church was organist for many years in the Presbyterian and then the tin ited Church She was also life member of the Womens in stltute was past chairman of titsargsn and had also served on the Board of Federated Womns institutes of Ontario In addi tion she had been chader member of the mtcoutive of Simcoe County WI Museum The funeral service was held at her late residence and was conducted by her minister Rev John Robinson Many beautiful floral offerings were silent tribute to the late Mrs John stoh interment followed in Mine alng Union Cemetery Pallbear ers were her three sons and Eidon Adana Harry Foyston andDougald McNahb was daughter By IL All the delegates will rym pathiu with Mrs Campbell who has completed very suc cessful year as DDGM this be ing her final social evening in that office SATURDAY WET DR DRY One thingthat all should be sure at is that they vote with about $50 possible vot ers we should be master of our conviction and come out to vote was 60 pereent maturity re quired to change the present status one vote on either side could affect the result The righlol citizen to express his or her opinion in closed vote will result in the opinion of the democratic majority ruling AWAITING FIRST iWFOOI Tho practice bricks for the in ternational contest are now here One hundred of them have been donated by the Cooks vllleLa Prairie Brick Company of Toronto and have arrived Already some of the fellows have been practising but none have come near the lootoot throw which would put them in the class of the last year chamv plons in Stroud USA or even in that of Stroud England The tops in that contest was roe feet six inches Any group of six strongarm ed men within is miles of Stroud may form team and get praci tiring The first to officially throw 100 feet is to rooeivea coIinlimentary gift The international contest will be held July 22 in four parts of the world all named Stroud SALVATION BLITZ Quoting from the hilt pro gram the Salvation Army they say if 1000 people gave or 25000 people gays one dollar they would have sufficient for their program We feel the latter would give so many more the happiness of knowing they had taken hand in helping neglected children lonely old people unmarried mothers juvenile delinquents emergency reiiel and epiritus guidance which ipnlways ready when we have the Salvation Army on hand Lets all be gen erous Thursday June BUILDING MOVED The portable school building which innlsfll council purchased at Nicholson has arrived in Stroud It is intended to he come part of the office build ings to enlarge aceorrunodation for the growing stall Tuesday night it was parked alongside the cemetery on the amt line having made the trip across the county in record time and with little dilliculty However getting it into place on the north side of the present building has not been quite so easy as gas pump used by the police for filling their cars and the brace wires of the police antennae were in the way However time and persever ance will accomplish most any tlung and it is likely that before TO GET DEGREE Gerard Edmund Johnston mo Peoetang Street Barrie graduate of Barrie District Collegiate institute will re cslva his honor Bachelor of Conuncrce degree from As sumptlon University of Wind sor at the tsth convocation June Local Woman Dies Suddenly lit Home Mrs Helen McCabe wife Kenneth McCaba of 223 Tllfin died suddenly at her home early yesterday morning she leaves her husband and Street four daughters No inquest will be held another day has passed the truck on which it is being mov ed will set it alongside the other wing of the office Then the work oi making the schoohouse into council chambers and other officeswiil get under way The building is 24x54 feet with aflat moi Seiilhnienl SWIM In Bus Deaths pouomu CPlAn outof court settlement of about $000 when made with the plume of i7 ptudents killed last Novem berwhennschoolbuswasbit hy freighttrain at Lamont miles northeast of here it was learned Wednesday The settlement was mode on hehalfolthe driverolthahue the owner of the bus and the Lamont school division heard Stalemate of cllim involving more than $00000 in damages hadbcen filed oobehalfot no lniuured students and their rpe reo Bill Of Rights 0K Indian Convrcled VANCOUVER CPlA Erit lsh Columbia Supreme Court judge Wednesday relceted contention that the new Cana dian Bill of Rights overrule the lndian Act by guaranteeing equality toali Canadians The argument was put for ward by lawyer Tom Hurley who was seeking to have the conviction of North Vancouver indien ona charge of having liquor in his possession con tary to the act quashed He said the Bill of Rights prevents discrimination against indlensn Mr Justice Maoleen up held the conviction but re served his reasons for later date of WINS DAMAGES KINGSTON CP Dors Pappas 49 of Kingston was awarded 5882132 in damages Tuesday in an action arising out of traffic accident which caused the death of her father Her claim was against Morris Galwoy of Odessa driver of truck and Kane Limited the firm with which he was em ployed LOCIiL AND GENERAL BUYS PEEL 51 HOUSE Charles Grease recently promoted to Toronto as consum er service engineer for Central Region Ontario Hydro has sold his residence on Pee Street Barrie to 10031 lawyer Arthur McLean KIWANIS CLUB DINNER This week the regular Kiwanis Club of Barrie dinner at Com munity House was shifted from Monday to Thursday June the peanut sale could be carried out at Camp Borden Howev regular dinners on Mondays will be resumed next week on June INTERMENI AT ALLISTON interment was at Alliston Cem etery on Wednesday May for Rev Morris Sn who died in Smnybmolr Hospital Sunday in his 85th year Mr Morris served mhny years he minister in the United Church of Dairy NW nmem celebrate an the good dairy foods that natiue so beautifully proifides all year ronndEnicythem often Canadn One of his sons Rev John Jr minister of Aurora United Church will be going to Timothy Eaton Memor iel Church in Tomato this sum mer He served for six years is minister at Stroud and Le LIONS MONSTER BUFFET Members at Barrie Lions Club are busy selling their special 10 per plate tickets for the semiannual monster buffet and ear draw which will be held at St John Vianney Hall Innlvlll Street on itlBSday June in AT RESEARCH SEMINAR James Veltch Barrie chin opractor recently attended research seminar at the Hilton Hotel Fort Worth Texas con ducted by the Parker Chiroprac tic Research Foundation on or ganizatlon collecting and re searching information for the advancement of the science of chiropractic in so at 31 on swear Bram an own creative Director Nut May June will mark the 111th birthday of the YMCA and what an unpnum tlous start it wall helve yoimg linen lowered into the smell rented bedroom of George Wil liams young drapery apprent ice in loaded Bigllnd for the War of events which led up to this meeting are now known by many of the members and triends of Barrie Still brief restatement will help us predate the significance ot June birthday as mile stone in the service of the to the world UPROOIED BY REVOLUTION George Williams along with many other youth of his time were uprooted from the pro tected secure family industrial unit by the advent of the indust rial Revolution They were sent from their homes to fend for thanueivos articled as apprent ices in one of the various indust rics which were growing up in theb at cities Georgeswas appren tied to Mr Holmes is drapier at Bridgewater The stability and supervision at his home were left helildd him and George along with most of those in similar sltua tlom became by his own ed mission thoughtless care less Godless young fellow The diveraions which spring up to catch the lonely not only tempt ed but claimed many of them They were without faith purp oso or conviction George became aware of the lack of meaning and worth in his life and explored the Christ ian message for an anchor As he and methodically worked out the answers to the doubts that blocked his relation ship to Christ be found that they were laid aside one by one and in 1888 he joined the Church HAUNTED BY CONDITIONS At 19 he was employed by Hitchcock and Rogers in Lon den and there was haunted by the low spiritual and moral con ditiona which prevailed de personal Will and Elma which was his in Christ ihere were leouslstantl In the store and of the tot he found only one other Christian who joined him every night in pray er As he later reported we met our numbers grow God was present George had discovered an im partant principle upon which work has prospered through the past 117 years that there must be interest and tri to make pinstilt liter things easier in their nodal gatherings supper functions religious studies prayers study of book and presentations of paper they found that they had harnessed tremendous uplifting fort and saw the ur gency of sharing it with others MEET 1N ROOM Thus on June 1m George Williams and it other men met in Georges room to devise method of reaching out to other young men and the movement became known as the Young Mens Christian 7A Vlodllfiflli The requests for help in for mation of other YMCAI came in so quickly that it was soon far beyond the time the men had free from their yobs so they selected one at their num ber to quit his lob and the rest contributed part of their incom es to support him as tho Ys first protaslonnl secretary This was the beginning at the lavstaff relationship upon which the has grown The secretary is special member with special skills and time to dedicate to the carrying out of the policies developed by the association of members Each member though who pledges his sympathy with the Ye pur pose has voice in the develop ment of the policy and direction of the SPREAD ACROSS EUROPE From this small start the grew By 1851 it had spread ac mea most of Europe and to Mon treal where the first in North America was started in 4355 the sister movement the smmm mamb was of formed and in the same year representation of around the world met in Parts Three and formed the War Alliance at the YMCA which was established in Cu eve Switzerland where it still resides in use the World Service groans of the was started the Internaqu Committee of the YMCAI of Cenadn and the United States This pattern of helpfulness on underdevelop ed ootmtries is basically the some as President Kmnedy re clntly outlined in his peace corps plea to help others help themselves in spirit of spiritull racial and reliean equality rather than the idea of throwing urnobs to the poor 01wa AREAS programing camp lng vocational guidance and training night schools and countless other areas of endeav or have come within the scope of work moitar taken over by private interests or gov ernment groups but all intro dueed by earnest pinsuit oi the principle that where there is interest in and friendship for the other valuable growth willoccur in loss representatives of the Ys around the world now num bering over 10000 persons and representing vs countries and six territori end over four million members again assem bled ln Paris to oelebrate the centennial of the Worlds Allian $mudmudefliate themselves lemon purpose and lfliedprinclpies of world brother OO NOT SECRET SOCIETIES Joseph McCulley Warden of Hart House University of Tor onto said on the opening at the Lakeshore in Toronto in 1953 The YMCA and Ole YWCA are worldwide and all inclusive they are not secret societies nor selfish groups of vested inter ests though theyhave creat ive purpose they know no bar flora of race color creed or nationality He drew circle that shut me out Heretic rebel thin flout 19 infalovesndihsdthewitto We draw circle that took him inl Because little that kind oi organisation you we believe in them Willyou rememberibese thinlnnJuneei mockis spars Boys gym and swim trip to Orililn on Saturday June lo investmento am and tarniflat neg Thor wanting to do use one Thurs dayv evening June Outdoor adult volleyball meets Pleads Queens Park from pm Max Morris will be me with boys 10 and over who incomes pit ni day evenings at 730 Those interested may get tails by matactlng the YMCA Fulton States Bill Rights Not Iniringed PENTICTON 30 CPlJllk lice Minister Fulton denied Wednesday that the proposed federal antlgoofbeii legislation will conflict with the presum tion of innocence guaranteed the am at nights Mr Fulton said in an inter view there is nbsolutalyno in fringement on the rights of the individual contained in the bill now before the Camera it is nlrned at persons traffick ing in drugs which fall outside present narcotics legislation FINE ron ssu MONTREAL CP iv Montreal companies were fin total of $800 Wednesday after they pleaded guilty to selling margarinewhich will soon be legal in Quebec Both compa nies were charged alter Quebec Provincial Police carried out widespread raids earlier this month Federal Peaking lnc was fined $600 and Maurice Beauvels Reg $200 MONARouls ORIGINAL FRGPAIRE fixAPPLIANcE Iv ET DAYS ONLY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1qu 2nd 3rd ENJOY THE SAVINGEST VDAY was bring along friend and share these bargains anr sAL our FREE Moosn arrarm sun FRIGIDAIRE BUY RANGE am ear yous moron or ANY mm Novglmml clrsi in den comm ran hnna aoe offer that Look tall lhlt mean dollars in your pack REFRIGERATOR AND you GET your quotes on ANY one gt or ran roams marsn arrow Electrioilanorian Electric Range Debuneerngerltthe RCA Stereo Consuls makedatrpfoods dangredder Hedfioompleieoetof delleldildairyfo0drecipebooklets Madam Wriiéiasayi BUY FRIGIDAIRE DRYER AND Gammon arrows on ANY one gram LIST an arrow mm No oowurAYMsNr FREE STORAGE UNTIL REQUIRED wnmonmwumn WilmLPOOLVACUUM CLEANER LONG on snonr ways Room amnmuonsmnnun mvrAN open llRlIDAY IIL 79

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