Afrikuners Boer Weir After Six Deciade strugglef By CAROL KENNEDY LONDON iCPl With Wld nudaya birth at the Republic at South Africa the Airikaner nation will have iinallywoo the Boer War its been long and bitter struggle Sh decades and two world wars have passed since Oom Paul Kruger Boer com mention surrendered to Lord Kitchener in lbol But changing world has made little deni on the armor oi Alrilraner bitterness They are an inward looking nation with long memories Their schoolchildren still are taught about British concentration dor Post in The Sunday iimee JSouth Atria il win to wardthorepubiienwreuillt were state funeral than the birth Im lite Van der Peat Idda be live it ta became deep down the Airikaner know this is the end not the beginning be ileve his deepest unconscious tells him that this particular manifestation of his culture has failed him This accounts or the vim lance oi the present phase it is the violence at dylnz mum READY FOR rrrouau Instead oi ilag waving tri umph poll of deprmlon Vnhm settled over South Ailten White trouble from the coun 300000 nonth on grouting Iv Canadianmniieoxrlo Sidney Wil Iml wr Times about his recent meet ing with proOomunht unden Round plotter in South Atria 1111 his humiliation It the bands of white metal nyl month came away hizhteaeqtand disappointed wulirlahiened by will obviously lie ahead Purine betrayal of democracy andit something is notioncommu run aantuz Barmanu Hartman our Papennaking Course Starts or paperm course in Ontario begins in Sep tembet with the opening at the MW 9400000 Lakeport Secon dary School The course mauled by the teams aper is to combat it mï¬ need int trained laboratory teeboidnnl in the paper Industry Students who itnirhed Grade utter having taken upon making as part at an industrial chemistry course will be cred ited withtha equivalent at Grade 13 chemiltry mu mun normater Canadian Arm oilloen OflAWA Governan died while renting with Brkisb fluent in Europe during the Sound World War Again Its iVlOtFFAT that makes the Difference in Ranges General Vania wlll unveil elm mmlalluaesbonoriaxtha who Here Is Another Example Of MOFFAT Values You Can Get at ROBINSONS camps in the Boer War and taken to museum to see iieh hooks and powdered glassli lozediy ted to floor prisoners by Kitchenera troops Now the soyeonold dream is within two days of being real Deluxe Backereating with sun Width Fluorescent Light Seven Heat Suriace Element Controls Slmpilmatie Clock and Electric Minute Minder Special ProHeat Oven Control Timed Appliance Outlet Super King Size Oven with Picture Wlndow Door Clock dope dcnt Airlkaner Contrailed ROiLHJMat Barbecue Uzttxlaitorx Door in an in and LiftOut Oven Walla for Euler Oven Cleaning seifflgvrthzedhrimï¬ Full Width Storage Drawer Oven Light with wealth and British currency Saiety Lens ThemOï¬rlddle Optional at extra cost FEW CELEBRATE Custom Door Handle But few white persona in South Airica are celebrating gt gt ROBINSON PRICE Those of British stock shat tered by South Africas with QUALITY HARDWARE drnwol irom the Common Serving Simcoe County over 31 Years 31 illiflhflP ST Pit 82431 mxnous ANNOUNCEMENTS Recemtou chaos we rou cues from the homeland await Re public Day humbly And the Airikanara What is surprising is that those who have triumphed should be on glumwrite Alriiraner author Lauren van Canadair Gets 104G Contract MONTREAL CHCoriaer Limited today announced it has received an order for about $3000000 worth of airirome components and parts or 1046 Storiighter aircraft tor the West German Air Force The parts include 40 sets of wings rear tuselages and tall units to be delivered to Lock heed Alrcrait Manufacturers in California or assembly beiore delivery In addition Canadnlr said it has received orders worth el most $1000000 from European countries or ports of front iusa loge sections THE BARRIE EXAMINER 16 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE PA 66531 OPENING DAY SPECIAL Free Roses to the First 300 Ladies Thursday June 15 wane shapingniitaihiJShmg 151m dine in and refreshing atmosphere for tea or coffee light lunches or fut course dinner theservicewlltpleaseyou Diningordteralilmilymndayoutrinz mayaka am animal in our private dining room we cater to family mime During the week make the perfect Business Luncheon meetingplaoe And foryouoonveoienoe our huge banquet halls downat