Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Jun 1961, p. 11

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Ome Huntihg TEE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JUNE 1m ll ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE 311 rnorenn Ion em BRADYAl Itnyli VIotbriI Ha It finifiuzndflu no5 CORBY an enooo no Elm Ird lynei no ran News REAL ESTATE oi the Blessed Event can be Innailnceu to your Iring JInd muv ior only tempos PABz PHONE PA 8Z4l9 93 Dunlo St DEATHS MAnn MANINA PA um outdonem Lh RoyllfhLkrtgfll cum 533 whim o3 we WELCOME ALL mes no heimo win Prunx anh 0F LISTINGS hi lidL DEII m9 REIDLVTIAL mgr moi morphy Ind Pltrich compcuu IiNousrluAl mowerotltnl HENRY $6 AG must inn no mu 5m sum rune It mull roundy thinl nu Irrlnnnunu lItIr Menu At hIr haul in wtin strut BInil on Ween nu Ill ll looi mien Ililored fluid avid III Ir lno lr our own In In ol rllrrri loved dlulnter ol ltr 15 Oman Sf Banla Ind ll Frederick fluen our PHONE PA was hill or Muriel gin llmlo Nichnill Elll Gordon umxn BARR lam uiAn Luck ohmy Mn Leomo ll15 and horn in km SAVE mo Fun ygr Oldlréfll Bu hummer hintfll Invite Ffld OPP 553 Mumm moi °i mm mum 1mm Teml to he unotoo io lull pun hnWArAt st Michleil ilor conr In Ill50° llll Toronto on Wednridlh th ill as Furieluigervll Ar BEDRooMs In own on or was Lloyd Knl ht of or may many home Kitchen uilI Illter to immune llvlol room with Anniu our Mn Sri lay blur Archer bedroom piece burn at price llIurle rs Ilttr anlr Ill 310900 with upon down Glen ol Hmvlll in nor mo Relunl At her lute mm pm mm 5m Lem lot 15 412 Tlxu only unui 1le min snorey iune lhtn to lilyclluo Anruun Churen 122 T350 31 fgmingagggng 03 run prie moo will moo down Irth Iitlb tioh co mg 12 Id HIE nunr Alter hour phone Elmtn Paddy MilesPA 85200 fluM ll Pm Bob FieweilingPA 85653 to ion Chlrn Alvin in bi or Lots 522 dist MOVING ot MIbei Mn lchpthnoi ol uter Ind min on it non Straud in on mo Ir Reltlnl It the June II COOKE CARTAGE mtxm fumnlI Haggai 151 STORAGE LTD on server It 200 pm lntenn mm nl Hnlplt on hlun BIrrln Ind upon or Mollie Mn complete omlu urvloe ul Cemetery YOURALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 1N MEMOle 5m rArirny on weanin memory our pA 125 File Ind lovlnl mother Eutni $65M who plutd In 13 II hwpy hours we oncnn oyed Howlwont their memory But lItlth ion 19 Ioneilnnn The world Eln never nu iovlnnly remembered by our RIM ETATE dHOKER hInd Ted Ind llmlly Ediit Ken TIFF STREET BARR Ind DonnI LETITIA STREFI Executive tn homo lacill In llllI tilld lot 85 151 Icliurilll SUIIONMlny thllltl to Dr Deanna up ups flflhggn nuns 1nd or room no dininz room op er II Elke lung my ll no View any pilra Geotliln mlrhle them pInl picturo window liuminlinl um 5W omll Ind Ionens rcomiion COMING EVENTS hunmlnh Itucheo lIllKo Tm it mu buut Ind well kept nomi ANNUAL only Ihout IV yem old iiiIto Ilgldvapolntflnllt tn MI this homl FRIDAY JUNE 1961 SATURDAY JUNE 27 HIGHWAY BARBIE BRANCH ONTARIO SOCIETY FOR PREVENTION or 18 SOhUTH CROva To ANIIiIAlS yllfl uvmxLnovzm change no pieu blth lull oeument THE ded lIi ell Illtil Int 75 loo cIlrieI or $5105 per nlpnth lniernIllonllly llmolu high schnoi plul llxes mixod chorus tron Troy ohio will present program ot Sheled Ind Secular vocIl illurle in its Itnrey iurse hedroom home HWNN mm kitchen iocuted on iurge lot lie forcedlir oli heltinl munsnAY Evmmb MI gt Down plyment only $2000 éfifimm °° REAL5 3wa £31375 room Ind tithing room intend mm mm mm with builtin cupbolriIs blth nice tin tflt bulllrln fireplace hlidWOOd nM Ionrn throuzhout iuiI moment figmgfifilffnfiwi oil hentlnr lIundry tubs 11 recrefiiiinn illflm pyithmnaehzgeny pInn In oer LOCAL COUNCIL or THE Nicely iIndscnpzd lot plu rur ATIONAL READING den portly plved drlvzwly llr ASSOCIATION Ige Pull price only eliMw Ihil sun GILES CHURCH tionie is well ioruted to Itoxes MONDAY JUNE 12 530 pm 21 ml 35 BEDROOMS ZBATHROOMS Wuraifiififliie 3103255 mem her 01 the Norrie Puch School fiflgdmflg $Dfidg°mhgg 975 blthronms completh ilnlpheo MIXEDDANCING hiii°il°i°€ot En ORANGE fifomiulgilngccement curbs pro FRIDAY JUNE trout ylrd od 31 WARiii 930 PM 100 AM IPLIE In hack yud Illonll com Lmm mm glote piivcy You mun on thin for younw Ir word PiAXIONs oncmxmA gt ADMISSIONTS fgfiagfllggha it iuilyn in but CLASSIFIED C°DRRGEI°NST $10800 Iuil IlkInl price Iv norey room Aw pllce lull huemen toned ulr oil haltinl Ilulnlnum tormr Ind room Ind place lrIshroom in Add one PA Add BE IT NOW ESTATE SALE It WmGTON STREET WEST sullliy 1mm brick htony house ii older 0le hut In notch can iUnn threulhout No IItrI flownIlIill beam hlvgmul ddeudwin Innl It gnfigugmhgegl on em lem In ugh to Mill lpltllI Now vulni IMOGIIII DOI IIIM Superior melon WT ENDSMALL HOME full prlu or all dem brick homli lull doomlied Ind equipped with Itnml Itlil ICIIII NW lll hIItllIl AYIiBill tunonly $3190 per ear Down nonn only ihlt comes or win more It him Pilan PA $366 MRGE HOUSE AND ACRE NORTH OF BARRIE 55000 htII price with very lnwdown ihlt nrflu tor ill per month Thll couvenienou Ioonu in Iii Ind bu clot in Ichooll Ind Item For tuu pIrticuiIn phone PA ALMOST NEW APARTMENTS soup BRICK 137 VANCOUVER STREET sumo in In excellent ruldeotiul diiirict at line an homer eon venient to Em Ind so in Pine hero ill tnlinteNIncI properly nqulflnl very ll Ind inmetion MOOREPA um Roller um mutants Smith CampbellPA 87339 LDLl or GORD HAROLD FORSTER nEALron gt sanAlrFlELD sr PA 66453 iOUSE HUNTING DO YOU de three bedrooms 3251 to live in Benin tWInl to be our ARM and GE IWInt reninhie lplrilnnntl oNccd ImmediIio pollalslon HIVe only two down plymrnt Wlnl to on only 375 per month on blilnce If you Ioswer DO well then thil or YOU Jult CIII Elnory Miller PA 30476 or further inlorrnltlon SUMMER COTTAGE ONLY MILES FROM BARRlE Lovely bedroom antiP on in wooded Int mostly ll ler hirvh with helutlflll vltlw ill the like All mmiture arid hoIt Included in hi ian Isltlnl price of only $8550 Very low down paymnni For inspection CIiI NAIth RIIIteS 05o 4021 I1le other Inkeshore pmpuiiel toJlIuW youprices rlnzinl Min 35000 to $19000 Member or Barrio Ind bistriot Real Estate Bolrd EVENINGS CALL EMORY illLLEil PA 6MId iot PALMER PA bobs KARL MARSHALL PA new CAMPBELL RAIKES on ma mom Fons PA NORAH mini3m upholds 33090 DOWN Th1 lovely modorn brick home he mine very ed Iflilornst suhdlvlnlnn Alli on For lull Irtlclllnr Phon BE Sonia DAILY CROSSWORD in Ann Jon God 43elom boo tributary 871 TELEPHONE fififiofii3i2¥$iozi PA 82414 IALL DAY DR EVENING PA 82379 qbndensed and ciassiuéd adver Memhu llumnfifiofi mm Lisementsare inserted at the rate of It per word per insertion for one and two times per word in three four or five times and 2m per word tors or more insertions 10 add done charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST REAL ETA exam FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD nunlop Street Ent iiESSEoFnFiofioifiariiofi PA 8996i OR 68742 $106 FOR 24 WORDS 1F CPARGIIQE PER SINGLE IN SERTIO Ross 51 ERRORS 0R CDRRECTIONS Advertisers Ire reminded the Ill $l2800 FULL PRICE phone insertion olden Ire ml Exnaiinnt duplex very main ed convenience to you the mm Why mm Idverliler Therefore the ClIuiliod mm hm an fii3£iifii 21hr mm canmin their Idvzmsnment lminediotoly 12° °1 PM um um toromoonilu order to ny errorI or om sol WIN re orlndheior An in rd toll lune inn He million is 10 Ymlfln FEW NORMAN the tailoth our lnrertlon oldr Evlreit Eh ivlu mamwlzhkto an out than lgal Howard Norrie $35123 or for only one Incorreeii also Wm PA 31 mirrth on gdvereeloht llnl Lemon PA Mlln Bl 0X mm um Emma Nonnoo ehelrwen max rint nrror which no not iesLIInure vIIuo or the povonlre mm 11 beam brick bunglow computed roe ment not oflahio lnrmamo mutton room bed on than by mIlr lands iIndm MI lot NINA lug mund Rate Ann type We tor semi redeem $75 per month includ lespiay clusilindd mayJ19 on lug interest Ind taxes Quiet tIioeo through nonhuman ltlnIt eut Ina Tollphohl PA vanilla OGDAHIIIBII Hm ANN 110m oatans F3 PWII weight nmhhio 10 sesame ILBdsian gt van marble 17Englinh magnum 18 Eva in gt16 Harem 2b 33 will Orchuhele 18 Split pulse 31 may 19 Hint Indian 17 Book til 330mm unlock wood 433mm controot maple meat 47 Nnvni force 48 Spanish title DOWN 11m Hebe flue 2Fonciliz Oil 31 MW Pndrxntlt roe IAli ROGERS CONNEL REALTORS oNE nUNmemEAsr xv rim or Butlo EmEIwemmln oillie warm2 PA 85568 TRUNK LINES oi NELSON STREET enoou nrucx nous2 bAmoous 11 Priced my low to ohmn 16000 down onymrnt rhl ioireiy ma gm 11mm in Iteuglhnmo on In um kitchen llviannl bedroom on round mo Very hlody to lino Atom Ind bun And have money on it bugin price Inn with the Iotv interest rate our on on NilA momn lnrihl our on covenPrinupi iniemt no rum Don mine hunt COMIIIAIOI roomy on XIII your ID wotIt or you In th tl Conueoeffioi CARSON 0m Vnionlou nw vlunl an thieJrvPfly mull Ind one In touy homo wi Illent klr lIr ortnle drlt clue in Condltl inn mlslnlu modern but uter heItId Inmehu where In ownlr nn lin in In hulldllll III for ltul Phone PA uses or complete dl EVENINGS CALL New um CONNZLI PA Will DAM II DISTRICT REAL ETA BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET PHONES PA 60 PA sow Joni LeonPA um pAhqu FIIflI OlnIyPA D7051 Member the Burl Real all Bond SEE BARRIE VIEW anrrine newest Iubdlvlslnn The Hell locItlon ertht new home lCltltom horn hllIidInl by Gard Sprin Ind Doll Homer It il lnclttd jult off vaiew Drive hell it HuroniI Drivrln GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LT SPRINGPA 3509 DOUG HDMMA W1 OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON PHONE IVY 291m IVY AREA or pool cl ioryn conveniences llrxe hlrtr buiidlnln on mlln mid The first clue cuitivliion rod weIlernud Tonal STAYNER AREA 150 IcreI blm 00 7m brick house prlr ed pone The kind il level Elly iolm Ind nelliy lIl seeded to my Ind Dlliurl Thu is outmnolnr ltock or dIlry form Owner his nthlr lntlielll he kills price moon Good ermr 100 mention Ind 15 For Alnu home lunlilel contlct Ir Bltal ulnar le HENDERSON REALTOR ID COLLIER STREET PHONE PA some gt INCOME PROPERTIES house on Cllppflton Street Allin $10500 upiex centroi location 500 huIlnoII II oliicl Dnubla Douhle on Snphin Street in room Ioiii to uni till 11300 Brick triplex rnnlinl m0 mon thly Mlkl In ofllr onuplex on Port strewnlull $9 00 downtown heatinl Ind Inillnee Priced to Poop Peroy lord EVENING GALE RITA SCANDREII PA HIM PERCY FORD PA 17930 Member at solrte Ind DiItriEt Ind Ellu Bond Duplex annte pnuon leoturrs iuliy lnlidscl OhtIrio Bali Anness iaElm rm we noun ure 3731th on 513513 gm Lowmenu elder lter our hed room brink holle oo Penetlnl 33 man 89 84 Farmingg interest 35 Gainl brother 36 stroblie 38 Chief Norwnyu copILIl 101mm quencher IZBolil mm more do not troutre 44 Engiieil 32850 DOWN for this modern NEW NHA noMBl Three bud when Exo REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE WIO BOAKE REALTOR DO BRADFORD mm nun PA Iotal on PA we CIIN WINCH Iliph earnIPA Iona IBM OI Elm Ill 3W All In lolld REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre FEELINGV on SPACE God All pricl Nut Illiia our room bunlIlow louih oi Elnln Jim outlid cit llinlll CIIJ MI Shun mix wlll PA I10 RETIRED FARMERS bedroom Brick bunnlow In low iy Ioc lion Livinl room dint room neIt kitthen In piece Dlul Th1 home ll in encelleot Condiilofl Ind required very down plynnnt you no loo Illrlor retirement hum lhll la lorlfullherlillzlonglAtion ulu ory to out Ki PA film BUIHWELX CRESCENT ileouceo to rook bottom price at um kreilent on room bricl nonlew with thin beoroo urn kitchen Diocl both I1 lumen olflu PA teal evenlnn PA Midi RADAR STATION Iorn etorey Irlnu homo 35300 with em down And bliIm on one mortuu 67 Fumble tao monthly intern Ind princi Il CIII Rum CIrIon DUch soul eveninll PA point WEST END PLAZA AREA MONO modern ham On IOVe Flvld ltllct Lula ilvinl room mom Riidhl nut bltl VIM Pull qumln CIOIO to fihookdivfll once oply 503 ll Null NW CIII Gerry nlncl PA 69451 eveninu Hm $500 DOWN PWSIBLYLFSS monthly will uny lhll room will on ldlo oily Clli Glny Mlllnry or Jurthlr plfliculln flint PA H451 Ivlnlnll PA RELAX IN CDIfiORi bedroom brick bonuiow in out coo Pour rooml compieild bmnuni Bornew in hlck yIrd glint gaudmyid ClIII iglerr our ad sun eve nu PA H695 PA 66481 Member of film Ind Dlltiiot Boll Eli 30 rd MOVED May is moi T9113 DUNLOPSTREET Next to Brown GI Co STEVENSONS ALL KINDS INSURANCE ROOMY BRICK BUNGALOW Llrlekitohen dining room liv in room our bedroom Fully heItod huement with arm huh room Lu corner loulnul lor Iotle oh dnh TELEPHONE PA 6802 for Ippolntment ii NAPIER STREET nun livid room with fireplace Iunporoh bedrooms piece bIth on lroltnd floor Iutomltlc Illtndly Iquipment lovely ludenl Ind iron on 90 200 lot PHONE PA 66676 150 um room home on non voniencu llrze hlml tIodtp rheod milk house Ilul flood teml mile to Blrrlo loo Ioru to room Itorey heme blm 36 54 80 Inles workable bIlInce bush Ind pasture with creek About 000 down hIinnco euy terms But in miles 100 Ian room home all rind vnnlences bun 35 53 pl pen 25 80 with chicken house lbove 11000 Scotch Pine hand to at Full prio DI MW Burie II no mu room rtorey brick homer in itnnlIcuIItn condi on Euro in so with itrt mile of men hirhwy Iziniiol IN Inns EIHII miles Iilver thmuzh property sniIil bunniow Ind hlrn 30 um Full price mm with 000 down Elrrll Ifllniiu rel IIIIIIIIL lelnr Real Estate 15 Cle perton st Phone PA 61151 he inn Neiiex PA Mood Al Po tor PA trim Moore PA was Pernod air on Eumncu Telephonl pA 82004 tor mrthar intomllion BUILDERS opportqu Ronni home double int Grove street got Apply to Ann sir hIn one corner wtu tell do um 3200 one 3350 for two rite to Box in Creemoro orteie phnne 1m Inel bedroom bunlIIow in lover dirtrict Owner trlnllnrred May he mo It195 wuinrtoo st antellphone PA m2 roams uinl bathroom ledwnod Ind me floorlnii rented incltion Priced ri hi tilr inioronItton eI PA Hui gt MODIRN Brick nee Tflpien flint Soplllil entrlnnel repul one two Ind LhrIImom lplfla flnu ltl Gondhnme onlo wwflrnxegldld In on Ir on gt3le REAL ESTATE Ind ll Cannon Rul CANADIAN Pllmlliu LtmIIId Ill Ator it In the North BIy 1m lib bl ll Allen III uth ilvnl Irtm lb ii 337 to no porn lur it up Ivllllhl Ind to oillion Key in cool eneo in Box ldunnt tlchld thuvlllIlu No North III Onurll In nod coldiflo PROPERTY WANTED All nor Barri lemlner Urgent iinPA WANTED ment would tile th pref School Aron bracket lower 91ch III Illlrlll PA l7 MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS To nnwiidl this Dr mottlIlel co lHolna impmvomllllltn Any wbnnwhuI null PA 6M1 EVENINGS PA 64032 Mortgage Funding Of Canada 119 DUNLOP STREET EAST MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Plymentl lnlllrld st Iccidoni Itckneu eIlh CRESCENT FINANC In Brokers PA pestle RENTALS dIle HIrduIlre PA 012 Curran It PA Mill pho PA 51405 uhooin Ind stored New ted Ind masonlhla rent Telepho to Box thrill Bummer mediIteiy Toiephanl PA sepia 1WD unnoom Cott Ipn Belch vrwo LARGE Front Room um ed Very reasonlhle rent Not lutlbl lor children Apply V157 MIry street ment privlie enhance hu Ind hot wltnr eup lied Ii Elyfleld Strean Apply MODERN Britll Duplex Cum herinnd street 70 noon floor $45 impalaAprva noun Ild Con hell ReIlinrlphona PA NIB WK DvPLSX up fundm Roi wr in lulled our mamllnd tiII hltll Ill mind wIlkJriun down an CONTAINED heltndn two hedloom Henvy wlrlnt contrI route Apply It isanr THREE 00M untnmlohd ppm mont llIhln Juno Hind PA out antral new lnniu men Ito Ind neck bu carom lmlr cotton ring and eéoulinlnvu Ill um minim liolinl Edna uNTALs ms nouns To BENT WIIlld wit Btou Ind remuntor Iitpp ll PA 5431 lltlr LIIm mil in monnu nonn FOR SALE on nENr CABIN TRAILER llll Idltltl re bone PA ll llly Ainilhio iune bgunn Anne IIMIEID Lek bun Bi BIY Point monthly soluble or Illthou couple Apply llr Nichol Euclid RI nicely furnilhld up uu eontllneo tour roanu luiubil tar lh PA enli June 101 WANT Illtlt he clue to VBllliINInd onh but Null my Inyw on APII Box BIlllIP klmlnlr nmvrsol lrInIIIrnd to all Vrl Idaho three or our bedroom home on or belon Slpl iteI lonlhlo down plymeul PrinclPlIl In Apply to Box ll Blflie he Aduiti Noi Telephone no ll Alrn thro It Ivy Sion roll cunt Borden Avlii Ihil June Illlphonl PA bullion lily lbndrooln ri ment hot vili hnunl lnoilldld AFN Ruler Ind Connlll llll Ion Phone PA WM mun noon unmmishtd lplrt mini mum Intruder nu nlrkinl lIcIlitiee Av inmldllllly Telephenl PA uno or timber intormutlon UNUINIIIIRD in room Rllrlllnlar WANTED NOW NHA In bed room halite ilnrnIolItI or very early oooupIocy Down Plymlnt lppmxlmlflly 000 Mr hill Ind Public Khooll Apply Del 71 It DOWNTO lllt canilino Urgent Rush Rush IIle cllnnt tor property nuuldI ot BInie with It lent llill int Ind houn thli win any reuomoiy by the month Down me mill not go 1°AML cm ory no all 51m Ihll hlltld now on plieol Ceoi Immldlln nonunion PA Wu or PA 0H mm LARGE troll hull hoping room Sth renu ciient withrreuonlbil down rlblvy Carl Tale Our drool htin Li Johnson client with £1300 would uk on noon home with lncnmu In $10000 mm iltlly mml Inna Irlt cont mlnllll Ir Mn ml gItll men uuppud Newly out weekly 1pm AvAtliAnnl Mu nilhsdmlhlrtlnlni Alla numb ellonil with null down plyflllnl lnokllll or lion hi or on width at Clly In tlll Telp one PA m1 In outed throu lmmedllloly lepuono PA DINO shlrll Mil PA TWO BED 00 itmetli HD Ind wlter IupplIed NeIr want no nhupPinI pi No II Intnnc AVlll phone PA Min vnirnllhed lPlrt nI room kilohnn entrIn RelInnIh lullI III CPU oil exutinl mortal no ionoe My To AIIRACIIVB mill bed lliii hlihrnoln Ill or cnupie Peel 5t SHED Apllimenl two tivlill room kill an icit coolelned he ed Nur Dummlnd 5iorlAVll Ioio now Telephone PA M10 THREE noon halted lei con plrtnunt will Itnvo Ind rotrin tor no monthly ted in the us lune reiopho iiionnltN three bedroom unlul prime entlt rupee flu or wllhu Ind dryer district reI end no Call today for appointment bedrooms pleoe inh MORTGAGE DUNLOP 5T WESL BARR PA mm lDlrimeni um Pmsr momma noted p5 tmmldllllly to eiur no me Apply to Box BInil Exemlnr rultNlonnD mmnl bed Iit ttlflfl with ltOVI AVIIIIRII 1m medlltely TIICDODDQ PA Ill 51 Iplfly 17 Burton Avenue liew dilly IIVV IOI TWO LARGE Roflmed loll cone round floor Iplnment block Iron nuniop Street Inn MIple Avenue this included Elle ry tubs Telephono mom Ind MOBNAmIlt Ind Ind bollth rotrihrltnr loialnrl Imogen commerciul Ind ruldnrltill monayllonnul fll unn manual BIrril Mon Intunce PROPERTY FOR RENT ALLANDALB aloo Innre rut rtore or warehouse will reno vote to suit tenIritAphly Allln inund PA Ida APTS HOUSES TO RENT BEDROOM in Hiiicrut whool IIEI £an per month Clii THREE mt FOUR Room lurnlnhed Irtnlent Two Iduitr Ind lmlll th wanted by July 15 Tele rourrnooox Apmmen ties to LANDSCAPING BARRIE LANDSCAPING son SUPPLY Free lstimliel llndlcnplnl llvln mtnunlnue Soddinl seedinl roi rpnyinz and Bullet Ind Evergreen Ipecl Ity Kentucky or MIXion nu Ilro tieid Ind dliiverld when Rusnnlhie rules TELEPHONE PA 01555 rLAsmNiNti STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Archwaye Patches FREE ESTIMATES TERMS PAYMENT COE QU KBRI LEFROY 60M iPllONE COILECT wnowmli URIVIOLSTERING Chestérlieids ehéirs couch linnmer furniture recovered PA 68506 or Mil Informltinll TWO nznnoom House Berri Terrace on his DII filmltl Adultl Avllilhin July Apply lertlllrlnl BRIGHT four room unrurolshod IpIrtment thlltlnl supplied Nalr West End PinzI Alumni in MODERN threl bedmnln haml with en Ittnchen llilKl Clan to Cellulite Inn public Ichooi AvnliIble And lo Apply tovhox ment ior rent ylll rid Plrluv lurnirhed Telephnnl anon Wu no no SIM lolin nin unfurnluld pert tnwnJrivIt Telephone PAW his re your pwll home in MONlh rnhM5 BARR TENT AND NING co LTD on old Ills ormnrumms GENERAL STORE AT ALCONA BEACH OLD ESTABLISHED PROFITABLE BUSINESS Dial the but lulunnt linen MI NI Had bl onlorprtle It iI tuiiy intInna will build MMIhII will In El iiu All Milli It into bull llllilinl About RM III II mum to Inmcunn by Irnolntlnnl Hull PA on III Iri lour Noll all Ed conillnld on ur unturbim hue line BEDROOM not rel contIlnld flat Smll Cl mm at nnnlh you rriepnop mot I003 luluIL In In liter PM for Author lornltion mm ROOM unlitlnllhed hut dh nit flnullud IoIIunent Mdpm noun hm livlnl morn hitchn uuiily roonl thru buoronou tour in Maroon noor lumco Prvlil drive Elev Beloh rriephon dull mm noon Apmmpt with rlv bllhrooin not uptod rotrlderIIor uty ltdvo Included unite nurion Avenue Apply street mom In NOD IFIMIIR all EPILIIOOA WHO Print Ewell lmuln mrill or II or Centruly loono role roun noon unlurni hunt with lath rInee Fllklfll IPIEQ Ind pmm slerIltv DlsPosAl DEAD ANIMAL mire ESTIMATES mods RENTALS Am housed no RRNT unnmmm ohm room nun null um blocs be in rent Apply to limit Ilrut Dorrie Ln ml Jilly Ind Allul Io Unmxnuhld Ifilflmldl in modern amount on In in ell lullId Phonl PA II NIL Pu lhed or Iiile Ilia time in We and rho ill Telephone PA HI PA N1 evenlruI WINKIIIID modern Bunlllw or ml uninl null or no Aunlll only PA ll priut bathroom Itiwo glancing loom ulu lor III um 1mm IOOM unflirnllhd ADM mot priVIit entnncl it ntrinrnlor on min in Min Downtown location Avail once Hunt 33150 mouth1 reiophom PA Ims ch uw LdARGI ihnl room loll tonilln Dlnmldl prtvIte tauIn wiriol ron we come piy Collier street on lvlnlnll PA 00 mill BEDROOM noun tor not unfurnished all living room with mint tniiy on Rndrord Elln mun vol Victorid strut Hm or ta ephonl PAV mu ROOM unfurnished out but Inter rupplled £3 lad blur Dunlap AVlllIhlI glazdiltgbxnparor glnh idle Don PA NW1 liEArIn ltnhlnlilhld bright Ind llnmleuilll IpmmnL liv ing room two oedroo Ind upo oiour kitchen centnily Incli Plrhinl Iciilliu Adult only Illephnin olnr PA Mm NIW AND Modlrn one Ind two bedroom llrtln t1 olil mnio no5 Ilnfl VI on llr Ikln 1nd nd Md or in VI Ad utomltld wllhliu ll PA IND onl PA 747 mu Hell Ind wli tilled Avllllbll June 15 phone PA min em coNIAlNEiS lhf nrunent Bath hut our Ed Clan twfiilnwn Inliltier lilo rodent AinIIbIe iunei option PA Iwo nnpnoon ApIrunent illo chen Iivinx room hthlnoln and ntwiy epunte hrul With remn enter In riov Cnn move in iolmedieteiy Tel hone PA llooi from to Mn only Irv ment with kitchonntte bIth room PIIVII column on lnd plrkinl lpli include Adults prelerreo App NI pier Street on amlmma room with Ill nhlnllie with but outer All three room round floor IFIYL maul Privlte Intflnce Com tliy mgninhld Allen Illlnfiill nilhld coin In IliephnnI PA 561 IllI none gBUSlNESSISERiICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates Month or Year Teiephone PA 82914 WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly lbr disposal Telephone Barrie PA 87751 Long distance Zenith 34800 It our Expense ED PEpONé AND SON um RILLIA License No 69Coi DISPOSAL ACT We we been licensed to remnvl your doIn Ind urippien turnl Int xnIiI under the lhnvl Ant FREEREMOVAL Phone couLEct BARRE EArkwhy8v$617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE now mpumllon Airilie insulation hill Idlénxwmuganl Elgwinrm flingingti 511 Ne Aimed shown in influxo epithstyroIIoIm moio Inlhlcker bout in mm onion WI Ir melanoma Iiumiounl illififlhflfi hi ALt WORK GquANTlziv Write or phone soon Mumzu MiNESiN councr email you BUYGXVI mmw lemme ii

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