Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1961, p. 27

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AROUND SIM COE COUNTY Mr and Mrs Ronald Gosney visited Mr and Mrs Bert Gos oey on their way out west re eentiy Mr and Mrs Parker Kelcey and Ella were among the guests at the Barnes Adams wed ding on Saturday in Cookstown United Church Mrs Herb Shannon and Mrs Bruce Wice visited their moth er Mrs Donn oi Edmor Beach during the weekend Mr and Mrs John Goss and Julie at Tomato spent Mothers Day weekend with Mr and Mrs Bowman Allen Sincere sympathy goes out to Mrs Eddie Webb and all other relations oi ltirs Irwin of Bar rie who passed away Thurs day in her Hist year Mr and Mrs Barry Clarke and iamin have moved to new home on Highway 21 COMMUNITY CLUB Mrs Louise Clarke tile vice president was in the chair when the community club met at the home of Mrs Ed Sturgess Ved nesday evening Roll call My greatest tear was answered by 17 members thank you note was read from Mrs Bev Coch rane for baby gilt received Mrs Allan took the motto The good earth feedelb the world Reports irom dliierent commits tees shelved favorable results Mrs John Cowar presided or the election oi ofticors which is only slightly changed President Mrs Sturges sec rotary Mrs Bowman vlce president Mrs Clarke treasur er MrsM Gosney sunshlne committee Mrs Pope and Mrs tleovesi auditors Mrs Poland and Mrs Joe Coehrnne press correspondent Mrs Me Corriston RUGBY Mr and Mrs Don McLch and family visited Mr and Mrs Ken Moore Eeaverton Mr and Mrs Wiltred John ston called on Mr and Mrs William Clarke Barrie Henry Westloke of Orillia is convalescing with the Lang mans alter his recent operation in the Soldiers Memorial Hos pital Oriilia Congratulations to Allan Lang man on winning the high pole vault on field day He repre sented Lakeview College Orllv lie The schoolchildren are going on bus trip Juneri to Midland and Collingwood Mrs Mel Tudhope Andy Corlt nellous Jeon Anderson Marion Horne and Margaret Langmon were on the school bus trip to Iépttowa on Friday and Saturday Thomas Rodgers attended the Bell Telephone convention in Toronto on Friday and Satur day at the Royal York Hotel His son Charlie and family brought him home on Sunday Mr and MrsMuniard Horne visited Mr and Mrs Holmes Ardtrea Miss Maureen Herring nurse intraining in the Royal Victor ia Hospital Barrie was home on Wednesday when her par ents had iamin birthday par ty in her honor Miss Betty Tudhope Drillia Mrs Keith McLeod Russell parents Mr and Mrs Mel Tud hope number at the ladies in the community attended the We mens institute district conven tion in ForestHome Church on hlesday Mrs Maniord Home was the delegate ior Rugby Wl Mrs Ken McLeod and Mr and Mrs Archie McLeod oi De troit Michigan visited Mr and NEWTON ROBINSON Mrs Connell is patient in Alliaton hospital Mr and Mrs James Breedon and Chris at Pctcrborough were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Gordon Breedon Mr and Mrs Houghlon and Donald oi Hamilton were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Houghton number irom here attended the Houghioa McKenna wed ding in mlgon on Saturday Mr and Mrs Dean oi Toronto spent Saturday with Mrs Leeson Mr and Mrs Douglas Harvey and Brian at Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Allan iloughton dur ing the weekend Mr and Mrs Allan Horner have announced the birth oi son in Alliston hospital last week Mr and Mrs Earl Lennox spent the weekend with Hamil ton irlends THORNTON Mr and Mrs Hartley Evans and son at Bradford spent Sung day with Mrs lraok Hindle Mr and Mrs Glenn Knupp of London were renewing acquaint ances here during the recent holiday Mr and Mrs Wilcox spent part of the weekend in Port Credit with their daught El Trinity Womans Association will meet on the evening of June at Mrs Brethets Mrs Harman oi Midland will be special guest speaker Mrsliargaret Lawson mot ored to Brantiord on Sunday to be withher sister Mrs William Grose who is in hospital there Beginning next Sunday and continuing through the summer months the weekly morning service at Trinity United Church will begin at 1045 oclock Mr Creed and Mr Knapp will be present next Sunday morning from Barrie in the interests at the Gideons Mrs Alfred Spencer who has been atNiagara Falls with Mr and Mrs Puttick for some weeks returned home Fri day Mrs William Sharpe who has been with her daughter Mrs William Cornes of Hamilton for MIDHURST STN Visitors It the home at Dick Brown were Mr and Mrs Langley and daughter Cold water and Mr and Mrs Brown and sols oi Barrie Mrs Charles bows and Flora and Nancy oi Montreal spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ft Peacock Mr and Mrs Jerry Holder of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Denice Holder Midhurst United Church WA are holding rummage and bake gale Saturday morning in Barrietitnext door to inblaws store on Bayiiold Street TOTTENiiilM Mrs James Henderson was In Tomato Sunday and Monday for the christening oi her two great grandchildren son and daughter of Mr and Mrs Paul Creighton and the graduation oi her granddaughter Miss Doreen Henderson daughter at Mr and Mrs John Henderson who received the ee oi Bachelor oi Science from the University of Toronto CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Rev John Nute oi Orangevii le moderator of the Synod of Toronto Kingston will he the speaker at the Fraser Presbyt vice 7730 pm Sunday June Mrs Addison oi aollon will be the soloist Sunday school will be as usual The Tottcoham branch at the Womens institute had display at homemade articles at the Schomberg Fair on Friday and Saturday to charge at him Walter Hurlbert public rela tions convener it received hon orahla mention Mrs Abernethy president of the Womens institute here attended obanquet at the Bant ing Memorial High SChool Alli stna on Friday evening May 26 and presented on the instlt utos behalf several honor pins Among them were Bob Kant Jacqueline Lancaster and Joan Ballard troln Totteoham HOLLOWS Mr and MrsAllan Bowdcn Kevin and Kim oi Shanty Bay visited Mr and Mrs Bow den Sunday Mr and Mrs Jack Polley oi Summervtiie spent the week end at their cottage here at the weekend Mr and Mrs Bowden visited Mr and Mrs Harvey Bediord and Donald on the 3rd Line oi lnnisiil Mr and Mrs Archie Beligote of Toronto were at their cot erlan Church anniversary ser JAY West dealer Neither side vulnerable Roam 4397 on QAHR ILKQJ KJSA 10 QQBZ 4101052 SOUTH ass QQEBGIZ OKJBB lhebldding West North East South INT Dble Pas SNTPass Opening lead ten of dia monds line declarer will usually play his cards just as though he had eenthe opponenis hands As result he generally obtains every trick it is possible to get How does he do it He de pends on clues obtained from wear 411082 K03 105 game almost live months which in cluded trip to Florida return ed to her home here early last week Mr and Mrs Vernon Jen nett Donna Verna Joan and John McGean visited during the weekend with Mr and Mrs Peter Switzer and family at Al liston Mr and Mrs William Cox worth who are on holiday with his parents at ivy also visited Miss Edith Greene beiore re spent the weekend with her wannasnar MAY All room on th 43 Junior Roundup 530 Huckleberry Hound 0606 News Headlines Farm Market Reports Dori Jamiesnn an weather Spam was hell Mecoys Bachelor Father My Kriltt Music Hall The Valiant Years Explorations aneurysm The Weatherman Today in Sports Community News 1125 Not For Hire THURSDAY JUNE 1030 Test Pattern 1045 Salvation umy 1100 nnmnel Room 12 on Popeye nnn Pall 422 Noonday Report News spam Weather Farm on Coming ents 1250 Movie The lunns Armndl 200 Womens an 230 Talk o£the rnwn 500 Music in Miniature Verdict is Your room one Feta Junior annndup Roy Rogers News Headlines Three Stnogoa Farm 0mm uepnn Dnn Jamieson News Weather Sports Gunsmunr The Rebel 70 WEDNESDAY MAY Professor Hideaway Fignewtnn Frog and Dan Protessors aideway Part II llnmn Huod Jim Backus ans Weathlr Sports rnnn Wymnn Andy onrnnn Show 71 SunsetStrip Wed Ntizht Theatre Under My Skin New thither SPJF Heittl Lille Playhouse 1m the stieki NEW Weather allIll IZEII Evlinutl THURSDAY JUNE 1100 Free and any Channel Nine Theatre The Bowery News Fibrean Hideaway gfiltian Patrol Beat Weather aperu Be or the Post TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL 00 Radar Patrol vr Soy King crio cllANriEl turning tortheir home at Owen Sound BARRIE Live Borrowed Lils Checkmate Tennessee Ernie Ford Country Junction Peter Gunn wow News The Weatherman Today in Sports Communl News 1135 Alistai at many June 1030 Ten Pattern 1040 Sacred our 11 on homes aoom lzno Popeye and Ppla i22511oondasy Report aws ports Weather galn tie on on us note gt 1150 Movie us My Face Rod Womens snow onen House The Verdict Your Popeye and Fall Junior nunnaue Cannonball News Headlines Daredevil Don Pnnn Market Report Don lnrnleson News Winthel orta rattler Knows Be Wynn Earn Country Hoodnwn Perry Mason Danger Man Have Gun Will Travel Tlgtltro one News The weniaemnn Today in snow Community New an12 They won Dore rnenlre At algal Larceny 1000 Rhetflibetiz ar 11 alter 1930 News Weather Sports 1100 11011 Late 1145 AliStar Periormnnen Garrltys Son 1215 News Weather of 1220 Epilogue mmnv rum 1100 Free noo Ealy 200 Choline Theatre We are strangers ass News 400 Preiesson Hideaway line into Space arts college owl Weather and Spam Outdoor Leave it re Beaver The Third Man SUIIB Brothers aranlzao Two aliens wm Countl laton News eatber nd Simrtlv Better Lato News FridayNight Theatre Walls or Jericho optional 1330 030 1000 1080 1100 1115 1000 1030 1100 1115 1105 000 030 the bidding or the early plays oath or which indicate how the defenders cards are probably divided He then applies this knowledge to the task at hand Here is cash where good care reading enabled South to make four hearts EastWest were playing weak notrumps 11 to 14 pointst and West open ed with notrump North doubled or course and East rescued with two clubs Iago here on Sunday CONTRACT BRIDGE BECKER South bid two hearts and then tour hearts West having no clearcut opening lead selected to obtain diamond ruti later in the play Declarer Lew Mathn at Les Angelcs won the queen with the king and saw that he had to lose two spades and club To make the contract therefore he had to avoid losing trump trick ii Maths had made the stan dard player low heart to the lack he would have been de ieated because West 01 thereby have acquired trump trick instead Mathe led the queen West covered and dum my won with the ace East playing the ten West tool the king at clubs return and led the see and an other spade East won and con tinued with spade which de elarer ruiied Mathe then play ed low heart iinessed the sev en and made the contract Mothe knew from the bid ding that West could not have more than four clubs or tour spades He knew irom the open ing lead that West had two dia moods Hence It became proir able that West had three hearts possibly four ten When this hope materializ ed it became possible for Mathe to take advantage later at the finessing situation which he had created at trick two Tomorrows Reaourcciul deten se the ten of diamonds He mood The queen of hearts was there iore led in the hope that East would have the singleton nine or YOUR METEOR COMPANY CARS PARK MOTORS LTD RERCURI COMET BRITISRFORD DEALER BARBIE ea lt Ha runnin iITTLE MORNINGSHELL APPRECIATE Title III Analnon to ITHINKVASSILY THIQISSILLY WHYMTI VASSILYII VI MITUNTILMONDAYAND cusctsscttooL NEH5810 CHANGE HIS Annelise FOR at hermit l96l ANGLIA 2196 ZEPHYR I96l CONSUL l96l ZODIAC BARRIES NEWEST EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISED BRITISH FORD DEALER DOOR 355 D0011 m1 DOOR $1140 DOOR $2551 12000 MILE 12 MONTHS WARANTEE COMPANY CARR ID BETTER CALL DOCTORI NEVER EAR econ AFTERNOONAADIES WAS on MY WAY WERTDIOUK Noufi AT 1105 MoMBlT HAVE COMPANY CARS PARK MOTORS LTD YOUR maroon luancuav 0an 33111511 roan DEALER BARRTE SALE PRICE $1550 $21 13 $1940 $2251 Tamil1 NOTHING LEFT our EMPTY BASKETSTHE BOYS ARE CLEANING UP HEY ErnaAu mos DISHES coalescetail UNBEEAKABLE GEE DONI THEYD earllines WINGEI PUTEM IN THE LAUNDRY MACHINE PAL FIOéLm dithNé iepllvtxal its OUR FINALLY MAVE HIS INVASION lO LIQERATE 115 NATIVES H55 lAllllfl IIIflit 5145 OFF manna Ejufifljéél TO Midi HIE GRANDMA DO BEUEVE SOMEONEIS GRANDMAJNE HAVE SOME NEWS FOR You planes Kiss You 7351412 YOU HAVEA LorO POISON IW eeowm IN vow STRAWBERRY PATCH DONALD DUCK HAMMONDS WHOLESALE noose WITH EACH $500 MEAT PURCHASE lb 23 comer ST BARRE JUST wAll TILL ll CATCH VYOLJ BUZ snwvslt WIWOIILWMWIFE WE TIIiS PLACE gluon PARIS OFTIIEORIENT BEAIITIFlILiitEE unanmoussmrrrrstunawa icovpmwtsomgatnomwt width WAITSWMSSA Swen astralIAN PEFICAB nsovs momma uses ANDSKEETER

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