newes selections wonderful values big savings Made In Enaland Sale pricedl Childrens Shirts AcE First quallty garments Summer Festival famous Ladybird make Short sleeve crew neck styles stripes each or prints For girls and boys sizes and far100 Makers clearing bring low low price ChildrenszShorts Well made with full boxer waist Sumer Festival in variety of fabrics Poplin Pair beach cloth or drill with screen prlnt designs Variety of colors Sizes 6x pairs 100 Special Purchase Print Redford or Chino Little GirlsrSIimIs Slim Jim ml at printed Bedlord nerd Sumer Festival Special lurchase Save upto 73c pair monaynavlng price Color Red blue GIRLS PEDAL PWIERS WmlmfriBs AND SHORTS Purchased especially for this event because of the excellent savings One of Walkers regular suppliers cleared his ends of lines of popular pedal pushers Jamaica and Short Shorts All firsttqualityv rellooserme big varietypririts and plain fabrics Shop for girls Summer time needs and save Usually 198 Sizes to 14 Padal WW pairs grshorts air 250 Favourites far Surnrner Garnloitl GIRLS SHORTS in united Shorts of all combed cotton linen awashnvreartabrinbalt boxerwaistondpockets£ Red mum acid lvv Men or white Sine to 14 198 Festival Pr Three pieces Vi GIRLS CLAM DIGGER SETS iA Pretty printed crop tops fringe trim sets all the sturdy Bedfnrd card clam diggers carries with straw hatand matching printtle Lllac willow or pink Sin to 14 Summer Festival 3piece set Cu Fringe Trim orlamaica Styles FringeShorls Jamaica Shorls short short at cotton them or popular Random Card and YIN lfgirilgemzlin prckets If glared With self belt hall egx erstye er waist and one kat Galvibean Sapphire or Gold Sim to Lilac willow or paid that la 14 ï¬gs153$ $233 In Sun orWaterFun Girl Swimsmts Just two of many are sketched far you to see here Girls sailor styleinifaille Lastex with contrast Atrim halt front skirt back zipper CGirls boy Fl Girls EleySels Istaigesgtyslet oat1 gotten plaid half front skirt ipper pack else or Ster Bay Leg Style Summer Festival niilaliriiilillli T0 gt 513 cii KnitOne siutin Id and acheI 5er 6x Styled especially lar Little girls Girls Swimsuits Just two of many are sketched for you to In lieu Girls twoway Bother with detatchable plain print skirt printed elas ticized waist band Suit comes in Red or blue strawberry prints Sizes 6x WAYS TO BUY BUDGET CHARGE LAYAWAY CASH Sumnter Festival Each Wa °lillle Boys Swim Trillika Toddler bays printed fish net Sulminer Festival design Swim Trunks of cot Pair tonelastic stretahvknit Blue or yellow one size only Fits2t04 Pretty Practical Playwedr for the Young Set ï¬lrls Pedellusher and Shirt Tall Set The sleeve printed cotton shirttall summer hm tepmtedwlthfledtordeordpedal man will mak any lltfll aid happy and prettyulgegold or blue Sin sat ll iiirlslllghgtstylelettoli Pullovers it aims high style pullover win swimm 59ml claim Bedhrdlloril Play Shirts 0t sturdy bedfard cord tailandwiih summer 935 button to the nezk closing and hanging pendant ofwhte eombod cotton kplt prettled with ealorad binding on ea collar and arm holes Sim2 6X half waist and Imitation culls Washable at eaum with one pocket Lilac laden blue red oi gold SIm 6x Boys Slilirt Sleeve Gotten Pullovers Canadian made with shorteleevesand sum 59mm Vtwa button liont knlt with wide horizpntal stripe Willow green geld or blue Guaranteed to keep stun es 6x Boys Bedtérd cord Shorts Styled as unistrata pistolpockets and elastic waistband viii two washable good wearing Wediard cord Willow antelope or navy Sizes