eves Considered Killing Eichmann By ARYE WALLENBTEIN JERUSALEM Reuters British government official in Cairo was less than enthusias tic toward Adolf Elchnlaaas Jewsfortrucks proposal in midla Etchmanns robe tween testiï¬ed here today The official was assassinated by Jews In late 1944 Joel Brand who acted as no gotiator between Eichmann and the Allies on the proposaltesti tied at Eichmanns trial that Britains lard Mayne told him What shall do with those million Jews Where shall put them Lord Mayne was British depv CBC Wants Sec But Not Iii Own Expense UliAWA CPI CBC Presi dent Alphonse Ouimet said Tuesday that the publicly owned corporation would like to see second Canadian television net work but not at the expense of the CBCs existing national service He told the Commons broad casting committee that if sec ond network is desirable the the CBCI present network oi CBC and private stations should be kept intact second network should be built over and above what the CBC already operates Mr Ouimettestilied as the committee continued its investi gation oi the current contro versy resulting from the fact that privately owned CFTOltTV Toronto outbid the CBC for the 1961 and 1062 TV rights to Big Four football games The CBC has rejected suggestions that its network be split to allow some private affiliach stations to carry Big Four broadcasts Mr Oulmet said splitting the CBC network for football or hockey would destroy the na tloani television service pro vided by the corporation sous Imnmnnanarns Law LAWNBOY DeIIIe Canadas most popular eaiesthandling Art Smith PC Calgary South said lilr Ouimet exag gerated the situation In reply to questions by Doug ial Fisher CCFPort Arthurl Mr Ouimet said the executive hanch oi the federal govern ment and the Board of Broad cast Governors interpret the colpnratlo par mentary Complex Hits ChurchéBishop TORONTO CPJRt Rev Wilkinson bishop of Toronto warned Tuesday of narcissus type complex in the Anglican Church IIe toidthe synod of the ior onto dioeesa that Anglicans of ten are more inclined to look to the past than the future and legumes and parochial in out oo The church he said needs to venture for more in the realms of truth ideas and values as 211 as in the practical mission See the new AWNBOY GRASS CAITCHERV iggesi power power mower World famous lip model lmn horse engine All the most wanted lawncare fixtures tightest weight Inr nili825° 21925 Impulse Starter model gt available 18 92 Zl lilZ ROBINSON sinuNLOP 51 Ask about LA wusor CANADAMADE coivrssr win 102 wonderful prizes In In imam truth Earlier Brlnds wife Banal Jewish leader in oowpied Eun ury testiï¬ed that Jews often contemplated assassination of Etcbmann but did not kill him because of feared deals She said she headed for aid not homes Our anxiety was to keep the people alive lira Brand said We did not know whether the death of Elchmaan would help our people Mrdiirandrsaid Jewish lead ers no Inn kn the Nazi hierarchy ledge We were convinced did not know that ii sealant ifllfieélii would to ï¬nd ll an in comm she said uty minister of state in the Mid dle East He was assassinated in Cairo in November 1944 by two members of the Stern Glad Jewish terrorist orientation Brand said he told Jewish leaders in Istanbul that Elelr mann promised to spare 10 per oentof the 1000000 Jaws soon moment was reached in principle on the uchanse of the million for 10000 men pleaded and begged Brand said COULD HAVE JEWS He said Elctunann had told him that if President Roosevelt Welfare Council Recommends Team ApproachTo Medicine 31 Elizabeth Motherwell Candin Press Std Writer Orrswa CPIA team ap proach to medicine was recom mended Tueoday to the annual meeting of the Canadian Wel fare Council as way at solv ial modern day problems of care and treatment In an assessment of Canadas group practice by doctor bcaith needs panel lupported specialists as an unnxinatlve way of oopinzwith the com plexities of modern medicine Dr John Hastings oi the Uni versity of Torontos School of Hygiene said the Pooling oi knowledge was the only way to keep pace with medical ldvan nes close association with mlieagues also inspired doctors to do their best work Dr Glen Sawyer of Toronto secretary of the Ontariorlfed lcai Association however said group practice woud not pm serve the same doctor patient relationship nuns screws LURE While discussing drop01f in medical students the panel dis counted fear of sociallsed medicine as being respoosible The lure of sciences in the space use was blamed Students who rnlxhthanentuedmedidml mammammormr minin decade ago now look to Idenv title urocu waiter Boyd coordinator or rehabilitation or the Manitoba dopartment at public welfare said there was no shortue at health workers But they were not being used meetiveiy Ind wastage of service wu par ticularly evident in nhlbllitl tlon programs Proposed team Itth on many other welfare problems emerged as policy in other dis cussion groups into which the 600 conference delegates were divided Topics ranged from adoption to needs of the aged ADOPT 0N WIDE SCALE Child adoptions on both an in terprovlnelal and global scale and British wartime prime min ister WinstonChurchlil wanted the Jews then they can have and Network mandate to provide national service in the same way as does the CBC Mr Ouimet also said the CBC would not publish its weekly magazine CBC Times at net cost of $307150 year ii it did not think the periodical was necessary Gordon Chown PC Winni peg South had described the expenditure as tremendous Fraser CBC vlcopresi dent in charge of corporate af fairs said the publication was the only source of information reflecting all the activities of CEO Mr Fraser said it would cost more for the CBC to distribute information in Te leases 42 grapes Thoras great eating for you in Shirrlff Grape Jelly with Its rich harvestgrapatlavourfloullfind true fruit flavour In all Shirrlfi fruit lollies and desserts Ev Salads Shin IIHoreey produstls quality 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maternal salaries In in PHONE PA MN duoement to keep mothers from BARBIE taking paid employment outside the home The mothers pay would be scaled to the number of chlldrnu in the home Ubhnllierlu ll all EulnalNlt Just Sideline aovs canons sar nno $119 sraomn 87° GIELS SUN DRESSES REG$299I SPECIAL Islzes ext 15 min cotton pIInu 97 intents PEDALPUSHER Si SHORT SETS REG $199 hï¬iï¬ Ã©ï¬m clf ourruI run time as SIZES so any print top and solidsrolour shorts Washable so mumIces SPECIAL V5141 SPECIALI BABYS SWIM SUNSUIT SIZES for tinyBoys or Girls White terry cloth so soft for baby and so easy to wash Brightlycolourcdbinding Reg 79c Sav 67° ingsPricad TQSHIRTS DOLLAR VALUE SPECIAL SIZES 243 for Little Boys and little Girlsl 57c Finevquaiityy tubloving cotton interlock in colourful stripes and prints 13 Savingsl PLAY SUIT FOR LITTLE GIRLS srzas 2sx Checked gingham ovelniOuse with novelty cobbler pocket solid colour shorts 193 washable SPECIAL LITrLsGIRI SHORTS nan Sixes to Cotton pincord in 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