NEWS or COOKSTOWN South Simcoe District wo mens Institute met in Coolu town May 23 for their District Annual This was the occasion of the sotb anniversary of Cooks iowrl Womens Institute as well as of South Simone district Mrs Spencer Thornton presided for the days activities with Mrs Weaver Churchill as aecretarytrensurer Reports were read from the five standing committee conven ers as well as the presidents re port andthat of the secret treasurer other special com rnlttcc reports were also given Mrs OBrien FWi0 Board Director gave her report and Miss Burke department rep resentative reported as well bliss Margaret Sneddon gave an account at the activities of 4H Homemaking Clubs and aLso the Senior Training Schools Music for the day was provid ed by chWcGwlil branch All amusing number was presented by several of thclr members to the tune of School Days and also two solos by Mrs Riley Mrs Riley stown Branch President gave the add ress of welcome and Mrs Drummond South Adjala re plicd The in Memoriam was car rled out by Mrs Lee Coul suns Hill l0 HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL coon nmn elulann in lay own name ivlll call Tele phone on Host FARM LAnonaB married midi dlt aged active dallror work on dairy or mixed form Year round Mork rerorrcd hilly experienc ed Te cplmna PA Meat Accountant aooKRcEPm tired on reunion after yull aervice will local arm nkine run or artLimo employmahc John Laing High Street Telephone PA oooal YOUNG MARRIED Mali tndo anything Experience willing full or Dart lime al sales clerk and electriciana hliper but will do odd jobs Telephone Fred PA N928 ISXBARJJLD Boy desires ori tion on farm aummer holl ayl Willing to share work for good home and small remuneration Apply Mrs heave ill Cram hrook Ave Toronto POSITION WANTED for Class licensed mechanic fluently em ployed at Chevrolet dealerlhi Desires steady em loymenl Central Ontario nue Windsor Ontario II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Ahnyono having any claims against ESTATE OF JAMES EDWARD PADDISON late or the Township or Sunnis1r la the county of Spam who died on or about the 21nd day of rli 1961 must file the same wtn the undersigned not later than the zath day or Juno ioai after which date distribution his estate will be made DATED at Home Ontario this uth day of May an moi GLADSTONE curtain 00 wusan building Barrie Ontario solicitor for the morale 13 AUCTION SALEE AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND CULWIIJl LTD PHoNrseaallla PA More VICTORIA HARBOUR seam Farm Rates 27 Plua Advertising Professional service Satisfied customera AUCTION SALE or Fflim stock and full line of tractor tarmv machinery hay straw tools etc on FRIDAY JUNE at pm sharp for FERNAND MARCHILDON At Lot 15 Con play Township miles north of wyevaie and 15 mile west or County Road Terms Cash ANDERSDN PLOWMAN at cocwru urn Auctioneera Phone some Victoria Harbour Hall Ave ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AUCTION SALE OF LAND PROPERTY SALE N0 N09 Approximately area aern land located on Lot is 17 and la Concession lo in the Township of Madame onehalf mile south of the intersection of the High ways No lo and No 12 at the west side of Higiwny No we Sale to be held on the property 299 Elli as THURSDAY JUNE 8th 1961 TERMS ssoono Cash or Certiï¬ed Cheque at ilme of sale balance payable in no em Cheque to be made payable to the Treasurer or Ontario For further lnraralathn please contact THE AUCTIONEER MR manure me Neywaah Slreei Orliil Ontario aa 4076 03F monwnxs DEIPAR ENT 1272 gonouln Avenue North Bay Ontario Phanlaze mm Sale aubiec rererv ARTMENT or runaways DEF ONTARIO ilgil snaar Im sale of horny registered Mimi72rd eatiie farm machinery clover need and homeland effects for JOHN lloon car norTown 25 1f mile nor Miss Hill of Huntsville spent and Mr and Mrs Friday evening visiting at the home activities for that organisation Roll call for the day was ans wered by the Branch Convener of Historical Research and Cur rent Events displaying an art icle of 60 years or over and tell ing Its story ducted by Mrs OBrien Past President Mrs Spencer presidentplilrs Allan Todd first vicepresident Mrs Wice second vicepresident Mrs Holt secretarytreasurer Mrs Weaver federated represent ative Mrs Roll On display were three Branch Needsmuir Histories and Cookstown Needsmuil was selected to be displayed at the Area Convention Displayed also were the Window Treat ment articles made by Gilford and Beeton members Beeiou members also presented the skit mary Day in Barrie Coolutown institute provided lovely luncheon for the delelt gates and visitors on this occas ion shop In Citizensblp in Cooks tnwn during the fall social evening is to be held in Thorn tun July 25 forithe district at which time we will be privileged to hear Mrs Spencer and Mrs Campbell give an account of their trip to the National Con vention Vancouver in June Anniversary services held in St Lukes ngllc on Church Pinkerton May 23 Rev Adam preached at ll am and Rev Peter Trout rector of the Parish of lnnlslil was speaker for evening prayer On Sunday June annivers ary services will be held in St Johns Church Cookstown 930 am Holy Communion 11 Morning Prayer with Rev Ross Wooley rector of Brad ford Parish as guest preacher Members of Masonic Lodge will be guests at this service 730 pm Evening Prayer with Rev Adam as efficient and preacher Mr and Mrs Riley and family visited Goderich with Mr and Mrs Arvo Kasalainer and Mr and Mrs Ler Pinlpley and Robert Sunday Mr and Mrs McDowell and Heather spent the weekend withthe latters parents at Bei grave BIRTHDAY PARTIIE On Wednesday May 25 Miss Louise Wright entertained some of her girl friends at herelghth birthday party Those present were Misses Heather McDowell Joanne McFarland Shirley Tay lor Donna McLean Barbara and Mary Wright Sharon Cook Dorothy Amon and Sherry Ed ney Games were played and delicious refreshments were eat en on the lawn On Thursday Joanne McFar land celebrated her eighth birth day with party games and re freshments Eleanor Anne Ryan Rosalee Pring Shir ley Taylor Donna McLean Hea ther McDowell Dnrothy Amno Sherry Edney and Louise Wright were present George Wher has been suc cessful in attaining his BA de gree Mrvand Mrs Whyte at tended graduation ceremonies at Western University in Lon don on Friday ROSS GROUP Ross Group met at the home of Mrs Ron Murphy with 10 members and four guests pres ent The president opened the meeting with the Lords Prayer Two crib quilts were quilted for Mrs Fraser of Barrie $1000 was donated to the Cancer Fund The card convencr sold num her of alloccasion boxes of cards delicious lunch was served by Mrs John Timbers and her committee The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Herman Braden COOKSTOWN LADIES WIN For the fourth time the Coolstown ladies have been suc cessful in winning the Eleanor Beatty Bowling hophy in the Alliston district interbowling league Mesdames Lena Nichol son Ruth PinkneyPauline Hal ier Jean Cook Doris Alderson and DorisrMcKiliican compris ed tbelteam and lovely Blue Mountain teapots were won for prizes along with the trophy TRANSFERRED Dnug Gaston who has been employed at the Royal Bank in town has been transferred to Toronto Roll Madill Ajnx will be taking the place of one of the men who will take Mr Castons position VISITORS Mrs Cnuiton Leicester England is visiting her brother inlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Dick Coutts for two months Miss Kemp of Barrie and several days last week visiting Mr and Mrs Albert Gilroy Russell Allison of Toront is ited Mr and Mrs Kidd Sutherland Mrs Nattreés of Molten la Walkerforn few day Mrs George Mayee has re ncd to herhome after ape Mrs LMonkmnn and Mr Terms Chill No reserve aa till farm is sold JEE Moon rl Allisto on Do Monkman attended the ttousseaujea of MlssSylvla Mrs ant presented held history of Conkstown Branch recognizing so years of Eleetion of ofï¬cers was con which they had given on Suin it was decided to hold wink Taylor if you are interested in 2Stroud won the drawfur while Miss Mae Ferguson was in Peterborough attending the Post Office Convention son won prizes for games in Guelph three daughters originaitilirchaged from he of Mrs McKelvey lust Johna United Church day evening ADULT CLUB The Ill Fidel United Church will hold lta next meeting at the church on June Eddie DenHaan of Alliston will be the guest speaker of the evening Jlrn Benin and Helen Roger son were among tbe student gue ate at Banting Memorial High School at the banquet for May 25 The United Church observed Rural Life Sunday on May 13 The minister Rev Howey was assisted In the reading of the scriptures by Norrie Coults and Ivan Wright Rev Howey took tha anal versary services at Gliford on Sunday night May Mrs McMaater and Miss Irene McMaster attended thavservicc scaoor NEws There was good turnout of children to enrol for classes next September at the Cooks town school Monday May 29 Twenty out of the 24 expected came to register Repairs have been made to the school for the damage done in the breakin some time ago Women Teachers Federation annual banquet was held atthe Cookstown Town Hall on May 25 with approximately so teach ers in attendance Mrs Riley led in sing song with Mrs McDowell accompanying on the plane delicious turkey dinner was served by the ladies of the Cookstown Institute The guest speaker of the evening was Miss Bertha Reynolds who is the Chief Truunt Officer in Toronto Miss Reynolds works with prob lem children and gave mud erful message of her work with the children She has the real problem cases and definitely has success in her methods of working with them The tendi ers of West Gwillimbury are the officers for the following year with Mrs Draper as president The Federation meek about four times year and del egates report from conferences they have attended The annual meeting for the province will he heldvln August SWIMMING CLASSES There are still number of vucancies in the registration for the Red Cross swimming clas ses to be held at the Alliston Rotary Club swimming pool in July Please contact Mrs registering your children BASEBALL LEAGUE South Simcoe Junior Baseball League held in annual meeting May 10 at the home of Davis Arnold of Ivy The 196 officers are as follows President Davis Arnold Ivy secretary Kenneth Crawford CoolBtown The lea gue will have six teams this year Boys range in age from 1215 years and are from Utop in Baxter Ivy ll Stroud and Cookstown Arrangements were made for PeeWee League ages 1042 with teams from Ivy Stroud Thornton and Cookstown antici pated South Simeon Junior Baseball Schedule 1961 May 27 ivy at Baxter Utopia at Thornton May 31 Stroud at Cookstown June Thornton at Ivy Baxter at Stroud Juno Cooksthn at Utopia June 10 Stroud at Thornton Utopia at Ivy June 14 Baxter at Cooks town June 17 Thorntonrat Bax ter Utopia at Stroud June 21 Cooksth at Ivy Baxter at Ut opia June 24 Ivy at Stroud June 29 Thornton at Cookstown July 1Stroud at Baxter Thorn ton at Utopia July Utopia at Cookstown Baxter at Thornton July It Stroud at Utopia July 12 Cookstown at Thornton Ivy at Utopia July 15 Baxter at ivy Thornton at Stroud July 19 Cookstown at Baxter July 22 Utopia at Baxter Ivy at Thorn ton July 26 Cookstown at Stroud July 29 Stroud at Ivy Aug Ivy at Cookstown STROUD Eight WI members attended the districtannual convention at Cookstown May 23 Mrs John Maclaughlin RR large stuffed toy in the local supermarket Mrs Haiti was assist ing in the Post Office last week On June voting will take place in Innisfil Township on liquor referendum Voting hours ares rm to Mr and Mrs Jack Urquhart entertained number of friends Saturday evening Miss Harris and Nelson won prizes for cards Stewart and N914 Don Gibbins Wayne Martin and Maicolrn Ross havesuc cessfully passed their exams at the Ontario Agricultural College Herb Black held successful sale of farm atock and lsnple ments May 26 William Glb bins Jr has rented the farm landMr and Mrs Black and haglllo acres an Saturday Can iisic eclt V4309 Minion Thur iiyclllb oltbs honor students on Friday night Barron Don Smith of Montreal visited Mrs Wiggins and renew ed acqualntanoas in town last Wednuday Mrs innsway is visiting her roninlaw and daughter Mrand Mrs Gordon Pratt of Barrie Mr and Mra Keenan and family of Port Credit visit ed Mrs Heenana parents Mr and Mn Campiiri last Monday Mrs Wiggins attended the funeral of the late Mrs dBackus of Duntroon last Tiles Mr and Mrs Wood of Ten onto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Kearns Mr and Mrs Paillster of Toronto spent Mon ay with their cousin Mrs Hooper Members of Benton Womens nslltutowho attended the WI district annual in Cookstown last niesday were Mrs Butt Mrs Hooper Mrs Cecil Reynolds Mrs Lit tlesMra Bell Mrs Stephem son Mr and Mrs Butt vis ited relatives in Bolton last Monday evening Mr and Mrs Barton of Stroud attended the funeral of thbglate Aitken of Toronto last hiesday interment in Trin lty United Cemetery Beeton Mr and Mrs Thomas Stafford of Granion are visiting their son law anddaughter Mr and Mrs Gordon Hawton Mrualld Mrs Ellison and Philip visited friends in To ronto last Sunday Mrand Mrs Roy Devall spent Friday with friends in Barrie Mr and Mrs Cecil Reynolds and Ritchie visited relat iVee at Stroud last Sunday Mrs Howard Longhurst and Lyle visited relatives in Barrie Thursday evening Mr and Mrs Mallock Mr and Mrs Johns and daughter of Angus were guests of Mrs Mlscampbeil last Sunday Miss Cathy Everett oi Lions Head is visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Lemcke MIDHURST STN Mr andMrs Bill Badgley and children Mrs Budgley and Mr and Mrs Bowers Osh Mr and Mrs Sam Hlltz Mr and Mrs Walter Rndway and Gail of Toronto spent the weekend at Charles Bowderys Mrs McKenzie Barrie spent few days with her dau ghter Mrs Frank Janes Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs LIDangio during the weekend were Mrs Morris and family Mrs Mutt Mr and Mrs Woods of Toronto Mrs Knox and family of Oshawa spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Herb Palmer Mervin Reid of Port Colborne spent the weekend with his par ents and Mrs Victor Reid Mr and Mrs Terry Laway and family of Willowdale and Mr and Mrs Bruce Keilough of Barrie spent Monday with Mr and Mrs Victor Reid ANTEN MILLS The school children with some adults had theirusual trip rre centiy when they went to Toron to They visited the Parliament Buildings where they were met by guide who explained to them all the procedure when parliament is in session visit aiva spent the weekenltl with group for swimming lessons crackers andsct abox on fire ton when they had the privil edga of getting on let The junior ball tum held their first game last Friday hint when they layed Edenvale Mrs ti and Oliver Wil Ion visited friends at Seaflo and Welton at the weekend several ladies from here join ed with the other tlirea chargu in bus tri and visited Fred Victor on also the Wood men Church and Community Centre In Toronto We welcome Mr and Mrs Shaw and family who bought Ron Dcnhama residence Ralph Howden has started to build house in this commun lyMr and Mrs Giffen and family and Mr and Mrs Bruce Bennie of Toronto were recent visitors at John Bralthwaites Mr and Mrs John Dodd of Simcoe spent the weekend at Doug Jonah Jerry Wald of Detroit visited for few days at Frank Cou ghllns Norinne Height was success fill in completin College course HILLSDIILE Recentvlsltors with Mr and Mrs Verlin Nelsonwore Mr and Mrs Nelson Barrie Mr and Mrs Jack Holmes and family Mr and hire Wilfred Parr all of Grenfel The FA athe Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs Blll McClung May 16 with Mrs Martin presiding Devot lons were by Mrs Alvin Drenr nan committee was formed to plan banquet June Luncheon was served by the hostess assisted by Mr Gord on Rowat and Mrs Charles Ja mison David Ketchen of Fergus is the student minister at St And rews Presbyterian Church for the summer months Times of service will be 10 am at Hills dnle 1130 am ut Moonstone 130 pm at Crulghurst The Music Festival fur the Medonte schools was held at St Andrews Presbyterian Church Hilisdale May 17 under the her Teachers CLOWES Alf Perkin is home from be Ial recuperating after curt Lawrence Fraser Is ticnt Innartge Royal Victoria Hopalpital Mrajdean McAlary of Willow dale visited her sister Mrs DdPartridge during last week en Mr and Mrs Robert McAlll ster and Run of Sudbury visited Maud Mrs Partridge en route to ibronto to take Ron to SickChildrens Hospital Mrs Fraser and Grade pup ils Madeline Keys Richard Lari sen Peter Marchildon went by bus on the school area tour on May no and 27 to Ottawa and other points of interest Holiday visitor with Mrs BEST BUYSI Green Giant Save 9cl Green or Wall Beans 69 White or Coloured Twin Pack White Swan Tissue 99 Pineapple Grapefruit Drink STOOIILEYS IIIIII tins Picture earth In Every Pnckn lied llose TEA BROS leadership of Mrs Self of Midland Miss Ella ow at returned home Tuesday from Penetallg General Hospital Mr and Mrs William John atnn and son of Barrie Mrs vin Johnston of Minesing Miss Helen Johnston of Toronto all called on Misses Bessie and Ella Rowat Friday Paripsrou Mrs Marley and Mrs Stone attended the recreali services meeting at Hillsdale It was decided PhelpstDn and Silver Maple would form The local meeting was held at the home of Mrs Joseph Min nings May 31 Bishop Allen of Toronto con firmed 63 children in St Pat ricks Churchg nlesday even ing Man watched Joseph Fair and one Chapetta fireworks display May 22 Children will play with matches however and few youngsters caused bit of excitement the next day when they tried to light burntout fire No one was hurt Mrs Sheppard spent few days in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Don Clark Mr and Mrs Corcoran of Scarborough were weekend guests at Hotel Phelpston Mrs Tomilsorl Roberta and Michael are at their summer cottage on weekends Jack Shanahan and Katharine Patterson were married last Saturday afternoon to Riverdale Zoo was next The highlight of the trip was at Mal eentre About 30 Regular 19995 EATONS Price Each iinttrapand modern 159 This big 151b wet wash capacity dryer is designed to save you many hours of hard work and washday drudgery VIK INGB infinite heat control provides safe drying for every type of fabric from cotton to delicate fabrics even Iwash wear The efficient vacuum drying principle allows taster drying with less Heat whliethe large smooth drurrr proI tects the finest of materials Dryer shuts off automaticallywhen door is opened porcelain nomeiiea finish toilmounted Leo McLaughlin patient in Penetang hospital 43 29 overs illuminated control gt 23 overail Satin Brand rrl runners EATON C0 BRANCH STORES CatFood POSS II BOOTS Enter Levers Name the Boat 1501 tine Jillili SIZE SIIIIF sLilli PRODUCE Chiquita Fiacst Quality BIINIIIIIIS Sunkist OllllNOES Finest FROZEN roan Sunkist Save 51 Fraservale Save 64 so essn no Save Iiei Save Get Pkg of 60 29 No Grade 10lhb38 39 rahrunes 605 tlna inhumane 412945 Mompkga FISH slurs 59 leethams rorarlnanmaxamanwnnxasnaxmva not Alice Peamck were Everett Bell and friend oi Golden Val ley Roy Marsellus of Allan dale Mrs HIE Mrs Lan ge of Barrie Mr and Mrs Go don Peacock and children of Ivy Bell Cripps and Bartly Al lan of Toronto Mr and Mrs Vic May Della May Evelyn Blake Delve May aadJohn Mills visited Niagara on Sunday Mr and Mrs Lavender motored with Mr and Mrs Alex McDonald to Wingham Teeswater and Walkerton last Sunday shower and dance was held at Edgar Hall May 19 for Mr andMrs Dore Mnrchildnnl The young couple received many useful gllLs CELEBRA TE BI SA WNG ISM Ilria Free Save lie with every 31°31 CHOICE IMPORTED 73 swmrs save no PREMIUM swmrs 1° PREMIUM Contest MACARONI and can SBVB 5OCI Lo DUTCH roar LOAF Fcnturel Suva llc Feature Libby Irns 59 Feature Salve 16c YOIIII MEIIT MeLIlIIENS Pl Feature save to SIIIIIILIISII Birthday Cake FR TRIMMED LIIMB LEO VEAL PORK and onlan PICKLE and PIMENTD LOAF Feature Culvcrhouse Choice Quality OIIEIIM OOIIII FRUIT OOCIITIIIL Feature Sweet Mixed Pickles Save 4c 32 in II Lord Home Visits Franco In Madrid blng Reutenic British For Secre rd Home met with heads state Pram cisco Franco for 79 minute niesday the first time Brit Ish forelyl minister has visited the Spanish leader since he came to power 25 years ago There was no indicatlnn of what they dimmed Home said previously would press for more imports of British goods Ha said discussions oi Spains en try Into NATO or the British Spuntsh dispute on Gibraltar were not on his agenda much not VALID our more 40th rder of 31000 or over Whole or Bait IililiiliS 45 TABLE IIEHIJY MEATS ESE oz Vuo Vle voun chroma we 89 Save sci for 69 2001 tine rliisaunv solemn s1 Save Cl 159 for 51 15 01 ilnl sinus mi liLBilllL 49 or can Toilet Bowl Cleaner 25¢ that he