Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1961, p. 10

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Home Hunting which enema Wcint Ads ll ran ultimo WE ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS human Al Boyll Vittoril Hospital Bornl on Soturoly lily ml to Lt and In Both our lls Ducmnb street Ban rlr Ion COUBINI Regal Vlrtnfll Howitll Blrrie on dflly Ill iii to lnd In Cousins ill School street RCA Clmp herded Ion cborieo xeaactn macer At anyl Victorlo Hospital norrle on soturdoy Ion 27 loci to ur Ind Mn norm in tiny l5 olorlpn cm uni aorx doubly noonlie ad un wuuono ll Hood oi min are olrorcd to lnnounre Ine orrlvoi their oon William David Royal miorio Iiorpitn Blrri on sun ooy luoy la loci broIner Inr Klriin ono Kimberley RDWELL At Reyl Vittorio Hospital Blrrtr on Wednudoy liloy ml to llr ond Mn Allred llowell 22 Newton street Borrlc dlughur alrlroN At Royll Victorll Holpliol nonle on aundoy Mly iydl to Mr ond hire Robert Carl Sullon lln Dorris lon Robert John INTERESTING FAMILY BIsTolum con b3 mitten with ellppggeuironi our we opcr Events mirrors ENGAGEMDSTS oud WEDDINGS Notice or Jth ovouu are only Il50 Bring them to the cloullled counter or tale stzlnrlo Tilt Blrrll Eilrnlmr PA lid DEATHS litmussuddenly on Bay 27 1061 nor to on auto accident In Kllnloops nc IIonry Morn age so nereovrd by me Jeo ond ihrne donutten lltlier Iehn illgun ol Fort wullom omen lilnrnorot ond Vlcklo ot lilo bench and brother Michael pi barrio ronorol orronoemcnto in Chillilvock rhc CARDS 0F THANKS coULsoNIVo wloh to thunk our relitlvu triends nclghbero or the lovely cords lowers Elite and villLI during my my ot the hospllul llr and Iiro Gorilold couloou comma EVENTS TEA AND BAKE SALE at the Home of MRS WALIS 30 mmA STR WEDNESDAY JUNE TO 530 PM Aunp Womens Auxllll to tho Kiwonis Club CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified adver tisements are inserted at the rate of 4c per word per insertion or one and two times 80 per word for three tour or live tunes and 2112c per word or or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED ADlt VERTISEMENT 15 96 FOR 24 WORDS WllHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS 1F CPARGLI PER SINGLE iN SERTION mittens Oil CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that lll phono ins on order are accept ll as onvenlencu to you the advertiser Thornton the Classified Advertioin De ortment requires oll advert sero kindly reeheck their advertisement immediately otter am insertion in order thot any Errors or omlnionl moi bl reported beioro nln In order that name may be rectified inr tho iullowiug duyo Inseulon ordlv We wish to oint out tbot The Home Exn nor in renponuhlo or only one incorrectly prnted insertion on my odvertloernont lnd then only to the extent or Portion or ad that involve to mlsprinl Errors which doqu lorscn tbo value oi the advertise ment aro nut oliglblo tor curred tipnr by make goods Rates and typo IIers tor ch dispjiéy classifieds may he no toi through The Examiner od vertlslug department BLIND LETTER otsz Information regarding udverusero uslng alind Letter dnx Nunben lor Replies in bold strictly Motto enuol ncpues to cotter Boxer will be held only to dlyn ottev lost day at publication Coming Events 50 per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 75 words per Word extrn in Memorlem No tlces $150 if verse used so per Word extra All WANT AD copy should he in our omce by pan theory belore publication On Saturday by nneu Killed an Aurora llcéiillent AURORA One man was kil led and three others injured following on accident on High way 11 north at here in the early hours Monday morning The dead man was identified as Raymond George White 24 of AuroranPolice say the car driven by Thomas William Ward 29 Newmatliet went out of control skidded 40 feet across the highway knocked out hydro pole went over cement chaintenth and dropped eight feet inton clump of trees in awamp passenger Gerald Pomalty 30 of Newmarket was treated at York County Hospital at New market and later released third passenger Tom Egan 22 of Aurora was admitted sui gering concussion and minor in ur Bond Lake OPP sold the ac Ejdant is still roller investigat ion My exmmeg mm Ana rhino Po eImo TUBDAY MAY 301 REAL ESTATE Paordlmt POI eons ROSIE BIAL urrAn loom TWIN mm Emil ACRES DWELLINGS litrer mortar Ian o1 buntLN tried llnd located louth Bl Blh lh on Highway on which tl lb noted bede otone homo plul living room lull flu dIulo mom kitchen hotbroonu tn hlumrnt otnno ioced luau pllu on extro delllng taunting or bedroom MillIll mom than ond both thin in on atoll lilo propel with flower beds lhrubl and circullr drl elvly Ind Bu billwill mull at lbout 281 set NEAR BRADFORD STREET $9300 lull price or this two Itolt re hriek dwelling booing menu booemeni laxore bordwood flours Down payment only 31500 and the boionco on one open mnrlzlll CGE AREA $6300 Illll price room full boocmcnt heotlng Good in vestman Prenently rented at $75 monthly Terms nail to owner SHANTY BAY ROAD brick hunglow room MI buement recreation room creed olr nlI beoUng open tiroploro llrlgd lully lludulpeil lot with Paved driveway Terms CALL DAY OR EVENING PA 82379 Member or the Barrie and District Ru l3th Bolrd NORMAN SheISWeHI REAL ESTATE BROKER Duulop street Boot PA 89961 OR 68742 EVENINDS CALL Joe martin PA ohm Everett Sholsweli Dre 2ny lerfl Norris PA 5546 Jack Wllllnn PA Hm Jim Lemon PA 173 Norlnln Sbaiswoli PASVfll CARSON 11 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre 51000 DOWN Blhnce lt adooomonlh lbrer bedroom home close to down town coll Ge Mallory Otilco PA octet DIED nga PA arm COMFORTABLE $600 DOWN Nell rlcln little bungalow with living room kitchen and two bed rooms Large lot 70 no Low toner Call More sheror Oltice PA moi mentor PA uses STEEL ST SCHOOL AREA $1500 DOWN Poll prlen in 00 thr bedroom bung165w onl 55o yell old Coll Gerry Mall uiileo PA 56081 Evening PA Mm LARGE FAMILY HOME 51000 DOWN Good condition Closnvtn hul rou te Pour bedrooms lorge kitchen living room ond separate diulug room can Marx sheror otilca PA dual Evenings PA 07555 TWO ACRES Lovely irlrne bungolow with ply wood poneulug in living room heoutllul condition Guione Five miles south of nonlo nlll prlrn shimmery terms orronged Cali Russell Canon Oitleo PA Midi Melange PA 66151 $500 DOWN 0n paved hlgnwoy two mllen tron town Monthly payments of only won monthly HURRY Poo THIS ONE Call Gerry Mallory ntileo PA 6548 Evenlurs PA $1000 DOWN 575 monthly €llflls thin DONG Rent from Part Will Ply ml dilanv°3°€indl no log PA 07012 RESALE to Oak St Drive by and India an op ointment to red innlde Lov vely rick bungalow reduced to $12900 with $1500 down Largo kitchen call nussoil Carson Cl rice PA 66431 meningo PA Hid SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH rwo otorey brick home Anon doic In good condition Largo kitr chen separate dining room three bedrooms Might consider tnode on hugfllow on outnulrto or city As rig price $9500 Coll More shcror orilca PA 65401 Even lnga PA c7585 STOREY AND HALF BOWMAN AVE salt contained three room Iplrt meht upstoirn Only Iivo yeoro old Excellent condition Nicely land scupedv owner tronoterred Roan onanle down Plyment Asking pri ce 313590 can More Sherar or PA WI rmeningr PA PA 6648l Member of Blrlla and DlItrlel Real ml rd LCORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlop St MAaEI IiAnsaAIn PA 34450 canny PA um WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LISTINGS RBsmENTlAlr COMMERCIAL BDDM stucco House for lg Located on Btghwo In Elm Lot on 150 lcet $7000 cooh relerrcil or telIna ouitohle dlephone 357W Elm liter REAL ESTATE ROGERS REAL PROPERTY P03 SALE CONNELL TORS ONE DUNLOP EAST Pllst in Blrlla Boone SalesForemost in Quality oi Service PA85568 TRUNK LINES LAKE PRONTAGE ON THE 0110 SHORE 000 One bundled tear or like ronton by dinth Ola311 in leap ted rllht It tho Fullerton Govlmmnl Dock llyll ltsrtorey lnlnl will mn homo cooperative iIoti 300 superior mod old nb°u1oewe while building rum ESTATE SALE 24 WELLINGTON smear wrsr ullity 1mom brick utorey house at oldlr ltin but in top Bomb con itlon throughout mo exiro downloin bedrooms hlvn been lddrd in lime lt roll modem klkbln ubitlln provider In apartment tor Income tum In nllortd union Thlo property to Pros at mortgage and excellent to ultie the estole Now voclnt Immediate pol SUNNIDALE ROAD CUSTOMBUILT ERICK BUNGALOW 1000 On Lnllnlficent lot with valiantDie view lhil cultembllli 3bedroom homo hll been comtructed hllbllt mill mltcrllll ln will grant Ella in tlnllhint ii boo vary ottnctivo living combinouon wtn draplooo pluo recreouon room llro bowing iireolooaI Itllched lulu and breexew Hillcren School lately wl kll PIVEd dflveily home to please the and 1int ll molt Illtldlouy For lull plrticullrl on PA pm 200 NAPIER STREET $1500 One ol the but pimped intenoro or any shedsohm bungolow in norriot ilo nnchrtyle clophoord with nltiual iono lacing with an enclosed breezeyrny connecting to the game nnrmbnlnu moor iron and rear roll overrun matter bedroom criee lounge kitchen Dunn dry poumwlll mcnl tho letulllllnol tlisybglul on one londxu ed 1000 lot colpro odd up to homo ntiorm and we wll be pleased to show it to you newIt wont be on M568 tha market or lonr Cooperative lilting Phone PA Mill bl MOOREPA Hi ROGERSPA Hm EVENTNGS CALL FOSTERPA Mu CONNELloPA 59155 MEMBERS BARR DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 Elm STREET BARBIE PHONES PA 80241 PA 60242 We have onioncoll no lnytlma EVERYTHING IN REAL STATE AFTER HOURS CALL Smith cmpoolIPA um you Lane allm rerruo GarveyPA Hrs Member or the norm neoi main Iioord BOAKE REALTOR 2H EliADPOnD 5mm EAanlE PA 05887 OR PA 05333 still octane lrlnr to Illmen ior torminr Clara WokumlnPA Midi nolpn nooksPA H003 Mcmhon or Barrio and District nool an More MOVED May 16 1961 T0 113 DUNLOP STREET Next in Brown Co STEVENSONS ALL Kl NDS INSURANCE HENDERSON REALTOR Io COLLIER sTIlElrr PHONE PA 82678 Evmmtis CALL Itltli SCANDRLTI PA M855 PERCY FORD PA limo Member or Barrio oud Distrch oud Optrlo Estate Boar MOVING For complete moving rcrvlco sorer nnd euler Coll COOKE CARTAGE Er STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT ll Erso Rd homo PArley 05575 PA 438125 LOWPRICED older style our bed room brick llnusa on Penetang St Forced air all lumace Telephone PA 31004 or flirtbci information MODERN Brick Veneer Triplex one two and threfironm IPIM mentI Separatu entrances separv ate thermostats Good home or to come pro crty Reasonable Prin elpolg on Telephone PA 58561 PluvArB EALB Two ohd he year old three bedroom bungalow Largo living room Hanover any boards in kitchen on heating Neor ubuc and oepnrute ochonlr and hgh schools 67 NBA mort gage second mortgage may he munged Telephone PA um HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 56153 llemher oi Elrrll ond Dlrtrlet Roll rotate anord nvalths CALI EMORY MILLER PA com JOE PALMER PA once KAIU MARSHALL PA um CAMPBELL nAixrs on ma HAROLD PORSTER PA was ROOMY ERICK BUNGALOW Loxgo kitchen dining room liv ing room our bedroom Fully hcotcd blsement with extro bath mom Large corner lot ldeol lol octlvo children TELEPHONE PA 6802 ior ppplntmont lile RDUMJIOILTO in vm close to Borrle for role Telephuno PA 89104 $30m DDWN This lovely modern brick home has some very IP Prlllnz lelturu lull lbndscm pro lililcrert oubdlvlolou Allu iou For lull portlculorr Phone HE 56010 tnd lnd relgonlblo rent REAL ESTATE MOETGAGBS out lullle Immldllllb to in la htc Apply to Box met IIBM on lxrlll IlonrolouIot ond Ind Dough lold lnd lnlnlld Gamml and nndonttol 31mg loand on lxlltlnl moflluIL In Kort Ill Bretl1 PA 50501 BUB orroaruNIrrg Hum IALON for it $1300 Wlll tlke 1L Avid In Box Elm Mn CANADIAN Petrolo Limitd bu or air in the North Boy oreo two blr urvleo otaunn tlurlat wth living guonen at llrhld Rlnuvluom can be to oult purchuer Marigol lyllllbie lot lo De otlltinh ltoplr in cool once to OEux No 598 North Ell Ontario RENTALS APTSI HOUSES 10 RENT BEDROOM lehool lrel 0100 17 Canon It BRIGHT our room unfurnished opmmont Uiiiltleo ooppuea Neol wort End Plou Avouoblo im mlfllltely Tnlaphnnn PA mil roux noon Aportmon close to ocbocio and otoroo Now deeoro elephono PA moo or hrther Iniomotlon rwo aaoeoon unnoo Bo Torroce on boy oil mrnoeo Adulto Avolloblo July Apply to Box norrlo monomer MoDmN three bedroom born with In lttlched llrlle clue to Collegiate and public ochnol Avoiloblo Aug lit Apply to Box Elrrln Exomloer FURNISHED ApoItmout ono blodr trons Post more Snll con tained rlvate eotrouee Tele Phone Mun TWO aennooll Cottlld or Apart moat lor rent yeor round Portly Iurnlohcu roieppono non Wu uo notch Poul noon unmrnlrbd meat private entronce heot ond hot wltcr oupplied Apply oi it noyoeld street be Killer monlh Coil doch MODERN Brick Duplex in Cu beriond sire $10 ground rlonr its upper Apply ltogero oud Con nail Realtors phone PA aside DUPLEX up Modern Hot wo ter booted our room god the hlth 10 minute walk from down town Private Telephone PA Mm 831 CONTAINED unturnlnhed heated two ballroom lplrinlcnt Helvy erlng Cantu Du bul route Apply It 160 ldlold St ULrbA Mome Apartment pri vlte entrance oud grounds relt conioinod Would rule can stove ond reirl Coll PA 3420 FURNISHED modern Bungalow the rent control Ioeotion tor July and Augurt only Clll PA will alter 5pm tor inrthcr ln iormohen ANDua Four rooms ond both llnmrnlnbed au oontoinod dup lex as monthly Avouoblo June ply nonemou Angur relop one an 05505 miss ROOM ortmeut neuron oblc rent Furnshetlnorruhrnm irhed Close to West end shop In lozn TolephoneJA N945 Ays 52713 evenlugo CLEAN ulcer iurnlshed upper du lex oell uontolncd our rooms bl and balcony Adults Nut oultohln tor nhudren Telephone PA 9751 NEW NBA BolllBE Three bed rnoms ulcd bathroom Hardwood und tlia linen oll heated Good location Priced right For tur LhelJnformltinn call Ailln PA Mzal PRIVATE EALE brick bungalow reotlon room well hedged ond Iondscoprd lot NRA orst mort gage 575 Mr month includ ing interest lnd tlxu Quiet street east end Telephone PA MOBILE HOMES Eon SALE on name CAB TRAILER sleep adultl In good condition Tele hone PA 33594 or con he oeen 13 Mary street HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT Tillno bedroom completed ruc FIVE ROOM House in Village at Thoroiou Reosumble root or will ml with low down payment Tele hono PA Boast it no lnswer Moss Two BEDROOM belted oport ment leit contained on st vlm cent street close to schools and atom $35 monthly Avuilohlo 1an Telephone PA 5920 FURNISHED heated our room apartment central Also three room apartment at Ivy store nine miles from Clmp Borden Avoll ohlo Juno Telephone PA 35032 515 DOWNTOWN Locutlon Fully dell contained Lhedroom raprt Inuit hot wlter heating included Apply Rogers and Council heal tan phone PA 55m RENTALs ms HOUSES RENT Wlm lhrl mil DIXO nlenl lhru inl tall or not AWN to Artur Strict Barih AVAILLILI KAT In oh planed oporonoat on Ilhlnrnilh no1 eoib Islfinglnlllodigtro couch weeomo Din PA TO LET Pol and Unfurnished lrtlgznt In mbdtrn ortment ding Kitchen oov gdncel Included Phenn PA Annaw nirnlohoe oporl merit bed oiling room lilcbeu poibroem oepomn entrance shit rim or couple neoconohlo lip ply Paul PA 71 Weizmann Aponment too bedroom llvlnl room kitelien piecl both out eontolnco be rd Near Dominion slon AvliL lbld now Telephoiu PA le mu unlurnilhed hrlflt lad unmlrull lplrtmlnt Llrll log room two bedroom on ctous kitchen centrally ice on Parking llcllltlu Adult null Talopbono Ivenlnu PA 07330 HODIKN one bedroom Ipare mlnl ilth room Huhn Ind bathroom Pflvlld camel up tlclilllll Bell Ind 87 leovhono NEW AND ISMn onl Ind two bedroom oporunonto overlooking ocenle Keno onIolt uoy uooi wo tor bridal and ionilur urvl lnciu ed Autnmlllu wooblng to dinner PA 31001 Im Boo Apartment with Erlvllo brimcom hot water all cited relfllcrllor Ind bull duty rtuvo Included Locatlo on gill Avenue Apply to Contr rcc more room unrurnlohed no ed oolr cantolned ortmont with prlvoto hoihroom we oad relrlgentor ou piled Sultlhll Ior ggumneu coup Telephono PA VBltll CENTRAL Tbreo room unified lpnruneut loll con tolned with pnv entrance clean and run Suitllila or two lduitl heuunoblo rent Available now Telephone PA oaloz mun hoolil oell contained ortment bent And not water oupplied Newly doenrotcd through out Avolloblo lmmodloiely 375 per month Telepbnno PA 710 otter BRIGHT three room oportniont on upper floor burnished Pilvoto bltllrnom Ind lell contolned Llllndly llcillliu lnd Dlrklnl loco centrally Ioeotod Tele one PA 111 Nicnur nomirhcd mount in modern homo eeniro stove ro rrigerotor ond hot water ouppilcd nonnoaa lady protoned Ahiuln Ffdnon smoker Apply at in my FOUR ROOM uhmrolshed apart ment with bath eporoio onl rlnco puritan oplun Ind laundry dimes Hull Ind water lup pllld Avllllhln June 18 Tele Phone PA WW SELF CONTAINED three room ortmcoi Bath hcot water on lied close to downtown Pox llcllltiol use of bulnlont Avolloblo Juno Telephone PA TWO BEDROOM Aporunent kite Ellen living room bathroom lnd newly ocporole bou With relrIE erator orid otovo Con move tn immediately Telnphonc PA N00 ram to pm only UNPURNIBIIED two room apart ment with kltchonntto oud bath room Private entrance hoot dro ond parking opoe include Adults pretcned Apply in No pier Street our aenslmNa room with kit ohenette with not water Alan Ihreo room ground iloor ori mcnh Privoto entrance compla icly iurnlshcd Aiso olngla lur nlshcd bedroom Ali ovollonlo now Telephone PA uloi otternooor LARGE modern three bedroom attached house Polly decorted Oli heated Hydro heot ond hot water oil nuppiied Yard garden goroge Across iron school mile north of Blrflo on moln highway Crown Bill 335 per month Telephone PA 6651 uNPUIlNTsBED ihreo room Iport meni heated Relrlaerltol and stove au plied Centraliylocoted Immequ possession Telephone PA Esau or PA mod WELARGB lumkberl hDuIeg ironing rooms stove and retrlg orator included Centroi Tele nilonred PA 85171 alter Pnl or mitti Ituoltl ed sell con iainerl apartment with stove Ind rellixerltor $75 monthly Sltul ted to the eost end Avolloblo Juno Telephone PA 51093 PROPERTY WANTED LOT WANTED Must be close to laorrieh ond onh our route $12121 ml Inyw are Apilly Box 74 Barri Earohniner DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS in the air 86mm equine 11Authlla 2Troquolahl 18891 ILEXpIoaivo sound mGrntuliy ILMddlo purl ofrope 19Lyrle 22150 warble ammonia Hon at WWW 271311 hall 5Subleot motto Gentle gt breezes Erbium um Morse emollient name 10 Cleopan minke 11 Encore 18 Male oat Motherlens 243 out ZEBWB ed tantru malts 27Iree 29Mecla 821tnnn veet ment av featheryo apro 35 Gallo cludo 31 Behold 40 Gemini gym Exclama tlob hlrd lzmue cal ili¥fxfliiflfl IIIVfllfll fillfl IVzll Mdntlmldate 38 Slant coin 411ow all cow asupport 45Conmctie Cut on whlakern Assumed name 5a beaver DOWN 13013 inane 211mi 860 an 43111 Idde uhhr VAflfilllflVAfiVA IVAHE an illVAHIIIII HIIVAHIIflII illilfiflIl THREE ROOM unfurnished lplfl ment llPlrlltn ntrlllcl if can tuned Partial facilities Avail anlo immediately Telephone PA him too inrtner lniormltlon mun noonl Approxlent with Itove oud mtrlgerotor recently decorated parking rocliitieo Cen trally located Reasonable rent Telephone PA 83117 Pomsnen Apartment rooms ond both kitchen oud basemcnt with lonndry tnhr heated Down town Avniohlo ow Telephone PA ohm 5311300 Tumin apartment unfurnished Centrnl ill Alinndnle Holt lnrlgtbydro Included Avail lble ynna int Telephone PA POURROOM ground floor ort mentunturnlohed heotcd oar merit Ingmglrageahglylield mob vo PAroseia TWO ROOMS Ind Kltclidnatte can lately tarnished including erltor rangette and link Downstairs Adulll 013 weekly Telephone PA 5406 locum tbrell bedroom unmr nlohed ortmcut Private one touch me or washer and dryer Quiet district nelr bugllihe mreo ond oehonlo relephnnorA dorm TWO BEDROOM suite in modern apartment ildingneat water ranIna atur tove ninroge incin erltor parking Janitor am on Nov iidron Available only TellphonoPA 64161 Tiran BOOM unblrnlohcd oy meni heat wotar supplied Lot iedaloko ond DunlopAvo ohlo immodlotety For iurlher intnn motion rrlophono PA PA um UNFURNISHED In pl ment intlI kitchenette llld hltho room to entrance Heat hydro and 17 king llch include Ed Adult referred APPU Noplo Etree mar WINDOWBD vone room lPlrtmnnt lvllloblh June 30 large with cupboards try clotben clco rouge bamboo Furniture optional oloo recoud large room Porklngnpnne Rant 40 Aboinlnero only Ideal or bu oinclo pencil requiring eure tor baby or elderly dependent The Five Mlnlel Nurolng Home Plionolvy 23 WANTED To RENT TnIIEB BEDROOM house wanted to root Centrll nreo or North Colicglnto area by the lbtb dune APPLY to Box 57 Barrio Exlmlner TWO BEDROOM House ted Reunnhble distance room omp Borden Two ldultn Write to Box 253 Angus Ont Two BEDlmollI apartment won ted Reononohle rent Retrigero tor and otovo if possible Wonted beloltt Jllly lat Telephone PA 31514 ROOMS TO LET FURNIEBBD Room or rent Gen tlemen prelened in block rom bun stop Telephnoa PA 33961 BED SITTING Room with use at kitchen Muted on bus route Tele hone PA Milo oiternoono or even go lUfiNlBlEEl Thug 4dr an Cron in con wee or shiatsu ylrtlcllllrl telephonl PA FURNISHED Bed Sitting Room and kltehen Seplrlte entrlnce Telephone PA M504 for turther totalmotion Nrca ERlGBI bedroom Controlly locate1 Lunches poekcd de aired For further inrurmouon telopioono PA E7557 ROOM 30mm Pumsmsn bedroom to rent two blocks lrom downtown Bu oiness men preferred Telephone PA M483 SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES T0 RENT cmAGE tor rent mile from Barrie ll Leonards Belfllo by this Week or rooron Telephono PA 491 oitorn pm == ARTICLES for SALE VACUUM CLEANE $5900 USED TV SETS $4900 REFRIGERATORS $9500 McFADDENS l28 PENETANG ST FAB9288 DEED SINGER Portabch 313 Apply singer sowinl Centre 18 nuouop street West Barr BRAND NEW Singer hound Bob hln Portuhlcn with reverse otltch Special $4950 Apply singer sew lug Centre in Dunlap st Wait aorrle ve championed ARTICLES for SALE PLAY SAND All you can carry in your car for $100 Bring your own containers VARCO BROTHERS LTD DH RST UPHOLSTERY hugr Dro or Simon and CUSTOM ILT FUR ME AT FACTORY TO YOU PRICE CALL HAYFAIFrPA 61 ALL TIME SPECIALS piece diost set upholstered 100 Nylon Mat included only $11900 SLIPCOVERS Material zippers extra arm covers etc all included 0111l $8495 GENUINE TRILAN CARPETING Only $695 sq yd Wall to wall carpeting spccialty NEW CHEST SETS FROM $14900 Foam rubber Euflllons extra urm cops tourn padding all round etc Modem Freud Provincial contemporary de lgns Vour choice or materials iletime constru anty CALL MAYFAI AT PA 61612 BARRIE The largest and mast reason ably priced upholstery and rug shop in Central Ontario tor up bolstered furniture of all type manulactured right here QUICKEFFICEENT SERVICE NO OBIJGATION FREE ESTIMATES Residents of Central Ontario or further lnlcrmatlou estlm ates or enquiries CALL MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY and RUG 00 PA 61612 COLLECT or next time in Barrie drop into our showroom and factory AT 64 BAYFIELD HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Rolltumor ond oinvo oimoot new modern otyle nonntwo div Ind uhllr Kluhen table thinnehbnuk cabinetr orou Large sim lingo steo Awllinl etc PA 60793 Ofter 630 pm EWSPAPER MATS Size mm loan or lining our home atueo goroooo on portoet lpouiotnr 25c PER noan Till Blrfll Stamina my Elmo onkflo NO MORE rv REPAIR 311151 Buy New Silt Now Wllh LowColt uninsured SCOTIA PLANLOAN THE BANK or NOVA scorlA Lloan BABY Corrlogo in good rendition For nick Elle pith Telephone Vllo 703R manning recommended mflmmumtfmncmuntfléewlthflve technicians ARTICLES for SALE AlPBlLT nnlvEWAIIa PA um DloheMAnond Limited CABIN Trail lultlbll for null flmlLv Am in ltorlgn IDIGG in terior ugh by bottery or hy dro includes hitch ond connlo tor Apply Dlvldlon Stmlt wenlnxy ml we WIL cccpt our old llpet or braldlnom ll ratio on now Top lliowlrlces mlde Bund rodo ol oompleoooverol carpet made up in flock TermI IVlue lblo 10 down Clll Mulllr PA 54611 lilyflold nlrrll ARTICLESWANTED BYCIEL wanted to lull boy lied 10 years Rdlaonlbll prion Piella phone PA 606 altar 050 pm DOGJ PETS 33mm month oolyed lo mole liver and torn Looks liko good hunter Moving unable to toko her with us Telephone PA um BOATS 85 MOTORS cllm LOANS$500 at or month Telephonl PA svnstorlt notice 16 Dunlop St ea FRUIT 85 VEGETABLES noon QUALITY lllvdured sabo lo potltoes dueea rm 52A Massey Horrll horse drown acuit ler good condition Apply Allen Penney PA 01565 monont FLOWERS PLANTS ROOTS Box PLANTS Ponoles In love bloom ISMper box Apply ln Brown Littlel Hill Telephone PA M571 =5 5FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK 105 HOLSTEINS COMPLETE DISPERSAL SUNROSE FARMS of Brampton out 05 PurebredBalm iilghmou Grades Accredited Aron arucallnolo Certliled Arcu vaceInoied SEILUNG ON TUESDAY JUNE 6th AT 700 PM EDST HAYS SALES ARENA OAKVILLE ONTARIO mo HIGHWAY Al TRAFALGAR flln mliklnl lold dome hell otherl duo eorly hummer Io mldo up llmon eutlrel ol dough tero or Central one Unit llru Younger number include twenty July Augult lnd Slptem bel calving hellerd of particular interest being tour by Rosato Johnathan VG non of Ann Shamroltlr Pontilc DU8 1X Him406 llctl 1254404391430 IBMITS of BOA Allo Included oro oeveroi opun beliero and neuor nllvu HAYS FARMS 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