Ellie barrio Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers unified is Hayfield Bunchesrile Ontario PAGE FOUR TUESDAY MAY no EDITORIAL Pugwash Under Attack Will Couchiching Re Next We in Barrie are fortunate to be in cated near the site of the Couchlchinl Conferences which have been held an nually near Oriilia for nearly quar ter of century Those of us who have attended them or even read of them or heard of them are aware of the valuable understanding produced by their free exchange of wide varietyof political social religious and philoso phical viewpoints Most of us too have heard of the Pugwash conferences somewhat sim ilar series of international science meet ings The wealthy Cleveland industrial ist Cyrus Eaten has sponsored six of the so meetings since July 1957 Mr Eaton was born in Nova scotia and the confer ences so far have been held at his home in Pugwash NS It is reported Mr Eaton has spent $100000 in making the conferences pos slble On Saturday the Puzwash conferen ces were attacked in United States Senate staff study as being exploited by the Communist propaganda apparatus The report added that Mr Eaton has shown strong and unconcealed sym pathy for Soviet policies and activities of our government to insure natural se ounity An Associated Press despatch further reported that one of the studys con clusions was that the Soviet delegates and others have sought to use the con ferenees to discredit v5 nuclear policy within the UnitedStatesand through out the world Now some of the views and actions of Cyrus Eaton might be described as those of an odd duck and he certainly has the money to engage in almost any whim he wishes He has also dined privately with Premier Khrushchev and ex changed gifis with him no that as it may we do not think this is sufficient reason to arm the value of any international meeting of minds orexhange of views In the face of wide misunderstanding throughout the world surely we need more com munication and not less In fact it rather tickles our fancy that capitalist millionaire can have discursive contacts with representatives of the soviet bloc Another series of recent international conferences has been the Communist sponsored World Youth Festivals for Peace and Friendship of which there have been seven or eight These too have been under attack bybhe Western world particularly the United States These last named as presently con stituted are certainly of little or no alvue in improving understanding be tween West and East This is because government pressure against them is so strong here that almost all the repre sentatives from the Western world at tending are rabid leftlsu If our governmean counteracted by sending handpicked delegates from such organizations as the Boy Scouts and the YMCA Democracy could at least get word in edgewlse But wevcant influence world youth ifrwe dont talk to them We are reminded of Churchills ad monition to law rather than to war These conferences have an been crit icized perhaps with some Justification for hearing views which do not agree with our own But if we sit back and attack them as invidlous influences we are throwing away any chance we have of presenting our own point of view If we let these shortsighted attacks go un answered we shall continue to lose con tact with the people we want to in fluence and soon it wont be words were fighting with Pugwash now Couchiching next Other Editors Views DROP IN TEE BUCKET Brantford Expositor Writing in The Financial Post Mr Vince Lonny says Solving the acute water pollution problem in Canada is going to cost much more than many people think The federal plan of mak kins $100 million available for loans to municipalities for sewage treatment plants is only drop in leaky bucket We know something about that right here in the Grand Valley have for years in fact YOUTH NEEDS DIRECTION Sarnia Observer Peter Hargreaves an 18yearold schoolboy paid $13575 to learn that the flags presently flying in Canada suit the higher authortiies It cost Peter that sum to pay for dam age to flagpole on the Supreme Court of Canada building at Ottawa Apparently converted to the supposit ion that Canada was big enough to have flag of its own and notbe de pendent upon Eritain for something to wave the youngster had decided to do something about it As one Toronto neWspaper pointed out All that Peter Hargreavesthas prover is that an 18yearold Canadian boy has somehow missed in his years of school ing any real teaching of the signific ance of the Canadian Ensigan It goes on to ask Is thereno effort made in Canadian schools to explain to Canadian children the history and significance of the flag that is displayed may afterday on the central PeaceTower ofCanada on Parliament Hill omiws arrow Canadarï¬ghls UnderEducation Dy PATRICK NICHOLSON YIIAWAUndcroduclfioo is the basic cause chin unemploy ment which is rum among young Canadians IV Par liament is frequently told The Suite committee on manpower and employment has heard that of Imernployed youotma and WIEN iiRE THEY GOING TO SHOOT OFF THE BIG ONE Today there are so many otlrermat tiers of more serious andpresslng im portance to be resolved that Canadian flag minor by comparison canbe left to later and less dangerous day Per POOR EXCUSE dent of the Snaps the schools might bring to boys like Peter Hargreaves the knowledge that their talents and cnthuslaszn can be better directed to correcting some of the ills which afflict the world and leave the matter of flags until we can begin toagree on what kind are one we want anyway Down Memory Lane1 so was no0 acne Under Ready Willing Able was little story Ms Brown to grocery clerk Can you picktme nice melon that will be just right for breakfast in the morning Quick clerk surely can what time Fish in minions 20 years ago at Coilingwood With the last load being dumped in Georgian Bay work was com pleted of distributing 51000000 baby Whitefish through the system and the upper end of Lake Huron and was com pleted after three weeks From In the Fight for Freedom came Armys Heaviest Man The title was for the Canadian Army and was claimed for 20yearold Roy Spencer of Kinmount 265 pounds Now pushing his way forward with the authority of 298 pounds is Sergeant Blackburn No Company 48th Highlanders at Camp Borden Until the next claimant comes airlog heholds the title heavyweight nonfisbic Authorized runne class mail Port Office naproam on imliyr8uady on Kamaa suns Publisher am saunas General Manager sonar com wanes Munring sailor ensues wanna Busineulifnnugor normm amuza advernnnzi Minibar man JOHN HOLDER Chenilï¬nn Manages Subscription me daily by candor 35o weakly um your 51 cop av mail an Ontario 0700 year 00 month outdo antno Ida 91090 year om us arrivalIii Avs Torobto 5m ï¬ancel use an éaorgl sin Member or ih on Man mam Annotation Can Audi Bureau of omnibus ib candream is exclusive untitled iolh mm ragublioatlon of all atohod In this ï¬ner en itld to It or Tb Allocated Pun or cure um Illa can our rum publilhsd therein Au rith or republication of spur1 dispatch rain on also reserved 00 year Outsid The Barrie Examiner mon in $250 threo months $106 In Cstbem ronasraas WORKING asap Scattered over every available foot of Exhibition Camp Toronto squads of the Grey and Simone Foresters and mum Regiment are getting in some good no of work with the past month ideal for outdoor training said Brigadier Thomas MBE commanding the 11th Infantry Brigade LIVED FOR 103 YEARS The Barrie Examiner of May 28 1936 had photo ofJohn Lennox native of Innisfil Township who died at Weston on May 20 at the remarkable age of 103 years He was the last survivor of family of 12 children and was highly esteemed byall who knew him 0R0 FAME IN ACCIDENT An Oro tamilyMr and Mrs Jack Flear and their two children escaped serious injury when their car went out of control on Highway 11 at Hewitts Hill on May 23 1936 Going south to Barrie they met hydro truck going the same way which attempted to pass Mr Flear turned right struck the road shoulder and the car made complete somer sault and nded up on its right side Merlear ecei to Fth children were unharmed and Mr Near escapedsarious injury armpitnoon Mascaras An epidemlcof robberies broke long record ofquiet for police in May 25 years ago when three service stations tailor shppandgeneral store werejen tered and about $350 cash and goods takenPart of this was done in the morning and one on Friday evening at Flngolds others rdbbered wer and Dlnty Barrie General store rabbersfentered by the coalohute and to the store SCI URANIUM CITY Sask CF Unable to keep their tongues off asoretonlh the 3000 people of Uranium ï¬ty often mention mid1963 By that date there is expected to be no ready market for tha barrels of uranium bearing yellow powder produced by the Crowmowned Eldorado Mining and Refining Company and the itlddopendent Gunnar MinesLbn The two companies pay 78 per cent of the taxes levied in the LOGOsquare mile area char tered as the Municipal Corpora tion of Uranium City and Dis trict They are the only major employers But shrinking market require ments have matched the imme diato future from both mines and they may shut down by Hid1963 Some people came into this with eyes open They planned and made quick kl dag says town manager Wil llam Seaman Those who intended to recover their invest ment over long term will be broken if the mines shut down The boom town of Uraniumi Citywas born in 1952 during the most concentratedstaldng rush in Saskatchewans history When 1953 ended 21 been staked Bee ero es area just north of Lake Athabasca about 460 miles north of Prince Alberl nmnscnnmmas By 1956 the municipality wes incorporatedhducludlng all op erating mines and the mine townsites at Eidorado and Gun nar With trlct was slahllshed as ama jor worldproducer of uranium Yet in the last=la months morevthan dozen of the dis tricts uraniummines have sealed their shafts paid hefty severance wages to employees Vandciosed their books Once busy mine sites of Gay loor Aihabask hillAthabasca Tooth Laredo Black Bay and Lake Cinch look as though everyone left at ï¬ve oclock whistle and never cameback It costless to leave some heavy machinery be blnd than to freight it out The economic jolt of the mine closings ed knock 25 of about 55 Uranium City firms out of businesssnil wounded the municipal corporations finance Unofficial estimates of the lifetime of Cunnar areabout 30 months including oneyyear of stockpiling after current con tracts are fulfilled The stock piling plan indicates hope for renewal contracts for uranium for peaceful purposes about 1970 EXPANDING PLANT Eldoradomine manager Don Douglas says the Crown company may be forced to shut down between 1968 and 1970 By 1970 he says Eldorado could reopen in anew market climate and well be prepared to do just that The companys confidence is being expressed in construction of second hydroelectric plant at cost of $3000000 installa tion of new machinery and sink ing of one of its three shafts an other 2000 feet to more than mile Despite high transportation costsraunual esonlieli of more than 70 per cent and other peculiarly northern prob lems Eldorado ond Guunar have remained this long in com petitive production partly be cause of high recovery rate of nearly four pounds of man7 ium from each ion of material treated Uranium City fathers who cant afford to take the long term view of minaofflcials sea the 1963 to 1970 period as an im passable abyss deepened by the corporations $2000000debt They fear vfhat onle mines can obialnenougll con tracts to stay in operation Ur um City will become ghost own Wale Barrie Ontario Dear Sir Tho PUC of Barrio say the delay of an hour in fixing the power shortage last Wednesday was due to many citizens phon ing and tying up their lines Could not one of the electric ians walked to another phone lm sum they have neighbors and made the necessary call rather than make the man in the truck and the people of Bar rle wait an hour for the electric ity tobe restarted Not very good thinking and poor excuse RICHARDSON LIQUOR QUESTION Cooksinwn Ontario Dear Editor would like to have word in reply to the letter of the Presl VoteNo commiiy tee of Innisffl Township in your paper of this dale Mr Farls states that he has spent quite bit of his time in Sun day School work would iiioe to ask Mr Farls who it that is getting every minister to give sermon on this election whether or not the cburcb is situated in Innisfil Township if Mr Faris is such good church attender he should know what ministers salary is and our church in Cookstown has received no relt muaeration from the Not No committee for last Sunday llrey state in their literature that there are already ample outlets wtside of the township for our residents Why should our residents have to drive out of the township do this any more than other residents of other townships who have it in their own Are we in lnnisfji Township an inferior race Ac cording to the Vote No com mittee we must be They also state if the vote succeeds in the afï¬rmative the township will be drenched Has anyone ever seen any place that has government liquor stores and warehouses drench ed This is an libsurd and BIBLE THOUGHT Zlhey that turn many to right eousness shall shine as the stars forever and evenDaniel 123 Immortalityiis best achieved by sharing the knowledge of eter nal life with everyone Stars and saintsnever go out women aged or 32 Per cent failed to finish but school and 00 per cent an neither technically trained not other wise qualified Hence Ottawa places great and mowing emphasis on im proving our educational stand ards making technical training available for more young Ca nodiuns sndprcvlding college facilities for all who would ben efit from them Our taxes finance various sen erous projects to help students from other lands especially the nadeodevelopcd nations lo en ter Canadian universities At bpruenf there are about 6000 foreign students enrolled in cluding 750 from Hone Kong 500 from the West indies 80 from Pakistan 200 from India to from Ghana and 30 from Ni gerfa ARIJ THEY IMPREme As the university year has now drawn to close let us imagine these visitors returning home What picture of Canada do they carry away Can we be happy about their experiences which they will relate at home lETTERS T0 EDITOR ridiculous statement if there ever was one think most of fire residents of Innisfll Township are lnteUl gent enough to ignore ihe pro paganda of the Vote No com mittee and do away with Ibis silly law weve had for too many years Youn truly TOM RENE RCMP Review Divorce Cases OTTAWA GP The RCMP nowis investigating the sole brated dlvorce case Parliament was told Saturday Justice Minister Fulton said federal police weer assigned to the case before it is turned over AttorneyGeneral VRoberts of ntario because of possible per jury being involved in two provinces Ontario and Quebec Mrs Lise DesRoslers Eccles sought divorce from her hus band William isyearold Tor onto freelance writer photog rapher in the 1960 session of Parliament but the Commons private bills committee found Mrs Eccles claim of adultery against her husband not proven The committee said the lust ice department should consider the conflict of evidence as to collusion and connlvsnce and as in possible perjury in the bear ings before the Senate divorce committee and the Commons private bills committee No doubt Indill mat stain rnao leahlrlal Nehru himself graduate in science from Eng lands famous Cambridge vanity will welcome home in dian graduates of Canadian uni versities Perhaps he will praise the former McGill student who was top honors in the atom age course devoted to studying the possibilities of space travel with his fellow bed pushm Hr Nehru may not be impressed by the great advantages offered by this new Canadian technique to such backward Aslan cities as Calcutta and New Delhi where bedpushing is little better than the iirnebonored but predato gloation employment of rickshaw Ghanas Nlrrurna has never held very high opinion of Wesicrn standards so he may even welcome returned Ghanlan students who whilst learning the subtleties of political science achieved some skill as artists through designingiban the Bomb banners We may read news despatches from East Africa describing the delirious welcome home ex tended to Nyasaland student by his proud father stlll carry ing his spear as be relums from the spring lion hunt Asked what skills he learned at college in the pretty subArctic clfy of Saskatoon straddling the beautiful blue waters of its crys talclear river the darkskinned graduate described how he could relieve his lrlbo from the dangers of hunting for their nourishment From the caps clous pockets of his Western style coat he produced gold fish which be promptly swal lowed whale iivo and raw be fore hu disgusted tribe GRAVE AND GAY Have etu 31mm Hong Kong acquired any Canadian lore which will benefit their overcrowded homeland Pack ing 14 fullgrown males into telephone booth or cramming 65 bodies into one bed as did the champion bullomobunk stuf fer are arts with obvious utll ity in Hong Kong Less useful to the graduate from Equatorial Africa will be the Canadian skill diligently acquired of pantysiealing for alas In his homeland the dusky beauties live their lives sans panties sans tout These are the gayer sides of college life the trivial and the rare Ofeourse the serious side of Canadian training is well known to underdeveloped na tions throughout the world for Canadian skills and Canadian generosity have constructed and contributed power plants hos pitals irrigation projects and the like The mood on Parliament Hill is to step up considerably the help which Canada gives to our needy brothers especially through more technical train ing In fact such measures fig ure in several political pro grams lt would be sad if the repute of one collegm were to be damaged by the spreading of tales of youthful exuberance which no doubt constitutes but small corner of our college picture Novelist Has To Exaggerale Characters To Make Profit iROISEIVIERES Que GP novelist has to exaggerate his characters to make point and lend impact to his story says Robert Goulet author of The Violent Season Hls remarks are defence of his book sinceone of the first critical reactions to it was that the characterizations sre gro tesque drive my characters to the extreme to prove point to bring out the soul of my people Gouiet says The novel written in English tells how the women of the fie linnal town of La Birdie whose husbands are away nine months of the year burn down brothel that was set up lust before the men returned from their jobs in the bush Goulet says that if the actions in anovel could happen the novelist has made his pointit is not necessary that the details be exact Im not historian Im novelist Gouiet 36 has worked as film editor in Montreal and Hollywood He has also taught at several small Canadian colt leges and once tried unsuccess frflly to operate restaurant He has been writing for 12 years The Violent Season is his fourth novel but the firstto be published The general reaction to the book was one of shock for pic turing Frenchspeaking Cana dians as hedld lie says dontwrite to please write lo be true to my characters BufferinSimcoe MP hiresHarness Racing Eon Ear1 Rowe mem ber of Parliament for bufferin Slmcoe becomes plain Earl and politics are far behind when he is anywhere near trailer or sulky Rowe s7 is one of Cans best known harness racing breeders He owns 45 head at his stable near this village mid way between Toronto and Bar rieand last yea drove his own horses in 75 es Hes also president of the Standardhred Society This summer hell be repre seated on at least four tracks Vernon Downs and Santiago in New York state Montreal and Toronto Born in arm Iowa cans dlaa arenis Rowe eniered the Ontario legislature as Conser vative at theage of 25 Later gtbe went into federal politics and has sat continuously in the Com monssince 1937 after one year spell as Conservative leader in Ontario He enjoys harness racing so much that he once drove 136 obemiledasiigs in six weeks be 585 achie notable firsts He was the first Canadian to drive Canadian bred and Cabadlan trained horse Van Ridden in fire Ham blefoulan Rowe says that the advent thlsyear of night harness rac ing in Ontario will be boon to the sport and will increase the value of stock by at least 30 Per cent More important it will stop ilie selling of good stockJo the United States Theres good breeding stock lnCaaada and it wont be long before theres equality with the stock in the United States Last spring Rowe recalls he entered Van Counsel and Rid dell Todd in an open event at Vernon Dows Vera NY In all 21 trailers were enter Lb others having been trained in Florida during the winter The horsemen lb ing our northerntrained horses But Bob Silliphant and myself fooled them ibo field was divided info two heats Silllphant trainer and driver for Rowe guided Van Counsel to victory in one heat and Rowe was first the other with Riddeli Todd Van Counsel went on to pile up auoufstanding record win nlngjz of 16 races and placing second four times The animal was North Americas fastest twoyearold trotter last year land was named top horse fér and class in Canidm owe has three children His son Bill has taken to the reins Becausa of the large entry