Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1961, p. 18

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runcu THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MAY Si ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS NAM Alt iiuPORTANp Show In tnma lor your child abdnld be real pieuttro and other wul want to know your choice Nun your child an mullII aa poeubia lld II In In ldllll Dani In sortie Bummer birth Annoan moot lost call on Ciudded Do unnent sire the nets including name and win puhilali Birth Notice In the next edition tor only so Telephone PA um tor tnla CIauitied servira DEATHS sissyAt the Pension Gen Hospital on merey May on mi Charlu Alvin lllaey oi zlmvnie beloved husband or Lydia lull Huber deer brother oi ilabel bin Ilelaughiini oi Barrie and uncle ot lieute in ltcrtcnl or Strand in his 16th yenr Run at the James Lynn ninenl Home umvait tor moerai servic en Priday June at 200 pm Interment um vaia cemetery IN MEMORIAL wnNcIIIn loving memory or our dear mother who assed away May ll mo and ear Iatbrr who passed away easy is me blia you dim parrots roll and sleep loving memories Wull ai ways keep IJnvln1y Mmemhrrrd by Eh rlie Icna Sadie Jack and Wes ey CARDS 0F THANKS OhmsThe totally or the iata John Tth Galltea wish lo ex tend sincere thenks and lppncle alien to their many friends and neighbor or the aria kinde nose and beautitul Iloral lrihulu Special thanks to Rev Harvar Ivy Ior his consoling words dur ing their recent sad bereavement COMING EVENTS ANNIVERSARY SERVICES CHURCHILL UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY JUNE am 730 pm SPEAKER Rev Hewitt SPECIAL MUSIC Siroud Presbyterian utltrch Choir EVERYONE wlzucoul GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ltlit AND MRS WILLIAM swnzm ed Goldwater Road Driula Inmeriy of crown Bill will be AT HOME to triends and neighbors SUNDAY JUNE 1061 25 PM AND 79 PM ANNUAL TAG DAY FRIDAY JUNE 1961 SATURDAY JUNEII cartml Ewell oNrAitIo noonmi Port PREVENTION OF CRUEILIY 10 ANIIuAls Please give generouslyi lIIR AND MRS SPms 0F THORNTON ONTARIO will be at home to receive their fluids and relatives on SATURDAY JUNE that train 230430 pm and to pm on the occasion oI their Wm WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Jolideosed and classified advcr Liseinehis are inserted at the rate of do per word per insertion or one and two times do per wordIoi three tour or five times and 292 per word tor or more insertions 10 addi tional charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 960 FOR 24 WORDS WIIHDIlD DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CPARCIIEI PER SINGLE IN SERTION malts up cohaccriotvs Advertisers are reminded that all phone leenlon onion are accepts ed as convenience to you an advertiser Thercroro the Classiiied Advertising Department re uiree all odvemsers to kindly eck their odvcrllsement immediately otter first insertion in order Link any errors or omissions my ho reported bolero mi In order that some my be rectified tor the toiiowing days Insertion order We wish to oint out that The Barrio axe er ts resposrtblo tor only one Incorrectly rnted insertion on any sdvnr emnnt and then only to the extent or portion or ed that Involves In mlsprint Errors which do not lessen the value or the edvertise meotnro not eugihie tor enrree tlons by moire coeds Rates and typo duties or semi display classlticds may be 0D tallied through The Examiner od vartISLDE department BLIND Em mu Enrolmotion regarding advertisers Iulng Blind Letter dux Nunberl fDr Replies is held strictly confin ential Replies to Latter Boxes will be held only 10 days aitev last III of pllbllcatiun Coming Events 5c per word Your minimum charge$150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words so per word extra in iilemoriatrt NIP tines $150 it verse used bc per word extra All WANT copy should he in our office by pull the day before publication On Saturday by IIDIII ITS EASY TO PLACE BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED AD line one at Lhesa three conveni ent woyo PHONE PA MAM and say want in place lililiullled ALI MAIL it to The anrrieExaIn 55F an on mum It The lidrrla Ex amino oiiloo anliaid street REAL ESTATE Pltordnllz FOB saut RD CARSON REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the impelill Theatre PA 6648 Member or Barrio nod putriet liel ratat board CORBY REAL ESTA BROK PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlo St ABEL PA M450 COREY 3548 WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LISTINGS REIDENTIAL AGENCIES LIMITED COLLIER STREET PA 0590 CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS IS Income property what you am looking or Then be run to cell In Ior appointment to no this luxurious wateriront duplex sum mer homo and all year round ilvlnl combined Asking mood with tilins 0R Triplex with balconies hot wa tcr hoauna paved car park Gross income per month $311 Call In today tor tuii particularr OR Du lcx on Bradlnrd St Pour room set contained apartment down or owncr and room self contained filialrum up rented Pitli arrina FARMS arm with the Ceidwater one boundary and No ay as another boundary House and born need repairs About $1000 down will buy it 150 actcs 01 sale or would trade on other property Large all room stucco home In convenieh cu and lovely Mona fireplac III ii me out an pose on ¢B 000 with Rood term COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Large lot on main street in Alian dale store with apartments up stairs also mall apartment at rear MEMBERS OF THE BImrtriz AND DISTRICT Iiim1 ESTATE BOARD Merv GouldOre 2516 Darla NutlycomllePA N901 Edith GouldOrb 1515 Harry SimonPA m1 HENDERSON REALTOR is com STREET PHONE PA $2673 ALLANDALE Ptve room bungalow with three piece both easement planned tor apartment with three piece both gnrcded at 512000 Phone Percy CODRINGTON AREA This line home hos ocms and piece both recreation room in basement 5W7 mortgage Priced to 5211 Phone Percy Ford OVERLOOKING BAY This older type home has 11 rooms and bathrooms hot water oil heating lovely trecd property no as test Phone Percy Pom APARTMENT FORRENT Two bedrooms dining room main door Garage laundry tubs close to downtown Phone the other MOS CALL RITA SCANDRLII PA Mass PERCY FORD PA Main Member or Barrio and District and Ontario heal Estate Booms HENRY ELRICK AND MlCHIE 15 Owen St Barrie PHONE PA 36583 MEMBER BARR IEEAL ESTATE SAVE $1000 year old prick Bungalow close to shopping bus service etc bedroom kitchen living room Lot 55 131 Private mortgage Terms to be arranged to suit our chaser mil price snoop BEDROOMS 1N ALLANDALE 1v storey tnlniiy home Kitchen living room with fireplace 1qu hodrobmr piece bath Pull price $10900 with 53000 down TIFFIN STREET Large int 75 411 Taxes only $167 Ktlchelt dining room living room bedrooms piece bath Full price $9000 with $2500 down Alter hours plboho Paddy MilesPA 85200 Bab FIeWSIIlngPA 35683 50 acres ii miles north or aor IItySM reet oif No 11 Highway New2 bedroom bungalow butldlliz fully equip ed tor woodworking plant 11 price $3500 with Iow down paymchtw Be sure and no this bargain scrum iiIll price ror this storey iIoInn wiih bedroom and piece bath on lovely lot with garage and small born only Vi mile rroln gatcr at Camp Borden Low down payment and will carry In $50 per month sloop hnuguow on In aereiove iy troed lot Will carry Ior $40 per Inontb Low down payment close to dame on highway Promo hedroom bungalow with attach ed cpr garage on 05 acre in real no sin ifn Tayifi Itenl Dntnte Io clap on st phone pA 01161 Eve Neuea PA Mood Al F0 REAL ESTATE ROGERS Panelist Poo soul CONNELL REALTORS ONEDUNLOPWRETEASI First In Barrie Borne Salasme Io Quallb Service PA 85568 EVENING IL MOOREPA Hm ROGERSPA our Estimatorsmicrons TRUNK LINES CALL CORNELLPA WI MATE noun CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 33 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA Mm PA 90741 CODRI NGTON STREET Bedroom buonlow with vital mm kltmen mil biannual all hi3 Incl doubio lama This than in quarters Ior owner aaIItLliiI lot 51 IM Allin pd only 0900 RESTAURANT ON HWY CLOSE TOBARRIE dual hum Imluwd In llh comppe tippe TILL tqlalnua BIDll Ill profit condition Hal accommoda kcailem llv Hal to be On tn b0 lppniclated blrllln at new WILD loud lama ENTICING BRICK HOME ON MAPLE AVE This stony brick home is In beautiful condition HI room on me hear mu beiemect new oil himca genie au on love land maped lot 70 wILii nlu shadu threes and mum BRICK BUNGALOW AT STROUD Just year old hu Itind uvlnl room Iarn Hlehan with Dru alt hook three bedrooms iour piece bath lull basement with hot oil heating on On It you want roll Dari1B TURKEY RANCH tor Lots or cupboards and Ilulllo space large double an sutuul lot on I65 Mull old WITH MODERN acl tart BUNGALOW With acres or ind breeder houses and complclo eulpmcni setting th nice plrie mes miles 011 Ideal from Barrie buy 01 mm wa have othersnil us anytime EVERYTHING IN RIJti ESTATE AIIER HOURS CALL smith Campba llPA Hm Inln haulPA d6 PermIa GarveyPA SJ Mamba II no Barri Ru Blllo Board SEE BARRIE Bmlol newest subdivision Tho VIEW deal location or that new home Clillom homo hulldlnl by Gard Sprlnl and BMW Humor cuts or sale It II located Stilt of Bayvlow rive linr the mmnll nrlvbln GORD HOME DEVELOPMENT LTD GORD SPRINGPA N031 DOUG HakimYA kw BOAKE REALTOR si aIIADPoIm 5mm EARRIB PA 05387 OR PA 0583 still selling Iarms to tatmorn tor taming Clue Wakem PA 51451 Ralph EL aPA W803 iidcmburs ot la and Dinner Rel mat Hoard MOVED May 16 1961 To 113 DUNLOP STREET Next to Brown Co STEVENSONS ALL KINDS INSURANCE ROOMY BRICK BUNGALOW Large kitchen dlpihl room liv ing room tour bedrooms Polly heated basement with extra both rooin Largo corner lot ideal tor active children TELEPHONE PA 68024 tor appotntment bowpundit older rter tour bed room brick house on Penetang St Porced air on rnrnaee Telephone PA 12004 ior mrther idiotmotion MODERN Brick Veneer Triplex one twoaod throeroom apart meuis Separate entrances depor ate thermnxhts Good home or flip come property Reasonable Prin clpals only Telephone PA 58567 PRIVATE SALE Three bedroom brick bungalow completed rec reotion room well hedged and landscnped lot NIIA first mort KBED M70 Wiper month lrlciuti iiIg Interest and taxcs Quiet street it end Telephone PA 84122 PRIVATE SALE Two and bolt ear old three bedroom bungnlow gs iivlng room Hanover cup boards kitchen on heating Near ubuc and tepnrote schools and hgb schools 57 NRA mort gage Second normzit may be arrang Telephone pA mac NORMAN Sh REAL ESTATE BROKE Duhlop Strait EH1 PA 8996 OR 68742 $$$$$$ SAVE MONEY MORTGAGE This benutilul brick bungalow on quiet residential street has liv in room dining room large mod ern kitchen bedrooms situated on lame well landscaped lot This home is immaculate and tosleluiiy dccorated throughout For your Inspection appointment Ieali ioo Lautln PA 601a svohe DH SUNNIDALE AREA could be bought at very low price at this timebrick bungalow with shape llvln room with hrepiaco bedrooms kitchen and ceramic tile bath basement put ly itnishcd situated on well treed lot Mortgage at up flu or 571 per month incindlnai principal interest and taxes To acalthil home can Joe tannin now minds can JouLonKlln PA com Everett stairwell Oro Howard Norm PA W6 Junk W11th PA 845 ilm lemon PA Hm Norman SIIEISWEII PA lWOI MODERN Bungalow In new sub division solld brick years old completer landscaped with patio NHA 55 hormone PA $9695 5300 DOWN This lovely modern brick home has some vory Ip pcallng features lilylaminae pad Hillcrest subdivision ALLIS Ion For hill particular Phone HE 53010 NEW NBA HOMES Three hed ronms tiled bathroom Hardwood and tile floors oII heated Good location Priced rllth For mm iller lnlarmatlon call AIIIII PA 8423 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 5Exduma tlort 61ures IUprlsing Common contraction Bitter vetch 11 much marshal 15Boys homo 10Twn prenxi IBthteriiae tioniu language 19rescrlp tIDII term 20Agntnnt 215trike 24 Query 10 Vegetuble IZPIBY 13Ham0rlizo 14 Like align 10 Scrappy 17 Kind or Greek column 19 German ex ciamatioil 22 Negatlvo PIV 231110 Orient 27 Glamorous 29 Brazilian point 30 Poker BLRkB Tool 43 Molandioly 45 Petty malice 4714 Show which 455 DOWN LAosauli European tar pA stats It Moore pa we 25 Cebine monkey 20 Diokehs boy 38 Con cell REAL ESTATE PROPHET NB SALE HAROLD FORSTER REALNH BAYFIELD 51 PA Hm WANTED All type homes with or with out convenience We have apxlolu citnu walung to boy new in un SEMI Adapt Clint Bordh Bu tartsrontwood New uwcli men eaun Ivy and utople arm call noon stiller com when your ltaunn will be looked altar promptly ACREAGES ran station Snow Valley cra binIt Buy Illdhunt LOTS LOTS LOTS WI havo bundlnl In In Barr Cockaton Guiana Stmud utopia and Tollapdal call Joseph Palmr Ior Iut action PA lumbar DI Barr and Mamet Baal Eut Board XVBHNGS CALL EMORY lullEl PA 50470 JOE PALMER PA 6083 KARL MARSHALL PA mu CAMPBELL MIKE 0m 02 HAROLD PDRSIER PA M465 ROSE Ilul STATE BROKER TITIN STREET BARRI LETITIA STREET mecuuve ivo home located on large treed lot Hx 131 lecturing bedrooms Ihapo liviox room and dintna room opentire place at Georgian marble thermo pano pictun window aluminum storms and screens Mmtioh room and piece washroom tn basement attached garage This is weu built and well kept home only about yurl old ll an ppointmcnt to see this home today 27 HIGHWAY SOUTH Bedroom hDDlaIOw only years old living room kitchen end piece bat nut basement forced all all Ianuni Int 75 200 carries tor 05005 per month plus taxes CGE AREA iv storey larae bedroom home kltciiohl located on large in 210 terced air on tietint Down payment only $1000 ALLANDALE stony brick bedrooms Ilvlnl room and dining room kitchen with buntIn cupbosrds bath elec tric builttn fireplace hardwood Icon ebrouahout lull basement oil heating laundry tubs large recreation room with mabonuy shelled walla and tiled Iioor loci landscaped lot pIiu lab den Slutty paved driveway no age ll price only SILSW Tuls hotno la well located to stoma Ichooh and on Du line BEDROOMS BATHROOMS Hunglow brick hedmum III In rDDm dining room kitchen bathrooms completely finished recreation room Tlneucd ln ma hofiau garago lh paved drive le Eacluding cement Gurbl pro ieuionai inndsca to both in the front yud and and yard Land scaping in back yard iiords com pleto privacy You must see Hill home or yourseil Ia words can not describe It hiltytn the best advantalo CODRINGTON ST AREA 310000 Nll asking price its storey room and hath Am place lull basement toned air all hosting aIumtnum stoma screens Located on bill line and vary clean to CDIIrInltoll SCIIDDI CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 this Barrie and DistrIct em gall mitt Board nuuDlltvs Opportunity ltoom house double lot Grove Street gust Apply to Agnes street Ear THREE BEDROOM Home decorated throughout our plate hath now furnace recreauon room Near schools and It stop Price whoa Curries or $50 peix monthinoludlnu taxes Near Nam CDIIEEIIIE Telephono PA 58713 OWNER Transferred NBA resale mortgage Three bedroom brick bungalow lnxviclnity or North Collegiate shaped living room large bathroom lull hasty mont Lot to 110 icet $1100 down Carries tor $105 monthly principal interest and taxes Tale phone PA 35106 MOBILE HOMES non some on ttENc newly 20Wheel spindle 81 Jewish month 34 Close to Yuth All 35 Ann 40 Charla joint Lde 360um flaunt of puss wind point 12 still Shim 43 Editor Slliiu Elihu asBlttersweei £7A school coating abort Eliiigiiiim flflfllllfl Eganll IIHIVAHIII CAnrN TRANE sleep adults In good conditidh Telephone PA 92va or combo seen at is Mary street PROPERTY WANTED LOT WANTED hitut no close to Barrioh and null bur route srzlucno nyw ere up mwiy 74 Barrio loinminer SUPERVISOR transferred to Ben rI wishes titreti or ran bedroom home on or beroro Sept Res sonable down payment Principals 0118 Apply to Box 15 Home Dr or WANTED New NIIA three bed room homo Immediate or very early occu ancy Down paymenp rflxlmateb $1000 Near bllh public schooia Apply Box 11 Barrie Examiner FINANCIAL FOR TilIE BEST DEAL ON LOANS TO $5000 IT WILL PAY You To GET ALL THE FAIRS AND THEN SEE SEABOARD WHERE You RECEIVE LOW COST RATES CLEAth STATED FLEXIBLE TERMS up TO to MONTHS PERSONAL SERVICE ALWAYS PROMPT acialPlIns fol Homeowner aria iduy he mo Insured DUNLOP sT UDO CANADIAN LIMITED PHONE PAW REAL ESTATE momGAGES FIRST MORTGAGE MONEY Reddlmt whom en to Busing Properties lullme well located arms VICTORIA GREY TRUST gDWEN SOIJNA ONT 3mm AND 1115133512 HENRY ELRICK MICHIE 15 OWEN ST Md PA N0 ARRANGING PM 03 BONUS IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS oro consolidate debts on existing mort age or mariaus coming ua Homl tin rovemont altny wo wbilo cause Call today for appointment PA 6M1 EVENINGS PA elm Mortgage Funding OfCanOda 119 DUNLOP 5mm Em 1200 rmsr MORTDAGB wanted 1m9fllIALQUUID cigar II algae be tunnel9 MORTGAGESIn and 2nd poi1111 acid and lrrlplod Common rcrldentlal mono loanld an existing mansxuflarrla Mon nae Bmknn will momaltos hinNaY available Evident to rvit your budget armed Enterprises limited oali erator and ask Ior Zenith 1m ember at on arid Mortgage Bro ken Auootatlon BUS OPPORTUNITIES BEAUTY SALON or sale 300 willtake it Apply to no can harm Examiner CANADIAN Perrituna Limlied has for lair In Uta North Ely areas two our service station to launht VIIh llvlnl quarter at tached Renovations can bo made to suit purchaser Mort Ila avauabie and en to nhxotlatlun Reply in colon once to PO Box No 50 North Bay Ontario RENTALS APTS awaits T0 RENT BEDROOM hello Hilicrost Ichdol area 3100 Ir month Call Carson at H101 THREE all NEW Rodin mmlshcd apartment No adults11d llulll baby wanted by July lo we rhona PA Duos FOUR haunt Apartment clolo to schools and torcs Newa decora ted and reasoneble rcpt Telephona PA H100 tor hirthcr Intormatlon Two DBDNOOII House RanIts on buy Oil urncc AVIlidhiii July Apply 00 Box Barrio intminer Mount1N three bedroom homo with an attached Purge Close to collegiate and public school Available Aug irt Apply to Box Barrie Examiner RENTALS APISo HOUSES IO RENT avarunu our lat one run mid ITEMS on unionists fil both If rosined an ehod coma syn oca mo nlnu PA ama unihen apart mant ind nun room Mon spenders 911 In Peeipst PA Wm Annitum two Im mouthing eon ed Near Dominion store Av able now Telphone PA HM mu BOOM hutd soil can tulip Artmagi atoasnlnnd ra era fly all In Lb out and AVIIIIDIII Juno Tullphtmo PA UM Im BOOM unlitmhhld IDAH monl Inplrlla mum 1011 parkllu lltIIlllu AVAIL able edlatdbvTelophDDO PA 53170 or urtber intonation Imam Apartment room And bath Nichol and human with iattnd tubs Belted Down town Aval his now Ttlbplwn PA 65 WEED meal had all m0muid lulu with attiva an relrigernter Available im mediate TIIDIIODO PA NM or so Burton Avenue Heavy all stove or laid wear three room salt eonttln ed apnrunent he wirtna coll ren wo come Huronbio Apply Center Street upstairs Phnna evenings PA pom THREE pdptiootu lIoIIa or rent aclnul living room centrally located erd Street Apply 00 Victoria street or telephone PA um IIIDDBIIN three bedroom numb nished apartment private beni rum use or washer and or Quiet district near hm inn lions and Ichoola Telephonl PA H171 rwo ultuhoost suite In modern apartment building lIeat water roirigentor Itove nonch incin erator Ifarklitl innltor Ian end No ch dren Available Italy Telephone PA c1161 m3 ROOM unfilrnllhld Ill11 1mm heat water Iupplliid LOCI ted IiiIto and huniop Ava bio lmmedlthly For iurthcr IDIOD button Telephone at no or PA WT BBATBD unmmiahed bright and immaculate apartment Largo liv Int room two bedroom and apps cloud kitchen Centrally located Parking tacllltins Adults only Telephone evenings PA 57356 NEW AND llodorn one and two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic KempMolt my wa ter uklng and iohltcr orvic Luciu ed Automatln washing elliuoa PA 001 ms ItouM Apartment with Erivato bathroom hot water oil oated refrigerator and heavy duty rtovo included Located on Burton Avenue Apply 48 Denna Street VERY CENTRAL Three furnished nplflmehl taIDed with private entrance clean and rush Suitable ror two ldulll Itcasonnbio rant Avonhie now Telephone PA 8410 BRIGHT threo room apartment on upper lloor Furnished Private bathroom and reu contained Laundry Ia illch and parking space Centrally located Ielo phone PA 84747 room all con PUIINISIIBD Apartment and block tron Post otiice Sell con tained rivate entrance Tele phone W1 Two BBDROO ottoge or Apart merit or rcnl year round Partly ntrnlshed Tclepbono 3201 War aga Beacb FOUR 1100M uninrnlshd art ment private entrance heat and hot watcr supplied Apply at It Bayaeld street MODERN Brick Duplex 41 Cum berland Street 10 ground iloor 045 upper Apply Rogers and con nell Realtorl Phulm PA 35559 DUPLEX up er Modern But was ier heated our room and tile bath 10 minutes walk irons down town Private Telephone PA $6733 SELF CONTAINED unfurnished heated two bedroom apartment Heavy wiring Central Ort hill route Apply 160 Eradford St Tim Imoivi unlurnishd art ment available June Heated and water supplied Telephone PA $1579 FURNISHED Apartment large llv Vin room bedroom and kitchen etto lh Allahdalc Reasonabl rent Telephone PA 59240 ULTRA MODERN Apartment pri vain entrance antizrolmds self contained would suit conic Stove and reirigerntor supp ed call PA 84294 alter pin maxi modern Bungalow ior rent central location tor July and August ouly Call PA 68503 drier it pin or turtber in urination ANGL Pour rooms and bath unturnlshed sell contained dup lex 55 monthly Available June Apply Maobertson Angus Telephone IIE 95595 ONE AND Two Bedroom Aparo menta Stove refrigerator Janitor service and laundry faculties Renting tram $80 monthly relw phone Leech PA Mow FURNISHED Lokeshoro Apart ment Big Bay Point Available Juno $75 monthly Suitable fora business couple APPIy Mr Nicbol Stroud dam THREE ROOMA artment Reason able rent Finn shed or uplurn I5hefl Clee to West and Sbolhplna pla Telephone PA 945 eye PA Mud evenings CLEAN nicely furnished upper duplex self contained our rooms th and balcony Adults Not suitable or children Telephone PA N731 Two BBDIlooiII heated apart mont rolr contained on St vin eent street close to schools and stores $05 monthly Availablo June Telephone PA 9204 FURNISHED heated futu room artment central Also three om opnrtment at ivy Storminlne mues from Comp Borden Avail able June Telephone PA um 15 DOWNTOWN Location Fully eels contained edroom spart ment hot water heating included Apply angels and Connell Real tors phone PA ossoa UNPURNISIIBD three room apart ment heated Itcirlaoraior and stove Iu plied Centrall located Immedia possession elepbono PA Mata or PA 25308 mBELABGE furnished houn keplltiz rooms Stove and Ich orator Included Control Tole boha PA pom liter it pan or atiudly WMISHIID two romn apart ment with kitchenette and ax Ilydrn rtliil parking space lncIild Aduita srelerreti Apply IM pier Stray mien wrNhowao one room ortment pvaiiabio iunc 10 Very me with cupboards sink pan try clothes closet heavyduty range bnmboo drapes tile floor Furniture optional also second ial1o room Parking space Rent Abstainen only Ideal or on Incsr person requiring can for baby or elderly dcpcndeot The Five illDies Nurellil Home Thorton Phone Ivy 2n HOmer Hunting Watch EXaminér want Ads RENTALS AYESI HOUSES BENT UNVUINIBIIID three mm apart manh lhm pl bath Dr rut Apply to alareua Strut Barrio TO LET FOB Jilly and Alma UDlurnIahrd man In modlill artmant bIl din Klkhtn Includod Phonl PA mm mmlahod artmlat ll modeln homo Cell Slur ro nuenier and hot wnter mpplttd Bwul Il putnod Abdul3 mrflol1 an ar Apply It In BI Palrn Boon unturnisbed sport mot with bath separate env nne parklnt men and Linda with nitr rl up ghetto PA wed IILI CONTAINBD three room anuuunt Bath vatr all rated clan to downtown Par lanmtlu in ballmahi Avaliablo IIIIDI Tallphtmo PA awa pzmwoiid analht kits chap IIVIDI ruom alhroom and newly uplflto hail With fir dnlnr and non Cali man In Immedllloly Teiophnfll PA ml rum to ppmonly DNPDBNIIIIID two room aparte mutt V101 kitchenette Ind hith room Private entrance heat hi dro and parkllil span Include Adults marred Apply in pier street 0N BmsnflNa room with ltit ohenetto with hot water Also three mom round noor lpart bunt Private Pltlrantia com iv tely unfilled MID run binned bedroom All avauab now Telephdno PA Ml aluminum LARGE modern three bedroom attached houio Pully decorated 011 hailed Hydra heal and Ital water all luppllcd Yard llrdan Ira Across mm ebcol miles north or Barrie on mlln hifllwly crown Hill as per month Telephone PA Han WANTED TO pm Two BEDROOM IIottsa wanted Reasonable dlailnpa rrom Camp liordon Two adults write to Box 25 Anglia Dist itooliis TO LET FURNISHED Bedroom downtown to Maple Avenue Linens Gentle malt proicrrcd 38 weekly FURNISHED Room or rent Glu tlemen preloned IA block iron Inn Itop Tcicphnon PA 34061 BED SITTING Room with use or kitchen Located on bill rnlltl Telephone PA M130 olteruoons or ovenngou PUBNIIIIIBD Bed sitting and kitchen Telephone PA Intnrmltlon Pullmauxn bcdroom to rent two blocks irom downtown hu unnse men prntcrred Telephone PA am PumIaIIED Iarge bedroom with twin Dada Suit one or two gen tiemen For further Intormation call PA 07561 alter pm or ap ply Dunlap St East FURNISHED liodroem or Sitting Room Breakltut and lunch dulred Tale ho PA $1021 or apply at 15 uc worth rec Room Se atato entrance 50a ror mrtbor Bod FDRNIEEBD Godmom clean and bright close to hospital and shop ping plaza Available immediate ly Apply 60 Ross Street or telo Phono PA 55090 ROOM BOARD ROOM AND aoaitp Gentlemen Preferred PA 04616 availbie Telephone lry All Examiner Want Ad Phone Pa 8241 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Yenr Telephone PA 82414 CAMPING EQUWMZENT TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents and Tarps Clmp COL and stove coolers BARRI TENT Er AWNING CO LTD DAYFImJ rsmm TELEPHONE PA 56437 LANDSCAPING BARBIE LANDSCAPING SOD suPPLY Free estimates landscaping lawn maintenance Soddin ceding rol ling iertuixlne spraylnz coda lledgea and Evergreens specie lty Kentucky or itiarion bino guns also tield sod delivered anywhere Reasonable rates TELEPHONE PA 51555 UPHOISTEE UPHOLSTERY Slipcovers Rugs Drapes FREE ESTIMATES CALL MAYFAIR PA 612 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE as happened at PHONE PAIR4562 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL 0P SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavan and Gradlnfl Wllfl Delivery Crudhnd on pail yard Backhoe tor ntra DENNIS MORAN 19 Ann Straht gt PA b1007 SalI13 BUILDING ED MILLS Building Contractor Painswick ocusTaldA summit REMDDmING KITCHEN VCUPBOARDS Phebe strand ETDbl Collect SANITARY DISPOSAL WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly tor disposal Telephone Barrie PA 8775 Long dISIAnC Zenith 800 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLIA License No 69 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We havo been licensed to removn your dead and crippled larm ani main undel that above th FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECI BARRE PArkwny H517 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95061 WELL DIGGING WELLS BLASTI NG UG ODIICHES DEEPENED ISTUMPS OBEPAIRED IBOULDERS CALL KEN WINTER 12 MARIA ST BARBIE PA 60782 WELLS DRILLED PUMPS lNSlALLED BY LICENSED DPJLLERS FREE ESTMATES Couplond Drilling RR No BARBIE PA 87646 mSUIaATION Airtit Insulation DA IIIIIGIIEC ddIlI tn thpeltr RDCKWOSL Storing Insulation thn All Alumlnv Em EIBPIIDIld aiding completely mtlIIed WILD Styrofoam lnllllnh tng hatJrer bonrd in elxhttcoinra WI are Efigwllnnlzdfllng llfllmIllugfl aw WINTER SEAL ll ALL WORK comm Pam isthmus mots gtWrite or pt LSGOTIWMIJIEJEIIMINESINGfT mapopp itcoIiulsiIly my

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