OUli TELEPHONE For Exaniner Want Ads Tele phone PA Hut the telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept ll PA 6W th YouNo 127 NEW FLYING MACHINE This Ground Elfect Madi ine which travels on cush ion of air above land or wet er in being developed by two Aircraft Limited of hill too Oot nnd BorgWarner Corporation of Kalamazoo Midi This sketch show the GEM leaving supply Ihip with troops and cargo An Avro ellicial lays the comp any expects to receive reply within few weeks about mummillion dollar bid made to the United States Navy which is interested in the vehicles CF Wirephoto Deman PARIS APPrcsident Ken nedy and President de Gaulle began their second day of talks on world issues today agreed that the West must stand firm in Berlin but still divided on Frances demand for an equal voice with Britain and the United States in the direction allied policy Kennedy urrlvcddlt the Ely see Palace shortly alter in am for the first of twoextended conversations today with the Ranch president De Gaulle was on the steps of the palace waiting to greet this American day ight the French president said Franceiis to help carry out liiedpolicy it must have this runes possible voice in NEW alloy our co mon co rprise peace with liberty requires from both of us reciprocal recognition as complete aspos sible the conceptionlcf policy as we as in ltsexccutiorii Kennedy speaking earlier to group of members of the French Parliament had said that thé wayio have consulta tions is toconsul Diplomats consideredthat his answer tode Gauiics bid for agrcater role for France in Allied policymak ing Kennedy in effect was say ing that all the machinery ne cessary for consultation already is in existence After two hours and 35 min utes of talks Wednesday the two presidents announced gen eral agreement to stand firm againstSoviet threats to West Berlin French officials indi cated they were conï¬dent Kene nedy would take firm no compromise line on this issue in his meeting with Soviet Bra mier Khrushchev in Vienna this weekend Kcnnedy reinforced thlrllrfl pression with state at Wed nesday night that has will remain looses they arerequired ready to meet any threat with what ever response is needed He did not amplify what he meant by response to any Com munist threat but his words implied that the United States would use nuclear weapons if it felt compelled to do so CANT IGNORE Kennedy also said that both France and the United States know that neither allywouid sverignorc the alliance to go nff on its own course ds Equanoice To ShapeAlliedPolicv There is no reason for either nation to dwell on our differ ences or our disagreements We have so much that unites us and so great and dangerous chal lenge to face together Khrushchev has threatened to sign separate peace treaty with East Germany this year giving control of supply routes to the Allied garrisons in West Berlin to the German Commu nist regime whichthe Western powers do not recognize as valid government Any East German antmm to interfere with the Allied traffic would produce wd in Wednesday Joined Kennedy and de Gauiie in their determined Berlin stand The foreign office reiterated that Britain cannot and will not acquiesce in any unilateral So viet action purporting tochange the status of Berlin West German Foreign Minis ter Henrich von Brentaoo wind ing up visit to Ireland saidhe expected Khrushchev to make new moves on Berlin soon He expressed confidence that at enna President Kennedy vrll put to him in clear realistic and serious way the American attitude toward the problem Mqv spread Tio Commercial Projects burn or The possir ity hat Metropolitan Toron tos lenceriddied house and at building strike will tocorhmercial projects today as the strike into its fiith day ssib tyrarase withthe ednesday ot tbreece Volt drl lli members of ion who res loads through strikers urj an one most proJect would Building Trades coordinating body of hbisliop Of The recentlyrenewed alliance between the Teamsters andithe construction unions raised tbe possibilityithat union members on in cial construction would reluse to accept re mix concrete from the firm volved in Wednesdays diamis sa The move came after agday of violence at construction sites inthe Metro area Wednesday as striking immigrant Vivorkers continued their efforts to stop all building Th srlkers most of them fro taly weregrimiaced as their flying squads swept through the suburbssometimes Canterbury room site 15 Years chaei hamsey now archbisho of Yerkg will be enthroned 90th head ofwthe Church of Eng landJunefzItï¬ During to years as mate Dr Fisher conducted the funeral service of King George VI in 52 and drowned Queen Elizabeth the to wing year He also conducted the service when thaQuaeo then princess niarï¬edPrincel Philip in 1947 His lirst public statement on becoming archbishop ol Canter bury in 194 an appeal for the ending racial segregation throughout thev the Vatican It was the first meeting between pope and an English primate since the Eng lish church broke with Romewin the 16th centuryr Aiways known or his spokeness on issuesDr Fisher has been named peer by lowhimas Baron Fisher of Larnbe to retain mem bership in theHoiise The one thing Dr not do is writehis am not anatural eye the man whose written and spoken have of controversy during his years asispinitual headvof the Ghurch ofEngiand lioughiyspeakiug my memoirs would be Hos Ladeone omhe evils ottlie World is goésip privateand public Despite his reputation aspn efficient and ti icss organizer Queen Elizabethwriich will at often brought him tothe centre could not in cavalcadcs of asimany as so carsin acarnpaign to get non striklng workers to lay down their tools The unionsrclaim the contrac tors are not living up to the terms of agreements forged in wild campaign last summer Police arrested 10 strikers Wednesday er punchingand stone th owing meiees threat enedto turn into riots bringing to 15 the total arrests since the strike began The arrests in clude two contractors on fir am chargesi in one are two construction superintendents were punched during scuttles erupting after theyscerigp Abarrage of ston was hurled at working at de gveloprnentin another suburb The raid apartment din were launchedibylsa rs of the walks out after 100 men succeeded in Etobicoke Tuesday Apartment construction was also halted or sic in otherparts of Etobi cokeand in sections oiNort York and Scarborough out to Zanzibarioday rlvaiiparties were reported tors carloads ofotrikers arrived on housing and closing amnior developmentin uring tlon this year one police were ca Brendan Behan Disiurbs Peace In Pizza Parlor HOLLYWOOD AP Irish playwright Brendan Behan ar rested ior disturbing the peace in pizza parlor was released from lotion $105 bail today and ordered to appear in court Fri day Beheu noted internationally for his robust elbowbending was bailed out by the fellow in whose restaurant he was or rested Mortln lilymanr Officers picked up Behan 38 at restaurant in Hollywood Wednesday after Manager Jerry Brontari rcfusedtoserve him beer Brentati told police he arrested the playwright after he started swearing and acting dis orderly in the restaurant Patrolman Charles re lhgt headquarters Said Brewer He acted like character out of one of his plays Girl Married by Dog In Fair Condition HAMILTON KC An 11 yearold Hamilton girl is in fair condition in hospital after she was mauled by German shep herd dog Wednesday night while delivering newspapers Elia Kitson required more than lswstitgha Hospital offi cials said sho was bitten over herentire body andplastic sur geonsworked over the child snorethan two hours The girlrgsaidjthegdog broke its chain and leaped at her Two passerst had to beat the ani mal off with hricksand sticks Shortiy after the incidentthe dog attacked Michael Gear 13 and bit himxscveralstimes The boys father we also attacked when he wenbto es the owner Khrushï¬irives Ll For Relaxation 0i Tensions VIENNA AP Soviet Pre mier Khrushchev declared Wedlt nesday night that hewili strive personaliy forva relaxation oi worid tensions when hemeets ere with Ame can President Kenn hoiogrnpb at was reported by Prague chevls al in Bratisia Czech city 30 miles from ennac Greeted itylargelcrowds at Khrushchevlea mY way to Vienna with President Ken nedy lvdo not wan to make prior Judgmenton the meeting but will strive for relaxa tionv world tensions and to secure eace edo House of Ciinunons Speaker flolayi Minhener Wednesdayimght cautioned against immediate ani ceiitly requestdd an aromatic TRENTON icri adian membership inihe0rganizatic mid to States Wax$5739 in describing Khrush 19 Day Mourning set For Dictator SAN JUAN Puerto nicotar Death by is sination has ended the life of Rafael 143001 das Trujillo dictator of the Dominican Republic and storm centre of interAirierican relations The slaying was announced late Wednesday hythe Domini on radio Private confirmation of the slaying came from other sources in San Juan The heirs of the strong man appeared today to be still in control of the republic But power struggle generally was expected The 69 year old dictators hand picked government prolt claimed the continuity of his policies and declared nine days of mourning for the generahsi simo who ruled thoeastero half of the island of Hispaniola with tyrannical hand for 31 years The Dominican radio said to day the greatest funeral tbe tlon has ever seen is being pre pared for Trujillo The broad cast gave no details of the as sasslnation or theidcntity of the lit en RafaelElonides Tru lo Jr the dictators playboy older son and some believe his fathers choice to succeedJiilnv hurried from Paris by special plane 3A dispatch from CiudodTru lilio saldhigh government offi cials were among the crowd that greeted the plane Wednes day night With him were his youngerbrothcr llhadames and the Dem can ambassador to France orfirio Rubirosa ANNOUNCES SLAYING communique announcing the assassination was signed by President Joaquin Baiaguer RAFAEL WUJILLO Asasslloated whom Trulillo installedes ilgureh ad president ustwhen the dictator missed The communique extolledthe generalissimo andsald he had Been the victim of teachen attack To high more than to hoursheforathe assassination was announced But itgave no details of the lling andnoclueto the id tity of the amasslns Dominican newspaper reported by tolephonafrom dad Trujillo the capital city thedictator renamed in his own honorthat Trulillo was am hoshed by gunmen as he rode along an oceaniroot highway outside the capital Another car forced his to halt Several shots weie firedfrom handgun Howas believed to have died instantly His chauffeur was wounded CeqSelire Issue MustBe Settled GENEVA Reuters West ern delegates headed into an other session of the 14power conference on Lans today deter mined to discuss Laotian ceasefire communist delegates mean while prepared for the resump tion of the conference bent on discussion of Soviet plan for Laotian neutrality The United States France Britain and Thailand spent an inconclusive four hours of argu ment Wednesday stressing that the ceaseï¬re issue must be setr tied neforo th conference moves on to other as To To Lati wasamdron nited State planstoyvprovld cr SE are friendly to it State tary Dean Rusk indicat nesday how before adrrdnlstratio on May 17 the day alter th conference began Chief American delegate Averell Harrinian warned Wed nesday that the conference was in danger ofcoiiapse it pro Communist Pathet Lao forces codtioue violate the ceasa fire agreement in the Southeast Asian kingdom subndi that it is no longer possibleJo denytlte that theiroplemeotation of fire has not been effective car riedoutHarrirnan of no intentional pulling out of conference Twomore ceasetire Viol wére=reportédWoddedayï¬ mak ing total of to violationsvby aotian leftists ince the cease Loom wearing showersend clearing tomorrow Cooler Winds to so Law tonight 55 High Friday 7i For full summary turn to page does Parts Die In Paris Burdings Fall PARIS Reuters huge hole opened up in the ground in Paris auburbtoday wreck lng more thanns bulldlngs and killing an estimated in persons Many more were injured and several were still buried in the rubble An area of about threeoighths of square mile subsided in the suburb of Clamart The sub sidcnce was accompanied by violent explosion but officials did not know whether it pro ceded or was caused by the collapse Twentyfive houses ceram ics factory and threestorey building were destroyed About dozen workers were feared $1in in the rubble of the foe ry EDUSES CRUMBLED worker at the factory Georges Chahlnian saidthero was terrible rumbling in the ground and all the houses around me began to subside and fall to pieces cavity appeared in the indupjof itsano sting Max svierdlow of Ottaw di reciorof educationIfor the Ca nadiao Labor gres saidits solution called for hold break with pas philosophies and present practices He did notvthink that education was soiecause If all the present jobless became Ph Ds unemployment would stiilexist uinour present eco nomic structure be said gt Public or private investment was needed to meet thedei moods for tr in facilities in industry But those gt who hadnt completed grade school shouldnt be chucked out the window He called for training of the whole man NEEDS NEW LOOK reexamination oftho whole conceptof skills was needed skills for work forcethat coul become obsolescent An electrician for example should have grounding inthe onion neuronsian ttdrney rder he in rceded Lilli or Rider not crash program to develop fusions chest Kennedy ground it stopped only few feet tram me Hundreds of rescue workers timnalied feverishly to reach the eatombed men while priests comforted relatives held back by hundreds of police ringing the area Many persons clambered to safety just as their houses fell apart and collapsed into the 80 footdeep hole in the ground N0 PICKUP Police Chief Assassinaied ALGlEES ReuteroAisierl Police Chief Roger Gavory who organized the investigation into the activities of European sel tiers after the unsuccessful April army coup was assassi nated at his home Wednesday nigbt Gavory to police chief for only six weeks was stabbed and his skull was smashed CouncilStateszlinemployrnent Swerdiow sald Canada followaeden example in giving salaries while retrain ing unemployed men over 40 John Davis director of re search and planning for the British Columbia Electric Com pany said results of study in which he participated showed that present unemployment ben efits are inadequateior main talnlng reasonable stand ofi health and self respect They required perfectmam agement for subsistence with out eveoths luxury ofcigao ettesn Bisuflp Ottawa corn missioner of welfare said to days unemployed had family and welfare allowances and of iten aivorkingmother ben that the 19301 less acked Bulrh said their sit ualion was worse because they had to adjust to down grade iospendiug while other income were rising Minister Dleieobaker said ropty stomachs and em pty hearts speeded the ad vanes of communism fused todn the bus from Birrn in to Montgomery feared for their itheattorney gen aslre him if he couldnt se to drive the Kennedy com enoedy sug