ouron churchOfï¬cer Urges Crime Probe PART OF TIRE ORDER Hero is the first portion oi In order or Military than being made by lilaniield Rubber Canada Limited The total order amounts to nearly one thousand 110020 tires daigncd for military transports Pictured with the ï¬rst ship ment to go forward is Miss Lorrie Brandon receptionist at Mansï¬eld Rubber 01 the some day this pho tograph was taren Mansileld STOCK MARKET made the ï¬rst shipment to new distributor in Kingston Jamaica who will now be marketing Burrlehullt tires in tho British West Indies Also in process at the pre sent tima is an order which will leave Barrie in the next few days for Thailand All of this represents part oi new export business be ing developed by the Barrie Company according to Rnsser President and Gen eral Manager Market RiSes From Tuesday TORONTO CPBanks utili ties secondary construc tions and loads all helped to bring the Toronto stock market up in moderate morning trading todayi Bank of Montreal and Cana dian Bank of Commerce were ahead as were Canada Packers and Lochv Aluminium and Canada Cement Bell Telephone and Gatineau Power advanced fractionally for the utilities and in the reï¬ning oils and pipe lines Royallte Alhetta Gas lrn terprovincial and Pembina also rose 011 the exchange index indns trials rose 114 to 58033 golds 24 to 8167 base metals 24 to 19595 and westernolls 06 to 9921 The 11 am Volume won 793 000 shares compared with 341 000 at the same time hresday Special sized transactions in cluded 1000 shares of Interna tional Nickel at 77 In base metals Consolidated Mining and Smelting and bind son Bay both rose Vi Falcon bridge was ahead it In light gold trading Moln tyre Porcupine was up it to 13 The market ï¬nished ahead in extremely light trading Tuesday toeisvand papers led the rise with BurilngtonAlgoma Atlas and Dominion Foundries and steel all up while Great Lakes Consolidated and Price Brothers gained in the latter group FrankieCarbo Is Convicted WASHINGTON AP Sen Estes Kefauver Dem Tenn says the conviction oi Frankie Carbo on extortion charges has given Congress an unparalleled opportunity to eifect final and conclusive cleanup job in pro fesslonai boxing Garbo long reputed to he bo ings secret boss was convicted Tuesday in Los Angeles with our others on diargesvoi tryr ing to muscle in on the earn ings of welterweigh champion Don Jordan gt The Senate antitrust andmo subcommittee headed by Kefauvet starts hearings today on the senators bill which would set up federal regulation to drive racketeers out of boxing The bill would create the post of federal boxing commissioner with powers to regulate profes sional boxing Underhis proposal Kefauver said Men like Carbo and Pa lermo couldnt operate Frank Blinky Palermo Phil iphiaiightnnanager and oh legedly Carbosrirontman was convicted with Garbo Professional boxingis racketridden from top to bot tom Kefauver said in state ment prepared for the start of hearings on his bill FACESVUPHJLL FIGHT The bill however faces an up hill light Attorney General Rm bert Kennedy has declared that he is in favor of federal regulation to drive underworld characters away from the ring but that his agency is not the appropriate one to take on the licensing powersthobiil would provide Kennedys pointuisgthat the justice department is mainly law enforcement agency Sen Everett Dirksen Repill senior GOP member has called the bill an invasion on vers subcommittee states authority Not all de ocratrllke the bill either 0n the exchange index indus trlais rose 51 to 5791 golds 01 to 8148 and base metals 129 to 195 The final volume was 1628000 shares compared with 1708000 Monday Base metals wcroi slightly ahead n1 day but made their strongest gain near the close international Nickel rose 31 to 77 Labrador and Geco V1 to 24 and 2211udson Bay Mining and Smelting 14 to 5295 Falcon bridge was up to 54 and Consolidated Mining and Smelt ing V1 to 27 Gold trading tended to drop off near the close Dome and Kerr Addison were both up to 21 and 10 while MCIHA tyre Porcupine fell to 83 Fastest an the water HP car mat ohoo minis itntoo fastest In Its horse power cross in lndoalndont lists the West Bond spacial scoots along at Spends up to 22 mpir yet it trolls down tolessth Ironh Full aao pivot steering forward neutral genrshiit moko it easy to handle Lightweight ton wrighs just 47 pounds Full Unlan Warrantykc all We warranty covering mum bo Man Who Depend on Motors Recommend West Bend fllIlfllll IIJIDIJ gt llflfllh Sh 40 Hafiz 32 119 noonsnt so Big Savings BOAT SERVICE oi Maple AvenPA soar right oil the crime situation are recent imports They in lond radio commentators cler WOODSTOCK imme diate appointment byPromler Frost of strong royal cornth ties on crime was urged my day night by Rev Mulch mor secretory oi the board at evangelism Ind social service at the United Church Uganda Dr Mutchmor said crime in Ontario has become political football at time whu royal commission is needed and called on Mr Frost to target the polltlcal infighting It lstirno the lid wt taken tbs province he declared No evil so quickly and than ougbiy bcdavils police force as gomblingJ he told the an nunl meeting of the churchs London malerenoc Dr Mulchmor expressed con cern at tho increasing volubll lty cl smart and sophisticated Canadians centred chiefly in Toronto CRITICIZES WIVES Not few of them he said eluded in nlsts television gymen prolcssors and cie vcr housewives with not enough to do at home The rtarget had been Protes tantism in general and Sunday observance and religions in Isdtruetlon in schools in partic ar Dr Mulchmor deploerd in roads into the traditional holl ness or Sunday and urged the conicrenca in awake and relt turn the attack He predicted that Montreal will become the aweepstako centre of North America it the federal government yields to pressure During discussion on legisl on serum tlnn relating lamination of Sunday observance in Dr Mutehmor laid hisboard feels that in this respect the province has dekgatcd its rightful ou tbority to municipalities YIELDS TO REQUEST Delegates were told by Rev Semple chairman of tho committee on evangelism and social service that Premier Frost has am to church request to change the wording on ballots for Sunday sports votes to clarity that the vote re latcs to public sports lor gain The remier has agreed to have word commercial included on the ballots delc gates were told Dan at three resolutions passed called for national health imuianco plan and In other asked lor Increased con ecrn tor senior citizens The third opposed industrial and commercial inroads on the annuity oi the Lords Day urged opposition to legislation which wouidrhinder church at tendance and supported appeal to labor and managerth to keep Sunday work at mini mum Rev George Goth oi London was elected president oi the conicrencc iho retiring presi dent Rev Craig of St Thomas made plea for lead erahip by the United Church in move toward church ur1lty Rev Laulenslngcr oi Sudbury will continua with his devotional address at todays session Vote Retains Death Penalty For Women In Murder Cases OTTAWA CPI The Com mons voted Tuesday to retain the death penalty or premedii tated murders committed by women it also decided against Con servative back benchers pro posal thatyouths oi 18lnstead ol the proposed minimum age of Iiishould be subiect to bang ing for the sama crhne The two votes were taken in quick successionwhlk the Com mons sat as committee deal ing with clausebyciause study of the new government death penalty bill Deschatelets iLMont real Maissonncuve Outremont said women should be exempted 1mm the death penalty and sea teneed to life imprisonment in all murder convictions Justice Minister Fulton said the idea had been considered but rejected by the cabinet The bill provides for liio im prisonment or murderers who kill in lit of passion or in other unpremedltaicd clroum stances or who are under the age of is Mr Deschateletr al was deleated 53 to Two CCF members and six of the 111ib erals in the Housevat the time voted or it Maurice Johnson PCCham blvRouviilo moved that the age limit of who cut to 16 His motion was defeated 41 lo Silverstoins Onion nous lost touch ofonion in make it awinnerat anyvmeal Superappetizing with salads and meats insandwrches orjust loasled and serveth with butter or your favour Iiespraad Slivcrsteins Kaiser Rolls Heresihe best thing that ever happened to breakfast or dinner Crisp and dusty ighiand luscious inside ï¬liing snack with sandwichï¬llar decatesse meets or toasted and spread wih 1am ran BARBIE manna WEDNESDAY MAY 81 ill TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn L8 Dunlap st Butte nan mum no Alaozna mu 32 111135 Dan as 0t Lul Bell rot Co GIL Pow Bill TIL nu Brazilian BA on 80 Power can Bk or Com Cdn Billlnu CPR canon Cement Cm Carauni Cln Ilrt Can an 01 Con Illa 51 lnlor Inurpm eases an Camp cmo Con Del Rio con near can Elli Sullivan Falconhrldll om Mlnu Gunnnr Hoillnllr PP 22 none Name 54 31 my ntsn Cons hint do Smelt roduurrnn up Telephone common Kane Hill Mines 10¢ Ply NOON DOLLAR MONTREAL CPlTho US dollar was at discount per cent in terms or Canadian funds the Bank at Montreal re ported near noon today nres dny the noon rate was 08 2542 Pound sterling $275 1116 un changed NEW YORK CmCanadian dollar lot lower at $101 1904 in terms of 115 iundr Pound sterling 110 higher at $2 79 HoardI rem Hum Oil Huflwn Bl Illa Ink Toom int Oil Acct Nit oi LIN In Powell Riv morn Klmhdfllm Lam Initial MOII Am nooks Int Nick1 rho no pro Ann sm1 nowrouse new roan avenues Indiana11 up 127 1111 down 11 uuuuu up 01 roaonro noon vncmos mus 114 Gold up 1mm up oil up no nrvrnnm as an stallord roomctd ch payable Jun ullhiylulr mum con PIN emu nu Inky Nflnnda Nor can NH 10 an uncut Mr Gordon stup Rock United Oil Walla Amulot Wilth 305 ox dividend Jun Nonhorn dividend Vida Jinn WORRIED ABOUT Hm LONDON AP The US Navy was reported Monday to have asked the British govern ment or extra security meas ures to protect its Polaris rub marine base in Scotlands ilon Loch against harassment by pa clilst demonstrators Well placed sources said the almost continuous cilist campaign has amused deep concern among British and American authorities hand painted min DI NEYKINS Injspecrally MotherParkers Tea coffee r1 crnrooururuortrsi lass 3100000 NET EARNINGS By CANADIAN paw Dominion Star Ltd year ended Mirth ll Si Kw 339 sue share 1900 060 8073 New Concord Dcvdopmoni Corporation year ended Dec 1960 nobles $142925 1050 net loss 67613 Ohltl Olll year ended Dec 1960 net loss mum 1959 net loss 8182960 Waters Dcoalta Petroleum 101 mos ended March 31 1061 net loss TQAnExuninchmAl iaturef markédy ko lntorestiu and colour irnoykns In an gnu rt rants lshlo or cabinet on $60000 1960 be