Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1961, p. 11

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PA 501 SAFARMERS MARKET LOST FOUND l0 HELP WANTED 13 mf m1 FEED SEED GRAIN uuD DUCK Wm for sale For further details telephone lull Cecil Brunei Kullomcil Lei Coneeu on ll Infill AUTOMOTIVE iioions VIAU RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 107 00er 11 aawm STREET PAW No MONEY DOWN ll tall upon CYLINDER $1000 WEEKLY TELEPHONE PA 06590 uu CfllV IBDAN Good running condition Telephohs PA um LTD mi map aKYLlNrJi bidsaway III lupy Vl illll power hunt on nus ownerp Plinnr NB AMI 105 PLYMOUTH for rule Moor hi lliydlflwn isle hfurl 9X men cure or ACKARD in very good can dltlnn rill Iiiimrlltlc Apply at ll Mary snot or telephone PA 500 m9 Anon Compact Clr load candllla radio to 35 would rallel prr galon Tele conllder ride Pllu phon PA 59031 1555 aUch Hardtop Convertible automltlc no dowo and 25 Ker manln Apply it his 7th dine put the iohooi so No sldarold our Universal copier use PONTIAC Parlaienne Va two door hardtop fully equipped AutomstIc power steering radio whitwalla Io oxeeiieot ooooi tioo Telephone PA aim 1051 MONARCII iour door sedan blue with while trim Ilatchlug uphohllry powrr steelInd rldln speakerIr blie weii iiics two new lire private nic 150 llrml llhlo Telephone camp Garden 830 TRUCKS TRAILERS 1051 TRAILER in sale 30 Glendulr two bedrooms clean condition iuiiy equipped many extras lrlced to soil owner go iuu we Apply Gllinorea Iiotei Ellth 27 North use éION FAnGo 12 volt tun In AI condition New hrs linings Ind cyi leI now exhaust lysteni new paint lab unlivfreezc block hauler Ind cab beater cut tltiiln bullljl witb ta any or ex ru ppy lal StunKhan Motors PERSONALS WANT Youn Fortuho laid by cards Telephone PA Him or appointment WILLIAM DOGARDIB willi not he remonaiblu for my debts Incurred by my wile Annie ao gsrdb without my written cori gilL Dated this day May 26 WOMENS COLUMN BEAUTY snoP Coldwsves etc by unified hairdresser In our own horns Phone PA was or HP ADVERTISE IN THE BARR EXAMINER ivy sullh cover BUTOVA WAKE lid 10 BI Sunday lay as am chain Pleau pbou PA used ROWAN Inn Positions ule Ab lir IO HELP WANTID mutt name HILI of CANADA LTD BARRI Requfrl llvenl men for hint qua it memb wart Volkilil condition one enl in new mod rem plant no not apply units you can to ply sound reiereoeu Au applch In win he handled strictly cooadehtisl HILL OF CANADA is Cand leadln mshuieeiurer ol rtlrueraud faa airplay equip meo PHONE PA 66445 mast cuss barber wanted him have certificate Por iurilier detain teiephooe PA am he tw no 000 pm human Handyman or malflllnlnea work on Golf Count P1 to Alllndllo Gull Clubs Sllolifl Telephone emu Strand MAN warnED ior nubde Route wuiuor Products No Mrlenca necnnry N0 unemri mllil Full ur In El er Gauthier 350 Roch BL tree 15 so FEMALE HELP REQUIRED iIiMmIATELv FULLTIME EXPERIENCED LEGAL SECRETARY Apply in person to CONDER AND SUGG Duniop street East PHONE PA 66497 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY Rexponllblc poutioo for upehie and experiences lccreury in pro duco planning Indrescarch office lilun hi occurta typlst and will he required to use modem onice dictating equipment Apply in per son ID CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC 00 BRADFORD ST BARBIE WOMEN nsquinsn Ior snack bar and variety store in Barrie Telephone PA saw humus AGED Housekeeper for light duties Live in Apply Box Elnle Examinai WOMAN to euro Tor cld If lady and do uzht housework we in goutwomb deialla telephonePA wmnnssas Wanted Full time employment Agply It Chatter Box nestmoot in Highway Cache town Clover Leaf COMPANION or 03rmld Wt man in iivc in whls daughter works would exchencn good home for widow or skills pencil deririug to augment income Telc phone PA eases FULL 0R PART TIME lab for young bousewlvcl of and up penance and education In Barv lla Ind Callingwond arcs Ta bu trained or managerial poulilun with sesuty Counsellor Personal lty and initiative more llnpnnanl than business training For pcrsoe nhl interview erfa box 70 Burl Examiner Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 82414 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Vitals About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone CAMPING EQUIPMENT PA 82414 saunas DISPOSAL TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents and Time Camp Cots sod stoves BXRRIE TENT AWNING CO LTD DAYFIELD STREET mnpliona PA com CARPENTIIY WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE OGS Removed promptly for disposal Telephone Barrie PA 37751 Long distanct Zenith 34000 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORlLLlA License No 69051 SPECIAL I4 DAY SALE SUNDAY INCLUDED so kitchensblast units is lnchau top sod bottom with atalrileas steel stair $6005 EACH MARTINS CABINET MAKER RR No BARBIE HIGHWAY 11 SOUTH coxsltacmsa eclsliziiil finiabln In Ind cabinets Fnrninf Sidewl Carson neeoutb rates For information hona Oule thwlllllml PA 011 apply as old Street LANDSCAPING FOR LANDSCAPI NG loddlnl Sandi and hwn Mlliltlnlnce CALL ARNOLD DEES PAINSWICK PHONE STROUD 833 mu ESTIMATE fBAIIRIE LANDSCAPING EDD SUPPLY Fru IIlmnel llndacapln llwn mintedmil Sodding lee Hill utilizing sprsyln adar um roams mainly fl ATeriina MOTons er LAWNJsovabiowmis AQUA LUNG AIR STATION IDEMNEAY BOATS BAYFIELD ST BARBIE PA 03401 TryAn Examiner Want Ad Phone Pa llMl groL SCOTT DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT WI ha been licemad to removo your dead and mpplnd farm Illi mus under the above her FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRE PArkwhy D8617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE SiCél WELL DIGGING IDUG ODITCHES EEPENED ISTUMPS OREPAIRED CALL KEN WINTER 12 MARIA 51 BARBIE gt PA was mohvnzrme mu GRAVEL OPSOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavatinljnd Gnahu Water UIIlvuryr Crluhed Ilonl Hill Ylld Backhoe lol bin DENNIS MORAN Anna Stub FA HWI INSULATION AIItlle Insulatipn pr to snhouoee io sooitioo to JROCKWODL Iosoistiootbo All New um iortsuo with stymiosm maulv inu hacker board in eight eoiors we sisoiheiudius siomioum doors wlndowl and awnings by wimm SEAL ALL WORK GUARANTm FREE mTIhiATPs mils Write or phone Mouton MINESINC Barrio Alumin COLLECT SHORE you aurmcrva us Amv ALL OF WHICH said right title interest Irid eqult OBOULDERS Blowinlf clapboard siding completely MALE origami FRENCH TRANSLATOR mud to do one it bo its nu fiu WEST BEND OF CANADA LTD Ian Aluson PA 5m mono has boobies per expertseed loll III or boo Iom uircd or all light 611100 she maximum to 91 Dentin TclchDnI PA EMPLOYMENT wANTan mu LOOK Afin albumen own lflill Will Elli Talo pbooo PA Lina uzuAaLu GIRL wouid like Post tiou mothers hsi or at mine nirr resort Ago can Iupglx malem reiereuoes Telephone acouxunn Account or re Kind on union sitar user service wth vIocai ilrln vuclihl lull or glfbllfl employra at John Ming Hill street lsphons PA Mall PollflON WANTED Class licensed mechanic Presently em Bloyed Ii Chevrolet deulenhi oiires steady cm loyment Central Ontario IIin Ave nue Windmi Ontrid II LEGAL NOTICES TWP 0F iNNISFIL NOTICE To PROPERTY ownms To DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all persous io poisessioo or land io recordhes with The Weed Con troi Act i050 section end 10 that unieu noxious weeds flowing on their lands witbio lhl munitipsiity ol iuoimi an ass in ed by date or Ions in 1901 In throuohoutubo lenan the municipality may enlel upon the mo Ilndl end have the weed deslt iroyed charging the cells against the land to taxes rst out in the Act The couperllion at all citizens is esruseiiy solicited PEACDCK WEED manicraft soum Silicon NOTICE NOTICE Is Iiimnav GIVEN or THE PASSING of byisw number lldl on the 15th day ol April iui the board or routes of the onion CsthoUe sepmis School for Sehooi section Number in the Township of Sunnldlie County ol Slmcoe Ontario to bob row rum oi Fortyriwo Thoue rho Doiim $4200000 for the pur 050 or construcflng and uprlng new eieuroom re 00 The payment of the laid sum of FortyTwo Timiullld Doiisr 00000 and oi the issue or do so lures oi Fortymo Thoursho Dousrr $4200000 authorized by the said bylaw of tho nomi oi Trustees or the laid sonsrrts sohooi ll lecured by upon the sehooi hausc rooar and promises and on mi and enonalprn erty vested in the and at slid sepmts School and upon an the asprats achooi rule or the said board to be berosrter imposed until the mo Debentures tonihcr with the interest thoraon shall have been fully paid and ssiiriied The and sum or FDRTYTWO THOUSAND DOLLARS $4200000 end the dcbcntllrel lulled by the char aosrd oi Trulicee oi the laid Separate School rhsli bl plyahln lrlZD approxlmaiely Hal Indul ments principal and ntsrest oh the In any 01 June in each oi the years 196 to Iain inclusive toseo lhel with Interest at the rate of 07p par Innum payabla hall yuh ly nnrtlia 1st day at June and oh th in day of December In each and every yesr commencing on the ist any or December last Ii ho sppiieriioo to ousrh this by irw is made within three months after publication oi notice or the Plbsinl thereof the byisw llliull valid notwithstanding any wuot of substance or form in th by law or in tlic time or manner oi Pusan tho byiow GERALD DUMON Chairman cAiIiLL secretoryTreasurer SHERIFFS SALE or UNDER AND av Vituun or an Execution Against Lands issued out oi The Third Division Court oi the County Simeoe where in Inierorovincis Building Cre dits Ltd is the risintiit and JOHN ELMBR and MRS ELMEE are the Defendants and to me directed against the isods oua tenements of the said he fendlnu have dellld and taken in execution all the right title interest and equity or redemptioo of the said John Elmer and Mrs Elmer in and to tho follnwlllg isndr oria tenements ALL AND SINGULAR that ceri tsin parcel or trset of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township or Teeumseth in the County or Simcoe uoa being composed of part of the wort hair of Lot Nine to Concession Iaur in the said Township oi Teeumretn There is said to be ereoted on the above described property one bedroom Clapboard hours or redmpr tion or the said oho Elmer and Mrs Elmer win olfer Ior sale by Puhue uuetlou at my mice In tbsCourt noose courts on Wednesday the day oi1uue hour or 100 oclock in the stier noon DATED at till City of asrrie nth Idly of February Ann rustcca 01 AD 1061 at tlux in the county oi Simone thisl zeih Russ HUGHES SherIii am T0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Take nation that th Genenl Ser llonl of the Peace will heiheld in the Court Home Darrin cam menclng Mung June 52h 1961 at the haul0 ll oclock in the morning IIIs Honours Judge CL liar via and Judge MncLuren pruidinlr MAY no 1061 ROSS Es HUGHES Sheriff County of Simeon for Want Ad Section accépled until 5pm Day before publication Is AUCTION SALIS AUCTIONIIRS ANDERSON Pwtvm AND 1le LTD Phonesauxin PA um VlcroalA HARBOUR boom ram Ram 11 Plua Adventlint Proteulanll service Satisfied customers AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JUNE Auction no lauuhold of inn laciu Antigua lvr uuta or THE LATE EDITH IRWIN AT Unusual 51 eluullz ierou cub No react as fry his ionSsT settled ssl IERRY COUGllLlN AULllDNDZR AUCTION SALE Auction III 00 head oi Hero Iord caIIlI pin lens machine he sirw groin and house bed at erir 0r MAURICE FITZGERALD ii owe of HliistIAII vllllle Terms tub No reserve term said Sal ei on Iburp DSi JERRY COUGIILIN AUCTIONm SERVICE WAS BAD ROME Reuters naked ltallnn who cyclcd to Romes airport Monday to find out what plane to catch for the United States rode off in buff com plaining at discohrleous treaimcnt The myearald man later was taken into custody WOULD PERMIT All ROME AP Tho ltalinn Chamber of Deputies today had before it bill that would re quire an automobile licence to state the blood type of the driver Sponsors of the legisla tion said the move would permit immediate first aid for many accident victims without delays while the blood type was being determined BORN IN SLAVERY SAN ANTONIO Tex AP Amanda Hanis born into slav cry and freed in her teens dlcd Monday at convalescent home where she had lived for 47 years Friends said she was 117 years old RECORD REVISED EDWARDS AFB Calif AP Final computations far the lia record winged flight Show the rocket plane reached 3307 miles hour instead of 3370 originally announced The re reviscd figure announced by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Monday still tops the previous record of 3074 sat by Xls April at GETS $1000000 LOXANGELES AP C0 medlennc Joan Davis $1000000 estate has been placed under the administration of her daugh ter Beverly Wills 27 The daughters petition was granted Monday because Miss Davis had left no will She died May 23 of heart attack at has Palm Springs home ROA VISITS MEXICO CITY APICuball Foreign Minister Raul Run an rived Mauday for twoday visit The purpose was not re ported WAITER VANISHES SOUTHAMPTON Eng RDutersA crew member of the liner Queen Elizabeth dis appeared on the voyage tram New York the vessel radioed Monday night Albert martin hips waiter disappeared Fri DIED OE TORTURE BEIRUT Lebanon Reutelsl The Lebanesa Communist party alleged in leaflets distributed here today that one of its lead cisFarajalla el Hilou died as result of torture in prison at Damascus Syria iheleaflais claimed El Hilou was kidnapped in Damascus two years ago but did not say When he died The United Arab Republic of Which Syria is part denied El llilau was arrested PLAY Wm moan NEW YORK AWThe Illt musical Wildcat is closing for some stops to watch It stroll across the parks iiiIve Way in Stafford Out The Singapore Hit By Worst Fire SINGAPORE iReuierslm worst flu in Singapores history swept through five miles of the cily centre Thursday killing one person and drlvblg thousands from their homes in panic offl clals llld today At least to persons Inversio Iurod officials said Some 600 British troops Joined local in brigades In fighting the blau believed to have started in movie house in mid afternoon med by high windibe flames across the thatched roofs of flimsy bonnet and stores billowing out dense smoke which cut visibility to 25 yards states rest II and homes were reduced to charred beams and twisted corrugated iron two months while Ii ailing star Lucille Ball takes rest The show will go on vacation start ing next Monday and will re 0pcn Aug on Miss Balls turn Miss Balls press agent said her physicians have dlagi respiratory infection BALLERINA KILLED HAMBURG Germany AP Marla Dancing Flower Frls prima ballerina at the Hamburg State Opera plunged to her death during rehearsals of Rib men and Juliet Saturday night Miss Frls 20 fell to the liagc from an overhuu Il1 alle 50 feet high SEIZE DEMONmAIORS LONDON mutualdome 000 demonstrators tested at police in Trafalgar Square hers flun day following mall rally at 1000 persons protesting South African apartheid policy pm llcemana helmet was knocked off his head and sent rolling as four po mendragged one demonstrator from the steps of church No persons were ar rested WINS SENATE SEAT DALLAS Tex AmCollege Professor John Tower appar ently won election Sunday to the US Senatethe first Republi can evcr elected to the office by Texas voters Tower clinched his victory against Democrat William Blakley by thin margin of 0099 votes ABANDON CLIMB KATMANDU Nepal Ralli etslAn expedition led by Sir Edmund Hillary has abandoned its bid to conquer the 21790foot Nepalese peak of Makalu follt lowing two un as sful at iempLs without oxygen accord lug to reports reaching here Sunday BEGIN RAIL SERVICE LONDON AP Daily rail service both ways between Lon don and Moscow began today The trip takes days and In cludes sea crossing from the English east coast to the book of Holland Britons Express Hate For Policies LONDON APlUpwalds of 2000 Britons expressed their loathing of South Africas seg regation policieseMDnday in steady stream of calls at the South African governments Ixiudon offices Two hundred telegrams 1500 petition cards and numerous personal messages were handed in at South Africa House All expressed detestation of the South African apartheid policy and support to ribs 72 hour strike by nonwhites South Africa is quitting the commonwealth Wednesday to became republic noscd her ailment as serious 72 CJZOUND FLOOR 20221$QFr People who like privacy will goodlslzod bedt ofoma and cosiin $975 set are obtain appreciate the living will built into one and of this attractive home The study or master bedroom with fireplace and private bath and adjoining guest room make up this im portant area spacious living room ls separated from an en closed porcli by Ii beautiful wall of glass ilio central hall leads into the utility area of the house which includes the dining room kitchen breakfast and pantry Another feature In the maids room which could also accommodate that extra guest or be used as another bedroom flba second floor includes two roomy bulb Willi vanliy standard Builders blueprints able in Canada for this Design No 72 Tin Building Editor The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario llhtcloud please find $lfar which send in Book In mulled fl LOW COST HOMES FOR CAN ADIANS Nuis neonlun Adhe iPluu make madmanWaldo II Ibo Burl Examlna momisuse New Heqlth Insurance Plan Features Team Of Doctors DETROIT AP new health insurance program that features the doctor team ap proach has been launched here with the support and blessing of the United Auto Workers un ion Taking what lLs sponsors say are the bestfeatures of wel ter of otherpiogiams the Com munity Health Association is aimed at paying not only the big bills that come with serious illusssbuitba little ones as well CllA has one hospital Detroit Metropolitan and one zsdoctoi team In the doctorteam con cept there is corps of spe cialists built around nucleus of general practitlnner family physicians CHA member is free to choose any general practitioner he wants as his family physi cian from this team and also has final any on any spe cialist But he wont be covered if he goes outsidethelist With the creation of CHA Michigans hospital controlled Blue Cross and its doctorcon trolled Blue Shield have first competition from citizen conirolled plan MODEM STAKE Bl ross has 225 hospitals in Michigan and 83 per cent of the states doctors parti pate in the Blue Shield program CllAsbarted operating In De cember with members of Its Own office staff plus approxim ately 10 per cent of the em of Commonwealth Brass Corporation for mamV ber total of about 100 counting dependants But it setrouteto add quickly to this It Teccutly added 510 workers from the Chevrolet gear and axle and Chevrolet forge plants For CHA the break even polut will come with member ship of 35000 It plans toyiiave facllltieaby the end 0f4196 two neighborhood centres Girlie Library Has Dwindledfi SiriceliewLaw mTAWAICPIIustIos Miri lsier Fultonwld the Commons Thursday night that his lib raryofgirl magailries and trashlias dwin ed slnce Parr driveway and decided to bla all Plio lsdoctor teams at eachcap able of serving the needs of 50 000 tov60000 members This is modest number when placed alaiigside the Blue CrossBlue Shield roll calls 5500000 in Michigan LOAN FROM UNION To get CHA going the United Auto Workers put up $550000 in loans other loans and gTaaLs came from the Laslter Founda tion the Michigan Credit Union League and the Detroit AFL Clo Building Trades Council CHA includes horns calls by doctors immunizing shots pliy sical checkups and home nurs ing in its benefits package along with hospital care You have to be admitted to hospi tal to get Blue Cross Blue Shield benefits CHA has one get of fees $0 monthly for single person $1800 for couple and $2060 for family of three or more No doctor may charge patient anything in addition to what no gets from CHA Blue CrossBlue Shield works on three rate schedules in Mi chigan based on incomes up to $7500 year with the provi sion that the doctor can get separate fee from patient who tops the incume scale The monthly rates range from high of $2008 5177410 full family coverage PAYS FOR HOME CALS Under the doctorteam plan QHA pays for Homo calls by doctors But It assesses members for the first call in any illness $4 in the day $6 at night Blue Shield does not cover home calla All service in the doctors of lice including routine care Maternity care before du and alter the babys There is no nine in wai Eye examinations but not glasses Up to 120 days In hospital with stay permitted after 90 days outside Complete medical and burgh cal cars in the hospital Up to 60 days at home nursing sciVices Preventive medicine Perl dlc physical examinations childrens visits to tho padlao triclan various inoculations and vaccinailo NEWBUMER Have you or has someone you know just moved to new home Your Welconn Wagon Bantam will all with gifts and friendly greetings from thawin munlty oaaonoilsniobnoluoooo MISS YOU r131 youz carrier mi arrived by pan please phone PA 82433 And Copy will DcDelivarad lilo Your Home THERE IS NOCHARCE rob THIS SERVICE

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